DDTR :: Volume #7

#672: The Zhu Zhuqing strength, beats savagely the Clear Sky Sect elder!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... What? 什么? Zhu Zhuqing really broke through the Titled Douluo boundary! 朱竹清真的突破到了封号斗罗境界! Tang San some cannot believe. 唐三有些不敢相信。 Although he knows, returns from Sea God Island, Zhu Zhuqing is 90 levels of Spirit Power, in history Laike Seven Devils, Spirit Power highest person. 虽然他知道,从海神岛归来之时,朱竹清就已经是九十级魂力,在史来克七怪中,魂力最高的人。 Everyone also believes, Zhu Zhuqing is in them, person who first breaks through Titled Douluo. 所有人也都认为,朱竹清将会是他们中,第一个突破封号斗罗的人。 However, Tang San in the Star Dou Forest bitter experience, obtained offering sacrifices of two big 100,000 years of soul beasts some time ago, Spirit Power practiced the breakthrough, achieved the boundary of Titled Douluo. 但是,唐三不久前在星斗大森林的遭遇,得到了两大十万年魂兽的献祭,魂力练练突破,达到了封号斗罗之境。 He also thinks, oneself curve passes another vehicle, is quicker than Zhu Zhuqing, becomes in Seven Devils first person who breaks through the Titled Douluo boundary. 他还以为,自己弯道超车,比朱竹清更快,成为七怪中第一个突破封号斗罗境界的人。 But Zhu Zhuqing unexpectedly one month ago broke through. 朱竹清竟然一个月之前就突破了。 This is Tang San has not thought. 这是唐三没有想到的。 After all wants to look for right Martial Soul familiar Spirit Ring, is very troublesome. 毕竟想要找一个合适自身武魂熟悉的魂环,还是很麻烦的。 Let alone, with the Zhu Zhuqing temper, ninth Spirit Ring, she will quickly look for a 100,000 years of soul beast to hunt and kill, gains its Spirit Ring. 更何况,以朱竹清的性子,第九魂环,她很快会找一个十万年魂兽猎杀,获取它的魂环 The speed that Zhu Zhuqing breaks through, making Tang San very accidental/surprised. 朱竹清突破的速度,让唐三很是意外。 Then it seems like, seven elders should want the disastrous defeat!” Tang San looks at the distant place two people fight, heaves a deep sigh. “那么看来,七长老应该是要惨败了!”唐三看着远处两人的战斗,摇头叹息。 Above the sky, the Clear Sky Sect seven elders so easily see the opposite party reduced and solved own strikes. 天空之上,昊天宗七长老见对方如此轻易的就化解了自己的一击。 Received the contempt in heart instantaneously, on the face revealed to wipe dignifiedly. 瞬间就收起了心中的轻视,脸上流露出了一抹凝重。 Junior, your strength is truly good!” “小辈,你实力确实不错!” But, the old man will make you know, the Titled Douluo strength, is not you are conceivable!” “不过,老夫会让你知道,封号斗罗的力量,不是你可以想象的!” However the sky hammer, why can be first under heaven Martial Soul!” “而昊天锤,为何会是天下第一武魂!” Seven elders call out one, rushing Spirit Power surge from the body, the powerful imposing manner started the invisible fresh breeze to sweep across. 七长老暴喝一身,澎湃的魂力从身体涌动而出,强大的气势掀起了无形的劲风席卷。 Nine Spirit Ring appear in turn around the body of old man, is glittering the dazzling ray. 九个魂环依次浮现在老者的身体周围,闪烁着耀眼的光芒。 The Martial Soul sky hammer also appears in the hand. 武魂昊天锤也显现于手中。 Nine Spirit Ring in addition holds, sky hammers in seven long expert, shake incomparably powerful strength impact, making the surrounding space twists. 九个魂环的加持下,七长老手中的昊天锤,震荡出无比强大的力量冲击,使得周围空间都变得扭曲。 Spirit Power emerges, seven elder that completely quite thin and small bodies, inflates, is feeling the hot tempered strength feeling. 魂力涌现,七长老那全部比较瘦小的身躯,也膨胀起来,充满着暴躁的力量感。 Earth-shaking! 撼天动地! Knows that the Zhu Zhuqing strength is not simple, but to defend the Clear Sky Sect dignity, the sky hammers the Martial Soul honor, seven elders he is not keeping the hand. 知道朱竹清的实力不简单,但为了维护昊天宗的尊严,昊天锤武魂的荣誉,七长老他不在留手。 Sees only his both hands to grasp the hammer, the arm explodes to catch up, a hammer pounds. 只见他双手握着锤把,手臂爆起发力,一锤砸出。 The terrifying strength, causes air suddenly/violently Ming. 恐怖的力量,使得空气暴鸣。 The powerful strength fresh breeze wells up just like the tsunami toward Zhu Zhuqing. 强悍的力量劲风向着朱竹清宛若海啸般涌去。 The terrifying strength is covering Zhu Zhuqing, as if changed to the cage, imprisoned her. 恐怖的劲气笼罩着朱竹清,彷佛化作了牢笼,囚禁了她。 This tyrannical oppression, truly made Zhu Zhuqing feel some pressures. 这股强横的压迫,确实让朱竹清感受到了一些压力。 Looks at the huge empty shadow of that sky hammer to pound down from the space. 望着那昊天锤的巨大虚影从天上砸下。 Just like day punishing hammer, suppression under. 就宛若天罚之锤,镇压而下。 Under this huge oppression strength, on the Zhu Zhuqing body also erupted the unequalled Spirit Power storm. 这股庞大的压迫力下,朱竹清身体上也爆发出了无与伦比的的魂力风暴。 This terrifying Spirit Power fluctuation, has pressed the imposing manner of opponent instantaneously. 这股恐怖的魂力波动,瞬间压过了对手的气势。 Shoots up to the sky just like star light moonlight Spirit Power, above sky, has the stars sparkle. 宛若星光月华般的魂力冲天而起,天空之上,也有着星辰闪耀。 Swift and fierce stars sword intent, lets the people who the distant place observes, has scared. 凌厉的星辰剑意,让远处观战的众人,都不由心生胆寒。 Spirit Ring raise from the Zhu Zhuqing under foot, is sparkling the gorgeous ray. 一个个魂环朱竹清脚下升起,闪耀着绚丽的光芒。 Nine Spirit Ring, seven black two scarlet Spirit Ring matching, give away seven elder bodies that incur to shiver. 九个魂环,七黑两赤红的魂环搭配,让出招的七长老身体都不由颤抖起来。 Seven ten thousand years of Spirit Ring, two 100,000 years of Spirit Ring! 七个万年魂环,两个十万年魂环 How possibly? 怎么可能? Facing sky hammer that flying high to drop, the Zhu Zhuqing complexion is cool. 面对凌空落下的昊天锤,朱竹清脸色澹然。 The Martial Soul stars appear imaginary spirit, jumps on her jade shoulder just like the elf, finally arrives at her horizontal on right arm, changed to the flowing light, condensed a fine long blade. 武魂星辰幻灵显现而出,宛若精灵般在她的玉肩上跳跃,最后来到她横起的右臂上,化作了流光,凝聚成了一把精美的长刀。 Star flashes!” “星闪!” At that moment, terrifying sword intent erupts, the strength of that sky hammer changes imprisons the Zhu Zhuqing cage, instantaneous disintegration. 那一刻,恐怖的剑意爆发而出,那昊天锤的力量化作囚禁朱竹清的牢笼,瞬间崩碎。 Cuts together just like the sword air/Qi of radiant star light. 一道宛若璀璨星光的剑气斩出。 That huge sky hammer empty shadow, in this arrives under the sword air/Qi, but in a minute, was cut the two sides. 那巨大的昊天锤虚影,在这到剑气下,不过片刻,就被斩成两边。 Moreover this stars sword air/Qi also turns toward seven elders to fly to cut to go. 而且这道星辰剑气还向着七长老飞斩而去。 Drinks!” “喝!” Strikes facing this terrifying cutting, seven long destinies have the whole body strength, calls out one, Spirit Power condenses on the sky hammer, a hammer rumbles. 面对这道恐怖的斩击,七长老运起全身力量,暴喝一声,魂力在昊天锤上凝聚,一锤轰出。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Wells up just like the tsunami energy storm crazily, but together form flying upside down. 宛若海啸般的能量风暴狂涌,而一道身影倒飞而出。 Is seven elders. 是七长老。 His body flies upside down hundred meters distance, a blood spews out from the mouth. 他身体倒飞百米距离,一口鲜血从口中喷涌而出。 Seven elders stand firm the figure, the complexion is somewhat pale, the aura loses patience, vision is looking at the opposite, cannot believe. 七长老稳住身形,脸色有些苍白,气息烦乱,目光怔怔的望着对面,不敢相信。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect this girl student, unexpectedly is Titled Douluo! 七宝琉璃宗这位女弟子,竟然是一位封号斗罗 Her age, seeming like also similar to Tang San! 她的年龄,看起来也不过与唐三差不多! Moreover, but also has two 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, this was also too terrifying! 而且,还拥有两个十万年魂环,这也太恐怖了吧! Although compares some disparities with Tang San, but, regarding common Spirit Master, that is simply abnormal! 虽然和唐三比起来有些差距,不过,对于寻常魂师来说,那简直就是变态啊! The energy storm diverges, Zhu Zhuqing that wonderful graceful physique, is stepping the graceful lotus steps, flies high to tread above void, goes out slowly. 能量风暴散去,朱竹清那妙曼的身姿,迈着优雅的莲步,凌空踏在虚空之上,缓缓走出。 Jet black such as the black hair of black ink drags with the wind, under shining of radiant star light, is glittering the beautiful gloss, just like goddess that in nine days of Milky Way goes out. 漆黑如墨的青丝随着风摇曳,在璀璨星光的照耀下,闪烁着美丽的光泽,宛若九天银河中走出的神女。 Has the dust to have no time, moves fast, if immortal, certainly for grace and talent. 出尘无暇,飘忽若仙,绝代风华。 Virgin pupil that Zhu Zhuqing that pair is glittering the purple glow, indifferent is staring at the opponent, the undulating opens the mouth. 朱竹清那双闪烁着紫芒的童眸,冷漠的凝望着对手,澹澹开口。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Zhu Zhuqing, 92 levels of Titled Douluo, but also please advise!” 七宝琉璃宗,朱竹清,九十二级封号斗罗,还请指教!” Saying, grasps the right hand of long blade to wield. 说着,握着长刀的右手一挥。 Shortly, together hundred zhang (333 m) wide blade air/Qi, just like the silver crescent moon, cuts toward seven elders. 顷刻间,一道百丈之宽的刀气,宛若银色月牙般,向着七长老斩去。 Terrifying cutting strikes, easily tore the space, the sword potential suppression surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), the surroundings space, as if changed to the stars sword territory. 恐怖的斩击,轻易撕裂了空间,剑势镇压方圆百里,周围空间,似乎都化作了星辰剑域。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Strikes facing cutting that Zhu Zhuqing is relentless, seven elder complexions in great surprise, hurry to transfer Spirit Power, defends. 面对朱竹清毫不留情的斩击,七长老脸色大惊,赶紧调动魂力,进行防御。 Bang! 轰! The sword air/Qi bang cuts, the bodies of seven elders are common just like the iron ball, fly several hundred meters distance, the appearance is really distressed. 剑气轰斩,七长老的身体宛若铁球一般,飞出去数百米的距离,模样甚是狼狈。 Seventh child!” “老七!” Sees the brothers to be pressed hitting by others, the person of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect they have looked down upon. 见自家兄弟被别人压着打,还是他们一直看不起的七宝琉璃宗之人。 Clear Sky Sect other elders, complexion at this moment, that is one splendid complex. 昊天宗的其他长老,此刻的脸色,那是一个精彩复杂。 When, did Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect become such? 什么时候,七宝琉璃宗变得如此之强了? A young disciple, has the so fearful strength! 一个年轻弟子,就有着如此可怕的实力! They know, the seventh child must defeat without doubt. 他们是知道,老七是必败无疑了。 But, so many people look at the person of their Clear Sky Sect, was shamed by a baby, this makes their complexions also very ugly. 可是,这么多人看着他们昊天宗之人,被一个小娃娃这么羞辱,这让他们的脸色也很是难看。 Wishes one could to act, suppresses the opposite party. 恨不得一齐出手,镇压对方。 However, the duel is them first raises, moreover depends old cultivate/repair to profound, is directing to others small arm. 但是,决斗是他们这边先提起的,而且仗着年长修为高深,对着人家小臂指指点点。 This some are not concerned about face, if they are violate the rule to act again, feared that the Clear Sky Sect face must lose completely. 这本身就有些不要脸了若他们再是违反规则出手,怕昊天宗的脸面都要丢尽了。 However, compares on the face to must to squeeze out the suffering ugly the person of Clear Sky Sect, nearby Ning Rongrong, on the face that is the happy expression of not being able to stop. 不过,相比脸上难看得要挤出苦水的昊天宗之人,一旁的宁荣荣,脸上那是止不住的笑意。 Looks that Zhu Zhuqing presses the opposite party to hit, her mood is incomparable refreshed. 看着朱竹清压着对方打,她的心情就是无比的爽快。 Who let a moment ago Clear Sky Sect these old fogies, depended itself old, took advantage of own seniority, directs itself, but also despised sect. 谁让刚才昊天宗的这几个老家伙,仗着自己年长一些,倚老卖老,指指点点自己,还轻视自己宗门 Ning Rongrong may, no matter their complexion is ugly, should smile must smile. 宁荣荣可不管他们脸色难不难看,该笑还是得笑。 She did not fear in any case offends the opposite party. 反正她也不怕得罪对方。 After all, later does not need to do with Clear Sky Sect. 毕竟,以后也不需要和昊天宗打交道。 Present Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, is completely capable of showing disdain for a side, does not need to look at anybody's complexion. 现在的七宝琉璃宗,完全有能力傲视一方,不用看任何人的脸色。
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