DDTR :: Volume #7

#666: The soul plants

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Ceng Yi, excuse me, this baby must come to ask, was really sorry, felt embarrassed you.” 曾易,不好意思啊,这娃子非要过来问一下,真是抱歉,为难你了。” Li Dazhi sees Ceng Yi to be silent, in the heart also knows answered the tuart, on the face revealed was sorry the color, must pull up own child to leave. 李大智见曾易沉默,心中也是知道了答桉,脸上露出了抱歉之色,就要拉起自己的孩子离开。 Waits for.” “等一下。” Ceng Yi stopped by calling out drew the man who the child must leave, arrived in front of his child to squat down, puts out a hand to touch his head. 曾易叫住了拉着孩子就要离开的汉子,走到他孩子面前蹲下,伸出手摸了摸他的头。 Told the uncle, did you name?” “告诉叔叔,你叫什么名字?” This child raised the head, the stubborn vision is looking at each other Ceng Yi look, said: Li Yuantu.” 这小孩抬起头,倔强的目光对视着曾易的眼神,说道:“李远图。” Ambition lofty, grand plan determination! Really a good name.” “志向高远,宏图壮志!真是一个不错的名字。” On the Ceng Yi face brings to wipe the modest smile, asked: „, Why do you want to become Spirit Master?” 曾易脸上带着一抹温和的微笑,又问道:“那么,你为什么这么想要成为一个魂师呢?” Boys without hesitation said: I do not want to treat for a lifetime in the village, I want like the uncle you, goes out of the village, has a look outside world!” 男孩毫不犹豫的就说道:“我不想一辈子都待在村子里,我想要像叔叔你一样,走出村子,去看看外面的世界!” This reply, but also very makes Ceng Yi accidental/surprised. 这个回答,还挺让曾易意外的。 However, this also really very simple idea. 不过,这也真的很朴实的想法呢。 Ceng Yi said with a smile: „ Your this reply is very good, but you must know, wants to become Spirit Master is not a simple matter, on the path of practicing, is filling various difficulties, even does not know that which day, dies on this road. 曾易笑道:“你这个回答很不错,但是你要知道,想要成为魂师可不是一件简单的事情,修行的道路上,充满着各种艰辛,甚至不知道哪一天,就死在这条路上。 Even so, but also wants to become Spirit Master? ” 即使是这样,还也想要成为魂师?” I want to become Spirit Master! I do not want to treat for a lifetime in this village!” “我想要成为魂师!我不想一辈子都待在这个村子里!” The boys nod to say very much firmly. 男孩很坚定的点头道。 Good, does not hope the submitting destiny the spirit, I appreciate very much.” “不错,不愿屈服命运的精神,我很欣赏。” Nearby Li Dazhi heard Ceng Yi these words, on the face also revealed a happy expression. 一旁的李大智听到曾易这句话,脸上也露出了一丝喜色。 „Do your means make my family baby Spirit Master?” “难道你办法让我家娃子成为魂师吗?” Regarding this issue, 对于这个问题, Ceng Yi is smiling nod. 曾易微笑着点了点头。 Although in the concept of the world, without innate Spirit Power, is unable to practice, becomes Spirit Master, this is almost a steely criterion, will not have suspected. 虽然在世人的观念中,没有先天魂力,就无法修行,成为魂师,这几乎是一条钢铁般的准则,没有会去怀疑。 But regarding Ceng Yi, wants to break this limit, can achieve. 但对于曾易来说,想要打破这一个限制,还是可以做到的。 After all present Ceng Yi, touches the boundary of god, peeps at the mystery of principle order. 毕竟现在的曾易,已经是触碰到了神之境界,窥视法则秩序的奥秘。 Seizes the good fortune of the world, the reversal universe. 夺天地之造化,逆转乾坤。 Ceng Yi wish lets a person who does not have innate Spirit Power has the potential of practicing, can achieve. 曾易想要让一个没有先天魂力的人拥有修行的潜质,能够做到。 Takes own Spirit Power as to direct, refining up the world spiritual energy, concentrates the soul to plant, implants not to have in the person body of innate Spirit Power. 以自身魂力为引,炼化天地灵气,凝成魂种,种入没有先天魂力的人身体中。 They can plant through this soul, communicates Spirit Power that in the world drifts away, contemplates to practice, quenchings Spirit Power to unify in body, this can practice. 他们就可以通过这颗魂种,去沟通天地间游离的魂力,冥想修行,淬炼魂力凝聚于身,这样就可以修行。 However, with this method, can replace innate Spirit Power to practice, but the flaw, is the practicing speed will be very slow. 不过,用这个方法,是可以代替先天魂力进行修行,但是却还有一个缺陷,就是修行速度会很慢。 Innate Spirit Power, regarding human, does not know premise that practices, but also is representative individual practicing talent. 先天魂力,对于人类来说,不知道修行的前提,还代表着个人的修行天赋。 Innate Spirit Power is higher, the talent that then practices will be outstanding. 先天魂力越高,那么修行的天赋就会优秀。 Then, these did not have the innate Spirit Power person, even if Ceng Yi condenses the soul to plant to him, helping him be able to communicate Spirit Power, cultivates. 那么,这些原本就没有先天魂力的人,就算曾易给他凝聚魂种,帮助他能够沟通魂力,进行修炼。 But talent on the insufficient foot, how in cultivates even, the lifetime result will not be high. 但本身的天赋就不够足,就算在怎么修炼,一生的成绩也不会太高。 However, so long as can cultivation, at least read thinks. 不过,只要能够修炼,至少有一个念想。 If by some chance which day came across the fortuitous encounter outside, perhaps turned over/stood up? 万一哪天在外面遇到了奇遇,说不定就翻身了呢? This perhaps, after all the destiny is also variable. 这也说不定,毕竟命运无常。 Li Dazhi, after hearing Ceng Yi this saying, immediately kneels down toward him, kowtows thanks. 李大智一家,听到曾易这话后,立刻向着他跪下,磕头感谢。 „Does your is do, gets up in a big hurry!” “你们这是干什么,快快起来!” Their behaviors, have a scare Ceng Yi , helping up them hastily. 他们的行为,把曾易吓了一跳,连忙把他们扶起。 But they actually cannot insist, Ceng Yi is helpless, can only drag forcefully them with Spirit Power. 但他们却坚持不起来,曾易无奈,只能用魂力将他们强行拖去。 „We are a village, this minor matter, to me is not anything, you do not need like this.” “我们都是一个村子的,这点小事,对于我来说不算什么,你们不必这样。” Li Dazhi sees oneself to be beyond control the body, in heart regarding the Spirit Master strength, Ceng Yi method, belief. 李大智一家见自己连身体都无法控制,心中对于魂师的力量,还有曾易的手段,更加的信服。 Brother Ceng Yi, were really thank you, I really do not know this/should, if thanked your great kindness.” 曾易兄弟,真是太谢谢你了,俺真的是不知道该如果感谢你的大恩大德。” You changed the life of my family baby, otherwise he can only be like me, is an ordinary farmer.” “你改变了我家娃子的一生,不然他就只能跟我一样,做一个普通的农民。” Li Dazhi at this moment is excited, regarding this benevolence, does not know how should express. 李大智此刻的心情很是激动,对于这份恩情,不知该如何表达。 Ceng Yi smiles, has not said anything. 曾易只是笑笑,没有说些什么。 At this time, village head Malaao walked, asked curiously: Xiao Yi, are two sons of bitches, what you chatting?” 这时,村长马拉奥走了过来,好奇问道:“小易,二狗子,你们在聊什么?” Ceng Yi said with a smile: Does not have any.” 曾易笑道:“没有什么。” Right, Grandfather, I outside wanderer many years, calculates some experiences. “对了,爷爷,我在外面闯荡多年,也算有些见识。 Which in the village has the child who wants to cultivate, you can ask, I can teach them some time. ” 村里有哪些想要修炼的孩子,你可以去问一下,我可以教导他们一段时间。” Hears this saying, Malaao stares, later in the heart emerges wild with joy. 听到这话,马拉奥不由一愣,随后心中涌现出狂喜。 „Do this words take seriously?” “此话当真?” The Ceng Yi nod said: Naturally, I am also in this village come out, the nature makes anything for the village.” 曾易点头道:“当然,我也是这个村子里出来的,自然得为村子做些什么。” Grandfather, you organize, so long as less than the children of ten ages, can bring to my family that side.” “爷爷,你去组织一下吧,只要是不满十龄的孩子,都可以带到我家那边。” Good! Good! My this goes!” “好!好!我这就去!” Malaao does not dare to delay, this is in children future the matter about the village, he takes care immediately. 马拉奥不敢拖延,这可是关于村里孩子们未来的事情,他立刻就去张罗。 But at this time, Ceng Yi also goes home, sits in meditation to wait. 而这时,曾易也回到了家中,静坐等候。 After one hour, before village head Malaao leads more than 20 children to arrive at the Ceng Yi main house gate . 一个小时后,村长马拉奥就带着二十多个孩子来到曾易家门前。 Xiao Yi, troubled you!” Malaao said. 小易,麻烦你了!”马拉奥说道。 Ceng Yi nods, the vision took a fast look around these to fill with the children of anticipation, opened the right hand. 曾易点了点头,目光扫视了一圈这些满怀着期待的孩子们,张开了右手。 In an instant, the world spiritual energy within surrounding area kilometer toward the palm of Ceng Yi in gathers. 刹那间,方圆千米内的天地灵气向着曾易的手心中汇聚。 However in a minute, in the Ceng Yi palm, presents the ball of spirit strength is sparkling the ray. 不过片刻,曾易的手掌心中,就出现一颗闪耀着光芒的灵力之球。 Goes!” “去!” Ceng Yi looks the soul that oneself condense plants, spits one lightly. 曾易看着自己凝聚的魂种,轻吐一声。 The next quarter, this light ball on split up round number ten, injected in these children's forehead respectively. 下一刻,这个光球就分化成数十道,分别射入了这些孩子的眉心中。 This change, making the children have a scare, then hurries to trace own forehead, discovered own body and has no ill response. 这番变化,让孩子们都吓了一跳,然后就赶紧摸了摸自己的眉心,发现自己身体并没有什么不适的反应。 Uncle, like this we can cultivation, became Spirit Master?” Has the child to make noise to ask. “叔叔,这样我们就可以修炼,成为魂师了吗?”有孩子出声问道。 Ceng Yi nods, the smile said: Yes, you can cultivation Spirit Power like this, became Spirit Master.” 曾易点了点头,微笑道:“是的,这样你们就可以修炼魂力,成为魂师了。” The concise soul plants, replaces innate Spirit Power, regarding the boundary of Ceng Yi this near god, simply should not be too simple. 凝练魂种,代替先天魂力,对于曾易这近神的境界来说,简直不要太简单。 Moreover, Ceng Yi an own sword intent is concise during the soul plants, this will cause them regarding the comprehension of swordsmanship, has the remarkable help. 而且,曾易把自己的一丝剑意凝练在魂种之中,这会使得他们对于剑道的领悟,有着显着的帮助。 Thus, their later practicing, has the twice the result with half the effort effect. 这样,他们之后的修行,也会有着事半功倍的效果。 Good, then, how the uncle will teach you to sense the spiritual energy between world, quenchings Spirit Power to condense in oneself.” “好啦,接下来,叔叔会教你们如何感悟天地间的灵气,淬炼魂力凝聚于自身。” The law of contemplation cultivation a Ceng Yi person taught twenty child most foundations, unknowingly, weather dark under. 曾易一人教导二十几个孩子最基础的冥想修炼之法,不知不觉中,天色已经暗下。 Teaches almost, Ceng Yi also disbands them to go various home respectively. 教得差不多,曾易也遣散他们各回各家。 Malaao is thanking to Ceng Yi: Xiao Yi, was really thank you! You changed these children's destinies!” 马拉奥对着曾易感谢道:“小易,真是太谢谢你了!你改变了这些孩子的命运啊!” Regarding this, Ceng Yi shakes the head, said: I in the outside wanderer many years, slightly have the achievement. Now returns to the hometown, naturally must return this to live me to raise my place.” 对此,曾易摇了摇头,道:“我在外面闯荡多年,小有成就。如今回到家乡,自然要回报这个生我养我的地方。” Does small have the achievement? 小有成就? Hears Ceng Yi these words, Malaao does not believe. 听到曾易这句话,马拉奥可不相信。 Although he does not have the big experience, outside world, having who can not to have innate Spirit Power becomes has the method of posture of cultivation, he does not know. 虽然他也没有多大的见识,外面的世界,有没有可以让没有先天魂力的人变得有修炼之姿的手段,他不知道。 But at least the matter, Malaao was clear, Ceng Yi today a afternoon in the method in front of him showing, is not that conducts Spirit Hall Spirit Master of Martial Soul awakening ceremony to compare today. 但至少有一件事,马拉奥清楚,曾易今天一个下午所在他面前展现的手段,不是今天那个来进行武魂觉醒仪式的武魂殿魂师可以相比的。 That Spirit Master is four points of Spirit Ancestor. 那个魂师已经是四环魂宗了。 Said, Xiao Yi, he at least compares that four points of Spirit Ancestor to be strong! 这么说,小易,他至少比那个四环魂宗强! Naturally, Ceng Yi did not say, Malaao will not ask personally, oneself psychology clear on line. 当然,曾易不说,马拉奥也不会亲自开口问,自己心理清楚就行了。 Grandfather, can the weather, leave behind eating meal late?” “爷爷,天色也晚了,要不要留下了吃个饭?” Regarding the invitation of Ceng Yi, Malaao shakes the head hastily. 对于曾易的邀请,马拉奥连忙摇头。 „, You taught the children one all day, should be also tired, is troublesome you is not good.” “不了,你教了孩子们一整天,应该也累了,再麻烦你也不好。” I first went back, you also rest earlier “我先回去了,你也早点休息吧” Malaao said, does not attend to Ceng Yi dissuading, then sets out to leave. 马拉奥说完,不顾曾易劝阻,便起身离开。
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