DDTR :: Volume #7

#665: Do I really have to attack the Spirit King potential?

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... The Martial Soul awakening ceremony just started, appeared opened the entrance, this made Fang Ming very joyful, regarding following awakening, had many anticipations at heart. 武魂觉醒仪式刚开始,就出现了开门口,这让方明很是欣喜,对于后面的觉醒,心里也产生了更多的期待。 However, the later test, besides the first young boy, others does not have innate Spirit Power, has not become the Spirit Master potential. 不过,之后的测试,除了第一个小男孩之外,其他人都没有先天魂力,没有成为魂师的潜质。 Regarding this situation, engages in introspection is also prepared early. 对于这个情况,方明心中也早有准备。 Eight people can have a person who has the practicing potential, that is very lucky. 八人能出一个拥有修行潜质的人,那已经是很幸运了。 At least, oneself this has not gone in vain one not. 至少,自己这一趟没有白走一趟不是么。 Does not have innate Spirit Power regarding these, the child who is unable to practice, regarding their making a tearful scene, Fang Ming has not spoken the comfort. 对于那些没有先天魂力,无法修行的孩子,对于他们的哭闹,方明也没有出言安慰。 Everyone has own destiny, cannot become Spirit Master, works as an average person well. 每个人都有属于自己的命运,不能成为魂师,就好好当一个普通人吧。 Let alone, this way of the world, when an average person, perhaps when Spirit Master is better. 更何况,这個世道,当一个普通人,说不定比当魂师好呢。 Fang Ming received to measure the soul stone, the preparation left, goes to next village. 方明收起了测魂石,就准备离开,前往下一个村子。 When passes through Ceng Yi, Fang Ming stopped the footsteps, the vision was staring at this young people. 走过曾易时,方明停下了脚步,目光盯着这个年轻人。 „Did you call Ceng Yi?” “你叫曾易是吧?” This Spirit Master stopped by calling out itself suddenly, making Ceng Yi somewhat accidental/surprised. 这个魂师突然叫住自己,让曾易有些意外。 Right, what do you have to advise?” “没错,你有什么指教?” You should be powder cultivate/repair, I look at you to cultivate/repair to well, is interested in joining our Spirit Hall?” Fang Ming sent out the invitation to Ceng Yi. “你应该是一个散修吧,我看你修为不错,有没有兴趣加入我们武魂殿?”方明对曾易发出了邀请。 He has observed this young people before. 他之前就一直观察这个年轻人。 Oneself released Spirit Power a moment ago, Martial Soul takes possession, Spirit Power of four points of Spirit Ancestor ranks fluctuated in the space disperses, but this young people regarding own aura, the look did not have a change. 刚才自己释放魂力,武魂附体,四环魂宗级别的魂力波动在空间中散开,而这个年轻人对于自己的气息,神色却没有一丝的变化。 Although Fang Ming has not aimed at Ceng Yi especially. 虽然方明也没有特地针对曾易 However, can facing this pressure, but does not have a vacillation, Fang Ming believes, cultivating of this young people are, at least is two points of boundary Spirit Grandmaster. 但是,能够面对这股威压而没有一丝动摇,方明认为,这年轻人的修为,至少是一个二环境界的大魂师 Looks from the semblance, this young people also 20 many, 从外表上看,这年轻人也不过二十多少, So the age is Spirit Grandmaster above cultivating is, was a good talent. 如此年纪就已经是大魂师以上的修为,也算是一个不错的人才了。 Cannot think, such a remote small village, can actually present such a person, but also is really unusual. 想不到,这么一个偏僻的小村,竟然能够出现这么一个人,还真是稀奇。 This talent, from now on, could not say that has the possibility of attacking the Spirit King boundary. 这个天赋,今后,说不得拥有着冲击魂王境界的可能。 Therefore, Fang Ming then wants to gather him to enter Spirit Hall. 所以,方明便想要招揽他进入武魂殿 You as Spirit Master, should know Spirit Hall, as the mainland strongest Spirit Master influence, joins us, the treatment is absolutely good!” “你身为魂师,应该知道武魂殿,作为大陆最强的魂师势力,加入我们,待遇绝对好!” By your talent, fostered by Spirit Hall, will attack five points of Spirit King boundaries in the future, possibly has!” “以你的天赋,在武魂殿的培养下,将来冲击五环魂王境界,也不是没有可能!” Hears this person to invite itself to join Spirit Hall, Ceng Yi was somewhat scared. 听到这个人邀请自己加入武魂殿,曾易有些傻眼了。 Your Spirit Hall Pope Sir, I knew! 就连你们武魂殿的教皇大人,我都认识! The Martial Soul Empire empress, is the good brothers who I become sworn brothers... the good friend! 武魂帝国的女帝,都是我拜把子的好兄弟...好朋友! Is likely to break through the Spirit King boundary? 还有望突破魂王境界? Trivial Spirit King, I blow the tone to be able him to blow the flying ash. 区区魂王,我吹口气都能把他吹成飞灰。 Ceng Yi is complaining at heart, on the face revealed wiped rather than the smile of politeness awkwardly. 曾易心里吐槽着,脸上则是露出了一抹尴尬而不是礼貌的微笑。 Excuse me, now outside is war-stricken, is not peaceful. Therefore I do not want to join Spirit Hall, only wants in the village, to build own hometown well.” “不好意思,现在外面战火连天,可不太平。所以我并不想加入武魂殿,只想在村子里,好好建设自己的家乡。” Such being the case, the person is ambitious respectively, I do not demand.” “既然如此,人各有志,我也不强求了。” Fang Ming after hearing Ceng Yi these words, somewhat disappointed shaking the head. 方明在听到曾易这句话后,不禁有些失望的摇了摇头。 Originally he looks at this young people also some talents, wants help/gang. 本来他看这个年轻人还有些天赋,想要帮一下。 But, this person actually does not have the frame of mind, is willing to treat in this small village, only for maintains life in the tumultuous times? 可是没有想到,这人竟然如此没有心气,甘愿待在这个小村子里,只为在乱世中保命? Oneself were also mistaken. 自己也是看走眼了啊。 Fang Ming deeply looked at Ceng Yi one, the eye pupil deep place flashed through wiped to despise, the steps left. 方明深深望了曾易一眼,眼眸深处闪过了一抹鄙夷,踏步离开。 Ceng Yi was also notices this person that as if to look down upon own meaningful glance a moment ago, somewhat could not feel the mind. 曾易也是注意到了这人刚才那似乎瞧不起自己的眼色,不禁有些摸不着头脑。 Is this fellow sick? 这家伙是不是有病啊? valley Qu 谷蛆 Own that is turns down! Misinterpreted oneself words meaning? 自己那是婉拒啊!是不是曲解了自己话的意思? Ceng Yi helpless shaking the head, also walked. 曾易无奈的摇了摇头,也走了出去。 The Martial Soul awakening ceremony completes, in the village had/left a child who has the practicing potential, has to become the Spirit Master possibility, this regarding the village, that is a matter that is worth celebrating. 武魂觉醒仪式完成,村子里出了一个拥有修行潜质的孩子,有着成为魂师的可能,这对于全村来说,那是一个值得庆祝的事情。 However, some people like some people to worry. 但是,有人欢喜有人愁。 Besides, other seven children, including their family members, the mood are not quite good. 除了哪一位之外,其他七位孩子,包括他们的家人,心情都不太好。 Cannot awakening innate Spirit Power, that is representing their children, the future destiny is also like them, can only become farmers. 没能够觉醒先天魂力,那就代表着他们的孩子,今后的命运也就跟他们一样,只能成为一个农民。 Without contrast, that's good. 若是没有对比,那还好。 But once had the contrast , appeared then pitiful. 可是一旦有了对比,那么,就显得非常的可悲了。 Ceng Yi! Waits!” 曾易!等一下!” Turns around to leave when Ceng Yi, plans to go home, the back transmits one to shout. 就在曾易转身离开,打算回家之时,背后传来了一道呼喊。 Ceng Yi has turned around, sees a skin somewhat dark man, leading an appearance beautiful female to walk toward oneself. 曾易转过身,见一个皮肤有些黝黑的汉子,带着一个外貌秀丽的女子向自己走来。 They also follow behind a child. 他们身后还跟着一个孩子。 This child, conducted one of children Martial Soul awakens some time ago, does not have innate Spirit Power, without practicing potential child. 这个孩子,正是不久前进行武魂觉醒的孩子之一,也是没有先天魂力,没有修行潜质的孩子。 What matter do you ask me to have?” Asking of Ceng Yi doubts. “你找我有什么事?”曾易疑惑的问道。 On this man face showed the simple and honest smile, was saying to Ceng Yi: I am Li Dazhi! The childhood name two sons of bitches, had also been punched by you in childhood! Still remembers me not?” 这汉子脸上露出了憨厚的笑容,对着曾易说道:“我是李大智啊!小名二狗子,小时候还被你揍过啊!还记得我不?” Listened to him saying that Ceng Yi carefully looked at him, thinks, really had such a person. 听他这么说,曾易仔细的看了看他,想了想,确实有这么一个人。 In the past, because oneself are crossing over, was very since childhood mature the ideal character, in other person of eyes, was a anomaly. 当年,因为自己是一个穿越者,从小就很成熟理想的性格,在其他人眼中,就是一个怪胎。 Therefore cannot play to go with the peers together, they also form a team to make fun of itself frequently. 所以和同辈人都玩不到一块去,他们还经常组队来捉弄自己。 However these kid not oneself opponents, were punched by oneself waul. 不过这些小屁孩并不是自己的对手,被自己揍得哇哇叫。 Originally is you, two sons of bitches! For a long time does not see, your boy luck is also good, marries such pretty wife.” “原来是你啊,二狗子!好久不见,你小子运气也是不错,娶到这么漂亮的媳妇。” The praise of Ceng Yi, letting stands in man female very embarrassed lowering the head. 曾易的夸赞,让站在汉子身边的女子很不好意思的低下了头。 Li Dazhi haha said with a smile: Where has, Ceng Yi you, are actually long such good-looking, has is Spirit Master, will definitely find compared with my young married woman prettier woman becomes the wife.” 李大智哈哈笑道:“哪有,倒是曾易你,长得这么俊俏,有是魂师,肯定会找到比我婆娘更加漂亮的女人当媳妇儿。” Right, what matter did you ask me to have?” “对了,伱找我有什么事吗?” Mentioned this, Li Dazhi some were difficult, made excuses: Yes, you are...... Spirit Master, something want to ask that...... asked you......” 说起这个,李大智有些难以启齿,支支吾吾道:“就是,你是......魂师嘛,就有些事想要问......问你......” At this time, stood stood in own mother's behind boy, that has cried in the red eye, is revealing the color of intense being unwilling. 这时,站在自己母亲身后的这个男孩站了出来,那已经哭红的眼睛中,流露着强烈的不甘之色。 He raised the head, that stubborn vision looks at Ceng Yi, the sound is swallowing asks. 他抬起头,那倔强的目光望着曾易,声音更咽问道。 Uncle Zeng, does not have innate Spirit Power, really can't become Spirit Master?” “曾叔叔,没有先天魂力,真的不能成为魂师吗?” The issue of boy, making the Ceng Yi pupil shrink. 男孩的这个问题,让曾易瞳孔不由一缩。 He looks to stand in the present boy, in that stubborn look also revealed a ray of hope, but also is suppressing is not coming out by own tears class/flow. 他看着站在自己眼前的这个男孩,那倔强的眼神中还流露出了一丝希望,还在强忍着不让自己的眼泪流出来。 Yes, without innate Spirit Power, is unable to become Spirit Master. 是的,没有先天魂力,就无法成为魂师 However these words, Ceng Yi has not said that is unable to say. 但是这句话,曾易并没有说出来,也无法说出来。 Once, is so, Martial Soul awakened, not innate Spirit Power. 曾经的自己,也是如此,武魂觉醒的时候,并没有先天魂力 Reason that oneself can practice, because of systematic reason. 自己之所以能够修行,也是因为有系统的缘故。 Therefore, Ceng Yi can understand this boy present sentiments. 所以,曾易能够体会到这个男孩现在的心情。 That despair, regarding own the confusedness of next destiny. 那种绝望,对于自己今后命运的迷茫。 But, the reality is so, without innate Spirit Power is unable to practice. 可是,现实就是如此,没有先天魂力就无法修行。 Like immortal cultivation, without the person of spirit root, has the potential of practicing, can only as an average person, ordinary life. 就像修仙一样,没有灵根的人,就有修行的潜质,只能够作为一个普通人,普普通通的过完一生。 However looks that this child that desperate and glitters a hope look, Ceng Yi is not being able to say this brutal reality. 但是看着这孩子那绝望中而又闪烁着一丝期盼的眼神,曾易无法把这个残酷的现实说出来。 Suddenly, Ceng Yi unexpectedly is speechless silent. 5873 / 10360705 一时间,曾易竟沉默无言。5873/10360705
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