DDTR :: Volume #7

#675: My imperial palace is big......

...... ...... Martial Emperor City, in imperial palace. 武帝城,皇宫内。 Qian Renxue very pleasantly surprised looks to stand in the present man. 千仞雪很是惊喜的看着站在自己眼前的这个男人。 I have never thought that you will look for me unexpectedly on own initiative!” “真没有想到,你竟然会主动来找我!” Qian Renxue steps the lotus steps, walked toward Ceng Yi, extended one, stroked on his chest. 千仞雪迈起莲步,向着曾易走去,伸出了一手,抚摸在他的胸膛上。 Since the previous dangerous places city leaves, but about two months of not your news. I also think that you played to be missing ~ “自从上次冰渊城一别,可将近两个月没有你的消息。我还以为你又玩失踪了呢~” Qian Renxue that charming tone, was full of the meaning of tease. 千仞雪那妩媚的语气,充满了挑逗之意。 Beautiful appearance that coordinates her to bring disaster on the nation and people, making Ceng Yi some not dare visual. 配合她那祸国殃民的绝美容颜,让曾易有些不敢目视。 That, can you normal?” “那个,你能不能正常一点?” Ceng Yi retroceded reluctantly several steps, spread out some with Qian Renxue. 曾易无奈的后退了几步,与千仞雪拉开了一些距离。 Actually I come to here, has a matter to request you.” Ceng Yi sincere said. “其实我来这里,有件事想要求你。”曾易正色说道。 Listened to Ceng Yi this saying, the Qian Renxue eye pupil deep place to flash through wipes to lose, but this mood she hid very well. 听了曾易这话,千仞雪的眼眸深处闪过一抹失落,但这个情绪她隐藏得很好。 At least, Ceng Yi can see her, has made Qian Renxue very happy. 至少,曾易能来见她,就已经让千仞雪很开心了。 Qian Renxue looks at Ceng Yi, the affection: Let alone a matter, is you wants this entire world, I can give you!” 千仞雪看着曾易,深情道:“别说一件事,就是你想要这整个天下,我都可以给你!” Because I love you! Ceng Yi!” “因为我爱你!曾易!” Ceng Yi:...... 曾易:...... Qian Renxue handles against liner confession, making Ceng Yi be red in the face suddenly, the heartbeat frequency is suddenly profound. 千仞雪措不及防的直球告白,让曾易一时间面红耳赤,心跳频率骤然高深。 Therefore , Ceng Yi does not want to look for Qian Renxue is this. 所以说,曾易不想来找千仞雪就是这样。 She was extremely was really strong, Ceng Yi is unable to adapt. 她实在是太过于强势了,曾易无从适应。 If not for oneself cultivate/repair to be higher than her, compared with her. 若不是自己修为比她高,比她强。 Ceng Yi can affirm, Qian Renxue will tie up itself absolutely, gets married with forcefully! 曾易敢肯定,千仞雪绝对会绑下自己,与自己强行成婚! That picture, Ceng Yi some do not dare to imagine. 那个画面,曾易有些不敢想象。 ~ 噗~ Sees Ceng Yi so, 曾易这般, Qian Renxue cannot bear, the white hands cover the small mouth chuckle to get up. 千仞雪也忍不住,玉手捂着小嘴轻笑起来。 Good, I did not tease you.” “好啦,我就不逗你了。” What matter do you ask me to have?” “你找我有什么事?” At this time, Ceng Yi also aspirates, felt that the whole body became relaxed. 这时,曾易也吐了一口气,感觉全身都变得轻松了许多。 Is together with Qian Renxue alone, simply compared with having been through repeatedly the life and death fight also has difficultly. 千仞雪单独相处,简直是比历经生死战斗还有艰难啊。 Ceng Yi then said to Qian Renxue: I want to ask you to understand that matter about evil Spirit Master, your Spirit Hall and evil Spirit Master have to do such for a long time, should have the record about evil Spirit Master?” 曾易便对千仞雪说道:“我想找你了解一些关于邪魂师的事情,你们武魂殿与邪魂师打交道这么久,应该有很多关于邪魂师的记载吧?” Ceng Yi this issue, making the Qian Renxue eye pupil shrink. 曾易这个问题,让千仞雪眼眸不由一缩。 Evil Spirit Master? How will you want to understand these mice of in the sewers?” “邪魂师?你怎么会想要去了解那些阴沟里的老鼠?” Qian Renxue some cannot understand. 千仞雪有些不太能够理解。 Although said that evil Spirit Master this organization had very long years, they look like the Spirit Master World dark side, has been closely associated. 虽然说邪魂师这个组织存在了很久的岁月,他们就像是魂师界的阴暗面,一直如影随形。 Although evil Spirit Master this organization has some strengths, but regarding Ceng Yi, should unable to constitute anything to threaten is right. 虽然邪魂师这个组织有一些实力,但是对于曾易来说,应该也构不成什么威胁才对。 Suddenly, Qian Renxue as if remembered anything, the eye narrows the eyes to look at Ceng Yi. 突然,千仞雪似乎想起了什么,眼睛不由微眯看着曾易 Because of that woman?” “是因为那个女人?” Qian Renxue may remember, at that time in Northern Polar Fields, Ceng Yi does not seem to the simple relations with that insane woman. 千仞雪可记得,当时在极北之地中,曾易与那个疯女人似乎有着不简单的关系。 Sees Ceng Yi not to speak, Qian Renxue knows, oneself guessed right. 曾易不说话,千仞雪就知道,自己猜对了。 „It can be said that what you are do relate with that woman?” Qian Renxue is narrowing the eye, looks at silent Ceng Yi, makes noise to ask. “能不能说说你与那个女人是什么关系呢?”千仞雪微眯着眼睛,看着沉默的曾易,出声问道。 Ceng Yi silent nearly one minute, finally opens the mouth. 曾易沉默了近乎一分钟,终于开口。 Right, that person I possibly am the understanding......” “没错,那个人我可能是认识的......” Possibly?” “可能?” Qian Renxue some cannot understand Ceng Yi these words the meaning. 千仞雪有些不太能理解曾易这句话的意思。 Afterward, Ceng Yi is not concealing, then said initially story between that boy and girl to Qian Renxue. 随后,曾易也不在隐瞒,便对千仞雪说了当初那个男孩与女孩之间的故事。 This also said regarding Ceng Yi, is not the secret that anything cannot say. 这对于曾易也说,也算不上什么不可以说的秘密。 After listening to the Ceng Yi words, in the Qian Renxue heart shocks very much, even cannot believe. 听了曾易的话之后,千仞雪心中很是震撼,甚至不敢相信。 That woman who evil Spirit Saint teaches, unexpectedly is the Ceng Yi younger sister? 魂圣教的那个女人,竟然是曾易的妹妹? Although is not the younger sister of blood relationship, but this plot also too magic. 虽然并不是血缘关系的妹妹,但这剧情也太魔幻了吧。 Moreover, she before was a not innate Spirit Power person, itself did not have the practicing talent. 而且,她之前还是一个无先天魂力的人,本身就没有修行天赋。 But, thinks oneself by the picture that woman suppressed, Qian Renxue is found it very hard to believe at that time. 可是,想到自己当时被那个女人压制的画面,千仞雪就觉得很是不可思议。 Without the person of practicing talent, why can in such a short time become so powerful? 没有修行天赋的人,为什么能够在如此短的时间内变得如此强大? Although Qian Renxue knows, her cultivating to is not the proper cultivation must come absolutely, but in the innermost feelings some are disappointed. 虽然千仞雪知道,她的修为绝对不是正经修炼得来的,但内心中还是有些受打击。 However, listening to Ceng Yi to say after that story, Qian Renxue was also clear, he so will be why careful to the evil Spirit Master organization. 不过,听曾易说了那个故事之后,千仞雪也清楚了,为什么他会对邪魂师组织这么上心了。 Qian Renxue can see from the Ceng Yi expression, he turns into now this appearance to that girl, the innermost feelings are very guilty. 千仞雪曾易的表情就可以看出,他对那女孩变成现在这副模样,内心很是愧疚。 Therefore, you do want to save her?” Qian Renxue asked. “所以,你想要拯救她吗?”千仞雪问道。 Regarding this issue, Ceng Yi does not know how should reply. 对于这个问题,曾易不知道该怎么回答。 I...... am not clear. She turns into now this, I do not know oneself save her qualifications. “我......不清楚。她变成现在这样,我也不知道自己有没有拯救她的资格。 However, I want to clarify, what did she exactly have in the past? Why will turn into this. 但是,我想要弄清楚,她当年到底发生了什么?为什么会变成这样。 Behind as well as actually, that evil Spirit Saint teaches to hide anything! ” 以及,那个邪魂圣教背后究竟隐藏着什么!” But is certain, that evil Spirit Saint simplicity that teaches not to look like absolutely displays now. The behind, definitely has more terrifying existence, is controlling all these.” “但是可以肯定,那邪魂圣教绝对不会像现在所表现的那么简单。其背后,肯定有着更加恐怖的存在,在操控着这一切。” Perhaps, is the gods in space also perhaps!” “或许,是天上的神明也说不定!” Listened to Ceng Yi this saying, Qian Renxue to think, finally shakes the head. 听了曾易这话,千仞雪想了想,最后还是摇了摇头。 If you want to know that these, perhaps I am unable to help you. “如果你是想知道这些的话,我恐怕无法帮你。 Because, I regarding the understanding of evil Spirit Master, knows this is one crowd stops at no evil, lawless, loses the humane evil disciple. 因为,我对于邪魂师的了解,也只是知道这是一群无恶不作,无法无天,丧失人性的邪恶之徒。 However, if you want to understand that perhaps many hard secret, my grandfather should know! ” 不过,你要是想了解更多的辛秘的话,或许我爷爷应该知晓!” Your grandfather?” “你爷爷?” Ceng Yi somewhat surprised looks at Qian Renxue. 曾易有些惊讶的看着千仞雪 Qian Renxue nods , to continue saying: Yes, my grandfather, Qian Daoliu!” 千仞雪点点头,继续说道:“是的,我爷爷,千道流!” Compares the Spirit Hall history, inheritance of our Qian Family glorious. Moreover, Qian Family inheritance Martial Soul, six wing angels, are god level Martial Soul, has the god gods, the inheritance of god of angel. “相比起武魂殿的历史,我们千家的传承更加的悠久。而且,千家的传承武魂,六翼天使,乃是神级武魂,有着神界神明,天使之神的传承。 If you guess back that right, that evil Spirit Saint teaches, has the shadow of gods. 如果你猜的没错的话,那邪魂圣教的背后,也有着神明的影子。 Then, my Qian Family will certainly record! ” 那么,我千家一定会有所记载!” Happen, I also plan Spirit Hall, then you go Spirit Hall with me together, sees my grandfather. “正好,我也打算去一趟武魂殿,那么你就跟我一起去武魂殿,见我爷爷吧。 Perhaps, you can in my grandfather where, obtain the information that you want. ” 或许,你能在我爷爷哪里,得到你想要的信息。” Goes to Spirit Hall......” “去武魂殿么......” Ceng Yi twittering, Spirit Hall also some person and some gratitude and grudges. 曾易呢喃着,武魂殿也有人与自己有些恩怨。 To be honest, Ceng Yi does not want to face her. 说实话,曾易并不太想面对她。 However, to seek for truth, oneself can only go to Spirit Hall. 但是,为了寻找事情的真相,自己只能去一趟武魂殿了。 Good! When?” “好!什么时候出发?” Looks the appearance that Ceng Yi worries, Qian Renxue smiles, said: No rush ~ 看着曾易着急的样子,千仞雪嫣然一笑,说道:“别着急啊~” You come with great difficulty my one time, how can't make me entertain your one well? “你好不容易来我这里一次,怎么不能让我好好招待你一番呢? Results in last several days to walk again! ” 怎么也得住上几天再走!” Ceng Yi some do not would rather say: This...... does not need not to use such politely.” 曾易有些不情愿道:“这......不用了吧不用这么客气的.” To be honest, sees Qian Renxue to look at own look, Ceng Yi feels somewhat dangerously. 说实话,见千仞雪看自己的眼神,曾易感觉有些危险。 If stays several days in the Qian Renxue palace, oneself feared that should not be eaten by her wipes dry/does only, the pure and chaste does not guarantee! 要是在千仞雪的宫殿里住个几天,自己怕不是要被她吃干抹净,贞洁不保啊! Qian Renxue hehe said with a smile. 千仞雪嘿嘿笑道。 „Doesn't your face give me? Haven't our how many years been drinking together?” “难道你连这个面子都不给我吗?我们多少年没有在一起喝过酒了?” In my palace, but collected many this mortal world good wine, has waited for you to arrive!” “我的宫殿中,可是收藏了许多尘世佳酿,一直等待着你到来呢!” Heard has the liquor to drink, Ceng Yi pupil light/only one bright, buries to be enticed in that greedy intent of heart, but quick suppressed. 一听说有酒喝,曾易眸光不由一亮,埋藏在心底的那股馋意被勾引出来,但很快就压制下去了。 Qian Renxue has persuaded with hardship, finally cannot support her enthusiasm, Ceng Yi has to agree, stays some date and time in her imperial palace. 千仞雪一直苦苦劝说,最后架不住她的热情,曾易只好同意,在她的皇宫中停留一些时日。 Three days later, Ceng Yi and Qian Renxue from Martial Emperor City, go to the Spirit Hall supreme headquarters, the Martial Soul city! 三天后,曾易千仞雪武帝城出发,前往武魂殿的大本营,武魂城!
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