DDTR :: Volume #7

#674: Gives me a face!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Seventh child!” “老七!” Other Clear Sky Sect elders, see the brothers to be defeated, drop down the Heaven Duo city, immediately the flying goes, drew support from him. 昊天宗其他长老,见自家兄弟落败,倒下天斗城,立刻飞身而去,借助了他。 Seventh child, you how!” “老七,你怎么样了!” Looks own brothers lose color, the mouth hangs in blood that aura weak appearance, he raised the head the anger to stare above Zhu Zhuqing, in the eye pupil is jumping the endless anger! 看着自家兄弟面无血色,嘴边挂在鲜血那气息虚弱的模样,他抬头怒瞪着上空的朱竹清,眼眸中跳跃着无尽怒火! Your this inexpensive maid, daring wound my brother is so serious!” “你这贱婢,竟敢伤我兄弟这般严重!” This elder cursed angrily the exit|to speak, a powerful imposing manner also emerged from the body, the Spirit Power fluctuation of rushing, nine Spirit Ring appeared in turn. 这位长老怒骂出口,一股强大的气势也从身上涌现而出,澎湃的魂力浮动,九个魂环依次显现出来。 hears word, a Zhu Zhuqing black eyebrow wrinkle, is staring at this Clear Sky Sect elder, in the eye pupil the cool-colored twinkle, writes off intent to fill the air. 闻言,朱竹清黛眉一皱,凝望着这名昊天宗长老,眼眸中冷色闪烁,一抹杀意弥漫而出。 You , to be ordinary with him, making a move is!” “你若想与他一般,出手便是!” Zhu Zhuqing cold sound said, her fearless anybody! 朱竹清冷声道,她无惧任何人! Three elders! Sufficed! Also dislikes insufficiently disgraced!” “三长老!够了!还嫌不够丢人么!” At this time, Clear Sky Sect sovereign, Tang howl is angrily rebuking to the elder. 此时,昊天宗宗主,唐啸对着自家长老怒斥一声。 Sovereign!” “宗主!” Three elders look to stop their sovereign Tang howl, in the eye to have the color of being unwilling. 三长老看着制止自家的宗主唐啸,眼中有着不甘之色。 Clear Sky Sect was just born with the world in front, receives so the humiliation, if not recover the gathering place, how the world will regard Clear Sky Sect? 昊天宗刚出世与世人面前,就受到如此屈辱,若是不找回场子,世人会如何看待昊天宗 Sovereign Tang howl also knows this point, but, this matter truly is the elder first shoulders. 宗主唐啸也是知道这一点,但是,这件事情确实是自家长老先挑起的。 Now disastrous opponent, has only self to blame. 如今惨败对手,也是咎由自取。 How does this want his Tang howl should? 这要他唐啸又该如何? For this so-called face, makes war with Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect? 为了这个所谓的面子,与七宝琉璃宗开战吗? If usually, he also possibly leads the person to go to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to conduct a friendly exchange. 若是平时,他还可能带着人去七宝琉璃宗进行一番友好的交流。 However the present is the special period, their Clear Sky Sect must the complete energy, place to cope with above Martial Soul Empire. 不过现在乃是特殊时期,他们昊天宗必须要把全部的精力,放在对付武魂帝国之上。 Tang Xiaodeng oneself elder eyes, warned him not to look for a job. 唐啸瞪了自家长老一眼,警示他不要在找事。 Afterward has turned around, is looking at opposite Zhu Zhuqing, opens the mouth saying: Little friend, this time is our Clear Sky Sect is not right, now the gathering place you also retrieve, how at this time stops there?” 随后转过身,望着对面的朱竹清,开口道:“小友,这次是我们昊天宗不对,现在场子你也找回了,此时就此作罢如何?” Tang Xiaowang Zhu Zhuqing, in the eye is revealing a dignity. 唐啸望着朱竹清,眼中流露着一丝凝重。 From a moment ago this girl with seven elder fights , the appearance that the performance must accomplish a task with ease, Tang howl regarding her strength, there is a general guess. 从刚才这个女孩与七长老战斗中,表现得游刃有余的样子,唐啸对于她的实力,也有了大概的猜测。 Entire Clear Sky Sect, is not Tang San, because he is the lord of Tang Gate. 整个昊天宗,不算唐三,因为他乃唐门之主。 In Clear Sky Sect, besides oneself and younger brother Tang Hao, no one is this girl's opponent. 昊天宗内,除了自己与弟弟唐昊之外,无一人是这个女孩的对手。 The great strength of this person of strength, lets in Tang Xiaoxin incomparable dreading. 此人实力之强大,让唐啸心中无比的忌惮。 The opposite party also enters the Titled Douluo boundary initially, the Spirit Power also 92 levels of degrees, the strength can flee Super Douluo, it may be said that evildoer/monstrous talent! 要知道,对方还只是初入封号斗罗境界,魂力也不过九十二级的程度,战力就可以披靡超级斗罗,可谓妖孽! Not is only only Tang howl, even the Tang San parents, Tang Hao and flatter silver are shocked with the son same age girl's talent and strength to this. 不仅仅只是唐啸,连唐三父母,唐昊与阿银都对这个与自己儿子同龄女孩的天赋与实力感到震惊。 But poisonous douluo alone this solitary one abundant, felt that the heart is startled. 而毒斗罗独孤博,更是感到心惊。 He with this girl meets for the first time, is in the Heaven Duo imperial family school, because of the reason of nowadays Heaven Duo Great Emperor avalanche, with their somewhat dispute contradiction. 要知道,他第一次与这个女孩见面的时候,还是在天斗皇家学院,因为现今天斗大帝雪崩的原因,与他们有些争执矛盾。 That is, she is only small two points of Spirit Grandmaster. 那是,她不过只是一个小小的二环大魂师而已。 Now, more than ten years pass by. 如今,十多年过去。 This girl had turned into Titled Douluo. 这个女孩已经变成了封号斗罗了。 Oneself are also only 92 levels of Titled Douluo, the strength cultivates for the boundary, was caught up by the opposite party. 自己也还只是一个九十二级的封号斗罗,无论是实力还是修为境界,都被对方赶上。 Even, opposite party the terrifying of strength, alone this solitary one Bo Shenzi felt, an opposite party sword, wanted own life sufficiently. 甚至,对方的战力之恐怖,独孤博身姿觉得,对方一剑,就足以要了自己的性命。 After all alone this solitary one abundant title for poisonous, does not excel regarding the fight, the method of most excelling at with poison. 毕竟独孤博的封号为毒,对于战斗并不擅长,最擅长的手段只是用毒。 Alone this solitary one imagined abundantly, oneself replace that Clear Sky Sect elder, with Zhu Zhuqing to war. 独孤博想象了一下,自己代替那位昊天宗长老,与朱竹清对战。 The only result, ends the defeat, but defeats results in the speed to be quicker! 唯一的结果,就是完败,而去败得速度更快! Suddenly, alone this solitary one abundant has Kang Kai. 一时间,独孤博不禁心生康慨。 Really after Yangtze River , before the wave pushes the wave, the first wave dies in the sand beach! 真是长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上啊! Naturally, strength that Zhu Zhuqing shows, history Laike Seven Devils others, are only somewhat accidental/surprised, but is not surprised. 当然,朱竹清所展现的实力,史来克七怪的其他人,只是有些意外,但并不惊讶。 Only can say, this is also not the Zhu Zhuqing true strength. 只能说,这还不是朱竹清的真正实力。 After all, in Sea God Island, Zhu Zhuqing is also only the Spirit Douluo boundary, defeated in seven Saint column protectors strongest Sea Dragon douluo. 毕竟,在海神岛的时候,朱竹清还只是魂斗罗境界,就独自一人打败了七圣柱守护者中最强的海龙斗罗 Although Sea Dragon douluo has not used the full power, but this proves the great strength of Zhu Zhuqing strength sufficiently. 虽然海龙斗罗没有使用全力,但这足以证明朱竹清实力之强大。 Because, Sea Dragon douluo Spirit Power reaches as high as 95 levels. 因为,海龙斗罗魂力高达九十五级。 Now Zhu Zhuqing breaks through the Titled Douluo boundary, had second 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, the strength rises one time to continue compared with before absolutely. 如今朱竹清突破封号斗罗境界,拥有第二个十万年魂环,实力绝对比之前翻上一倍不止。 Even, if Tang San does not use in the situation of divine tool sea god trident, Tang San does not dare saying that can win Zhu Zhuqing steadily. 甚至,唐三若是不使用神器海神三叉戟的情况下,就连唐三也不敢说能够稳赢朱竹清 After all the Zhu Zhuqing striking power is in Seven Devils strongest existence, a profound swordsmanship cultivates is, is to make Tang San feel scalp tingles. 毕竟朱竹清的攻击力乃是七怪中最强的存在,一身高深的剑道修为,更是让唐三感到头皮发麻。 Under the Zhu Zhuqing sword technique, the Tang San Martial Soul blue silver sovereign, is basic anything to affect. 朱竹清的剑术下,唐三武魂蓝银皇,根本起不到什么作用。 Only the sky hammer, can in the sword with Zhu Zhuqing hand contend. 只有昊天锤,能够与朱竹清手中的剑抗衡。 Zhuqing, gives up like this!” 竹清,就这样作罢吧!” At this time, Tang San also walked to say to the Zhu Zhuqing persuasion. 这时,唐三也走出来对朱竹清劝说道。 Zhu Zhuqing sees Tang San to act, nods. 朱竹清唐三出面,也点了点头。 Third Brother, I gives you a face.” “三哥,我给你一个面子。” Zhu Zhuqing restrained Spirit Power, receives the sword. 朱竹清收敛了魂力,把剑收起。 Sees her so, in the people heart also relaxes. 见她这般,众人心中也松了一口气。 They feared, Zhu Zhuqing hits enjoys oneself to the full, is not willing to receive the hand, that troublesome was big. 他们就怕,朱竹清打得尽兴,不肯收手,那麻烦就大了。 After all, the person but who Zhu Zhuqing Ceng Yi this fight lunatic teaches! 毕竟,朱竹清可是曾易这个战斗疯子教出来的人啊! However, because of this farce, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong two people could not stay here, to Tang San said that has the matter, then leaves the stage to depart. 不过,因为这一场闹剧,朱竹清宁荣荣二人也在这里呆不下去了,跟唐三说声有事,便退场离去。 Thus, this meeting also parts on bad terms. 这样,这场聚会也不欢而散。 Next day, the rock bird found Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people. 翌日,岩雀找到宁荣荣朱竹清二人。 What? Do you take one person to travel alone?” “什么?你要一人独自游历?” Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing very surprised looks to stand in the present rock bird. 宁荣荣朱竹清很是吃惊的看着站在眼前的岩雀。 Crag bird look earnest nod. 岩雀神色认真的点了点头。 Yes, two elder sisters, since the decision stays here to help Heaven Dou Empire, my then person goes to the mainland to walk to have a look.” “是的,两位姐姐既然决定留在这里帮助天斗帝国,那我便一人去大陆上走走看看吧。” Sees the rock bird to leave, saying that Ning Rongrong some do not abandon: „The Xiaoyan bird, don't you stay behind with us?” 见岩雀要离开,宁荣荣有些不舍的说道:“小岩雀,你不和我们一起留下吗?” „, I did not like here atmosphere.” “不了,我不太喜欢这里的氛围。” The rock bird shakes the head the rejection. 岩雀摇头拒绝。 Regarding Heaven Dou Empire, the rock bird has no favorable impression. 对于天斗帝国,岩雀本身就没有什么好感。 Let alone, oneself master said that allowing them not to participate in war between Heaven Dou Empire and Martial Soul Empire as far as possible. 更何况,自己师父说了,让她们尽量别参与天斗帝国武魂帝国之间的战事。 Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people, because comes Croatia Institute relations to be close to history, has the deep friendship, therefore is unable to reject friend's request. 宁荣荣朱竹清二人因为与史来克学院关系紧密,有着深厚的交情,所以无法拒绝朋友的请求。 But the rock bird is different. 但岩雀不一样。 She is not history comes the student in Croatia Institute, in history Laike Seven Devils, except for Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, others does not calculate very special long-standing and deep-rooted friend. 她本身就不是史来克学院的学生,史来克七怪中,除了朱竹清宁荣荣,其他人也不算很特别深交。 Some Sea God Island one line of friendship. 只是海神岛一行有些交情而已。 Therefore, she decides to obey the words of master, does not participate in this matter. 所以,她还是决定听从自己师父的话,不参与这件事。 Such being the case, your one person are more careful outside!” “既然如此,那你一个人在外面要小心一些啊!” Zhu Zhuqing sees the look of rock bird is so firm, is not detaining. 朱竹清见岩雀的眼神如此坚决,也不在挽留。 Is worried about itself about Zhu Zhuqing, rock bird chuckle, said: Elder sister, I am 87 levels of Spirit Douluo boundaries, in the mainland can have several people to injure to result in itself.” 对于朱竹清担心自己,岩雀轻笑一声,说道:“姐姐,我可是八十七级的魂斗罗境界,大陆上能有几人可以伤得了自己。” Compared with being worried about me, you in the Heaven Dou Empire camp, fight with Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master, is more careful.” “比起担心我,你们在天斗帝国的阵营,与武魂帝国魂师战斗,才是要小心一些。” Martial Soul Empire, its strength is not simple.” 武魂帝国,其实力可不简单啊。” Next day, the rock bird brings a kitten, left the Heaven Duo city. 第二天,岩雀就带着一只小猫,离开了天斗城。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Martial Soul Empire, sovereigns, Martial Emperor City! 武魂帝国,皇都,武帝城 Ceng Yi stands before this palatial city gate, on the face revealed wiped the forced smile. 曾易站在这座巍峨的城门前,脸上露出了一抹苦笑。 If Ok, oneself have not really wanted to come to this place. 若是可以,自己还真的不想来这个地方。
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