DDTR :: Volume #7

#667: The future road, 7 meet again strangely!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... The following time, Ceng Yi is to teach the children every day practices, is drinks tea to chat, strolls in the village, delight that the day passes. 接下来的时间,曾易每天就是教导一下孩子们修行,然后就是喝茶聊天,在村子里闲逛,日子过的不亦乐乎。 You are very actually leisurely and carefree, plan for a lifetime in this place?” “你倒是挺悠闲的,打算一辈子在这个地方过了?” Snow Emperor very speechless looks at Ceng Yi. 雪帝很是无语的看着曾易 These days, she has not seen Ceng Yi to practice on own initiative, every day seems like an average person to be the same, the tea rice oil salt is living. 这段时间来,她也没有见曾易主动修行过,每天都像是一个普通人一样,茶米油盐过着日子。 For half a month, is this. 都半个月了,还是这样。 Snow Emperor sees the appearance of Ceng Yi so salt fish, was unable to continue watching. 雪帝曾易如此咸鱼的模样,都看不下去了。 „Do my laborious tired so many years, now how enjoy even Dan the life?” Ceng Yi lies down by the bamboo chair, the body is swaying gently, a face said naturally. “我辛苦劳累这么多年,如今享受一下平澹的生活怎么了?”曾易躺靠在竹椅上,身体轻轻摇晃着,一脸理所当然道。 Said again, soon, under may not be peaceful on this day, this relieved day, did not have the opportunity when the time comes.” “再说了,用不了多久,这天下可就不太平咯,这种安心的日子,到时候都没有机会了。” Regarding the Ceng Yi words, Snow Emperor cannot set otherwise. 对于曾易的话,雪帝不可置否。 She also feels indistinctly, in the near future, the disorder will get up. 她也隐约感觉到,不久的将来,乱象将起。 Now the way of the world is peaceful, but is only the storm tranquil. 现在世道还算和平,不过只是暴风雨的平静罢了。 A little, Snow Emperor does not think clearly. 只是,有一点,雪帝想不明白。 You felt, can the dynasty of the world strives for hegemony, but also affect to obtain your me?” “你是觉得,人间的王朝争霸,还能够影响得到你我?” Snow Emperor some do not believe, the Ceng Yi strength is the ceiling rank in world, own strength also has 99 levels of Peerless Douluo boundaries. 雪帝有些不太相信,曾易的实力都已经是世间的天花板级别了,自己的实力也有九十九级绝世斗罗的境界。 Such strength, but can also the worry confusion affect itself? 这样的实力,还担心混乱能够影响到自己? Ceng Yi said with a smile peacefully: Dynasty strives for hegemony, is only the beginning.” 曾易澹笑道:“王朝争霸,只是开端而已。” Quick, this world, will welcome, the years of god!” “很快,这个世界,就会迎来,神的时代!” The Ceng Yi voice falls, the instantaneous Snow Emperor virgin hole contracts the needle. 曾易话音一落,瞬间雪帝的童孔收缩成针。 „Do this words take seriously?” Snow Emperor some cannot believe. “此话当真?”雪帝有些不敢相信。 In her opinion, 在她看来, Person who the Ceng Yi strength most is close to the god boundary , will also have others to break through compared with him to that boundary quickly? 曾易的实力就是最为接近神境的人,难道,还会有别人比他更快突破到那个境界? Ceng Yi nods, said: When I have deceived you.” 曾易颔首,道:“我什么时候骗过你。” Such being the case, why can you also so leisurely and carefree sitting here?” Snow Emperor asked. “既然如此,你为什么还能够如此悠闲的坐在这里?”雪帝反问道。 Ceng Yi smiles cool, in the foreheads reveals the incomparable self-confidence. 曾易澹然一笑,眉宇间流露出无比的自信。 Say/Way that I pursue, unlike them, even if some people first I one step steps into that boundary, how can also?” “我所追求的道,与他们不一样,就算有人先我一步踏入那个境界,又能如何?” Saying, Ceng Yi looked at Snow Emperor one, said: Actually, I anticipated very much some people tread being enthralled boundary.” 说着,曾易看了雪帝一眼,又道:“其实,我很期待有人踏入神境。” If can fight with the gods, thinks one's blood bubbles up to the brim!” “若是能与神明一战,想想就让人热血沸腾啊!” Saw war intent that the Ceng Yi eye pupil reveals, Snow Emperor, helpless holds the volume. 看到曾易眼眸流露出的战意,雪帝无奈扶额。 This fellow, but also was really self-confident excessive! 这个家伙,还真的是自信过头了啊! Right? How ice hasn't seen to jump to stumble?” “对了?冰儿怎么没见出来蹦跶了?” She the deep sleep, the strength seems to be regaining consciousness.” “她又沉睡了,似乎力量正在苏醒。” Hears Snow Emperor this saying tightly, the Ceng Yi mood one. 听到雪帝这话,曾易心情不由一紧。 Oneself like ice that lively lovable appearance actually, is regarded as the daughter to raise sincerely. 自己倒是非常喜欢冰儿那活泼可爱的模样,真心当作是女儿在养。 However, if she restored the beforehand memory. 但是,若她恢复了以前的记忆。 Ceng Yi some cannot think, own life should be what kind of damn. 曾易有些不敢想想,自己的生活该是何等的操蛋。 Snow Emperor sits on nearby stone stool, looks at not far away, these are going all out the children who practice. 雪帝坐在一旁的石凳上,看着不远处,那些正在卖力修行的孩子们。 „The young child of human, but also is really is much smaller and weaker!” “人类的幼崽,还真是弱小得可怜啊!” Ceng Yi said: Truly is so, but human has the extremely high potential, even innate small and weak, can still rely on the wisdom, moves toward step by step powerful.” 曾易道:“确实是如此,但人类有着极高的潜力,即使先天弱小,也能够凭借着智慧,一步一步走向强大。” Therefore, the God is really unfair, your human can actually in just dozens years become incomparably powerful. “所以,老天爷还真是不公平,你们人类却能够在短短几十年的时间内变得无比强大。 But the soul beast, wants to obtain such strength, then takes over ten thousand years, and what is more hundreds of thousands time. ” Snow Emperor somewhat complained. 而魂兽,想要获得这样的力量,则需要上万年,更甚者十几万呢的时间。”雪帝有些抱怨道。 Fair?” “公平?” Ceng Yi looked probably fool same looks at Snow Emperor, said: „ The life span of soul beast, is human must toward, but unreachable! Even the human highest level powerhouse, the life span is about the millennium years. 曾易像是看傻子一样的看着雪帝,说道:“魂兽的寿命,可是人类要往而不可及的啊!即使人类最顶级的强者,寿命也不过千年岁月。 But the life span of soul beast is for ten thousand years, hundreds of thousands years! ” 可魂兽的寿命可是长达万年,十几万年!” In this world where has absolute fair? World is seemingly very different, does not conform to the common sense the matter, is actually fair. “这世上哪有绝对的公平?世间所有看似差异极大,不符合常理的事情,其实都是公平的。 Naturally, this not regarding fair of something, but is the balance between entire world. ” 当然,这不是对于某一个事物的公平,而是整个天地间的平衡。” Listened to Ceng Yi this saying, Snow Emperor is silent immediately, is speechless. 听了曾易这话,雪帝顿时沉默,无话可说。 Looks that these children sweat profusely when the hot hot sun, Ceng Yi thinks is young. 看着这些孩子们在炎炎烈日下挥汗如雨,曾易不禁想到年少时的自己。 Ceng Yi teaches them to practice, besides cultivating Spirit Power, Ceng Yi also called them the foundation sword technique, teaches swordsmanship that they most excel. 曾易教他们修行,除了修炼魂力之外,曾易还叫了他们基础剑术,传授他们自己最为擅长的剑道。 These children do not have innate Spirit Power, is depends on Ceng Yi to plant to the soul that they plant, can practice. 这些孩子都没有先天魂力,是靠着曾易给他们种植的魂种,才能够修行。 Moreover Martial Soul is not very good, even unusual trash. 而且武魂也不是很好,甚至非常的垃圾。 Therefore, Ceng Yi believes, with its cultivates Martial Soul that is not useful, might as well practices own swordsmanship. 所以,曾易认为,与其去修炼那没有什么用的武魂,还不如修行自己的剑道。 Teaches their swordsmanship, regarding Ceng Yi, is not the difficult matter. 传授他们剑道,对于曾易来说,不是什么难事。 Difficult, is the perseverance that persists in practicing. 难的,是他们有没有坚持修行下去的恒心。 Regarding Ceng Yi, has not actually had the too big expectation to these children, after all their talents are poor. 对于曾易来说,其实并没有对这些孩子抱有太大的期望,毕竟他们的天赋都不怎么好。 However, Ceng Yi teaches them, enough has made them go out of this small village, goes to outside world to have a look. 但是,曾易所教他们的,已经足够让他们走出这个小村子,去外面的世界看看。 Perhaps, without them of talent, is broken to the world the life, is unable to reach the sufficient altitude. 或许,没有天赋的他们,穷极一生,也无法达到足够的高度。 But at least can have a look outside world, broadens one's outlook. 但至少可以看看外面的世界,开阔眼界。 Moreover, their next generations, like them so, does not have innate Spirit Power now. 而且,他们的下一代,也不会像他们如今这般,没有先天魂力 If not for is predestined friends with, is broken to the world the life, no more than so, is unable to change own destiny. 若不是与自己有缘,穷极一生,也不过如此,无法改变自身的命运。 A month later, in vision that Ceng Yi in the people do not abandon, left the village. 一个月后,曾易在众人不舍的目光中,离开了村子。 This time, Ceng Yi is not clear, oneself will not have the opportunity, returns to the home again. 这一次,曾易不清楚,自己还不会有机会,再一次回到这个家。 But in the village, in the Ceng Yi house courtyard, is standing erect one zhang (3.33 m) high giant stone. 而村子里,曾易的住宅院子中,屹立着一块一丈高的巨石。 On the stone of post rock, is carving a character, named. 岗岩之石上,刻着一字,名为。 Sword! 剑! On the rock a rhyme passes, indistinct, as if contains the unsurpassed ingenious method. 岩石上道韵流转,隐约之间,似乎蕴藏着无上妙法。 But before the rock, has a broken iron sword to insert in the ground, the sword intent winding of undulating. 而岩石前,有着一把残破的铁剑插在地上,澹澹的剑意缠绕。 When this is the Ceng Yi young cultivation, brings that cold iron sword. 这是曾易年少修炼时,带着的那把寒铁剑。 Experienced the innumerable fights with Ceng Yi, is badly-damaged. 跟着曾易经历了无数的战斗,早已残破不堪。 Ceng Yi kept here it, as if buried the youth personally. 曾易把它留在了这里,彷佛亲手葬下了青春。 Perhaps, in the future has the person, can draw out this personally the iron sword, inherits the Ceng Yi swordsmanship true meaning. 或许,未来有人,能够亲手拔出这把铁剑,继承曾易的剑道真意。 Ceng Yi does not know, these that oneself this month of institute makes, will cause this obscure small village, many years later, turned into Sword God village that shakes the mainland! 曾易也不会知道,自己这一个月所作的这些,会使得这个默默无闻的小村子,在多年之后,变成了名震大陆的剑神村! Naturally, that is something to be talked about later. 当然,那已经是后话了。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- The Heaven Duo city, history comes to Croatia Institute. 天斗城,史来克学院。 On this day, three wonderful graceful slender, the makings have the dust, just like the physique of space goddess stands before history comes the front door of Croatia Institute, causes numerous lines of sight to focus attention on, turned into here focus scenery instantaneously. 这一天,三道妙曼窈窕,气质出尘,宛若天上神女的身姿站在史来克学院的大门前,引得众多视线瞩目,瞬间变成了这里的焦点风景。 Zhu Zhuqing looks at this school front door signboard, engraves history to come the Croatia Institute five fine gold gold/metal large characters, in the heart spooky to sigh. 朱竹清看着这座学院大门牌匾,刻印着史来克学院五个鎏金大字,心中幽幽一叹。 Four years later, they returned to this to leave behind the innumerable glorious memory in oneself heart again the alma maters. 时隔四年,她们再一次回到了这座在自己心中留下无数美好回忆的母校。 But, these time the mood of returning to the alma mater, has not been that joyful excitement of past years. 可是,这一次回到母校的心情,早已经不是当年的那份欣喜激动的心情。 We go.” Ning Rongrong to Zhu Zhuqing, Yan Que they are saying the sound, takes a step to step into the school gate. “我们进去吧。”宁荣荣对着身旁的朱竹清,言雀两人说声,迈步踏入校门。 Quick, three females arrived at history to come to the chief office in Croatia Institute. 很快,三女就来到了史来克学院的院长办公室。 Saw the chief, Flender, Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang two people. 见到了院长,弗兰德,还有大师玉小刚二人。 As invited Ning Rongrong, the Zhu Zhuqing two people, their two arrive most late. 作为受邀的宁荣荣,朱竹清二人,她们两个是最晚到达的。 But history Laike Seven Devils others, have arrived at history to come to Croatia Institute. 而史来克七怪的其他人,早就已经来到了史来克学院。 Quick, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong two people meet again with others. 很快,朱竹清,宁荣荣两人就与其他人重聚。 At the meeting, everyone seems tacit, has not talked about the mainland situation, the issue of war. 聚会上,大家似乎很默契的,都没有谈及大陆局势,战争的问题。 But was recounting amusing thing that practices the experience, when the recollection is young experience. 而是述说着修行经历的趣事,回忆年少时的经历。 Although in the surface, everyone happy talks and laughters, are brimming with the cheerful look. 虽然表面上,大家欢声笑语,洋溢着欢快的神色。 But, Ning Rongrong feels incomparable constraining. 可是,宁荣荣却感到无比的压抑。 As if, that purity of past years, the pure friendship, has not existed. 似乎,当年的那份纯真,纯粹的友谊,已经不复存在了。 Although each other is very familiar, but feels the incomparable strangeness. 尽管彼此很是熟悉,可是却又感到无比的陌生。 This constraining, makes Ning Rongrong feel that quickly is unable to breathe. 这份压抑,快让宁荣荣感到无法呼吸。 By the end of meeting, this tranquil was broken finally! 一直到聚会的尾声,这份宁静终于被打破! The Tang San eye pupil becomes sharp, is serious, looks at the people, said: Brothers and sisters, this time, I need your help!” 唐三眼眸变得锐利起来,面色肃然,看着众人,说道:“兄弟姐妹们,这一次,我需要你们的帮助!”
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