DDTR :: Volume #7

#679: Can she fortunately?

Old man must have a look but actually, can make my treasure granddaughter never forget, practices continually is unable the wholly-absorbed person, is actually what kind of goods!” “老夫倒要看看,能让我宝贝孙女念念不忘,连修行都无法专心的人,究竟是何等货色!” Qian Daoliu drinks one coldly, does not attend to dissuading of Qian Renxue completely, acts to Ceng Yi. 千道流冷喝一声,完全不顾千仞雪的劝阻,对曾易出手。 A palm promotes. 一掌推出。 In an instant, in the main hall, golden light shining, the invincible might completely reveals greatly! 刹那间,大殿之内,金光大耀,神威尽显! Sees Qian Daoliu to begin to oneself without delay, Ceng Yi is also somewhat speechless. 千道流二话不说就对自己动手,曾易也是有些无语。 Didn't this too speak the truth? 这也太不讲道理了吧? Visual that golden big palm sidewise compression is coming, Ceng Yi does not show weakness, a palm makes. 目视着那张金色大掌横压而来,曾易也毫不示弱,一掌打出。 Bang The double palm intersection, terrifying strength dispersing, the entire main hall is shivering. 双掌相交,恐怖的力量散开,整座大殿都在颤动。 However, both sides control well the strength, have not let this dispersing very much the construction in strength destruction palace. 不过,双方都把力量控制得很好,并没有让这散开的力量破坏殿内的建筑。 Just, Qian Daoliu saw this young people actually to receive itself this to strike, moreover one calmly, the relaxed enjoyable appearance, being true was makes him very surprised. 只不过,千道流见这个年轻人竟然接下了自己这一击,而且还一副若无其事,轻松写意的样子,属实是让他很是吃惊。 The Qian Daoliu 99 levels of peerless boundary many years, cultivated/repaired for gradually has excelled by far world. 千道流浸淫九十九级绝世境界多年,一身修为早就冠绝世间。 On this day, can with the person of his war, is about 2-3 people. 这天下,能够与他一战之人,也不过2-3人。 That palm, 95 levels of Titled Douluo, still wanted the spitting blood severe wound a moment ago even. 刚才那一掌,就算是九十五级的封号斗罗,也要吐血重伤。 This person, the strength is so unexpectedly powerful! 这人,实力竟然如此强大! These fights, makes Qian Daoliu look at Ceng Yi one actually high. 这一番交手下来,倒是让千道流不由高看曾易一眼。 Stops to me!” “都给我住手!” The next quarter, consecrates in the palace, drinks to resound tenderly. 下一刻,供奉殿内,一声娇喝响起。 After Qian Daoliu and Ceng Yi a hand, Qian Renxue hurries to go out, stands mediates a quarrel among two people. 千道流曾易过一次手后,千仞雪赶紧走出,站在两人中间劝架。 Qian Renxue sees own grandfather very much indignantly, opens the mouth saying: Grandfather, if you in this, I may walk!” 千仞雪很是气愤的看着自己的爷爷,开口道:“爷爷,你要是在这样,我可就走了!” „Can't you, let him?” “还有你,就不能让一下他老人家吗?” Qian Renxue turned the head to stare Ceng Yi one. 千仞雪又转头瞪了曾易一眼。 Regarding this, Ceng Yi very innocent letting go. 对此,曾易很是无辜的摊手。 This is the hand that your grandfather first moves! 这可是你爷爷先动的手啊! Oneself cannot stand motionless, making him hit? 自己总不能站着不动,让他打吧? Does not defend by, is very painful. 不防御挨着一下,还是很痛的。 This brat!” “这臭小子!” Qian Daoliu sees the granddaughter so to protect that man, in the heart is indignant. 千道流见自己孙女如此护着那男人,心中更是气愤。 This feeling, looked like own cabbage spoiling by a pig! 这种感觉,就像是自家的大白菜被一头猪给糟蹋了! If before, by his violent temper, hit half dead this person directly. 要是以前,以他的暴脾气,直接就把这人打个半死。 However now, Qian Renxue is the peerless boundary, with Qian Daoliu same level. 不过现在,千仞雪已经是绝世境界,与千道流同级。 Has Qian Renxue to protect, Qian Daoliu naturally not possible like before, trigs Qian Renxue conveniently, is acting to that boy. 千仞雪护着,千道流自然不可能像以前那样,随手制住千仞雪,在对那小子出手。 Who you are, in the report does come?” Qian Daoliu also bore intended to suppress this person of desire, cold sound asks. “你是何人,报上名来?”千道流也忍住了出手镇压这人的欲望,冷声问道。 Ceng Yi submissively good a ritual, said: Younger generation Ceng Yi, has spoken the Qian Daoliu senior.” 曾易拱手行了一礼,道:“晚辈曾易,讲过千道流前辈。” „? Do you know me?” “哦?你认识我?” Qian Daoliu hears word, is a brow wrinkle, asked lightly. 千道流闻言,也是眉头一皱,淡淡问道。 Ceng Yi opens the mouth saying: „The younger generation master, is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect Sword Douluo, had heard your given name in the master mouth.” 曾易开口道:“晚辈家师,乃是七宝琉璃宗剑斗罗,曾经在师父口中听说过您的名号。” Originally is the disciple of that sword boy.” “原来是那剑小子的弟子。” Qian Daoliu nods, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect Sword Douluo Chen Xin, he naturally knew, is a powerful swordsmanship expert. 千道流点了点头,七宝琉璃宗剑斗罗尘心,他自然认识,是一位强大的剑道高手。 Moreover, Sword Douluo father, once with some origins. 而且,剑斗罗的父亲,也曾与自己有些渊源。 However mentioned Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Qian Daoliu has some familiar to Ceng Yi this name. 不过说起七宝琉璃宗,千道流就对曾易这个名字有一些熟悉。 In the past, marrying between Spirit Hall and Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Ceng Yi is one of them was right? 当年,武魂殿七宝琉璃宗之间的联姻,曾易就是其中一人对吧? Before Qian Daoliu, has not spoken Ceng Yi. 千道流之前并没有讲过曾易 In the past, oneself granddaughter, as if because of this matter, asking oneself to act, making this person successful escape from the Martial Soul city. 只是,当年,自己孙女,似乎就是因为这一件事情,请自己出手,让这人成功从武魂城逃出。 So that's how it is! 原来如此! Interlinked all these, Qian Daoliu looks below Ceng Yi, narrowed the eye. 相通了这一切,千道流看着下方的曾易,不由微眯了眼。 Originally that person of past years, was he! 原来当年的那个人,就是他啊! However, said, Qian Daoliu also really must thank Ceng Yi. 不过,说起来,千道流还真的得感谢曾易 In the past, if not for because of him, oneself granddaughter not possible to make the transaction with oneself, stayed in the Martial Soul city to follow itself to practice, but continued the small game of her undercover. 当年,若不是因为他,自己孙女也不可能与自己做交易,留在武魂城跟随自己修行,而是继续她那卧底的小游戏。 Also because of so, cultivating of Qian Renxue for can promote so rapidly! 也正是因为如此,千仞雪的修为能够提升得如此迅速! Qian Daoliu cold sound asked: What matter do you look for old man?” 千道流冷声问道:“你找老夫何事?” A little, you must be clear! You could not have been joined to Xue'er.” “不过有一点,你必须清楚!你还配不上雪儿。” „If makes the old man comply with the you and Xue'er matter, died this heart!” “如果是让老夫答应你与雪儿之事,还是死了这一条心吧!” Qian Daoliu sees the granddaughter and this Ceng Yi relational no small matter. 千道流见自家孙女与这个曾易的关系非同小可。 In the past, she because of this person and the matter of Spirit Hall saintess engagement, asking oneself to intend to destroy marries. 当年,她就因为这人与武魂殿圣女婚约之事,请自己出手破坏联姻。 Qian Daoliu is very clear, oneself granddaughter likes this man. 千道流可是很清楚,自己孙女是喜欢这個男人。 Through fight with Ceng Yi, Qian Daoliu also knows a moment ago, this person of talent and strength are good. 通过刚才与曾易的交手,千道流也知道,这人的天赋与实力不错。 However, inherited Qian Renxue of angel god position, being doomed to step into the Shintoism, transcends the mortal world. 但是,继承了天使神位的千仞雪,注定要踏入神道,超凡入圣。 When the time comes, she in mortal not in a level. 到时候,她将于此间的凡人不在一个层次。 In the future how even if this man can practice the peerless boundary to be able, cannot tread being enthralled boundary, eventually is only the ants. 即使这个男人将来能够修行到绝世境界又能如何,不能踏入神境,终究只是蝼蚁。 Under the years corrosion, will change to pile of loesses eventually. 在岁月侵蚀下,终究会化作一堆黄土。 Therefore, Qian Daoliu cannot accept the granddaughter to walk with this person in the same place. 所以,千道流不能接受自己孙女与这个人走在一起。 First did not say that with issue that cannot be joined. 先不说配不配得上的问题。 Even, still the meeting disciple will increase together in the future sadly. 就算是在一起了,将来也会徒增伤悲。 Qian Daoliu these words, making Ceng Yi listen stupidly. 只是,千道流这番话,让曾易都听傻了。 When did oneself mention here is for this matter? 自己什么时候说来这里是为了这件事啊? Nearby Qian Renxue, was made by own grandfather's words very ashamed and resentfully, air/Qi clenches teeth. 一旁的千仞雪,也是被自己爷爷的话弄得很是羞愤,气得咬牙。 Let alone, the Qian Renxue temper, itself inherits her mother, consistent domineering. 更何况,千仞雪的性子,本身就继承她母亲,一贯的强势。 She decided that with whom in the same place, cannot need others to make the decision. 她决定与谁在一起,根本用不到其他人来做决定。 Even oneself sibling's grandfather is not good. 即使是自己亲爷爷也不行。 The Ceng Yi somewhat awkward opens the mouth said: That, actually the younger generation comes this, not this matter, but also has other things.” 曾易有些尴尬的开口道:“那个,其实晚辈来此,并不是此事,还有着其他的事情。” „? Other matters, that was better.” Some Qian Daoliu accidents/surprises lifted catching the eye, light say/way. “哦?其他事,那更好了。”千道流有些意外的抬了抬眼,淡淡道。 Ceng Yi said with a smile: Does not know the senior, can know Sea God Douluo?” 曾易笑道:“不知前辈,可知道海神斗罗?” Sea God Douluo!!! 海神斗罗!!! Heard Ceng Yi these words, the Qian Daoliu faint facial expression experienced the fluctuation finally. 听到曾易这句话,千道流的淡漠的神情终于出现了波动。 His form disappears in the altar instantaneously. 他的身影瞬间消失在祭坛上。 Suddenly, appears before the body of Ceng Yi. 眨眼间,就出现在曾易的身前。 That glitters gold/metal pupil pupil to stare at the eyes of Ceng Yi. 那闪烁着金芒的瞳眸凝视着曾易的双眼。 How do you know Sea God Douluo? Said quickly!” “你是如何知道海神斗罗的?快说!” Sees the Qian Daoliu mood becomes so excited, Ceng Yi gives a calm smile, said. 千道流情绪变得如此激动,曾易淡然一笑,说道。 Some time ago, I once went to the overseas. Above the sea, has islands, the name says Sea God Island. “不久前,我曾前往海外。大海之上,有着一座岛屿,名曰海神岛 On Sea God Island has a sea temple that believes in the sea god, the big priest in that sea temple, Sea God Douluo, Bo Saixi senior. 海神岛上有着一座信奉海神的海神殿,那海神殿的大祭司,海神斗罗,波塞西前辈。 The younger generation has had some exchanges with her, knew that the Bo Saixi senior and you are the old knowledge. ” 晚辈与她有过一些交流,也得知波塞西前辈与您是旧识。” hears word, Qian Daoliu look somewhat absent-minded, in the eye pupil appeared the little recollections. 闻言,千道流眼神不禁有些失神,眼眸中浮现了几许回忆。 Bo Saixi Bo Saixi 波塞西波塞西 Qian Daoliu paces same place, mouth twittering this name. 千道流原地踱步,嘴里呢喃着这个名字。 Qian Renxue, sees the grandfather so rude appearance, the mood shocks at this moment very much. 就连千仞雪,见此刻自己爷爷如此失态的模样,心情很是震撼。 Because she first time is saw the grandfather to show so the facial expression. 因为她是第一次看见自己爷爷会露出如此神情。 Actually that Sea God Douluo is Bo Saixi in Ceng Yi mouth who? 曾易口中的那个海神斗罗波塞西究竟是什么人? However Qian Renxue is certain, between the grandfather and Bo Saixi definitely have not the general relations. 不过千仞雪可以肯定,爷爷与波塞西之间肯定有着不一般的关系。 Crossed partly made a sound, Qian Daoliu has turned around to look at Ceng Yi, the sinking sound asks. 过了半响儿,千道流转过身看着曾易,沉声问道。 Bo Saixi, can she fortunately?” 波塞西,她可还好?” Un ~, the Bo Saixi senior she, should cross also well. ” 嗯~,波塞西前辈她,应该过得还不错吧。” Ceng Yi thinks, said. 曾易想了想,这么说道。 Oneself and Bo Saixi fight, projects on to be on the verge of death her. 自己与波塞西一战,把她打到濒死。 However, oneself with the sacred object that the sea god gives, the heart of sea to the Bo Saixi treatment is also getting better. 不过,自己也用海神给的圣物,海洋之心给波塞西治疗痊愈。 Through that post-war, Bo Saixi should also harvest, perhaps at this moment cultivates to further not be more uncertain 通过那一战后,波塞西应该也有所收获,或许此刻修为更进一步也不一定
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