DDTR :: Volume #7

#677: Cracking a joke should not be earnest......

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Pope Bibi Dong stands up from the seat, occupying a commanding position is overlooking several people that stands below palace, a greatest imposing manner sends out from his body. 教皇比比东从座位上站起,居高临下的俯视着站在下殿的几人,一股莫大的气势从其身上散发而出。 This tyrannical imposing manner, regarding Qian Renxue and Ceng Yi, and does not have any. 这股强横的气势,对于千仞雪曾易来说,并没有什么。 However regarding the chrysanthemum, ghost two douluo, reckless Liena, three people actually felt the greatest pressure, the terrifying. 但是对于菊,鬼两位斗罗,还有胡烈娜,三人却感受到了莫大的压力,恐怖。 Qian Renxue sees mother this vice- cold severe attitude, narrowed the eye, chuckle. 千仞雪见自己母亲这副冷厉的态度,不由微眯了眼,轻笑一声。 Leaves such big anger, I today, not quarrel for and you.” “别这么大火气,我今天来,不是为了和你吵架的。” Present Qian Renxue, is not past she. 现在的千仞雪,已经不是当年的她。 At that time, she hated Bibi Dong, that was because of as her biological daughter, has not actually cared about itself, has given a love. 那时,她心里怨恨比比东,那是因为自己作为她的亲生女儿,却从来没有关心自己,给过自己一丝的爱。 Right quarrelled with Bibi Dong, finally by her powerful cultivating to be given suppression. 没错与比比东争吵,最后都会被她强大的修为给镇压。 However is now different. 但是现在不同了。 Repairing of Qian Renxue is, already not inferior and own mother, Bibi Dong. 千仞雪的修为,已经毫不逊色与自己的母亲,比比东 Moreover, Qian Renxue also becomes the Martial Soul Empire empress, status already compared with the same period Pope Spirit Hall, even is also higher than her some. 而且,千仞雪也成为了武魂帝国的女帝,身份已经同比武魂殿教皇,甚至还要高于她一些。 Perhaps is because cultivates is, the position achieved with oneself mother same existence. 或许是因为修为,还有身份地位达到了与自己母亲同等的存在。 In the Qian Renxue innermost feelings, regarding the hate of own mother Bibi Dong, without before was so as if intense. 千仞雪内心中,对于自己母亲比比东的怨恨,似乎没有以前那么强烈了。 Now facing Bibi Dong, the Qian Renxue mood, becomes unusual even Dan. 现在面对比比东,千仞雪的情绪,已经是变得非常的平澹。 „? Yes ~ “哦?是么~” Bibi Dong chuckle, that pair of beautiful eye pupil, tight lock in Qian Renxue side that person, body of Ceng Yi. 比比东轻笑一声,那双明媚的眼眸,紧紧锁在千仞雪身边那人,曾易的身上。 You should know, the person that you bring, is the person of my Spirit Hall issuing a warrant for arrest.” “你应该知道,你带来的这人,是我武魂殿通缉之人。” However you actually on a grand scale leads him to this sovereign at present, I very difficult not to believe, you are provoking the dignity of this sovereign.” “而你却大张旗鼓的把他带到本皇眼前,我很难不认为,你这是在挑衅本皇的威严。” Bibi Dong is saying, 比比东说着, Invisible astral wind dispersing, under this imposing manner, as if entire Pope palace is shivering. 一股无形的罡风散开,在这股气势下,似乎整个教皇殿都在颤动起来。 reckless Liena is the Spirit Hall saintess, is the Bibi Dong only disciple. 胡烈娜乃是武魂殿的圣女,还是比比东唯一的弟子。 In the past, Ceng Yi escaping marriage, not only hurt reckless Liena feelings, causing Spirit Hall to be scoffed by the world, that is hitting her Bibi Dong face simply! 当年,曾易逃婚,不仅是伤害了胡烈娜的感情,导致武魂殿遭受世人耻笑,那简直就是在打她比比东的脸面啊! This tent/account, Bibi Dong is naturally impossible to consider as finished. 这一笔帐,比比东自然是不可能就这么算了。 Let alone, reckless Lie regarding Bibi Dong, the sentiment even surpassed Qian Renxue this biological daughter. 更何况,胡烈娜对于比比东来说,感情甚至超过了千仞雪这个亲女儿。 Bibi Dong even is regarded as the next generation Pope to train reckless Liena. 比比东甚至把胡烈娜当作是下一代教皇来培养。 Therefore, not only for the Spirit Hall face countenance, for disciple reckless Liena recovers the gathering place to oneself. 所以,不仅是为了武魂殿的颜面,也是为了给自己弟子胡烈娜找回场子。 Bibi Dong is impossible to let off Ceng Yi like this. 比比东不可能就这样放过曾易 Therefore? Are you plan have done with me?” “所以呢?你是打算与我做过一场?” Seeing Bibi Dong is so aggressive, Qian Renxue meaningful glance also cold. 比比东如此咄咄逼人,千仞雪的眼色也冷了下来。 If who has to hurt the idea of Ceng Yi, even if the opposite party is own mother, Qian Renxue will not forgive. 谁要是有伤害曾易的想法,哪怕对方是自己的母亲,千仞雪也不会原谅。 In an instant, is not weak to send out from the body of Qian Renxue in the Bibi Dong imposing manner. 刹那间,一股毫不弱于比比东的气势从千仞雪的身上散发而出。 The imposing manner of this terrifying, keeping Chrysanthemum Douluo, the Ghost Douluo two people from withstanding, the body retrocedes again and again. 这恐怖的气势,让菊斗罗,鬼斗罗二人无法承受,身体连连后退。 In the Pope palace, Bibi Dong stands in the above, under Qian Renxue, the women of two generation of grace and talents are confronting certainly, the aura of two tyrannical terrifying, assume the potential of meeting as an equal. 教皇殿内,比比东站在上方,千仞雪下方,两位绝代风华的女人对峙着,两股强横恐怖的气息,呈分庭抗礼之势。 But outside the Pope palace, the sky starts a day of cloud to change color. 而教皇殿外,上空开始天云变色。 This strange change, lets the person in entire Martial Soul city, feels a greatest terrifying. 这诡异的变化,让整个武魂城中的人,都感到一股莫大的恐怖。 Nearby Ceng Yi, sees the appearance that Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong two people must hit, felt own somewhat painful. 一旁的曾易,见千仞雪比比东两人一副要打起来的样子,感觉自己头有些痛。 Therefore, oneself are not willing to come Spirit Hall is this. 所以,自己不愿意来武魂殿就是这样。 This inside has too with non- does not talk clearly. 这里面有太多是与非说不清楚。 At this time, Ceng Yi arrived in front of Qian Renxue, looked at her one eyes, said: Makes me solve.” 这时,曾易走到千仞雪前面,看了她一眼,说道:“还是让我来解决吧。” Then, Ceng Yi then to Bibi Dong that cold look, faced directly this powerful imposing manner oppression. 说完,曾易便对上了比比东那冷冽的眼神,直面这股强悍的气势压迫。 Ceng Yi clear Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue between two people the relations, he does not hope that sees mother and daughter to attack brutally. 曾易清楚比比东千仞雪两人之间的关系,他并不希望看到她们母女二人大打出手。 With its this, might as well came to say with Bibi Dong by oneself. 与其这样,还不如让自己来与比比东说道说道。 Really does not see for a long time, Pope Sir.” Ceng Yi to the Bibi Dong look, is showing a faint smile, greets. “真是好久不见啊,教皇大人。”曾易对着比比东眼神,微微一笑,打声招呼。 The Bibi Dong peaceful desert said: It seems like, these years you really cross are good!” 比比东澹漠道:“看来,这些年你过得还真不错啊!” Ceng Yi said with a smile: Thanks to Pope Sir, in recent years, the day passes is substantial.” 曾易笑道:“托教皇大人的福,这些年来,日子过得还算充实。” „, How does Pope Sir want to plan to me? Intends to take me, is dignified by Spirit Hall?” “不过嘛,教皇大人要打算对我如何?出手拿下我,以正武魂殿威严?” The Ceng Yi facial expression is very cool, no pressure. 曾易的神情很澹然,没有一丝压力。 The Bibi Dong strength is truly powerful, moreover twin Martial Soul, compared with Qian Renxue, cultivates to also want on strong some. 比比东的实力确实很强大,而且还是双生武魂,比起千仞雪,修为还要强上一些。 But also that is all, such strength, but also is unable to take itself. 但也仅此而已,这样的实力,还无法拿下自己。 Saying, Ceng Yi looked at reckless Liena one of the not far away. 说着,曾易不由看了不远处的胡烈娜一眼。 In the past, the matter of oneself escaping marriage, Ceng Yi did not feel oneself had what wrong. 当年,自己逃婚之事,曾易并不觉得自己有什么错。 However, is only to own engagement object, reckless Lie somewhat is guilty. 不过,唯一的就是对自己婚约对象,胡烈娜有些愧疚。 After all, only then she aroused the real sentiment. 毕竟,只有她动了真感情。 Even comes one time, Ceng Yi still still to make the same choice again. 只是,即使再来一次,曾易也依然会做出一样的选择。 „ The matter of past years, I did not feel oneself have what wrong. At that time I was small and weak, your Spirit Hall potential was big, the matter of marrying restrained by force in my body, has not considered my wish. “当年之事,我并不觉得自己有什么错。当时我弱小,你武魂殿势大,联姻之事强压于我身,并没有考虑我本身的意愿。 All these, is Spirit Hall has only self to blame. ” 这一切,也是武魂殿咎由自取。” Naturally, Pope Sir feels the face unable to pass, although acts is.” “当然,教皇大人觉得面子过不去,尽管出手便是。” Bibi Dong sees Ceng Yi this self-confident appearance, in the heart is uncomfortable. 比比东曾易这一副自信的样子,心中更是不爽。 The Spirit Power fluctuation starts to increase successively, the floor of under foot starts to split open. 魂力波动开始节节攀升,脚下的地板都开始绽开。 Staring that her eye pupil coldly Ceng Yi, opens the mouth, „, therefore, you can become the Spirit Hall enemy?” 她眼眸冷冷的凝视着曾易,开口,“所以,你一定要成为武魂殿的敌人?” Ceng Yi shakes the head, said: „ No, Pope Sir, I always does not regard the enemy Spirit Hall. 曾易摇了摇头,说道:“不,教皇大人,我从来都不把武魂殿当成敌人。 But, if Spirit Hall is determined me to regard the enemy, I do not have the means. ” 但,若是武魂殿执意要把我当成敌人,那我也没有办法。” As the Ceng Yi voice falls, a greatest imposing manner releases from Ceng Yi. 随着曾易话音一落,一股莫大的气势从曾易身上释放而出。 Also such as the divine sword comes out of the sheath. 亦如神剑出鞘。 This startled day sword intent, making Bibi Dong see the heart to be startled. 这惊天的剑意,让比比东看到心惊。 His strength possibly is so how strong! 他的实力怎么可能这么强! That sword intent, Bibi Dong felt the crisis. 那股剑意,就连比比东都感受到了危机。 She has not thought, the Ceng Yi strength, how in such a short time, becomes so powerful. 她怎么也没有想到,曾易的实力,怎么会在如此短的时间内,变得如此强大。 Even I heard that before Ceng Yi at the Spirit Hall congress, a person of sword defeated five Titled Douluo. 即使听说,之前曾易武魂殿举办的大会上,一人一剑打败了五位封号斗罗 This news makes Bibi Dong surprised. 这个消息让比比东惊讶。 However, that five Titled Douluo, cultivate/repair to enter the Titled Douluo boundary initially. 但是,那五名封号斗罗,修为不过只是初入封号斗罗境界而已。 Bibi Dong can also easily sit. 比比东自己也能够轻易坐到。 Therefore, Bibi Dong estimated, the Ceng Yi strength, should be only about 95 levels boundaries. 所以,比比东预估,曾易的实力,应该只是九十五级左右的境界。 But today sees, the imposing manner that Ceng Yi shows, is not weak in own daughter Qian Renxue, even also wants on strong some. 但今天一见,曾易所展现的这股气势,已经不弱于自己的女儿千仞雪,甚至还要强上一些。 Qian Renxue is 99 levels of Peerless Douluo. 要知道,千仞雪已经是九十九级的绝世斗罗 How many year of Ceng Yi her also wants to be smaller, unexpectedly with her with boundary, is this what kind of evildoer/monstrous talent? 比她还要小几岁的曾易,竟然与她同境界,这是何等的妖孽? Originally, Bibi Dong is also thinking to a Ceng Yi demonstration of authority, teaches him well. 原本,比比东还想着给曾易一个下马威,好好教训一下他。 Although he escaping marriage, hurt the feelings of oneself disciple initially, but also fell own face. 虽然他当初逃婚,伤了自己弟子的感情,还落了自己的面子。 However, own daughter Qian Renxue actually intends to him. 但是,自己的女儿千仞雪却对他有意。 As mother, Bibi Dong can see, oneself daughter likes this man. 身为母亲,比比东可以看出,自己女儿喜欢这个男人。 Perhaps, this fellow will also turn into own son-in-law finally. 说不定,这家伙最后还会变成自己的女婿。 Bibi Dong naturally not possible to the Ceng Yi really under killer. 比比东自然不可能对曾易真下杀手。 But, the rationality is very happy, reality very bone feeling. The Ceng Yi strength has far exceeded Bibi Dong is unexpected. 可是,理性很美好,现实很骨感。曾易的实力已经远远超出了比比东的预料之外。 Although Bibi Dong has can defeat Ceng Yi self-confidently. 虽然比比东有自信能够打败曾易 However, this must the method completely leave, may defeat him. 但是,这也是必须手段尽出,才有可能战胜他。 Moreover, in situation that this must daughter Qian Renxue not act. 而且,这还得自己女儿千仞雪不出手的情况下。 Such a thinks, oneself acts to Ceng Yi, as if the price is very big, is not somewhat worth it. 这么一想,自己对曾易出手,似乎代价还挺大的,有些划不来。 Suddenly, what to do Bibi Dong did not know should. 一时间,比比东不知该怎么办了。 But also really hits? 难道,还真打? The scene was at a stalemate. 场面僵持中了。 If in Star Dou Forest, can successfully take that two kings of beasts before, obtains their Spirit Ring, oneself so will not be passive. 要是之前在星斗大森林,能够成功拿下那两位兽王,得到它们的魂环,自己也不会如此被动。 Thinks of this, the Bibi Dong mood somewhat is agitated. 一想到这,比比东心情就有些烦躁。
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