DDTR :: Volume #7

#676: Again near the Martial Soul city!

...... ...... Martial Soul city. 武魂城。 The space, two escaping light have delimited the sky just like the meteor, flies toward the Martial Soul city. 天上,两道遁光宛若流星般划过天空,向着武魂城中飞去。 But end point that the meteor flight must drop, is in the Martial Soul city the highest place, stands erect the Pope palace above mountain peak. 而流星飞行要落下的终点,就是武魂城中最高处,屹立在山峰之上的教皇殿。 However, some people fly into the Martial Soul city, quick was protected the Spirit Hall guard noticed. 不过,有人飞入武魂城中,很快就被守护武魂殿的护卫的注意到了。 Martial Soul city, this is a city that only then Spirit Master can pass in and out. 武魂城,这是一座只有魂师才能够进出的城市。 Moreover, Martial Soul city as the Spirit Hall supreme headquarters, entire city in sacred dignified Pope Dianshan. 而且,武魂城作为武魂殿的大本营,整座城市都在神圣威严的教皇殿山脚下。 In the Martial Soul city, has a bar iron general ban, that is, bans spatially! 武魂城,有着一条铁一般的禁令,那就是,禁空! In the Martial Soul city, all Spirit Master, can not the governing spatial flight. 武魂城中,所有魂师,都不得御空飞行。 Has Spirit Master of flight soul technique, practice eight points of boundaries, the strength of control world, can control Spirit Power to enable itself to fly high flight Spirit Douluo. 无论是拥有飞行魂技的魂师,还是修行到了八环境界,掌控天地之力,能够控制魂力使自身能够凌空飞行的魂斗罗 So long as governing spatial flight in the Martial Soul city, that is disrespecting to Pope Sir, this is the grave offense! 只要是在武魂城中御空飞行,那就是对教皇大人的不敬,此乃重罪! Regarding intruding mysterious Spirit Master of Martial Soul city, Spirit Hall Spirit Master noticed quickly, immediately reacts. 对于闯入武魂城的神秘魂师,武魂殿魂师很快就注意到了,立刻做出了反应。 Instantaneously, more than ten person's shadows soar to the heavens to go from the ground, charges into the mysterious Spirit Master interception of Pope palace to go toward that. 瞬间,十几道人影就从地面上冲天而去,向着那冲向教皇殿的神秘魂师拦截而去。 Stops! Who dares to excel at rushing to the Martial Soul city! Has not hurried to be without a fight!” “停下!何人胆敢擅闯武魂城!还不赶紧束手就擒!” Because Qian Renxue slows the tempo intentionally, these Spirit Hall Spirit Master can pursue. 因为千仞雪故意放慢了速度,这些武魂殿魂师才能够追了上来。 Quick, these more than ten Spirit Master in midair, Ceng Yi and Qian Renxue two people surrounding. 很快,这十几个魂师就在半空中,把曾易千仞雪两人给包围住。 Dissolute! You does this imperial capital dare to stop continually?” “放肆!尔等连本帝都敢阻拦?” Qian Renxue looks at these to surround own person, cold snort/hum, the invisible imposing manner sends out from the body. 千仞雪看着这些包围自己的人,冷哼一声,无形的气势从身体上散发而出。 By the boundary of Qian Renxue half god, even if merely is only aura, is not these Spirit Master can withstand. 千仞雪半神的境界,哪怕仅仅只是一丝气息,也不是这些魂师所能够承受得了的。 These more than ten people under the imposing manner oppression of Qian Renxue, 这十几人在千仞雪的气势压迫下, Just like shouldering the mountain, the body is similar the next quarter to want the disintegration, the soul to tremble. 宛若背负山岳,身体彷佛下一刻就要崩碎,灵魂在颤栗。 In a flash, Qian Renxue received own imposing manner. 只是一瞬间,千仞雪就收起了自己的气势。 That mountain pressure diverges, these more than ten Spirit Master felt immediately a body loosen, just like escapes from dead gate pass ascends to heaven, is breathing the fresh air greedily, rejoiced oneself are also living. 那山岳般的压力散去,这十几个魂师顿时感到身体一松,宛若从死门关中逃出升天,贪婪的呼吸着新鲜的空气,庆幸自己还活着。 Has seen your majesty, but also please forgive me and others the impoliteness!” “见过陛下,还请饶恕我等的无礼!” These people kneel down in void immediately, salutes to Qian Renxue. 这些人立刻在虚空中跪下,向千仞雪行礼。 One person is Spirit Douluo boundary Spirit Master, he has seen Qian Renxue, knows at present this person of status honored how. 有一人乃是魂斗罗境界的魂师,他见过千仞雪,知道眼前这人的身份是多么的尊贵。 That is with Pope Sir the equal great person, he small Spirit Douluo, does not dare to offend. 那是与教皇大人相等的大人物,他一个小小的魂斗罗,可不敢得罪。 Such character, even if disregards the Martial Soul city bans the spatial command, in Martial Soul city sky flight, even if Pope Sir kisses/intimate, cannot say anything. 这样的人物,即使无视武魂城的禁空令,在武魂城上空飞行,就算是教皇大人亲至,也不能说些什么。 Draws back, this emperor has the matter to see your Pope Sirs.” Qian Renxue that filled the pupil of no God prestige to sweep their one eyes at will, the undulating said. “退下吧,本帝有事见你们教皇大人。”千仞雪那充满着无上帝威的眸子随意扫了他们一眼,澹澹说道。 Compliant!” “遵命!” These people lower the head respectfully accordingly, drew back in abundance. 这些人低头恭敬的应声,纷纷退了下去。 Qian Renxue and Ceng Yi looked at each other one, two people turn toward to stand erect in that palace of mountain peak highest place to fly. 千仞雪曾易对视了一眼,两人就向着屹立在山峰最高处的那座宫殿飞去。 However in a minute, two people fell above the broad sacred square before Pope palace. 不过片刻,两人就落在了教皇殿前的恢宏神圣的广场之上。 After two people fall to the ground, the knight who one team is wearing the silver armor turns toward here to walk. 两人落地后,一队身穿着白银铠甲的骑士就向着这边走来。 Has seen your majesty, long live!” “见过陛下,万岁万岁万万岁!” This team of knights as if also know Qian Renxue, after being astonished, immediately the single knee kneels down to salute. 这一队骑士似乎也认识千仞雪,惊愕之后,立刻单膝跪下行礼。 Qian Renxue looked at their one eyes, the undulating say/way: „Can Pope in the palace?” 千仞雪看了他们一眼,澹澹道:“教皇可在殿内?” The knight of lead replied respectfully: Reply your majesty, Pope Sir in palace.” 领头的骑士恭敬回答道:“回禀陛下,教皇大人在殿内。” Qian Renxue nods, you get down, this emperor pass.” 千仞雪点头,“你下去吧,本帝自己过去。” ...... ...... In the Pope palace, is wearing Pope Bibi Dong of platinum magnificent dress, sits well above the seat of honor. 教皇殿中,身穿着白金华服的教皇比比东,端坐于主位之上。 The Bibi Dong lower left position also has a fine magnificent and expensive seat. 比比东的左下方位置也有着一张精致华贵的座椅。 In the position sits in an appearance beautiful female. 位置上坐在一位容貌美丽的女子。 In her fine beautiful facial features, the corners of the mouth as if always bring to wipe, if hidden the happy expression, if not having. 她那精致美艳的面容上,嘴角似乎总是带着一抹若隐若无的笑意。 In the foreheads, seems like the unusual conditions charmingly, among the frown and smile, has strong charm that cancels the person heart and soul. 眉宇间,妩媚似乎浑然天成,一颦一笑间,都有着勾人心魄的强大魅力。 Spirit Hall saintess, reckless Liena. 武魂殿圣女,胡烈娜。 Henceforth beside, in main hall, but also has two people, they one black one white, stands in the Bibi Dong position respectively behind both sides, person of complexion is dreary, person of facial expression even Dan. 从此之外,大殿内,还有着两人,他们一黑一白,分别站在比比东位置身后两侧,一人脸色阴郁,一人神情平澹。 They are two big Protector of Spirit Hall, two subordinates who Pope Bibi Dong most trusts, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo. 他们就是武魂殿的两大护法,教皇比比东最信任的两个手下,菊斗罗鬼斗罗 It seems like, comes two very accidental/surprised guests today ~ “看来,今天来了两个很是意外的客人呢~” Bibi Dong induced outside the palace two people aura, on the beautiful face, the corners of the mouth delimited to wipe the meaningful happy expression. 比比东感应到了殿外两人的气息,绝美的脸上,嘴角划起了一抹意味深长的笑意。 On the instance that the Bibi Dong voice falls, the Pope palace front door is opened, two person's shadows enter in the main hall slowly. 就在比比东话音一落的瞬间,教皇殿大门被打开,两道人影缓缓走进大殿之中。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” reckless Liena under Bibi Dong place, the body however stands up from the seat courageous, pupil light tight stares is entering that man in palace. 比比东座下的胡烈娜,身体勐然地从座位上站起,眸光紧紧的盯着进入殿中的那个男人。 But in reckless Liena line of sight, Qian Renxue form, initiative was neglected. 而在胡烈娜的视线中,千仞雪的身影,都主动的被忽略了。 How you also dare to appear here!” “你怎么还敢出现在这里!” reckless Liena form disappeared in instantaneously same place. 胡烈娜的身影瞬间就消失在了原地。 When appears again, she has appeared before the Ceng Yi body one zhang (3.33 m) near. 再次出现时,她已经出现在曾易身前不过一丈之近。 reckless Liena at this moment, Spirit Power has erupted completely, the Martial Soul monster fox takes possession, eight Spirit Ring regarding her wonderful graceful slender body. 此刻的胡烈娜,魂力已经全部爆发而出,武魂妖狐附体,八个魂环围绕着她那妙曼窈窕的身躯。 Her hand claw to become blade, to Ceng Yi chest thorn without hesitation, brings angry killing intent. 她手爪成刃,对着曾易的胸膛毫不犹豫的刺去,带着愤怒的杀意。 reckless Liena sudden sticking out suddenly, has a scare Ceng Yi. 胡烈娜的突然暴起,把曾易都吓了一跳。 However fortunately, two people strengths differ too in a big way, Ceng Yi has enough time response. 不过还好,两人的实力相差太大,曾易有足够的时间反应过来。 reckless Liena saw that must attack to go well, but the next quarter, when the hand of Ceng Yi does not know, firmly holds own wrist/skill. 胡烈娜眼看自己就要攻击得手,可下一刻,曾易的手不知何时,已经紧紧抓住自己的手腕。 That flash, reckless Liena felt that Spirit Power of own whole body lived by the seal, is unable to move a point, body one soft, pours to lie above the chest of Ceng Yi. 那一瞬间,胡烈娜感觉到自己全身的魂力都被封印住了,无法动弹一分,身体一软,倒趴在曾易的胸膛之上。 You... your bastard, lets loose me quickly!” “你...你这混蛋,快放开我!” By the chest of Ceng Yi, feels his blazing body temperature and heartbeat, the reckless Liena elegant face caught the ashamed and resentful color. 靠在曾易的胸口,感受到他那炽热的体温与心跳声,胡烈娜俏脸不由染上了羞愤之色。 hears word, Ceng Yi loosened her wrist/skill hastily, somewhat is awkward. 闻言,曾易连忙松开了她的手腕,不禁有些尴尬。 reckless Liena feels oneself Spirit Power to revolve, these has not continued to act to Ceng Yi time, the retreat, spread out hastily backward. 胡烈娜感受到自己的魂力又可以运转,这一次也没有继续在对曾易出手了,连忙向后退去,拉开了距离。 Two elders, take this person to me!” After fleeing the Ceng Yi evil clutches, reckless Liena orders to the chrysanthemum ghost two elders immediately. “两位长老,给我拿下这人!”逃离曾易的魔掌后,胡烈娜立刻对菊鬼两位长老下令。 Ceng Yi this person, in Spirit Hall, truly very sensitive. 曾易这个人,在武魂殿中,确实是非常的敏感。 Even the Martial Soul Empire empress, Qian Renxue stands in the Ceng Yi side. 即使武魂帝国的女帝,千仞雪站在曾易的身边。 But at this time Pope Bibi Dong also on the scene, as the Spirit Hall elder, Chrysanthemum Douluo, the Ghost Douluo two people, has to make a move. 但此时教皇比比东也在场,身为武魂殿长老,菊斗罗,鬼斗罗二人,也不得不出手。 Quick, two douluo appear in the Ceng Yi both sides, the release the tyrannical aura, goes toward the Ceng Yi suppression. 很快,两位斗罗就出现在曾易的两侧,释放出强横的气息,向着曾易镇压而去。 Although Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo pressure regarding Ceng Yi, looking like two cool breezes is ordinary, superficial. 虽然菊斗罗鬼斗罗的威压对于曾易来说,就像是两道清风一般,不痛不痒的。 But here is the Qian Renxue native place, but also is in front of her mother, Ceng Yi also makes a move to suppress these two douluo embarrassed, to a Qian Renxue face. 但这里怎么也是千仞雪的老家,还当着她妈的面,曾易也不好意思出手镇压这两位斗罗,给千仞雪一个面子。 Ceng Yi has to look to Qian Renxue, making her act to solve. 曾易只好看向身旁的千仞雪,让她出面解决。 However sees, Qian Renxue that looks at own look, is somewhat dangerous. 但是看见,千仞雪那看自己的眼神,有些危险。 Suddenly, making Ceng Yi somewhat unable to feel the mind. 一时间,让曾易有些摸不着头脑。 Because of reckless Liena reason, won't start to be jealous? 不会是因为胡烈娜的原因,开始吃醋了吧? This makes Ceng Yi very helpless. 这让曾易很是无奈。 However, Qian Renxue made noise. 不过,千仞雪还是出声了。 She disregarded chrysanthemum ghost two people, that small fox in palace, the dignified vision looks at that to sit Bibi Dong in Pope position. 她无视了身旁的菊鬼两人,还有殿内的那个小狐狸,威严的目光望着那坐在教皇位上的比比东 Your Spirit Hall, does treat the guest who came from far away like this?” “你武魂殿,就是这样对待远道而来的客人的?” Guest?” “客人?” Bibi Dong looks below all these indifferently, sneers. 比比东冷眼看着下方的这一切,冷笑一声。 This sovereign does not remember when Spirit Hall, letting will cause the person who my Spirit Hall face countenance completely loses, regards the guest to treat!” “本皇可不记得,什么时候武魂殿,会让使我武魂殿颜面尽失的人,当成客人来对待!” That is not a guest, but is the Spirit Hall enemy!” “那不是客人,而是武魂殿的敌人!”
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