DDTR :: Volume #7

#673: The stars domain, ices dragon Suitian!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Hateful junior! Dares so to shame the old man!” “可恶的小辈!竟敢如此羞辱老夫!” Zhu Zhuqing strength strong in the opposite party right, presses this Clear Sky Sect elder to hit completely. 朱竹清的实力强于对方没错,完全是压着这位昊天宗长老打。 Between both, power gap such big, Zhu Zhuqing is completely capable to end the fight fast. 两者之间,实力差距如此之大,朱竹清完全有能力可以快速结束战斗。 But seven elders actually discovered, each attack of opposite party, the strength acts bashful very well, might almost in own tolerance range. 但七长老却发现,对方的每一次攻击,力道都拿捏得非常好,威力几乎都是在自己的承受范围之内。 Because of this, making him feel the unusual anger. 因为这样,让他感到非常的愤怒。 Was capable of ending the fight to side obviously fast, actually this played tricks on itself repeatedly. 对方明明有能力快速结束战斗,却屡屡这番戏弄自己。 This is trampling his dignity simply. 这简直是在践踏他的尊严。 However, this Clear Sky Sect elder misunderstood the meaning of Zhu Zhuqing completely. 不过,这位昊天宗长老完全是误会朱竹清的意思了。 Zhu Zhuqing turns toward, since everyone must cooperate, naturally must to the opposite party some faces, not need that certainly to do. 朱竹清向着,既然大家要合作,自然是要给对方一些面子,没必要做得那么绝。 After all, Tang San is also the Clear Sky Sect person. 毕竟,唐三也算是昊天宗的人。 Zhu Zhuqing is also to a Tang San face, oneself have the move, the strength is to also act bashful very deadly. 朱竹清也算是给唐三一个面子,自己出招,力道也是拿捏得很死。 The goal is to let this Clear Sky Sect elder gives way before difficulties, admits defeat on own initiative, gives him under a stair. 目的就是为了让这位昊天宗长老知难而退,主动认输,给他一个台阶下。 However Zhu Zhuqing has not thought actually, the temper of this old fogy is very gruff. 不过朱竹清倒是没有想到,这老家伙的性子还挺倔。 Is competitive, but also thinks oneself shame him. 就是不服输,还认为自己羞辱他。 Sky true body!” “昊天真身!” Seven elders are roaring, released the own seventh soul technique directly, the Martial Soul true body! 七长老怒吼着,直接释放了自己的第七魂技,武魂真身! The Martial Soul sky hammer becomes hundred meters big, the terrifying strength fluctuation shakes, the powerful imposing manner makes the space twist, above the sky, the wind and cloud changes color, thunder twinkle. 武魂昊天锤变得百米之高大,恐怖的力量波动震荡而出,强悍的气势使得空间都在扭曲,天空之上,风云变色,雷霆闪烁。 Bang- 轰隆- The purple electric arc cut the dark cloud numerous sky, just like crazy snake winding above this sky hammer giant hammer body. 紫色的电弧划开了乌云重重的天空,宛若狂蛇般缠绕在这昊天锤巨大的锤身之上。 Afterward, that revolved ninth black Spirit Ring around seven elder bodies sparkles the dazzling ray. 随后,那围绕在七长老身体周围的第九个黑色魂环闪耀出了耀眼的光芒。 The ninth soul technique- Ling heaven strikes! 第九魂技-凌天一击! In the link of increase soul technique strength, in addition of Martial Soul true body holds, the ninth soul technique of this sky hammer, the might displayed the pinnacle. 在增幅魂技力量之环,武魂真身的加持下,这昊天锤的第九魂技,威力发挥到了极致。 That flash, the wind and cloud changes color, the terrifying strength fluctuation just like tidal shakes. 那一瞬间,风云变色,恐怖的力量波动宛若潮水般震荡开来。 The spatial warping is proliferating unceasingly. 空间扭曲正在不断扩散。 The pinnacle strength display, making the space extreme constraining, heavy. 极致的力量发挥,使得空间变得极度的压抑,沉重。 Under ten thousand meters, lives the innumerable people in Heaven Duo city, felt that at this time own soul is trembling, the breath feels depressing. 就连万米之下,生活在天斗城的无数人民,都感到此时自己的灵魂在颤栗,呼吸都感到压抑。 In heavy/thick dark cloud, thunder, innumerable electric light windings above that hundred meters giant sky hammer body. 厚重的乌云中,电闪雷鸣,无数的电光缠绕在那百米之巨大的昊天锤身之上。 That terrifying strikes, as if must the vault of heaven defeating. 那恐怖的一击,似乎要把天穹给击破。 Come good!” “来的好!” Zhu Zhuqing at this moment, felt the pressure finally. 朱竹清此刻,终于感受到了压力。 Only then this pressure, can make her earnest. 只有这股压力,才能够让她认真起来。 Clear Sky Sect elder strongest strikes, making Zhu Zhuqing finally start seriously to treat. 昊天宗长老的最强一击,让朱竹清终于开始认真对待。 92 levels of Spirit Power erupt completely, soul Technique Martial Soul true body, urges to send. 九十二级的魂力全部爆发,魂技-武魂真身,也催发而出。 In an instant, above the sky, the endless star light casts light upon under. 刹那之间,天空之上,无尽的星光照映而下。 Zhu Zhuqing is bathing this radiant star light moonlight, just like standing fairy maiden in fairyland, has the dust not to dye, holy, but cannot offend. 朱竹清沐浴着这璀璨的星光月华,宛若站在仙境之中的仙子,出尘不染,圣洁而不可冒犯。 Domain- the territory of stars! 领域-星辰之域! After this is Zhu Zhuqing steps into the Titled Douluo boundary, grasped world domain. 这是朱竹清踏入封号斗罗境界后,掌握的天地领域。 However in an instant, surrounding sky, by innumerable radiant stars invasions. 不过刹那之间,周围的天空,被无数的璀璨星辰侵染。 The surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), had turned into the radiant incomparable starry sky. 方圆百里之内,已经变成了璀璨无比的星空。 Zhu Zhuqing foot treads the galaxy, grasps the long blade, such as black ink black hair, just like nine days of Milky Way. 朱竹清脚踏星河,手持长刀,如墨般的青丝,宛若九天银河。 The Heaven Duo city under ten thousand meters, countless people look up the sky, this just like scene marvelously. 万米之下的天斗城,无数人抬头望着上空,这宛若奇迹般的景象。 However in a minute, was cloudy before, the sky of thunder, will turn into the radiant starry sky shortly. 不过片刻,之前还是乌云密布,电闪雷鸣的天空,顷刻间就变成了璀璨的星空。 So scene, just like miracle! 这般景象,宛若神迹! This mysterious and change of terrifying, in Heaven Duo city, countless people kneel toward the gods pray of ascending the sky. 这神秘而又恐怖的变化,天斗城中,无数人跪地向着上天的神明祈祷。 The distant place, was taken sky intermediate perspective fight the Heaven Duo Great Emperor avalanche, mood at this moment simply is incomparable complex. 远处,被人带上天空中观此战斗的天斗大帝雪崩,此刻的心情简直是无比的复杂。 Is this Titled Douluo strength? 这就是封号斗罗的力量么? Is powerful makes one feel the terrifying! 强大得令人感到恐怖! , has the strength of changing the world! 举手投足间,就有着改天换地的力量! The avalanche itself/Ben thinks, oneself becomes the Heaven Dou Empire emperor, is in this mainland one of the most powerful people. 雪崩本以为,自己成为了天斗帝国的皇帝,已经是这個大陆上最有权势的人之一。 Now, he knows, own idea, how laughable. 如今,他才知道,自己的想法,是多么的可笑。 Truly, Emperor Heaven Duo this status, in the average person eyes, that is existence of unattainable, even most Spirit Master, are unable to look, does not dare to offend. 确实,天斗皇帝这一身份,在普通人眼中,那是遥不可及的存在,即使大部分魂师,都无法仰望,不敢得罪。 However, in young batch of person eyes, being in power person in empire? Is the joke! 但是,在一小批人眼中,帝国的掌权人?就是笑话! This group of people, are Titled Douluo! 这一批人,就是封号斗罗 Before, the avalanche thought otherwise, after all even Titled Douluo, facing a huge army of empire, one person were incapable to be a worthy opponent eventually. 以前,雪崩对此不以为然,毕竟即使是封号斗罗,面对一个帝国的庞大军队,一人终究是无力匹敌。 But sees Zhu Zhuqing and fight of Clear Sky Sect elder after now, he discovers oneself idea laughably how. 可如今看到朱竹清昊天宗长老的战斗后,他发现自己的想法是多么的可笑。 As Titled Douluo they, royal power and riches who disregarded the common custom are expensive, own strength, has shown disdain for world. 身为封号斗罗的他们,早已经无视世俗的王权富贵,自身的力量,已经傲视世间。 The avalanche believes that if two people fight in the Heaven Duo city, perhaps half hour, the big Heaven Duo city has not changed to the ruins! 雪崩相信,若是两人在天斗城中战斗,恐怕不过半个小时,偌大的天斗城就化作废墟! Regarding the world, regarding ordinary Spirit Master, Titled Douluo, like gods existence! 对于世人,对于普通魂师来说,封号斗罗,就如神明般的存在! Tiny, oneself do not have the strength, to the eyes of powerhouse, such as the ants is ordinary! 渺小,自身没有力量,在至强者的眼中,就如蝼蚁一般! Even if oneself are being in power people in empire is still the same! 即使自己是帝国的掌权人也一样! The practicing talent of avalanche is not outstanding, until now, cultivating for is also only four points of Spirit Ancestor, Martial Soul is not very outstanding! 雪崩的修行天赋并不优秀,至今为止,修为也不过只是一个四环魂宗而已,武魂还不算很优秀! Before, in his heart also to Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong wait/etc. in so beautiful female person hearts has reads thinks. 之前,他内心中还对朱竹清,宁荣荣等如此美丽的女人心中有着一些念想。 Now looks like, that simply is incomparable laughable. 现在看来,那简直就是无比的可笑。 A others look, can be killed by shock itself. 人家一个眼神,就能震死自己。 This is the absolute strength! 这就是绝对的力量啊! Domain! How you possibly have the so powerful domain!” “领域!你怎么可能有如此强大的领域!” Seven elders were covered by the Zhu Zhuqing stars domain, this endless starry sky, looked like changed to the cage, imprisoned itself, making him unable to believe! 七长老被朱竹清的星辰领域笼罩,这无尽的星空,就像是化作了牢笼,囚禁住自己,让他不敢相信! Even he breaks through Titled Douluo more than ten years, not so adept grasping so powerful domain. 就算是他突破封号斗罗十几年,都没有如此娴熟的掌握如此强大的领域。 The opposite party is only a junior of more than 20 age, how possibly! 对方只是一个二十多龄的小辈,怎么可能! Regarding the Clear Sky Sect elder incompetent wild with rage, Zhu Zhuqing has not paid attention, but continues to urge from the ninth soul technique of oneself! 对于昊天宗长老的无能狂怒,朱竹清并未理会,而是继续催发自己的第九魂技! Ninth Spirit Ring that Zhu Zhuqing obtains is 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, has two powerful soul techniques. 朱竹清获得的第九魂环乃是十万年魂环,有着两个强大的魂技。 But this ninth soul technique, the Zhu Zhuqing first use opposes the enemy! 而这第九魂技,朱竹清还是第一次使用对敌! To be actually powerful as for the might, she does not know. 至于威力究竟有多么强大,她也不知道。 However, 100,000 years of soul technique, breaks the ninth soul technique of opposite party to have more than enough to spare! 不过,十万年魂技,打破对方的第九魂技已经是绰绰有余! Even Martial Soul of opposite party is the sky hammer! 即使对方的武魂乃是昊天锤! Because, Zhu Zhuqing Martial Soul, not, if opposite party, even is stronger! 因为,朱竹清武魂,不若对方,甚至更强! In an instant, leans Sky Sword intent to surge. 刹那间,倾天剑意涌起。 The blade of extremely cold figure skating from Zhu Zhuqing hand fills the air. 极寒的冰舞从朱竹清手中的刀刃弥漫而出。 However in a minute, the temperature of this side world has fallen the extreme. 不过片刻,此方天地的温度就已经降到了极点。 In the sky, the snowflake does not know when falls gently under. 天空中,雪花不知何时飘落而下。 The rainwater that falls, given terrifying sword intent, starts the adverse current. 那倾倒的雨水,在恐怖的剑意牵引下,开始逆流。 The innumerable rainwater, under the extremely cold temperature, congeal the ice. 无数的雨水,在极寒的温度下,凝结成冰。 This callous sword intent, lets the people who the distant place observes, felt that the soul is trembling. 这冷酷的剑意,让远处观战的众人,都感到灵魂在颤栗。 The rain turns into the ice, the ice concentrates the sword. 雨化成冰,冰凝成剑。 However suddenly, a giant ice blade condenses above the sky. 不过眨眼间,一把巨大的冰刃凝聚在天空之上。 Facing the suppression of Zhu Zhuqing domain, under that endless oppression strength, the Clear Sky Sect elder is brandishing the great hammer in hand. 面对朱竹清领域的镇压,那无尽的压迫力下,昊天宗长老挥舞着手中的巨锤。 Sky hammer- Ling heaven strikes!” “昊天锤-凌天一击!” Seven elders are roaring, even if in the mouth bleeds, still just like the angry glare diamond, grasps the sky hammer attack! 七长老怒吼着,即使口中喋血,也宛若怒目金刚,手持昊天锤进攻! On the sky hammer, is twining the endless thunder and lightning, just like day punishing hammer, to the Zhu Zhuqing hammer under. 昊天锤身上,缠绕着无尽的雷电,宛若天罚之锤,对着朱竹清锤下。 The terrifying strength, the space must cave. 恐怖的力量,空间都要塌陷。 Zhu Zhuqing that faint eye pupil stares at the opponent of struggling, the corners of the mouth is rising slightly. 朱竹清那淡漠的眼眸凝望着挣扎的对手,嘴角微微上扬。 Probably acclaimed the courage of opposite party, resisting stubbornly that also or taunted the opponent. She brandishes a sword to cut. 像是赞叹对方的勇气,又或是嘲讽对手的顽抗。她挥刀斩下。 The ninth soul technique- ices dragon Suitian! 第九魂技-冰龙碎天! That flash, as if has giant icing dragon Xuying to hover in the starry sky, roars to shout! Is brandishing the pair of wings, brings pinnacle ice-cold, the impact under. 那一瞬间,似乎有着一头巨大的冰龙虚影在星空中翱翔,咆哮嘶吼!挥舞着双翼,带着极致的冰冷,冲击而下。 The giant ice blade cuts to fall, easily tore the sky. 巨大的冰刃斩落,轻易的撕裂了天空。 That is twining thunder the hammer of sky, under the sharp claws of ice dragon, refusing to compromise is about two seconds, starts to collapse. 那缠绕着雷霆的昊天之锤,在冰龙的利爪下,僵持了不过两秒,就开始崩溃。 ~ 噗~ The seven elder oneself ninth soul techniques of were destroyed by Zhu Zhuqing forcefully, backlash of strength, making in his mouth spit the blood continually, body weak flying upside down falls to below Heaven Duo city! 七长老自己的第九魂技被朱竹清强行打碎,力量的反噬,让他口中连吐鲜血,身体无力的倒飞落向下方的天斗城! The collision of strongest attack, Zhu Zhuqing defeats the Clear Sky Sect elder! 最强攻击的碰撞,朱竹清完败昊天宗长老! bqkan8. .bqkan8. bqkan8..bqkan8.
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