DDTR :: Volume #7

#670: Conflict

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Heaven Duo city, in imperial palace. 天斗城,皇宫内。 history Laike Seven Devils and history came the division commanders in Croatia Institute to arrive in the imperial palace together. 史来克七怪与史来克学院的师长们一同来到了皇宫之中。 Ning Rongrong heard, seems like has anything to get together. 宁荣荣听说,似乎是有着一个什么聚会。 In a while, the group arrived in a magnificent splendid palace. 没过多久,一行人就来到了一座辉煌富丽的宫殿之中。 In the resplendent in gold and jade green hall, many aristocrat officials, have worn the fine magnificent formal clothes, raises glass the conversation. 金碧辉煌的大厅中,已经有很多贵族官员,穿着精美华丽的礼服,举杯交谈。 Regarding these people in building hall, Tang San excessively has not paid attention, but leads the people to move toward two buildings. 对于一楼大厅的这些人,唐三并没有过多理会,而是带领众人走向二楼。 The important personage of this meeting, gathers in this. 这一次聚会的重要人物,都聚集于此。 Three sons!” “三儿!” Tang San steps into two buildings, hears the kind sound to shout itself together. 唐三一踏入二楼,就听到一道亲切声音呼喊自己。 Mother!” “母亲!” Tang San sees on mother face has the modest smile toward oneself to wave, is smiling the nod response. 唐三见自己母亲脸上带着温和微笑的向着自己挥手走来,也是笑着点头回应。 The Tang San mother arrived at side oneself son, looks to stand the group of young people side own son, on the face is revealing the happy manner. 唐三母亲走到了自己儿子身边,看着站在自家儿子身边的这一群年轻人,脸上流露着高兴的神气。 „Are you three sons' friends? I often listen to three sons to raise you.” “你们就是三儿的朋友是吧?我时常听三儿提起过你们。” Saying that the flatter silver thanked very much. 阿银很是感谢的说道。 Although shortly after she regains consciousness, but oneself son can in such a short time, practice the so profound boundary, and resurrected oneself, by did not know many difficulty and tribulation. 虽然她苏醒不久,但是自己儿子能够在如此短的时间内,修行到如此高深的境界,并且复活了自己,想必受了不知多少的艰辛与磨难。 The flatter silver knows, has such a group of outstanding friends to accompany in own son's side, she was very happy. 阿银知道,有着这么一群优秀的朋友一直陪伴在自己儿子的身边,她很是高兴。 Has seen the aunt.” “见过阿姨。” history Laike Seven Devils others, saw that this makings gentle lady-like blue sends the woman, in the heart very surprised. 史来克七怪的其他人,见到这个气质温婉娴淑的蓝发女人,心中都是非常的惊讶。 They have not thought, at present this beautiful woman, unexpectedly is the Tang San mother! 他们没有想到,眼前这个美丽至极的女人,竟然是唐三的母亲! Her look looks does not have two with the young girls of 20 ages. 她相貌看起来也不过与二十之龄的少女无二。 However , from the Tang San appearance, truly sends the female to be very similar to this gentle blue. 不过,从唐三的容貌上看,确实与这位温婉的蓝发女子很是相似。 Tang San also introduced own mother with the partner teachers. 唐三也与伙伴老师们介绍了自己的母亲。 Regarding the Tang San parents' deeds, history Laike others also know, cannot think that the Tang San mother can recover again, what they are also from the heart is Tang San is happy. 对于唐三父母的事迹,史来克的其他人也知晓,想不到唐三的母亲能够再次复苏,他们也是发自内心的为唐三感到高兴。 Moreover, compared with Tang San father sky douluo Tang Hao, his mother kind, amiable, several people have the legendary female to chitchat with this, quick was familiar. 而且,比起唐三的父亲昊天斗罗唐昊,他母亲更加的亲切,平易近人,几人也与这位有着传奇色彩的女子攀谈起来,很快就熟悉了。 In a while, the great people gather in these two buildings. 没过多久,大人物们都纷纷聚集在这二楼之中。 Heaven Dou Empire emperor, avalanche Great Emperor! 天斗帝国的皇帝,雪崩大帝! Star Luo Empire future emperor, Dai Mubai! 星罗帝国的未来皇帝,戴沐白 Although Dai Mubai has not inherited the throne, but he returns to Star Luo Empire after Sea God Island, basically is the next emperor. 虽然戴沐白还没有继承皇位,不过他从海神岛回到星罗帝国之后,基本就已经是下一位皇帝了。 But is because the present is the special period, has not held to succeed the ceremony. 只不过是因为现在乃是特殊时期,没有举行继任仪式。 This Dai Mubai arrives at Heaven Dou Empire, besides going to history comes to Croatia Institute to get together, another status, that is represents entire Star Luo Empire to come this to conduct the joint conference. 这一次戴沐白来到天斗帝国,除了去史来克学院聚会之外,还有另一个身份,那就是代表整个星罗帝国来此进行联合会议。 Heads besides two big empires, representative Clear Sky Sect sovereign, Tang howl! 除了两大帝国的首脑,还有代表着昊天宗的宗主,唐啸! This time, the Clear Sky Sect sovereign decision leaves the mountain, joins the camp of Empire Alliance, resists Martial Soul Empire. 这一次,昊天宗宗主决定出山,加入帝国联盟的阵营,对抗武魂帝国 But the close entrance is many years of Clear Sky Sect, strength compared with before powerful! 封闭山门而是多年的昊天宗,实力比起之前更加的强盛! But this time, sovereign Tang howl leads sect most elite disciples to arrive at the Heaven Duo city, the elders of three Titled Douluo ranks. 而这一次,宗主唐啸带着宗门大部分精锐弟子来到天斗城,还有三位封号斗罗级别的长老。 Except for leaving behind two Titled Douluo elders and some disciples guards the entrance, it may be said that is the most strengths of setting out. 除了留下两位封号斗罗长老和一些弟子镇守山门,可谓是出动的大部分的力量。 Tang Hao who in addition has restored the strength, in addition flatter silver of recovery. 再加上已经恢复实力的唐昊,加上复苏的阿银。 Only is Clear Sky Sect, has six Titled Douluo fully! 光是昊天宗这边,就足有六位封号斗罗 Moreover, the Tang Gate gate lord Tang San! 而且,唐门门主唐三 In recent years, Tang Gate that Tang San founds develops rapidly, under the assistances of four respected families, is not inferior in the Spirit Master World previous three strengths. 这些年来,唐三创建的唐门发展迅速,在四大家族的辅助下,已经是不逊色于魂师界的上三宗的实力。 In addition Tang San has broken through the Titled Douluo boundary, the Tang Gate strength rises sharply. 加上唐三已经突破封号斗罗境界,唐门的实力更是大涨。 History comes to Croatia Institute, the golden triangle combination, Flender, Yu Xiaogang , the prestige energy that the Liu Erlong three people of Martial Soul fusion techniques can erupt, is as good as Titled Douluo. 史来克学院,黄金三角组合,弗兰德,玉小刚,柳二龙三人的武魂融合技所能够爆发的威能,不亚于一位封号斗罗 history Laike Seven Devils, under the assistance of Ning Rongrong, has to have the strength of Titled Douluo rank every people fully. 史来克七怪,在宁荣荣的辅助下,每一人都足有拥有封号斗罗级别的战力。 Only is the people in these two buildings, in addition, has more than ten Titled Douluo strengths fully. 光是这二楼的人,加起来,就足有十几位封号斗罗的战力。 Looks at these people, the Heaven Duo Great Emperor avalanche, regarding the despair of war, the future confusedness, does not have confidence him, had raised the hope. 看着这些人,天斗大帝雪崩,原本对于战争的绝望,未来的迷茫,已经没有了信心的他,有重新升起了希望。 Long is so big, when he has said that so many do Titled Douluo gather together in oneself at present? 长这么大,他什么时候讲过,如此多的封号斗罗在自己眼前汇聚一堂啊? Today, but really opened mind. 今天,可真的是开眼界了。 Having so many are the Titled Douluo town/subdues field, the Empire Alliance high-end strength can make up, then facing the Martial Soul Empire army, strength of the war! 有这么多为封号斗罗镇场,帝国联盟这边的高端战力得以补足,那么面对武魂帝国的大军,也有一战之力! What situation that side Martial Soul Empire the present is?” Tang San asked. 武魂帝国那边现在是什么情况?”唐三问道。 Some people replied: According to the information that the scout transmits, Martial Soul Empire puts in order in the fitting out army, collects the commodity, in a short time, should not launch the attack to us.” 有人回答:“据探子传来的情报,武魂帝国整在整备军队,收集物资,短时间内,应该不会对我们发动攻击。” But, at a rate of Martial Soul Empire, believes does not use for a year, should launch the war again.” “不过,武魂帝国,相信不用一年时间,应该会再一次发动战争。” This?” “这样啊?” Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang hears word, touches the chin to think, said: It seems like, the northern beast tide also made Martial Soul Empire hurt the vitality, otherwise, at the Martial Soul Empire strength, was impossible is so slow.” 大师玉小刚闻言,不由摸了摸下巴思索着,说道:“看来,北方的兽潮也使得武魂帝国伤动了元气,要不然,以武魂帝国的力量,不可能这么慢。” Yes, some time ago, they repelled the northern beast tide after all, at this moment when should the morale surge upward, at this moment starts the words of war, will be disadvantageous to us.” “是的,毕竟不久前,他们击退了北方兽潮,此刻应该正是士气高涨之时,此刻发动战争的话,会对我方不利。” At this time the potential of where the popular will inclines, so the situation cannot grasp, compares Martial Soul Empire the loss of army to be very difficult to make up in a short time.” “此时正是民心所向之势,如此大势没有能够抓紧,相比武魂帝国的军队的损耗很难在短时间内弥补。” Such being the case, why we at this time, did not initiated an attack!” “既然如此,我们为何不在这个时候,主动出击!” initiates an attack?” “主动出击?” The people look to Tang San, many people on the scene, almost because of his existence, will gather here. 众人纷纷看向唐三,在场的很多人,几乎都是因为他的存在,才会聚集到这里。 Without a doubt, the people regarded the pillar Tang San. 毫无疑问,众人都把唐三当成了主心骨。 Tang San looks at the people, nods, said: „ Martial Soul Empire just ended the soul beast war, this moment army loses seriously. But us, the keeping in good health had rested for more than one year, army condition in perfect condition. 唐三看着众人,点了点头,说道:“武魂帝国刚结束了魂兽战争,此刻军队损耗严重。而我们这边,已经养生歇息了一年多,军队状态都是在完美的状态。 If initiates the surprise attack to Martial Soul Empire at this time, deciding can hit Martial Soul Empire one to be caught off guard! ” 若是此时对武魂帝国发起奇袭,定能够打武魂帝国一个措手不及!” Regarding the Tang San words, Yu Xiaogang also nods, approves the person of same belief: Little San (three) said right, since the Martial Soul Empire wild ambition, must launch the war sooner or later. Why then we can resist passively?” 对于唐三的话,玉小刚也是点了点头,赞同道:“小三说得对,既然武魂帝国狼子野心,迟早要发动战争。那么我们为什么要被动抵抗?” initiates an attack, at least can grasp the war the initiative, advances one step!” “主动出击,至少能够掌握战局的主动权,先行一步!” Regarding the suggestion of Tang San, the people expressed the support, thought this does not have any issue. 对于唐三的这个建议,众人都表示赞同,认为这个没有什么问题。 However at this time, actually not the suitable sounds resounded. 不过这时,却有一个不合宜的声音响起。 Third Brother, can this be too risky?” “三哥,这样会不会太冒险了?” What speech is Ning Rongrong. 说话的是宁荣荣 Tang San hears word, looks to her, opens the mouth saying: Rongrong, you thought that what issue has?” 唐三闻言,看向她,开口道:“荣荣,你觉得有什么问题?” Ning Rongrong hesitant several points, said: „ I felt cheats, I have spoken one side that empress, she regarding the self-confidence of war, decides peacefully freely, as if during all are grasping. 宁荣荣犹豫了几分,说道:“我觉得其中有诈,我讲过那位女帝一面,她对于战争的自信,澹定自若,彷佛一切都在掌握之中。 By her talent, is impossible to make us be able the surprise attack to succeed. 以她的才情,不可能会让我们能够奇袭得以成功。 You believe, you place in the Martial Soul Empire scout, inquires their situations, that can not know? 你们认为,你们安插在武魂帝国的探子,打探他们的情况,那位会不知道? You do not think, us, without the Martial Soul Empire informer? ” 难道你们就不以为,我们这边,没有武魂帝国的眼线?” Ning Rongrong this saying, making several people of complexions sink, becomes somewhat ugly. 宁荣荣这话,让几人脸色不由一沉,变得有些难看。 This saying to be truly good, in big army, without the Martial Soul Empire informer, somewhat cannot truly be justified. 这话确实不错,偌大的军队中,若是没有武魂帝国的眼线,确实有些说不过去。 Attacks rashly, likely the trap of that empress. “冒然出击,很可能会中了那女帝的陷阱。 Perhaps, she does not attack on own initiative, is our here gathers the strength, then catches the whole lot in a dragnet! ” 或许,她不主动进攻,就是等我们这边聚集力量,然后一网打尽!” Catches the whole lot in a dragnet? Does Martial Soul Empire have this ability?” “一网打尽?武魂帝国有这个能力吗?” A person disdains to say. 一人不屑说道。 The person of speech, is an old man of wear Clear Sky Sect clothing. 说话的人,是一位穿着昊天宗服饰的老者。 The Ning Rongrong vision looks to this Clear Sky Sect elder, the undulating said: If you with this mentality facing Martial Soul Empire, then only has a result, that is defeated!” 宁荣荣目光看向这位昊天宗长老,澹澹说道:“如果你们以这种心态面对武魂帝国,那么只有一个结局,那就是失败!” I said that the Martial Soul Empire strength, imagines you must be more powerful than!” “我说了,武魂帝国的实力,比你们想象的还要更加强大!” Ning Rongrong knew from the Ceng Yi mouth, Martial Soul Empire, is not Spirit Hall derives. 宁荣荣曾易口中得知,武魂帝国,并不是武魂殿衍生出来的。 But splits from Spirit Hall. 而是从武魂殿分裂出来的。 Only is Martial Soul Empire, has 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, almost ten Titled Douluo. 光是武魂帝国,就有着一位九十九级的绝世斗罗,差不多十位封号斗罗 But that side Spirit Hall, high-end strength, is not weak Martial Soul Empire. 武魂殿那边,高端战力,也不弱于武魂帝国这边。 From the beginning, at least Martial Soul Empire can attack two big empires retreats in defeat again and again. 一开始,至少武魂帝国就可以把两大帝国打得节节败退。 Even if currently has joining of influence, can be the same as the Martial Soul Empire high-end strength. 就算现在有了己方势力的加入,能够与武魂帝国的高端战力持平。 But once, Spirit Hall that side Spirit Master joins Martial Soul Empire, then the war balance will fall instantaneously. 可是,一旦武魂殿那边的魂师加入武魂帝国这边,那么战局的天平就会瞬间倾倒。 Hehe, who is your girl? Knows that in pre-war disaster morale of troops, is the grave offense!” “呵呵,你这女娃子乃是何人?知不知道在战前祸乱军心,乃是重罪!” Regarding scolding of this old man, the Ning Rongrong undulating smiles. 对于这位老者的呵斥,宁荣荣澹澹一笑。 This young lady is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little sovereign, Ning Rongrong! As for what disaster morale of troops, I told the facts, reminded to you.” “本小姐乃是七宝琉璃宗少宗主,宁荣荣!至于什么祸乱军心,我只是实话实说罢了,给你们提个醒。” Ning Rongrong both hands hold the chest front, the corners of the mouth sneer to say. 宁荣荣双手抱胸前,嘴角冷笑道。 She also has Clear Sky Sect regarding Heaven Dou Empire, does not have any favorable impression. 她对于天斗帝国还有昊天宗,也没有什么好感。 Initially Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect because of Ceng Yi and matter of Spirit Hall saintess friendship, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect was pushed aside by the mainland all parties Spirit Master influence. 当初七宝琉璃宗因为曾易武魂殿圣女联谊之事,七宝琉璃宗可是被大陆各方魂师势力排挤。 Relates best Heaven Dou Empire with Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, hits a person when he is down. 就是与七宝琉璃宗关系最好的天斗帝国,都来落井下石。 Had Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to help the Heaven Duo imperial family initially, deters all feudal lords, this empire is chaotic. 要知道,当初要不是有七宝琉璃宗帮助天斗皇室,震慑各方诸侯,这个帝国早就乱了。 Regarding the behavior that Heaven Dou Empire returns evil for good, Ning Rongrong may bear in mind. 对于天斗帝国恩将仇报的行为,宁荣荣可都是记在心里。 To be honest, because of the Tang San benevolence, her Ning Rongrong is impossible to appear here. 说实话,要不是因为唐三的恩情,她宁荣荣根本不可能出现在这里。 The old men sneer, disdains saying: Originally is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect small girl, how? Was Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect no one? Sends your such young doll to come?” 老者冷笑一声,不屑道:“原来是七宝琉璃宗的小丫头,怎么?七宝琉璃宗是没人了吗?就派你这么一个小女娃来?” Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect no one? 七宝琉璃宗没人? The words of Clear Sky Sect this elder, instantaneously Ning Rongrong enraging. 昊天宗这位长老的话,瞬间就把宁荣荣给激怒了。 She is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little sovereign, is in itself representative the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect face countenance. 要知道,她可是七宝琉璃宗的少宗主,本身就代表着七宝琉璃宗的颜面。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect no one? It seems like your Clear Sky Sect closes off a mountain area for many years, the brain sealed stupidly! This is less than 20 years ago!” 七宝琉璃宗没人?看来你们昊天宗封山多年,脑子都封傻了!这已经不是二十多年前!” This young lady, arrives at you ten functions sufficiently!” “本小姐一人,就足以抵你十个的作用!” Ning Rongrong sneers the taunt to say. 宁荣荣冷笑嘲讽道。 You said anything!” “你说什么!” Old men immediately violent anger! 老者顿时暴怒! He is Titled Douluo! Clear Sky Sect Titled Douluo, this girl not only insulted herself, but also slandered Clear Sky Sect, was simply unforgivable! 他可是封号斗罗啊!还是昊天宗封号斗罗,这女娃子不仅侮辱自己,还诋毁昊天宗,简直是不可饶恕! Dares the shame title, dares shame Clear Sky Sect? Courts death!” “敢辱封号,敢辱昊天宗?找死!” The old men drink to wave coldly a racket, invisible Spirit Power changes to the palm of the hand, separates to empty toward the cheeks of Ning Rongrong to pat. 老者冷喝挥手一拍,无形的魂力化作巴掌,就隔空向着宁荣荣的脸颊拍去。 This old man sticks out suddenly suddenly, making Ning Rongrong have a scare. 这位老者突然暴起,让宁荣荣吓了一跳。 But the enemies Titled Douluo, so near distance attack hit, her Spirit Douluo, but also is only auxiliary Spirit Master, is unable to dodge. 对方可是封号斗罗,如此近的距离攻击打来,她一个魂斗罗,还只是辅助魂师,根本无法闪避。 In an instant, peaceful elegant fragrant wind has blown, the form kept off in the Ning Rongrong front together. 刹那间,一股澹雅的香风吹过,一道身影挡在了宁荣荣的面前。 Facing strikes, Zhu Zhuqing that Titled Douluo contains ones anger cool stretched out the palm to wield, traced reduces and solves his attack that lightly wrote peacefully. 面对封号斗罗含怒的一击,朱竹清澹然的伸出了手掌一挥,轻描澹写的化解他的攻击。 The Clear Sky Sect elder saw reduced and solved own attack that such a young female so traced lightly writes peacefully, was very surprised. 昊天宗长老见这么一个年轻的女子如此轻描澹写的化解了自己的攻击,很是惊讶。 Who are you?” “你又是谁?” Zhu Zhuqing looks at this person indifferently, the peaceful desert makes noise: Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Zhu Zhuqing!” 朱竹清冷眼看着这人,澹漠出声:“七宝琉璃宗,朱竹清!” ...... ......
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