DDTR :: Volume #7

#669: Memory of awakens

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... On the broad smooth major road, a azure garment man walks somewhere leisurely and carefree on the path, the mouth is also hanging a grassroots, the manner is satisfied. 某处宽广平坦的官道上,一位青衫男子悠闲的走在道路上,嘴里还吊着一草根,神态惬意。 However, on his shoulder, actually sits a wonderful graceful beautiful beautiful figure, that ice blue along slippery long hair, as the cool breeze flutters, is very beautiful. 不过,他的肩头上,却坐着一位妙曼绝美的倩影,那一头冰蓝顺滑的长发,随着清风飘扬,无比美丽。 Such combination, looks very strange. 只是,这样的组合,看起来很是怪异。 I said.” “我说。” Ceng Yi somewhat helpless raising the head, looks sits the woman on own shoulder lazy. 曾易有些无奈的抬起头,看着慵懒坐在自己肩头上的这个女人。 Can get down to walk? My shoulder is not your seat.” “能不能下来走路?我肩膀不是你的坐位。” Regarding the Ceng Yi words, Snow Emperor does not seem to hear to be the same, manner as before. 对于曾易的话,雪帝似乎没听见一样,神态依旧。 You are so leisurely and carefree, this emperor as if also became somewhat lazy, can sit, why can walk?” “你这么悠闲,本帝似乎也变得有些懒了,能够坐着,为什么要走路?” Snow Emperor looks down Ceng Yi that to the facial expression that oneself have no alternative, the corners of the mouth brings back wipes the happy expression. 雪帝低头看着曾易那对自己无可奈何的神情,嘴角勾起一抹笑意。 Said again, but I the spirit body, simply does not have the weight, when you I was one group of air.” “再说了,我可是灵体,根本没有重量,你就当我是一团空气得了。” Regarding Snow Emperor this saying, Ceng Yi curls the lip. 对于雪帝这话,曾易撇了撇嘴。 After this woman and is familiar, started becomes more and more dissolute, was only a sword spirits obviously. 这女人与自己熟悉之后,开始变得越来越放肆了,明明不过只是一个剑灵而已。 Sees appearance that Ceng Yi there is no alternative, Snow Emperor chuckle, supports single-handedly on the head of Ceng Yi, regards the arm rest to use his head. 曾易这副无可奈何的模样,雪帝轻笑一声,一手撑在曾易的脑袋上,把他的头当成扶手来用。 Words said, you do plan to do? Continuously loafing mainland?” “话说,你打算干什么?就一直游荡大陆?” „Aren't you opponent who also waits for you to challenge?” “你不是还有一个等着你去挑战的对手吗?” Snow Emperor very curious asking. 雪帝很是好奇的问道。 Although Ceng Yi has said with, he has a showdown of fate. 虽然曾易与自己说过,他有着一个宿命的对决。 However, Snow Emperor is unable to imagine, in this world, which person can be the Ceng Yi opponent. 但是,雪帝无法想象,这个世上,还有哪一個人会是曾易的对手。 Besides the gods in space, Ceng Yi should be this side the world's strongest existence! 除了天上的神明之外,曾易应该是此方世界最强的存在了吧! Therefore, status of Snow Emperor in that old enemy regarding Ceng Yi mouth, 所以,雪帝对于曾易口中的那个宿敌的身份, Very curious. 很是好奇。 She......” “她啊......” hears word, the Ceng Yi body shakes, closed the eye, Chen Wuyue that weakened the dust the beautiful facial features to reappear in the mind. 闻言,曾易身体一震,不由闭上了眼睛,尘无月那淡漠出尘的绝美面容浮现在脑海中。 Regarding Ceng Yi, although own Spirit Power has reached 92 levels. 对于曾易来说,虽然自己的魂力已经达到九十二级。 The swordsmanship practices the boundary of Sword God, the strength unparalleled, with boundary invincible existence. 剑道修行到剑神之境,战力无双,同境界无敌的存在。 However, the road that oneself choose, but also has a distance. 但是,自己选择的这一条路,还有着一段距离。 In the inner world, that permanent ancient god gate, oneself want to arrive in front of that door, but must become is better. 精神世界中,那恒古的神门,自己想要走到那扇门面前,还要变得更强才行。 So long as breaks through that gate, oneself can step into the boundary that oneself want truly, completes path that oneself choose. 只要冲破那道门,自己才能够真正的踏入自己想要的境界,完成自己选择的道路。 To oneself, the boundary of true god! 对自己而言,真正的神之境! But Chen Wuyue, has stood before the gate, is waiting for itself. 尘无月,已经站在门前,等着自己。 Although I am also not her opponent, but was also quick.” Ceng Yi said with a smile pale. “虽然我还不是她的对手,不过也快了。”曾易淡笑道。 In any case also few years, quick will fight with her!” “反正也没有几年的时间了,很快就会与她一战!” At that moment, that intense imposing manner on Ceng Yi exposing, regarding that fights the mood of incomparable hope, Snow Emperor has a scare. 那一刻,曾易身上所展露出的那股强烈的气势,对于那一战无比渴望的情绪,就连雪帝都吓了一跳。 She has never seen the Ceng Yi such anticipation fight, in the profound eye pupil is glittering excitedly. 她从未见过曾易如此的期待战斗,深邃的眼眸中闪烁着兴奋。 Even if facing that Sea God Douluo, he has not exposed the so exciting mood. 哪怕是面对那位海神斗罗,他都没有展露过如此激动的情绪。 In does this world, really have such person to exist? 这个世上,真的有这样的人存在吗? Some Snow Emperor suspicions. 雪帝有些怀疑。 However Ceng Yi such being the case said that she naturally believes his words. 不过曾易既然如此说了,她自然相信他的话。 Really cannot believe, in this world also has compared with you also terrifying person. However listened to you saying that I also really anticipated among you fight.” “真不敢相信,这个世上还有着比你还恐怖的人。不过听你这么说,我还真期待你们之间的战斗呢。” Is only, did not say that the time was getting more and more tight? Why you can also be so leisurely and carefree, doesn't make the best use of the time to practice?” Snow Emperor wrinkled the black eyebrow to ask. “只是,不是说时间越来越紧迫了吗?为什么你还能如此悠闲,不抓紧时间修行?”雪帝又皱起了黛眉问道。 Ceng Yi said with a smile pale: Practices this matter, cannot be anxious. Let alone, the travelling mainland, the bustling place refining up the heart, is practicing?” 曾易淡笑道:“修行这种事情,急不得。更何况,游历大陆,红尘炼心,何尝不是一种修行?” Right, did you live were so long, do know evil Spirit Master this organization?” Ceng Yi asked to Snow Emperor. “对了,你活了这么久,知不知道邪魂师这个组织?”曾易雪帝问道。 These days the travelling mainland, he has been inquiring the matter about evil Spirit Master. 这段时间游历大陆,他一直在打听关于邪魂师的事情。 Before, in Spirit Master World, but also spread has a mysterious strength to emit, this organization has the huge strength, opposed with Spirit Hall specially. 之前,魂师界中,还流传着有着一股神秘实力冒出,这个组织有着庞大的力量,专门与武魂殿作对。 Ceng Yi does not need to think that mysterious strength, definitely is evil Spirit Saint teaches. 曾易不用想,那个神秘实力,肯定就是邪魂圣教。 However, Ceng Yi comes back after the dangerous places city, before still in evil Spirit Saint that in Spirit Master World the undercurrent surges taught, starts to get down quietly. 但是,曾易从冰渊城回来后,之前还在魂师界中暗流涌动的邪魂圣教,又开始沉寂下去。 Ceng Yi estimated, is chieftain who caused heavy losses to them to organize, the following person received the signal, started to hide, is not cropping up. 曾易估计,是自己重创了他们组织的头目,下面的人收到了信号,又开始隐藏起来,不在冒头。 Even if Ceng Yi wants to seek about the traces that evil Spirit Saint teaches, is the entire mainland is so broad, the human population has several hundreds fully hundred million. 即使曾易想要寻找关于邪魂圣教的蛛丝马迹,可是整个大陆如此宽广,人类人口足有数百亿之多。 How does this seek? 这如何寻找? Therefore Ceng Yi wants to ask Snow Emperor, she lived after all the glorious years, does not know that experienced the updates of many world dynasties, perhaps knows some news. 所以曾易就想要问问雪帝,她毕竟活了悠久的岁月,不知经历了多少人间王朝的换代,说不定知道一些消息。 How do I know your human the matter?” “我怎么知道你们人类的事情?” This emperor from the birth at that moment, has treated in Northern Polar Fields. Although in the glorious years, there are many human to intrude Northern Polar Fields, but are very small and weak, I am also disinclined to pay attention. “本帝从诞生那一刻,就一直待在极北之地。虽然悠久的岁月中,有过不少人类闯入极北之地,不过都无比弱小,我也懒得去关注。 Because of you, I will not arrive at the human in the world. ” 要不是因为伱,我才不会来到人类的世界中。” Listened to Snow Emperor these words, the Ceng Yi corner of the eye to pull out pulling out. 听了雪帝这番话,曾易眼角抽了抽。 Good, is a dwelling female, that was all right. 好吧,原来是一个宅女,那没事了。 Such being the case, Ceng Yi has to prepare a Martial Soul Empire imperial capital, looked for the Qian Renxue help. 既然如此,曾易只好准备去一趟武魂帝国的帝都,找千仞雪帮忙了。 Spirit Hall and evil Spirit Master have to do most, where should the information that oneself want. 武魂殿与邪魂师打交道最为之久,应该会在哪里得到自己想要的信息。 But, thinks must face Qian Renxue, Ceng Yi on a headache. 可是,一想到要面对千仞雪,曾易就一阵头疼。 Even if cultivates for the boundary is higher than Qian Renxue many, but facing her, Ceng Yi cannot deal with. 即使修为境界高出千仞雪许多,但是面对她,曾易也应付不来。 Quite bored, really good to find the person to fight one.” “好无聊啊,真的好想找人打一架。” Ceng Yi talked to oneself, extended under the somewhat stiff shoulder. 曾易自语道,伸展了下有些僵硬的肩膀。 According to the development of plot, soon, some people will break through the god boundary, becomes the true gods. 按照剧情的发展,用不了多久,就会有人突破神境,成为真正的神明。 Who however is first coming? Ceng Yi recorded is not quite clear. 不过先是谁来着?曾易记不太清了。 In any case is not Qian Renxue, is Bibi Dong. 反正不是千仞雪,就是比比东 After they become the god, Ceng Yi wants to challenge them actually, has a look at present, with the true god boundary, actually to have the disparity. 等她们成神后,曾易倒是想要挑战一下她们,看看现在的自己,与真正的神境,究竟有没有差距。 Right, this world, but also there is a quite strong fellow?” Ceng Yi is asking to Snow Emperor. “对了,这个世间,还有没有比较强的家伙?”曾易对着雪帝问道。 hears word, Snow Emperor thinks, returns said: In my impression, has one actually.” 闻言,雪帝想了想,回道:“我的印象里,倒是有一个。” Who is?” Heard Snow Emperor these words, in the Ceng Yi eye pupil glitters wiped the ray. “是谁?”听到雪帝这句话,曾易眼眸中闪烁了一抹光芒。 In Star Dou Forest, has a Black Dragon, the strength is very powerful. 星斗大森林中,有着一条黑龙,实力很强大。 However this fellow is very repugnant, before has pestered me, in Northern Polar Fields, it cannot do to me. ” 不过这个家伙挺讨厌的,之前一直来纠缠我,不过在极北之地,它也奈何不了我。” Mentioned this, the past events that Snow Emperor also recalled past that headache. 说起这个,雪帝也不由回忆起当年那头疼的往事。 That the strength of Black Dragon, should compared with sea in that deep sea demon whale king strong some, but is strong also limitedly, will not be opponent.” “那黑龙的实力,应该比大海中的那头深海魔鲸王强一些,不过强得也有限,不会是的对手。” Listened to a Snow Emperor such saying, Ceng Yi also to lose the interest immediately. 雪帝这么一说,曾易也顿时失去了兴趣。 However, cannot think in the soul beast, has the so powerful strength, this surpassed Ceng Yi is actually unexpected. 不过,想不到魂兽中,也有着如此强大的力量,这倒是超出了曾易的预料之外。 However thinks is also, Northern Polar Fields was born Snow Emperor such powerhouse, 100,000 years of soul beast had 78 fully. 不过想想也是,就连极北之地都诞生出了雪帝这样的强者,十万年魂兽足有七八位。 Then had Star Dou Forest of innumerable years, how possibly to only have Titan Great Ape and Azure Bull Python these two soul king of beasts. 那么存在了无数岁月的星斗大森林,怎么可能只有泰坦巨猿天青牛蟒这两头魂兽王者呢。 Star Dou Forest, lake of deep place life, 星斗大森林,生命之湖深处, That occupying Black Dragon opened the eyes suddenly, the dark lake bottom, is glittering just like solar golden color dignified pupil light. 那头盘踞的黑龙骤然睁开了双眼,幽暗的湖底,闪烁着宛若太阳般金色威严的眸光。 In that Shuanglong flashes through wipes the strange color. 那双龙目中闪过一抹怪异之色。 That flash, it feels a chill. 那一瞬间,它不由感到一股恶寒。 Is who is talking over this? 是谁在念叨本座? ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- In mainland somewhere small city. 大陆某处小城中。 A young girl of white hair scarlet pupil, walks on the stream of people lively street, pupil light delay is looking at the front. 一位白发赤瞳的少女,行走在人流热闹的街道上,眸光呆滞的望着前方。 Her that scatters just like the long hair shawl of white snow, the pure white one-piece dress outlined the slender slim perfect figure, the red eye pupil, such as perfect busy hot mortal form stone -like, sparkled to shine. 她那宛若白雪的长发披肩散落,素白的连衣裙勾勒出窈窕修长的完美身材,赤色的眼瞳,就如完美无暇的火魄石般,闪闪发亮。 Fair if the flesh of snow, the beautiful appearance causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, causes the surrounding person then to focus attention on. 白皙若雪的肌肤,绝美的容颜倾国倾城,引得周围人纷纷回头瞩目。 However, her body actually lends the indifferent aura that a share of living person be not entering, no one dares to go forward to say something to smooth things over. 但是,她的身上却散发着一股生人勿进的冷漠气息,没有一人敢上前搭讪。 Such perfect, just like the girl of heaven divine creative force, in double pupil at this moment, has a confusedness. 这么完美无缺,宛若上天造物的女孩,此刻的双眸中,却有着一丝迷茫。 Who oneself are, why will appear in this? 自己是谁,为什么会出现在这? The girl does not know, is only on this street, walk silently, but the pair of eyes incomparable confusedness, cannot see the end point. 女孩不知道,只是在这条街道上,默默的行走,但双眼无比的迷茫,看不到终点。 Unknowingly, the girl passed by a store, in that transparent display window, is demonstrating all kinds of fine babies. 不知不觉中,女孩路过了一家商铺,那透明的橱窗中,展示着各式各样的精美娃娃。 Girl's vision, instantaneously by these fine stuffed animals capturing attention. 女孩的目光,瞬间被这些精美的毛绒玩具给吸引了目光。 But that flash, in girl's mind flashes through one to remember. 而那一刹那,女孩的脑海中闪过一段记忆。 Absent-minded, she as if saw two children stand before oneself. 恍惚之间,她仿佛看到了两个小孩站在自己面前。 „Do you want this?” “你想要这个?” „... Has not had, but thought that it is very lovable, looked at two.” “没...没有,只是觉得它很可爱,多看了两眼而已。” It was your, was the Elder Brother gives your gift.” “它就是你的了,算是哥哥给你的礼物吧。” „, Elder Brother, is it very expensive/noble, I do not want.” “啊,哥哥,它是不是很贵啊,我还是不要了。” Bought bought, drew back others not to want, you took to accept.” “买都买了,退回去人家可不愿意,你就拿收下吧。” She as if really saw, the boy stretches out the palm to rub girl's hair with a smile, that warm and kind picture, as if personal experience is the same. 她似乎真的看到了,男孩笑着伸出手掌揉着女孩的头发,那温馨而又亲切的画面,仿佛亲身经历一样。 Unknowingly, two lines of tears overflow from the corner of the eye of young girl quietly, row the cheeks to fall. 不知不觉中,两行热泪悄然从少女的眼角中溢出,划过脸颊落下。 She looks to reflect oneself inverted image above the glass, the corner of the eye overflowed the tears, somewhat is strange. 她看着倒映在玻璃之上自己的倒影,眼角溢出了眼泪,不禁有些奇怪。 Why, will I cry?” “为什么,我会哭呢?” White hair young girl sad talking to oneself, actually does not know why this is. 白发少女悲伤的自语,却不知道这是为何。 Unknowingly, she following this street, before arriving at the city gate . 不知不觉中,她顺着这一条街道,走到了城门前。 Looks at this big city gate, the young girl raises wiped the familiarity. 看着这座高大的城门,少女不由升起了一抹熟悉感。 Indistinct within, she as if saw, girl both hands closely are holding plush little bear, stands before this city gate, is shedding tears, gazes after back that the boy is departing, left behind the endless sadness alone. 隐约间,她似乎看到了,一个女孩双手紧紧抱着毛绒小熊,站在这座城门前,流着眼泪,目送着男孩离去的背影,独留下了无尽的悲伤。 Elder Brother......” “哥哥......” White hair young girl pupil light lost looks at the city gate direction memory to start becomes clear. 白发少女眸光出神的望着城门的方向记忆开始变得清晰起来。 I will become Spirit Master, in the future, I will let the gust of wind sword bold name penetrating making a sound entire mainland, when the time comes, you, so long as inquired that the gust of wind sword is bold, can certainly find me!” “我会成为魂师的,将来,我会让疾风剑豪的名字彻响整个大陆,到时候,你只要打听疾风剑豪,就一定能找到我!” The boy initial promise, appeared in the mind of young girl again. 男孩当初的诺言,再一次在少女的脑海中浮现。 At this moment, she understood, actually oneself must seek, was anything! 这一刻,她明白了,自己究竟要寻找的,是什么了! Excuse me!” “请问!” At that moment, the young girl blocked a pedestrian who passed by suddenly from the side. 那一刻,少女突然拦下了一位从身旁路过的行人。 This passer-by very astonished looks at present this beautiful young girl. 这位路人很是惊异的看着眼前这位美丽的少女。 What matter do you have?” “你有什么事吗?” White hair young girl complexion anxious asking: „Do you know, gust of wind sword bold news?” 白发少女脸色焦急的问道:“请问你知不知道,疾风剑豪的消息?” ...... ......
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