DDTR :: Volume #7

#671: Space 1 games!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Two people who in two building halls, the people look at the conflict, stop hastily. 二楼大厅中,众人看着起冲突的两人,连忙制止。 Seven elders, they are the friend of mine, stops quickly!” “七长老,她们都是我的朋友,快停下!” Tang San helpless saying. 唐三无奈的说道。 The elder of this short temper, is one of the Clear Sky Sect five big Titled Douluo elders, temper very hot tempered domineering. 这位脾气暴躁的长老,乃是昊天宗五大封号斗罗长老之一,性子很是暴躁强势。 At first when Tang San returns Clear Sky Sect finds roots, a lot in him hand/subordinate suffers loss. 起初唐三昊天宗认祖归宗之时,也没少在他手下吃苦头。 Tang San, even they are your friend, but Clear Sky Sect cannot the shame!” 唐三,就算她们是你朋友,但是昊天宗不能辱!” Seven elder cold said, the sharp pupil light closely is staring at Zhu Zhuqing like the eagle. 七长老冷声道,锐利的眸光如鹰般紧紧盯着朱竹清 The Titled Douluo imposing manner fills the air, shortly, the imposing manner in hall will become is quite serious and depressing. 封号斗罗的气势弥漫而出,顷刻间,大厅的气势就变得极为的沉重和压抑。 Facing the aggressive Clear Sky Sect elder, the Ning Rongrong also very uncomfortable stand said. 面对咄咄逼人的昊天宗长老,宁荣荣也很是不爽的站出来说道。 Good Clear Sky Sect unable the shame! Then you mean, my can Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect insult at will?” “好一个昊天宗不能辱!那么你的意思就是,我七宝琉璃宗就可以随意侮辱了?” Don't forget, but you first exit|to speak to provoke my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect!” “别忘了,可是你先出口挑衅我七宝琉璃宗!” The Ning Rongrong domineering, making nearby Clear Sky Sect sovereign, Tang howl also knits the brows. 宁荣荣的强势,让一旁的昊天宗宗主,唐啸也不由皱眉。 Although is actually seven elders exits the provocation in first, but later this girl said own Clear Sky Sect closed off a mountain area old, became does not have the brain these words, made Tang howl feel bad. 虽然却是七长老出口挑衅在先,但之后这女孩说自己昊天宗封山旧了,都变得没脑子了这句话,也让唐啸心中不快。 He is Clear Sky Sect sovereign, was insulted sect face to face, pulls out his face simply face to face. 他可是昊天宗宗主,被人当面如此侮辱宗门,简直是当面抽他的脸。 Therefore, contains ones anger the behavior that regarding the elder acts, he has not stopped. 所以,对于长老含怒出手的行为,他也没有制止。 At present this seems like that with the Tang San girl of a similar age, so easily got down the attacks of seven elders on keeping off, making Tang howl somewhat surprised. 只是,眼前这位看似与唐三年纪相彷的女孩,如此轻易的就挡下了七长老的攻击,让唐啸有些惊讶。 Must know seven elders, but Titled Douluo boundary, although is in the Clear Sky Sect five elders cultivate/repair to lowly, but also is 92 levels of Titled Douluo! 要知道七长老可是封号斗罗境界,尽管是昊天宗五位长老中修为最低的,但也是九十二级的封号斗罗 Even if strikes conveniently, even Spirit Master of Spirit Douluo boundary, is still hard to resist. 哪怕是随手一击,就算是魂斗罗境界的魂师,也难以招架。 But Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect so young disciple, 七宝琉璃宗这般年轻的弟子, Traced reduced and solved the attacks of seven elders unexpectedly lightly wrote peacefully, obviously its natural talent was outstanding. 竟然轻描澹写的化解了七长老的攻击,可见其天资有多么优秀。 It seems like that this Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is not simple! 看来,这七宝琉璃宗也不简单啊! Courts death!” “找死!” Seven elders are also a person of violent temper, sees Ning Rongrong to provoke itself again and again, the temperament also welled up. 七长老也是一个暴脾气的人,见宁荣荣一而再,再而三的挑衅自己,脾气也涌了上来。 Only two juniors, dares to boast shamelessly!” “区区两个小辈,也敢大言不惭!” Today, I replace your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect elder, educates you well!” “今日,我就代替你七宝琉璃宗的长辈,好好教育教育你们!” Seven elder cold said, transport/fortune Spirit Power, lays out toward Zhu Zhuqing! 七长老冷声道,运起魂力,向着朱竹清拍出! The attack let this girl so resolution easily, making him somewhat unable to hang shamelessly, this time, used five force components to launch the attack directly. 刚才的攻击让这个女娃子如此轻易的化解,让他老脸有些挂不住,这一次,直接用起五分力发动攻击。 Facing the palm of this old thing, a Zhu Zhuqing face fearless, is a palm makes. 面对这老东西的一掌,朱竹清一脸无惧,也是一掌打出。 The palm decency sword air/Qi, swift and fierce sword intent fills the air, lets present everyone to feel such as the sword in the point of back. 掌风化剑气,凌厉的剑意弥漫,让在场所有人都感到如剑在背的锋芒。 Peng! 彭! The sword glow and palm wind bump into, the invisible strength sweeps across like surging tides. 剑芒与掌风相撞,无形的劲气如潮水般席卷开来。 Under this terrifying strength, the surrounding furniture change in abundance stop the powder. 在这股恐怖的力量下,周围的桌椅纷纷化作湮粉。 It is not good! 不好! The two sides attacks to, this seven elders felt finally is not right, child Kong contracts the needle. 两边的攻击对上,这一次七长老终于感觉到不对劲了,童孔收缩成针。 The strength of opposite party is too strong, easily broke open his palm wind, an invisible impact hits above his chest. 对方的力量太强,轻易地就破开了他的掌风,一股无形的冲击撞在他胸膛之上。 Seven elders only felt own chest one stuffy, the body draws back continually several steps. 七长老只感到自己胸口一闷,身体连退几步。 The Zhu Zhuqing look is looking at cool by the old man who oneself repel, the undulating say/way: Educates me? You did not have this qualifications.” 朱竹清神色澹然地望着被自己击退的老者,澹澹道:“教育我?你还没有这个资格。” You!” “你!” Was taunted by a junior, is in the people at present, seven long are old mannish the complexion to become flushed, the boundless Spirit Power fluctuation surges, wanting to attack brutally! 被一个小辈如此嘲讽,还是在众人眼前,七长老气得面色涨红,磅礴的魂力波动涌动,欲要大打出手! Sufficed!” “够了!” At this time, drank together like thunder -like in the hall crack, everyone's ear shook. 这时,一道喝声如雷般在大厅中炸响,所有人的耳朵都不由一震。 The one who makes noise to stop is Clear Sky Sect sovereign Tang howl. 出声制止的乃是昊天宗宗主唐啸。 His sharp vision looks at seven elders, said sternly: Has not stopped, were you want to open here?” 他锐利的目光看着七长老,厉声道:“还不住手,你们是想要拆了这里吗?” Seven elders see sovereign speak , was not willing to receive oneself that terrifying imposing manner. 七长老见宗主发话,也是很不愿收起了自身那股恐怖的气势。 The Titled Douluo terrifying might, is not common Spirit Master can compare. 封号斗罗的恐怖威力,不是寻常魂师能够比拟的。 If the Titled Douluo imposing manner releases here completely, then this palace, will change into the ruins shortly. 若是封号斗罗的气势在这里全部释放开来,那么这座宫殿,顷刻间化为废墟。 Meanwhile, Tang howl also noticed, the strength of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect this young disciple was not simple. 同时,唐啸也注意到了,七宝琉璃宗这个年轻弟子的实力可不简单。 Can repel seven elders, making Titled Douluo admit defeat, although seven elders have not used the full power, but this strength, makes Tang Xiaogao look sufficiently. 能够击退七长老,让一位封号斗罗吃瘪,尽管七长老没有使用全力,但这份实力,足以让唐啸高看。 At least, in present Clear Sky Sect, besides Tang San, no one can be a worthy opponent this person. 至少,如今的昊天宗内,除了唐三之外,没有任何一人能匹敌此人。 Cannot think that Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect can train you such outstanding disciple unexpectedly, is really the landscape generation has the talent person to leave!” “想不到七宝琉璃宗竟然能培养出你这么优秀的弟子,真是江山代有才人出啊!” Tang howl looks to Zhu Zhuqing, the smile is famous to say. 唐啸看向朱竹清,微笑着称赞道。 Regarding commendation that Tang howls, Zhu Zhuqing is only the undulating responds to one. 对于唐啸的称赞,朱竹清只是澹澹回应一声。 Generally, cannot call outstandingly.” “一般而已,称不上优秀。” This saying, the smile on Tang howl face one stiff, had the feeling to be taunted. 这话一出,唐啸脸上的笑容不由一僵,有感觉是被嘲讽了。 If this is not outstandingly, then oneself sect disciple, that trash was even inferior? 若是这都算不上优秀,那么自家宗门的弟子,那岂不是连垃圾都不如? Tang does Zongzhu have what advice?” “唐宗主有何指教?” The Zhu Zhuqing undulating said, the facial expression peaceful desert, not to have looked to the Tang howl good complexion. 朱竹清澹澹说道,神情澹漠,并没有给唐啸好脸色看。 The Clear Sky Sect elder acted a moment ago, did not intend to stop as sovereign him promptly, now repelled the opposite party, after showing the strong strength, had/left the word of praise. 刚才昊天宗长老出手,作为宗主的他不及时出手制止,现在自己击退了对方,展现出强大的实力后,才出来说好话。 Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing also has no favorable impression regarding him. 所以,朱竹清对于他也没有什么好感。 Tang howl somewhat awkward saying: This matter is my hanger-on elder is not right, how stops there?” 唐啸有些尴尬的说道:“此事是我门下长老不对,就此作罢如何?” But Zhu Zhuqing has not spoken, seven elders make noise to say. 朱竹清还没说话,七长老又出声说道。 Sovereign, two girls can so shame my Clear Sky Sect, if not return the favor, when the world our Clear Sky Sect is good to bully?” “宗主,两个女娃子就能如此羞辱我昊天宗,若是不还以颜色,世人当我们昊天宗好欺负是吗?” „Can you dare to go out a war with the old man?” “你可敢与老夫出去一战?” Regarding the words of seven elders, several other Clear Sky Sect elders as if are also this meaning, is only nearby Tang Hao and flatter silver, regarding Clear Sky Sect this approach, some are not quite comfortable. 对于七长老的话,其他几位昊天宗长老似乎也是这个意思,只是一旁的唐昊与阿银,对于昊天宗这番做法,有些不太舒服。 Nearby Tang San, sees this matter to become this noisily, is some headaches. 一旁的唐三,见此事闹成这样,也是有些头痛。 But Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people temperament, he may fully realize. 宁荣荣朱竹清两人的脾气,他可深知。 Seven elders so look down on them, they will not give up. 七长老如此小瞧她们,她们可不会罢休。 Regarding requesting a combat assignment of seven elders, the Zhu Zhuqing undulating looked at Clear Sky Sect to advocate Tang howl, opened the mouth saying: Tang sovereign, as if your hanger-on elder does not think this giving up.” 对于七长老的请战,朱竹清澹澹看了一眼昊天宗主唐啸,开口道:“唐宗主,似乎你门下长老并不想这番作罢。” Such being the case, how fights?” “既然如此,一战又如何?” Facing requesting a combat assignment of Titled Douluo, has the first under heaven Titled Douluo of Martial Soul sky hammer, Zhu Zhuqing does not have the scared look. 面对一位封号斗罗的请战,还是拥有天下第一的器武魂昊天锤的封号斗罗,朱竹清毫无惧色。 Just, she broke through the Titled Douluo boundary some time ago, has not fought. 刚好,她不久前突破到了封号斗罗境界,没有与人战斗过。 But Titled Douluo of Martial Soul sky hammer takes the opponent, Zhu Zhuqing feels also well, happen to have a look at present, strength actually strong. 而一位武魂昊天锤的封号斗罗作为对手,朱竹清觉得也不错,正好看看现在的自己,实力究竟有多强。 history Laike the people see Zhu Zhuqing so to insist, they even her temper, once absolutely, is ten cows is unable to pull back. 史来克众人见朱竹清如此坚持,他们甚至她的性子,一旦绝对,就是十头牛都无法拉回。 Outside the palace, the people look at Zhu Zhuqing and Clear Sky Sect seven long second child people. 宫殿之外,众人看着朱竹清昊天宗七长老二人。 Zhu Zhuqing transports/fortunes Spirit Power, flies high. 朱竹清运起魂力,凌空而起。 Ascends the sky a war!” “上天一战!” Zhu Zhuqing flies the Heaven Duo city above several kilometers, flies high to shout loudly, just like the sound of deity. 朱竹清飞到天斗城上空数千米,凌空高喊,宛若天神之音。 Sees Zhu Zhuqing so to despise itself, in seven elder hearts is also the anger ascends, luck Spirit Power flies. 朱竹清如此轻视自己,七长老心中也是怒火升腾,运气魂力一飞而起。 The trivial junior also dares so to despise the old man, courts death simply! 区区小辈也敢如此轻视老夫,简直是找死! Sky over the Heaven Duo city, seven elders look angrily at opposite are flying high to stand, look cool beautiful female. 天斗城上空,七长老怒视着对面凌空而立,神色澹然的绝美女子。 She so cool free facial expression, looks like in seven elders, that is to the silent taunt. 她如此澹然自若的神情,在七长老看来,那就是对自己无声的嘲讽。 His cold sound said: Junior, you apologizes now, the old man may forgive your one time!” 他冷声道:“小辈,你现在道歉,老夫可饶恕你一次!” „The strength of sky hammer, is not you are conceivable!” “昊天锤的力量,不是你可以想象的!” Regarding the words of old man, Zhu Zhuqing is only the undulating smiles. 对于老者的话,朱竹清只是澹澹一笑。 First under heaven Martial Soul, the sky hammer, does not know that its strength, in your hands, can display several points?” “天下第一器武魂,昊天锤,不知它的力量,在你手中,能发挥几分?” Actually can, making me enjoy oneself to the full?” “究竟能不能,让我尽兴?” Courts death!” “找死!” Zhu Zhuqing this saying peaceful desert said that making seven elders be angry. 朱竹清这话澹漠说出,让七长老大怒。 Sees only his big hand to wield, Spirit Power will condense a more than ten meters sledgehammer shortly, pounds down toward Zhu Zhuqing! 只见他大手一挥,魂力顷刻间凝聚成一把十几米的大锤,向着朱竹清砸下! The terrifying prestige energy of sky hammer, the strength of rushing, making the surrounding space have the distortion, the air became extremely dignified. 昊天锤的恐怖威能,澎湃的力量,让周围空间都发生了扭曲,空气变得极为凝重。 Seven elders probe strikes, in the Zhu Zhuqing eye, is not worth mentioning, even makes the desire that she draws a sword not have. 只是,七长老试探的一击,在朱竹清眼中,根本不值一提,甚至让她连拔剑的欲望都没有。 Zhu Zhuqing is only the palm grasps. 朱竹清只是手掌一握。 Sees only, in the space, the world vitality gathering, congeals to obstruct a day of big hand, toward pounding the great hammer pats. 只见,空间中,天地元气汇聚,凝结成一张遮天大手,向着砸来的巨锤拍下。 Bang! 轰! The great hammer that seven elder Spirit Power condense, under a Zhu Zhuqing palm, the support moment, diverges on the disintegration. 七长老魂力凝聚的巨锤,在朱竹清一掌之下,支撑不过片刻,就崩碎散去。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Sees Zhu Zhuqing so easily under own attack on keeping off, the old man is startled dumbfoundedly. 朱竹清如此轻易就挡下自己的攻击,老者惊得目瞪口呆。 This strength, is she Titled Douluo? 这番实力,难道她已经是封号斗罗 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? But not far away, history comes other Croatia Institute people, Clear Sky Sect elder, sovereign, flies high to stand, is waiting and seeing this fight from afar. 而不远处,史来克学院其他人,还有昊天宗的长老,宗主,都凌空而立,远远观望着这一场战斗。 Zhu Zhuqing that move, gave to shock a moment ago directly them! 朱竹清刚才那一招,直接把他们给震撼住了! So easily changes into the strength of surroundings world uses, this boundary, Zhuqing has she broken through Titled Douluo?” Tang San sees Zhu Zhuqing this method, asked with amazement. “如此轻易把周围天地之力化为即用,这境界,难道竹清她已经突破封号斗罗了?”唐三朱竹清这番手段,惊讶问道。 Regarding the Tang San issue, Ning Rongrong nods with a smile. 对于唐三的问题,宁荣荣笑着点了点头。 Right, Zhuqing one month ago, has broken through the Titled Douluo boundary!” “没错,竹清早在一个多月前,就已经突破到了封号斗罗境界!”
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