DDTR :: Volume #7

#668: Choice of Ning Rongrong

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Ha, everyone is brothers, your matter is our matters, this had something to say.” “哈哈哈,大家都是兄弟,你的事就是我们的事,这有什么可说的。” Dai Mubai laughs saying that regarding the true goal of today's this meeting, he has understood clearly. 戴沐白大笑道,对于今天这聚会的真正目的,他心里早已了然。 Ma Hongjun and Oscar also responded to Tang San. 马红俊与奥斯卡也回应了唐三 However, in Seven Devils, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people had not answered. 但是,七怪中,宁荣荣朱竹清两人却没有回话。 Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes somewhat awkward. 一时间,气氛变得有些尴尬起来。 Sees the people vision to gather on oneself, Ning Rongrong deeply inspires, visual Tang San, said. 见众人目光都在自己身上聚集,宁荣荣深吸了一口气,目视唐三,说道。 Third Brother, you really must stand in Heaven Dou Empire here camp, doesn't die with Martial Soul Empire continuous?” “三哥,你真的要站在天斗帝国这边的阵营,与武魂帝国不死不休吗?” Rongrong, what words are you?” 荣荣,你这是什么话?” Tang San some too did not understand, the vision looks at Ning Rongrong, in the eye pupil is glittering the hatred and anger. 唐三有些不太理解,目光看着宁荣荣,眼眸中闪烁着恨意与怒火。 Spirit Hall compelled my parents to have no way out in the past, Clear Sky Sect is also forced to close off a mountain area, the enmity of parents, I must report! 武魂殿当年逼得我父母走投无路,昊天宗也被迫封山,父母之仇,我不能不报! Moreover the Xiao Wu mother also dies in the hand of Spirit Hall! ” 而且小舞的母亲也死在武魂殿之手!” Therefore, enmity between I and Spirit Hall, does not die continuous!” “所以,我与武魂殿之间的仇怨,不死不休!” This time Tang San, has cured the father Tang Hao's injury , helping him re-enter the boundary of Titled Douluo. 此时的唐三,已经治愈了父亲唐昊的伤势,助他重回封号斗罗之境。 The mother blue silver sovereign also recovers, with the help of strength of Tang San sea god, restored the person. 母亲蓝银皇也重新复苏,在唐三海神之力的帮助下,也恢复了人身。 But even so, he does not reduce regarding the Spirit Hall hatred as before. 但即使如此,他对于武魂殿的恨意依旧不减。 Because, some time ago, in Star Dou Forest, Pope Spirit Hall acted to that two kings of beasts. 因为,不久前,在星斗大森林,武魂殿教皇对那两位兽王出手了。 Although Tang San rushes, makes a move to stop promptly, but Titan Great Ape and Azure Bull Python because as before the injury invaded the soul, is unable to cure. 尽管唐三赶到,及时出手阻拦,但泰坦巨猿天青牛蟒依旧因为伤势侵染了灵魂,无法治愈。 Finally chooses to offer sacrifices Tang San, offering sacrifices of two kings of beasts, huge Spirit Power also helped Tang San break through the Titled Douluo boundary. 最终选择献祭唐三,两位兽王的献祭,庞大的魂力也助唐三突破到了封号斗罗境界。 Whenever thinks about the appearance that Xiao Wu that was deeply grieved at that time, 每当想起小舞当时那悲痛欲绝的模样, Tang San feels to feel like a knife twisting in the heart. 唐三就感到心如刀割。 He is unable to forgive to injure Xiao Wu, or lets the Xiao Wu sad person. 他无法原谅伤害小舞,又或者让小舞悲伤的人。 Therefore, Spirit Hall! Tang San must make Spirit Hall pay the price! 所以,武魂殿唐三必须要让武魂殿付出代价! May come back after Sea God Island, the situation in mainland had had the huge change! 可从海神岛回来后,大陆的局势已经发生了巨大的变化! Spirit Hall annexed many countries, the unification turned into Martial Soul Empire, started to launch the war to the country that other are not willing to submit. 武魂殿吞并了很多国家,统一变成了武魂帝国,开始对其他不愿意臣服的国家发动战争。 Including Heaven Dou Empire, Star Luo Empire these two mainland strongest countries. 包括天斗帝国,星罗帝国这两个大陆最强的国家。 Even Heaven Duo, Star Luo Empire has several thousand years of inheritance background, has several million elite lions. 即使天斗,星罗帝国有着数千年的传承底蕴,有着数百万的精锐雄狮。 Army that but, the average person composes, in front of Spirit Master, was extremely is really tiny. 可是,普通人组成的军队,在魂师面前,实在是太过于渺小了。 Even the quantity of army is big, is facing the unusual strength, has seemed incomparably small and weak. 即使军队的数量众多,可是面对超凡的力量,已经显得无比弱小。 The Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master strength is too strong, in addition Spirit Master World most sect have reversed to that side Spirit Hall. 武魂帝国魂师实力太强,加上魂师界大部分宗门都已经倒向武魂殿那边。 Therefore Heaven Duo, the cavalries in Star Luo two big empires before the Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master army, retreated in defeat again and again, lost many territory areas. 所以天斗,星罗两大帝国的铁骑在武魂帝国魂师大军面前,节节败退,丢失了许多的领土疆域。 Finally, causes the gratitude and grudges contradictory numerous two big empires, has no recourse to collaborate, altogether anti- Martial Soul Empire. 最后,使得恩怨矛盾众多的两大帝国,迫不得已联手,共抗武魂帝国 Facing so powerful Martial Soul Empire, Tang San knows, relies on the Tang Gate strength merely, is unable to resist Martial Soul Empire. 面对如此强大的武魂帝国,唐三知道,仅仅只是凭借自己唐门的力量,是无法对抗武魂帝国的。 Therefore, he must unite to be able to conform with the together strength. 所以,他必须要联合所有能够整合到一起的力量。 Now, Heaven Dou Empire, obviously the emperor is the disciple. 现在,天斗帝国这边,显然皇帝乃是自己弟子。 But that side Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai prepares to take over the imperial throne, becomes the new Star Luo Great Emperor! 星罗帝国那边,戴沐白准备接手帝位,成为新任星罗大帝! Tang San also becomes the Clear Sky Sect arch presbyter, in addition own Tang Gate. 唐三也成为了昊天宗的首席长老,加上自身的唐门 Has become Titled Douluo Tang San, at this moment has the incomparably intense self-confidence. 已经成为了封号斗罗唐三,此刻有着无比强烈的自信。 In addition Shrek Seven Devils strength, many influences conform together, Tang San has the resistance, even is the destruction Martial Soul Empire confidence! 加上史莱克七怪的力量,诸多势力整合到一起,唐三有着对抗,甚至是覆灭武魂帝国的信心! Ning Rongrong is looking at each other Tang San that callous look, in the pupil the scared look, opens the mouth saying: „ Third Brother, you and Spirit Hall hatred, I am very clear. 宁荣荣对视着唐三那冷酷的眼神,眸中好不惧色,开口道:“三哥,你与武魂殿的仇恨,我很清楚。 However, were you really ready? 但是,你真的做好准备了吗? The Martial Soul Empire strength, may imagine compared with you, is much more terrorist! ” 武魂帝国的实力,可比你们想象的,要恐怖得多!” Hears Ning Rongrong these words, nearby Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang eye pupil shrinks suddenly. 听到宁荣荣这句话,一旁的大师玉小刚眼眸骤然一缩。 Rongrong, do you know the Martial Soul Empire true background?” Yu Xiaogang closely examines hastily. 荣荣,难道你知道武魂帝国真正的底蕴?”玉小刚连忙追问。 Regarding this issue, Ning Rongrong nods lightly, cannot set otherwise. 对于这个问题,宁荣荣轻点了头,不可置否。 Because Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people follow Ceng Yi to go to the dangerous places city to assist Martial Soul Empire to resist the northern beast tide, has experienced the Martial Soul Empire true strength. 因为宁荣荣朱竹清两人跟着曾易前往冰渊城协助武魂帝国抵御北方兽潮,也见识过武魂帝国的真正力量。 Naturally, the strength of dangerous places city, is only part of Martial Soul Empire true strength. 当然,冰渊城的实力,也不过只是武魂帝国真正力量的一部分而已。 Ning Rongrong looks at the people, deeply inspires, said: „The Martial Soul Empire empress, is not only only Titled Douluo, her Spirit Power rank, is 99 levels! Peerless Douluo!” 宁荣荣看着众人,深吸了一口气,说道:“武魂帝国的女帝,不仅仅只是一个封号斗罗,她的魂力等级,乃是九十九级!绝世斗罗!” 99 levels, Peerless Douluo! 九十九级,绝世斗罗 Ning Rongrong this saying, such as the thunder strike is ordinary, deafening sound in the mind of people. 宁荣荣这话一出,就如雷击一般,在众人的脑海中震响。 Ning Rongrong is looking at each other Tang San that astonished vision, said lightly: Third Brother, you should be very clear, the Peerless Douluo strength, actually has fearfully how.” 宁荣荣对视着唐三那惊愕的目光,淡淡道:“三哥,你应该很清楚,绝世斗罗的实力,究竟是有多么的可怕。” At this moment, on face of Tang San, revealed wiped bitterly and astringently. 此刻,唐三的脸上,也露出了一抹苦涩。 He knows certainly, 99 levels, the Peerless Douluo strength, is actually fearful. 他当然知道,九十九级,绝世斗罗的力量,究竟有多么可怕。 At that time, in Sea God Island, Ceng Yi and big elder, the fight of Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, the picture of that terrifying, still in the heart of Tang San, comes clearly into view. 当时,在海神岛,曾易与大长老,海神斗罗波塞西的战斗,那恐怖的画面,至今还在唐三的心中,历历在目。 That tears the space conveniently, shakes the strength of place heavenshaking. 那随手撕裂空间,震天撼地的力量。 Peerless Douluo, may a destruction empire easily. 一位绝世斗罗,就可轻易的覆灭一个帝国。 The army of mortal, in the powerhouse of this rank, is similar to the ants to be common, can be run over and die conveniently. 凡人的大军,在这种级别的强者中,就如同蝼蚁一般,随手可以碾死。 Ordinary Titled Douluo, before the powerhouse of this rank, such as the child is common. 就连普通的封号斗罗,在这种级别的强者面前,也不过如孩童一般。 Tang San may very clear, some time ago in Star Dou Forest, he with 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, Pope Spirit Hall Bibi Dong had fought. 唐三可非常的清楚,不久前在星斗大森林中,他就与九十九级的绝世斗罗,武魂殿教皇比比东交手过。 If not for has the divine tool, the sea god trident, Tang San still in the light of sea god, comprehended the masterstroke/divine skill, the golden 13 halberds. 若不是拥有神器,海神三叉戟,唐三还在海神之光中,领悟了神技,黄金十三戟。 Perhaps he has died in the Bibi Dong subordinate. 恐怕他早已经死在了比比东的手下。 But now, Tang San had broken through the Titled Douluo boundary, had/left two 100,000 years of Spirit Ring to add two 100,000 years of soul bones. 但如今,唐三已经突破了封号斗罗境界,多出了两个十万年魂环加两块十万年魂骨。 Grasped the masterstroke/divine skill, grasps Tang San of divine tool, has resists Bibi Dong self-confidently. 掌握了神技,手持神器的唐三,有自信对抗一位比比东 Even if not beat, can still constrain the opposite party. 就算不敌,也能够拖住对方。 However Tang San has not thought that Martial Soul Empire, unexpectedly 99 levels of Peerless Douluo! 但是唐三没有想到,武魂帝国,竟然还有一位九十九级的绝世斗罗 Not is only Tang San, other person also moods become heavy. 不仅仅是唐三,其他人也心情变得沉重起来。 Perhaps other person of not too big feelings, but Shrek Seven Devils, they are experience Peerless Douluo that to destroy day of mighty force that extinguishes the place, that at all is not the strength of mortal can resist. 或许其它人没有太大的感觉,但是史莱克七怪,他们可是见识过绝世斗罗那毁天灭地的伟力,那根本不是凡人的力量能够对抗的。 Rongrong, you said can real?” Yu Xiaogang asked again. 荣荣,你说的可都是真的?”玉小刚再次问道。 Ning Rongrong is nodding to him. 宁荣荣对着他点了点头。 Martial Soul Empire that empress, Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong has also seen! 武魂帝国那位女帝,千仞雪,宁荣荣还见过呢! Moreover, that Qian Renxue, as if there is good relations with Ceng Yi. 而且,那千仞雪,和曾易似乎有着不错的关系。 Because of this reason, Ning Rongrong is not quite good regarding the impression of that empress. 因为这一個原因,宁荣荣对于那位女帝的观感并不太好。 However, she is also insufficient to disparage this opponent. 但是,她还不至于去贬低这位对手。 She truly very powerful. 她确实非常的强大。 Isn't two Peerless Douluo? We can ask Brother Yi to act! Has him, even two Peerless Douluo, have not related!” “不就是两个绝世斗罗吗?我们可以请易哥出手啊!有他在,就算是两个绝世斗罗,也没有关系!” At this time, some people spoke , the flash attracted everyone's idea. 在这个时候,有人这么说到,一瞬间就吸引了所有人的主意。 „Do this words take seriously? Can Ceng Yi resist Peerless Douluo?” Flender wrinkles the groove. “此话当真?曾易能对抗绝世斗罗?”弗兰德皱纹道。 Ma Hongjun said with a smile lightly: „ Naturally, Chief, Grandmaster, you have not experienced Brother Yi's strength to be actually fearful with own eyes! 马红俊轻笑道:“当然,院长,大师,你们是没有亲眼见识过易哥的实力究竟多么可怕! The Sea God Island big elder, she of Peerless Douluo boundary, defeated in Brother Yi's hand. ” 海神岛的大长老,绝世斗罗境界的她,都败在了易哥的手中。” Listened to a Ma Hongjun such saying, Yu Xiaogang that but could also not find way out, in the eye pupil glittered has wiped the joyful color. 马红俊这么一说,还一筹莫展的玉小刚,眼眸中闪烁过一抹欣喜之色。 By the relations of Shrek Institute and Ceng Yi, the people and Ceng Yi friendship, making Ceng Yi stand this side them, seems not difficult. 以史莱克学院与曾易的关系,还有众人与曾易的交情,让曾易站在他们这一边,似乎并不困难。 However, Ning Rongrong below a few words, make in the heart raise the people of hope, the mood drop the valley again. 但是,宁荣荣的下一句话,却让心中升起希望的众人,心情再一次跌落谷底。 Do not think, Ceng Yi that fellow said that he will not participate in the secular dynasty striving for hegemony. Therefore be not thinking he will come. “别想了,曾易那家伙说了,他不会参与世俗的王朝争霸。所以你们也别想着他会过来了。 Let alone, he added that even when Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, except for the sect life and death, he will not intervene anything! ” 更何况,他还说,就算是七宝琉璃宗,除了宗门生死存亡之际,他也不会出面干预任何事情!” ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- At night, wears the fine gauze to rest Ning Rongrong of skirt, stands in the balcony, raises head to stare on the nighttime sky the bright bright moonlight. 夜晚,身穿轻纱睡裙的宁荣荣,站在阳台上,仰头凝望着夜空上皎洁的明月。 Thump thump thump ~ 咚咚咚~ One knocks gently resound, Ning Rongrong walked to open the room door, saw Zhu Zhuqing to stand in the entrance place. 一串轻轻的敲门声响起,宁荣荣走去打开了房间门,见朱竹清站在门口处。 „Does Zhuqing, what matter have?” Ning Rongrong visits her, very surprise. 竹清,有什么事吗?”宁荣荣看着她,很是诧异。 Chats.” “聊聊吧。” Zhu Zhuqing said the sound lightly, entered the Ning Rongrong room, sits down on the soft sofa. 朱竹清淡淡说声,走进了宁荣荣的房间,在柔软的沙发上坐下。 Ning Rongrong sees that closes the door, arrives at the bedside, lying down reluctantly. 宁荣荣见状,关上门,走到床边,懒懒的躺下。 Rongrong, you decided that can make sect enter the war?” Zhu Zhuqing looks to lie down Ning Rongrong on bed, asked. 荣荣,你决定了,要让宗门参战?”朱竹清看着躺着床上的宁荣荣,问道。 Although Zhu Zhuqing to pursue Ceng Yi, joined Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 虽说朱竹清是为了追逐曾易,才加入了七宝琉璃宗 However in recent years, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect waits her to be very good, with her who the family breaks off, gradual regards the own second family/home Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 但是这些年来,七宝琉璃宗待她很好,与家族决裂的她,也逐渐的把七宝琉璃宗当成自己的第二个家。 Zhu Zhuqing naturally too does not hope, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is in danger in the mighty current. 朱竹清自然不太希望,七宝琉璃宗陷入危险的洪流之中。 I do not know......” “我不知道......” Ning Rongrong is staring at the ceiling, is somewhat confused. 宁荣荣凝望着天花板,有些迷茫。 But, Shrek Institute to our benevolence, the Third Brother to our benevolence, we have not been able to forget...” “可是,史莱克学院对我们的恩情,还有三哥对我们的恩情,我们不能忘记啊...” Initially, the Third Brother donated our immortal herb, without the help of Third Brother, we in Sea God Island, is unable so smooth through the inspection, can in so the age, achieve so powerful cultivating is, not?” “当初,要不是三哥赠予我们仙草,没有三哥的帮助,我们在海神岛,也无法如此顺利通过考核,能够在如此年纪,达到这般强大的修为,不是么?” Regarding Ning Rongrong these words, Zhu Zhuqing cannot set otherwise. 对于宁荣荣的这些话,朱竹清不可置否。 Therefore, we must help the Third Brother.” “所以,我们必须要帮助三哥。” But, that side sect?” “但是,宗门那边?” hears word, Ning Rongrong sat from the bed immediately, looks at Zhu Zhuqing. 闻言,宁荣荣顿时从床上坐了起来,看着朱竹清 „Haven't I inherited the sovereign position officially? Therefore this time, is only our two people individual wishes, not?” “我不还没有正式继承宗主之位吗?所以这一次,只是我们两人的个人意愿,不是么?” Zhu Zhuqing sees Ning Rongrong to blink to oneself, smiles helplessly. 朱竹清宁荣荣对自己眨了眨眼,无奈一笑。 Although said is so, but, as you of sect successor, decided that must step into, that behind can sect, really sit by and do nothing? 虽然说是如此,但是,身为宗门继承人的伱,决定要踏入其中,那身后的宗门,真的能够坐视不理吗? Zhu Zhuqing does not believe. 朱竹清并不相信。 However, since has made the decision, that has a look with own eyes, this world black and white! 不过,既然已经做出了决定,那就去亲眼看看,这个世界的黑与白吧! The path that oneself choose, is actually to or wrong. 自己选择的这条道路,究竟是对还是错。 Zhu Zhuqing does not know, but the time will give the answer. 朱竹清不知道,但时间会给予自己答案。 You said that now, what is he making?” “你说,现在,他在做什么呢?” Long time, in the quiet room, some people said. 良久,沉寂的房间中,有人这么说道。 Who knows......” “谁知道呢......”
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