DDTR :: Volume #7

#678: 3 1,0 streams certainly!

...... ...... Teacher, since matter passed were so long, do not feel embarrassed him!” “老师,事情既然都过去这么久了,就不要为难他了!” In the atmosphere refuses to compromise, the sound resounds in the main hall together. 就在气氛僵持住时,一道声音在大殿内响起。 Bibi Dong looks at own disciple reckless Liena very much surprisedly. 比比东很是惊讶的看着自己的弟子胡烈娜。 She has not thought, reckless Liena actually is also Ceng Yi this fellow asks favor. 她没有想到,胡烈娜竟然还为曾易这家伙求情。 „, Haven't you hated him?” Bibi Dong looks own this disciple, opens the mouth to ask. “娜儿,难道你就没有不恨他吗?”比比东看着自己这位弟子,开口问道。 Hates?” “恨?” reckless Lie mirthless smile, looks to stand in Qian Renxue Ceng Yi. 胡烈娜不由惨笑一声,看着站在千仞雪身边的曾易 What hates to use? In the end, is only my wishful thinking.” “恨又什么用?到头来,也不过只是我的一厢情愿罢了。” reckless Liena has also known, Qian Renxue, is the master Bibi Dong biological daughter. 胡烈娜也早已经知晓,千仞雪,乃是自己师父比比东的亲生女儿。 Qian Renxue has become the big Martial Soul Empire empress, has soldiers and horses ten million/countless, moreover a strength is immeasurably deep. 千仞雪已经成为了偌大武魂帝国的女帝,坐拥千万兵马,而且一身实力深不可测。 Qian Renxue also stands that side Ceng Yi. 况且,千仞雪还站在曾易那一边。 If Bibi Dong acts, mother and daughter, get angry inevitably. 若是比比东出手,那她们母女二人,必然翻脸。 reckless Liena as the Bibi Dong disciple, does not hope that saw the master and own daughter relate to make too stiffly. 胡烈娜身为比比东的弟子,并不希望看到师父与自己的女儿关系闹得太僵。 Ceng Yi sees reckless Lie that sad expression, very has mixed feelings. 曾易见胡烈娜那悲伤的表情,心情也很是复杂。 Snort! Since said that this sovereign lets off you today!” “哼!既然娜儿如此说了,本皇今天就放过你!” Bibi Dong sees that also following the words of own disciple, gives under a stair. 比比东见状,也顺着自己弟子的话,给自己一个台阶下。 Chrysanthemum elder, sees a visitor out!” “菊长老,送客!” Bibi Dong also points to the door immediately, she does not want to see this them now, saw the heart loses patience. 比比东也立刻下了逐客令,她现在不想见这俩个人,一看到心就烦乱。 Hehe, this emperor will walk!” “呵呵,本帝自己会走!” Qian Renxue sees Bibi Dong so to dislike oneself, the mood is also very uncomfortable, turns around to walk outward. 千仞雪比比东如此不待见自己,心情也很是不爽,转身就向外走去。 If not for Bibi Dong is the birth mother, 若不是比比东乃是自己生母, Qian Renxue will not come to see one side her. 千仞雪才不会过来见她一面。 Ceng Yi looked stood in Bibi Dong reckless Liena one eyes, in the heart sighs, kept up with the Qian Renxue footsteps, departed together. 曾易看了站在比比东身边的胡烈娜一眼,心中叹息一声,跟上了千仞雪的脚步,一同离去。 In the Pope palace, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo two people felt that atmosphere some are not right, draws back immediately. 教皇殿内,菊斗罗鬼斗罗两人感觉气氛有些不对劲,也立刻退下。 In the main hall, is only left over Bibi Dong and reckless Liena priest and disciple. 大殿内,只剩下比比东与胡烈娜师徒二人。 Long time, Bibi Dong opens the mouth. 良久,比比东开口。 „, You to the present also intention he?” “娜儿,你到现在还心念着他吗?” Hu Liena lowers the head, the clear teardrops row the cheeks to drop from the chin. 胡列娜低着头,晶莹的泪珠划过脸颊从下巴滴落。 She choked the sound said: Sorry, master...... , since that day, I should hate him obviously, wished one could to kill him.” 她哽咽出声道:“对不起,师父......自从那一天之后,我明明应该会恨他,恨不得亲身杀了他。” But... when he appears before me again, the hatred in heart actually starts to weaken, cannot hate.” “可...可是,当他再次出现在我面前,心中的恨意却开始衰减,恨不起来。” Is unfair to the master...... unable to forget him, wū wū ~ “对不起师父......娜儿还是忘不了他,呜呜呜~” Before own master, Hu Liena released own sentiment completely, sorrowful sob like a child. 在自己师父面前,胡列娜完全释放了自己的感情,像一个孩子一样悲痛的哭泣。 Actually Hu Liena also know, Ceng Yi to actually does not have the sentiment with her. 其实胡列娜自己也知道,曾易对与她其实没有感情。 All these, are only the young girls of beginning to be interested in the opposite sex, one-sided wishes. 这一切,都只是情窦初开的少女,一厢情愿。 Sometimes Hu Liena is also thinking, if oneself are not the Spirit Hall saintess. 有时胡列娜也在想,如果自己并不是武魂殿的圣女。 If initially, Spirit Hall did not force Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, withstood/top the marriage with Ceng Yi forcefully. 如果当初,武魂殿不胁迫七宝琉璃宗,与曾易强行顶下婚姻。 If such, oneself and Ceng Yi meet, the result can be different. 若是那样,自己与曾易的相遇,结局会不会是不一样。 What a pity does not have, if. 可惜没有如果。 Even to the Ceng Yi hatred, that in the final analysis, still to his hope, wants to pursue his form. 即使是对曾易的恨意,那说到底,也只是对他的渴望,想要追逐他的身影。 The hatred changed to the power, Hu Liena these years does not know experienced many tribulation, to so the age, practice the Spirit Douluo boundary. 恨意化作了动力,胡列娜这些年来不知经历了多少的磨难,才以如此年纪,修行到魂斗罗境界。 But, the Ceng Yi form is unable to touch. 可是,曾易的身影还是无法触及。 This distance will be only getting more and more far, making her feel desperate. 这个距离只会越来越远,让她感到绝望。 Bibi Dong looks own disciple pear flower belt/bring rain the appearance, the innermost feelings also pain. 比比东看着自己弟子梨花带雨的样子,内心也隐隐作痛。 Bibi Dong takes the seasoned person, can understand Hu Liena this sentiments. 比比东作为过来人,能够体会到胡列娜这种心情。 Cannot think, initially happening in oneself matter, repeated on own disciple. 想不到,当初发生在自己身上的事情,在自己弟子上也重演。 Bibi Dong grasped Hu Liena, the white hands hold her to be suitable for the slippery sending silk, comforts saying: „, The master will help your, certainly!” 比比东抱住了胡列娜,玉手亲扶着她顺滑的发丝,安慰道:“娜儿,师父会帮你的,一定!” The voice falls, in the Bibi Dong eye pupil glitters wipes none. 话音一落,比比东眼眸中闪烁一抹精光。 How she is unable now to Ceng Yi. 她现在是无法对曾易如何。 However, soon, she can break through the god boundary. 但是,用不了多久,她就能突破神境。 When the time comes, is forcefully the armed suppression, wants Ceng Yi to be responsible for own disciple! 到时候,就是强行武力镇压,也要曾易对自己弟子负责! ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Has the Pope to bring up the rear, Qian Renxue brought Ceng Yi to arrive at another in front of palace that is filling with the plain aura. 出教皇殿后,千仞雪就带着曾易来到了另一座充满着古朴气息的宫殿面前。 Consecrates the palace! 供奉殿! Can the person in unexpectedly this palace, probably be Titled Douluo is good. 能够竟然这座宫殿的人,必须乃是封号斗罗才行。 Therefore this palace also has another name, the douluo palace! 所以这座宫殿也有另一个名字,斗罗殿! Qian Renxue opens the mouth saying: My grandfather, once three big peerless one, Gabriel douluo, in inside.” 千仞雪开口道:“我爷爷,曾经三大绝世之一,斗罗,就在里面。” Now the Qian Daoliu hidden world, Qian Renxue also becomes Titled Douluo, therefore angel title, naturally falls to Qian Renxue on. 如今千道流隐世不出,千仞雪也成为封号斗罗,故天使这个封号,自然落到千仞雪身上。 We go.” “我们进去吧。” Qian Renxue opens the door of main hall, took the lead, Ceng Yi followed close on after that. 千仞雪推开大殿之门,率先走了进去,曾易紧跟其后。 Treads ~ 踏踏踏~ In the resplendent in gold and jade green main hall, is standing erect 12 columns, is supporting the vault. 金碧辉煌的大殿中,矗立着十二根圆柱,支撑着穹顶。 On these giant pillars, portrays in all kinds of Martial Soul chart tuart, as if inscribes world all Martial Soul in this. 这些巨大的柱子上,刻画在各种各样的武魂图桉,似乎把世间所有的武魂都铭刻在此。 Also has to brandish the angel of wing, is chanting the song of praise! 还有着挥舞着翅膀的天使,咏唱着赞歌! Sacred and dignified. 神圣而威严。 That dead ahead end, is a altar! 那正前方的尽头,是一座祭坛! Above the altar, is standing erect a giant weak resembles. 祭坛之上,屹立着一座巨大的凋像。 This weak resembles, grasps a Saint sword, the back opens six spacious wings, is flooding the sacred aura. 这座凋像,手持一把圣剑,背后张开六张宽大的羽翼,充斥着神圣的气息。 But withers likely the face, has a mysterious strength to cover, invisible its appearance. 而凋像面部,却有着一股神秘的力量笼罩,不可视其容貌。 The gods of six wing angels! 六翼天使之神! Ceng Yi feels, this weak resembles, on that sea god with Sea God Island withers like, has the aura of gods. 曾易感受到,这座凋像,与海神岛上的那座海神凋像一样,都有着神明的气息。 Xue'er, you are willing to see me finally, was makes the choice?” “雪儿,你终于愿意来见我了,是做出选择了么?” At once, the sound of vicissitudes interrupted the Ceng Yi train of thought together. 旋即,一道沧桑的声音打断了曾易的思绪。 Ceng Yi looks, on that day caused under the god weak resembles, is standing a white hair old man. 曾易望去,那天使之神凋像下方,站着一位白发老者。 He young-looking elderly, the double pupil is fiery, is revealing the endless dignity. 他鹤发童颜,双眸炯炯有神,流露着无尽威严。 This was once three big peerless one, Gabriel douluo, Qian Daoliu! 这就是曾经的三大绝世之一,斗罗,千道流 Listened to oneself grandfather these words, the Qian Renxue complexion changes, opens the mouth to say. 听了自己爷爷这句话,千仞雪脸色不由一变,开口道。 Grandfather, that matter I do not consider now, I will break down the boundary with my strength!” “爷爷,那件事我现在并不考虑,我会用自己的力量打破界限!” Today comes, has other matter.” “今天过来,是有别的事。” Sees the granddaughter to reject again, Qian Daoliu shakes the head, said: Xue'er, only depending on your one person, is not possible.” 见自己孙女再一次拒绝,千道流摇了摇头,道:“雪儿,仅凭你一个人,是不可能的。” Since you chose this road, should not regret!” “既然你选择了这一条路,就不应该后悔!” All that grandfather makes, for you!” “爷爷所作的一切,都是为了你啊!” Qian Renxue said: Grandfather, if you said this again, I may walk!” 千仞雪说道:“爷爷,你要是再说这个,我可就走了!” Nearby Ceng Yi, is listening to dialogue between their master grandsons, knows probably was what meaning. 一旁的曾易,听着他们爷孙之间的对话,也大概知道是什么意思了。 Is Qian Daoliu wants to offer sacrifices oneself, helping Qian Renxue step into the last step, becomes the god boundary, genuine inheritance angel god position, becomes the god of angel. 就是千道流想要献祭自己,帮助千仞雪踏入最后一步,成为神境,真正的继承天使神位,成为天使之神。 But Qian Renxue does not hope own grandfather sacrificed himself, therefore rejects, plans to seek the way in addition, the breakthrough god boundary. 千仞雪并不希望自己爷爷牺牲自己,所以拒绝,打算另寻途径,突破神境。 However, looks like in Ceng Yi, since Qian Renxue the choice accepts the angel inspection, to last. 不过,在曾易看来,千仞雪既然选择接受天使考核,都到最后一步了。 To tread being enthralled boundary truly, must offer sacrifices oneself to cultivate/repair by her grandfather completely for with the life, as hauling communication god, can tread being enthralled boundary truly. 想要真正踏入神境,必须由她爷爷献祭自身全部修为与生命,作为牵引沟通神界,才能真正踏入神境。 Other methods, have almost cut off. 其他方法,几乎已经断绝。 However, if Qian Renxue unifies the entire mainland truly, depends upon entire mainland the strength of belief, could help her attack the god boundary. 不过,千仞雪若是真正统一整个大陆,依靠整个大陆的信仰之力,或许能够助她冲击神境。 Qian Daoliu sees the granddaughter attitude is so firm, is not persuading. 千道流见自己孙女态度如此坚决,也不在劝说。 Because, the time will tell her the truth, she will choose this road sooner or later. 因为,时间会告诉她真相,她迟早会选择这一条路的。 Qian Daoliu shoulders, the vision from the granddaughter, transfers to this strange man. 千道流背负着手,把目光从孙女身上,移到这个陌生男人身上。 You look for me today, for this person?” “你今天来找我,就是为了这人?” The voice falls, the Qian Daoliu body erupted terrifying aura, toward the Ceng Yi suppression. 话音一落,千道流身上爆发出了一股恐怖的气息,向着曾易镇压而且。 That flash, the god of weak resembles it behind angel, glitters the ray, the invincible might is blooming. 那一瞬间,就连其身后的天使之神凋像,都闪烁着光芒,神威绽放。 Grandfather! You must do! Stop!” “爷爷!你要干什么!住手!” Qian Renxue sees the grandfather to act to Ceng Yi, has a scare, acts hastily! 千仞雪见自己爷爷对曾易出手,吓了一跳,连忙出手! Qian Daoliu coldly said: What's wrong, is this man, disturbed your thoughts, keeps you from stepping into the Shintoism with single-hearted devotion?” 千道流冷冷道:“怎么,就是这个男人,干扰了你的心思,才让你无法专心踏入神道是吗?” Qian Renxue said hastily: „It is not this, the grandfather you stopped to listen to me to say quickly!” 千仞雪连忙道:“不是这样的,爷爷你快停下听我说!” Qian Renxue feared actually not own grandfather injury Ceng Yi. 千仞雪倒不是怕自己爷爷伤害曾易 Although oneself grandfather cultivate/repair to profound, becomes Peerless Douluo many years of years, even if oneself are not an opponent. 虽然自己爷爷修为高深,成为绝世斗罗多年岁月,哪怕自己也不是对手。 But even so, oneself grandfather's strength, in front of Ceng Yi, but also really insufficiently looks. 但即使如此,自己爷爷的实力,在曾易面前,还真不够看。 Qian Renxue feared own grandfather really acts to Ceng Yi, hits, losing the face was not quite attractive! 千仞雪怕自己爷爷真的对曾易出手,打起来,输了面子可不太好看啊!
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