DDTR :: Volume #7

#664: I am a village proud

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Xiao Yi, when do you come back? Also did not say one to the grandfather.” 小易,你什么时候回来的?也不跟爷爷说一声。” In the room, Ceng Yi and Malaao sit before a fine tea table, is drinking tea chats at the same time. 屋子内,曾易与马拉奥坐在一张精致的茶几前,喝着茶一边聊天。 Ceng Yi said with a smile peacefully: I came back yesterday, cleans up at home, has the time.” 曾易澹笑道:“我昨天才回来的,在家里打扫卫生,不是没时间嘛。” Yesterday?” “昨天?” Malaao was startled. 马拉奥惊了。 Merely one day of does, can the house that soon leaves uncultivated completely, make into this? 仅仅一天的时间,就可以把全部快要荒废的房屋,弄成这样? Now this house, looking like repaired brand-new was the same, was the day leaves before that simply badly. 现在这间房子,就像是全新装修了一样,和之前那简直是天差地别。 Yes.” “是的。” This......” “这样啊......” Malaao has not continued to closely examine, he is also clear, in Ceng Yi and village other young people are different. 马拉奥也没有继续追问,他也清楚,曾易和村里其他年轻人不一样。 He is Spirit Master! 他可是魂师啊! So many years passed by, how although Malaao does not know Ceng Yi to in the outside wanderer. 这么多年过去了,虽然马拉奥不知道曾易在外面闯荡得怎么样。 However, as Spirit Master, always compared with their these average person. 不过,身为魂师,总比他们这些普通人强。 Tea that at least, oneself present drinks, is not very ordinary. 至少,自己现在喝的茶,就很不一般。 Superficial, the tea aroma gladdens the heart, fragrant strongly fragrant, the delicate fragrance of undulating makes one have not given full expression. 浅尝一口,茶香沁人肺腑,芬芳馥郁,澹澹的清香让人意犹未尽。 Although Malaao does not understand to judge tea, but he knows the pot tea that Ceng Yi makes, is not every. 虽然马拉奥不懂品茶,但他知道曾易泡的这壶茶,不是凡品。 Malaao drank tea, asked to Ceng Yi: Xiao Yi, these does come back time, how long plans to treat?” 马拉奥饮了一口茶,对曾易问道:“小易,这一次回来,打算待多久啊?” Ceng Yi said: Has a look, should unable to wait is too long.” 曾易说道:“看看吧,应该待不了太久。” Regarding the Ceng Yi words, in Malaao heart also has the premonition early. 对于曾易的话,马拉奥心中也早有预感。 He is Spirit Master, is different from village in everyone. 他是魂师,和村里的大家不一样。 This village, 这座村子, Cannot detain his, Malaao is very clear. 是留不住他的,马拉奥很清楚。 Is the dragon, would soaring, a small puddle such possibly can surround the big dragon that soars. 是龙,总会一飞冲天,一口小水潭这么可能困得住腾飞的巨龙。 But, where regardless of me, here throughout is my hometown.” “不过,无论我在哪里,这里始终都是我的家乡。” Fallen leaf, must sum up eventually, not, Grandfather.” “落叶,终究还是要归根的呀,不是么,爷爷。” Malaao looks at Ceng Yi, very gratified nod. 马拉奥看着曾易,很是欣慰的点了点头。 Ceng Yi is in this village, only Spirit Master that walks, is the pride of village. 曾易是这座村子里,走出去的唯一一个魂师,是村子的骄傲。 As Malaao of village head, looks at Ceng Yi to grow up since childhood. 作为村长的马拉奥,从小就看着曾易长大。 Regarding Malaao, Ceng Yi is similar to his biological grandson. 对于马拉奥来说,曾易就如同他亲孙儿般。 Can have such a outstanding grandson, how not to make Malaao feel proud. 能够拥有这么一个优秀的孙子,如何不让马拉奥感到自豪。 Xiao Yi, the grandfather I was clear, the village to you, was too small. 小易啊,爷爷我清楚,村子对于你来说,太小了。 Your sky, should open and spacious, cannot fetter in this small place. 你的天空,应该更加的旷阔,不能束缚在这个小地方。 However, here forever is your family/home. 但是,这里永远都是你的家。 If you were stranded outside, was tired, comes back to have a look, the village welcome your return forever. ” 你若是在外面困了,累了,就回来看看,村子永远都欢迎你的归来。” Ceng Yi and village head grandfather chatted was very long, unknowingly, time to high noon. 曾易与村长爷爷聊了很久,不知不觉,时间都到正午了。 In this period, Ceng Yi also made a meal personally, slightly drank some liquor with Malaao. 期间,曾易还亲自做了一顿饭菜,与马拉奥小喝了些酒。 When Malaao of some feeling of being drunk are planning to depart, suddenly thinks of a matter, then said to Ceng Yi. 有些醉意的马拉奥正打算离去之时,突然想到一件事,便对曾易道。 Xiao Yi, Spirit Hall will come person's in babies to village to awaken tomorrow Martial Soul, how do you have a look?” 小易啊,明天武魂殿来人给村上的娃子们觉醒武魂,你也去看看如何?” Ceng Yi is somewhat surprised, but thinks, watches the fun also does not have any, then nods. 曾易有些惊讶,但想了想,去看个热闹也没有什么,便点了点头。 Knew, I can pass.” “知道了,我会过去的。” Next day, Ceng Yi arrived at the small ancestral temple in village, this is the children awakens the Martial Soul place. 第二天,曾易就来到了村里的小祠堂,这是孩子们觉醒武魂的地方。 Very early in the morning, here encircled completely the person, the village everybody came, village several hundred people gathered here, was very lively. 一大早,这里的就围满了人,全村男女老少都过来了,一个村子几百口人聚集在这里,很是热闹。 Because Ceng Yi was very long has not returned to the village, the look and childhood also had very big difference, therefore also no one knew him. 因为曾易很久没有回村子了,相貌与小时候也有很大的差异,所以也没有人认识他。 But village head Malaao leads eight children, is lining up to wait for the Spirit Master arrival of Spirit Hall, presides over this Martial Soul awakening ceremony. 而村长马拉奥带着八个孩子,排着队等待着武魂殿魂师到来,主持这场武魂觉醒仪式。 Xiao Yi, comes quickly!” 小易,快过来!” Malaao pays attention to arrive Ceng Yi in crowd, then beckons to shout that he comes. 马拉奥注意到了站在人群中的曾易,便招手喊他过来。 Ceng Yi sees that also walked. 曾易见状,也走了过去。 The villagers see the village head is so kind to this young handsome guy, regarding his status very curious. 村民见村长对这个年轻帅小伙如此亲切,对于他的身份都非常的好奇。 Everyone calm down a bit!” “大家静一静!” Malaao sinking air/Qi, calls loudly. 马拉奥沉气,高声喊道。 As the village head, Malaao prestige in village is also very high, as soon as he spoke, quick is still quarrelling the mixed villagers to be peaceful. 作为村长,马拉奥在村上的威望也很高,他一说话,很快还在吵杂的村民们就安静下来。 Malaao continues saying: Believes that who everyone does stand in of my side very much curiously is?” 马拉奥继续说道:“相信大家都很好奇站在我身边的这位是谁吧?” Compares you to know, our village, more than ten years ago, was born Spirit Master!” “相比你们都知道,我们村子,十几年前,诞生了一位魂师!” However you at present this young people, are in our village, for these years, only that Spirit Master! Ceng Yi!” “而你们眼前这位年轻人,就是我们村子里,这么多年来,唯一的那位魂师曾易!” The villagers listened to village head saying, is in abundance panic-stricken, cannot think that this young people unexpectedly are honored Spirit Master. 村民听了村长这话,纷纷惊骇,想不到这个年轻人竟然是一位尊贵的魂师 Moreover in village! 而且还是自己村上的! Quick, some people recorded, that youngster who in the past went out of the village. 很快,有人就记起来了,当年走出村子的那位少年。 Ceng Yi? You are that Zeng boy!” 曾易?你就是那个曾家小子吧!” Originally is the Ceng Yi boy! Cannot think that he had to return to the village.” “原来是曾易小子啊!想不到他有回村子了。” I said in the past, Ceng Yi is since childhood different from other children, in the future will definitely make a rapid career advance!” “我当年就说,曾易从小就和其他孩子不一样,将来肯定会飞黄腾达!” Really envies, if my family baby can become Spirit Master to be good!” “真是羡慕,要是我家娃子能够成为魂师就好了!” Oh ~, where is so simple, so many years, our village soon only then Ceng Yi became Spirit Master.” “唉~,哪有那么简单,这么多年了,我们村不久只有曾易成为魂师了。” After Malaao said the Ceng Yi Spirit Master status, stands in very much eight children, are worshipping sees this strange Big Brother. 马拉奥说出了曾易魂师的身份后,站在身边的着八个小孩,都很是崇拜的看着这位陌生的大哥哥。 Is the uncle is right. 或者是叔叔才对。 Because, these children, basically were the past and child of Ceng Yi peer. 因为,这几个小孩,基本都是当年与曾易同辈人的孩子。 After knowing this, some Ceng Yi face/color Han. 知道这个后,曾易还是有些颜汗。 Oneself have not discussed the love. 自己连恋爱都没有谈过。 But others' child, has arrived at the age that Martial Soul has awakened. 而别人的孩子,都已经到了武魂觉醒的年纪了。 In a while, Spirit Hall Spirit Master arrived here. 没过多久,武魂殿魂师就来到这里。 Arrives here Spirit Master, is a facial features upright middle-aged man, wears the Spirit Hall standard long gown, the chest front is also embroidering four stars. 来到这里的魂师,是一个脸型方正的中年男人,身穿着武魂殿标准长袍,胸前还绣着四颗星。 That represents him is being four points of Spirit Ancestor. 那代表着他就是一个四环的魂宗 My name was Fang Ming, these Spirit Hall Spirit Master that came this host Martial Soul to awaken time.” “我叫方明,这一次来此主持武魂觉醒的武魂殿魂师。” Has seen Sir Spirit Master! I am the village head in village, Malaao.” “见过魂师大人!我是村子的村长,马拉奥。” Sees Spirit Hall Spirit Master, Malaao very respectful saluting. 见到武魂殿魂师,马拉奥很是恭敬的行礼。 Spirit Hall Spirit Master Fang Ming nods, looks to stand in Malaao behind these eight children. 武魂殿魂师方明点了点头,看着站在马拉奥身后的这八位孩童。 This time attended the Martial Soul awakening ceremony, is they?” “此次参加武魂觉醒仪式的,就是他们吧?” Yes.” “是的。” Malaao nods. 马拉奥点了点头。 However, Fang Ming's look, actually falls on Malaao the young people. 不过,方明的眼神,却落在马拉奥身边的这个年轻人身上。 After oneself enter the stage, the villagers in entire village to the incomparable respect, even also somewhat dreads. 自己出场后,整个村的村民都对自己无比的尊敬,甚至还有些畏惧。 However at present this young people, to own appearance, no look change. 但是眼前这个年轻人,对自己的出现,没有一点神色变化。 This makes Fang Ming be quite surprised. 这让方明感到很是意外。 This is?” “这位是?” Fang Ming asked one. 方明不由问道一声。 Malaao said hastily: Reply Sir Spirit Master, this is our village only Spirit Master, Ceng Yi.” 马拉奥连忙道:“回禀魂师大人,这位是我们村子唯一的魂师,曾易。” Hears this word, Fang Ming very surprise. 听闻此言,方明很是诧异。 Originally this is also Spirit Master! No wonder regarding a oneself not respect. 原来这位也是一个魂师啊!难怪对于自己没有一丝的敬意。 However, such a remote small village, can actually go out of Spirit Master. 不过,这么一个偏僻的小村子,竟然能够走出一位魂师 This made Fang Ming awaken regarding this Martial Soul time, had a small anticipation. 这让方明对于这一次的武魂觉醒,抱有了一丝小期待。 Such being the case, we start quickly.” “既然如此,那我们就赶快开始吧。” Good, in the Sir requests personally.” “好的,大人里面请。” Malaao leads Fang Ming, eight children entered in the ancestral temple, conducts the Martial Soul awakening ceremony. 马拉奥带着方明,还有八位孩子走进了祠堂中,进行武魂觉醒仪式。 Ceng Yi also followed. 曾易也跟着走了进去。 Because Ceng Yi is also Spirit Master, Fang Ming has not said anything, makes him with watch the Martial Soul awakening ceremony. 因为曾易也是一名魂师,方明也没有多说些什么,也让他跟来观看武魂觉醒仪式。 Quick, Fang Ming put out six fist big jet black soul stones, tows with Spirit Power, suspends a chart tuart of six glow stars. 很快,方明就拿出了六个拳头大的漆黑魂石,用魂力牵引,摆成一个六芒星的图桉。 Then his grandiose body shakes, powerful aura fills the air, Spirit Power release. 然后他那壮硕的身躯一震,一股强悍的气息弥漫而出,魂力释放。 Four Spirit Ring raise on him, Spirit Power condensed a beast shadow of bear. 四个魂环在他身上升起,魂力凝聚成了一头熊的兽影。 Crack suddenly/violently bear, Martial Soul takes possession!” “裂地暴熊,武魂附体!” Fang Ming calls out one, the body also starts beast, the naked upper body was covered with the brown hair, such as headman suddenly/violently bear, full trying feeling of quantity. 方明暴喝一声,身体也开始兽化,赤裸的上身长满了棕色的毛发,就如一头人型暴熊,充盈着力量感。 But Fang Ming's Martial Soul takes possession, this change, lets not speak several children of Spirit Master strength, frightens the complexion to be pale. 但方明的武魂附体,这番变化,让没有讲过魂师力量的几个小孩,都吓脸色都苍白。 Children do not need to be afraid, this is the Spirit Master strength!” “孩子们不用害怕,这就是魂师的力量!” Now starts Martial Soul to awaken, you first come, approaches the strategy center.” “现在开始武魂觉醒,你先来吧,走近阵法中央。” Although Fang Ming's Martial Soul is crack suddenly/violently bear, however his temperament is not hot tempered, instead guides the children to conduct Martial Soul to awaken very much patiently. 虽然方明的武魂是裂地暴熊,但是他的脾气倒不暴躁,反而很耐心的引导孩子们进行武魂觉醒。 Do not be anxious, calms the mind.” “别紧张,静下心来。” Intention feels the hauling of this strength, stimulates in the body the energy of that hidden.” “用心感受这股力量的牵引,激发出自己身体内那隐藏的能量。” This is, corrugated steel stick!” “这是,钢纹棍!” Fang Ming saw the Martial Soul on this boy hand, on the face revealed a joyful color. 方明看到这个男孩手上的这武魂,脸上不由露出了一丝欣喜之色。 The corrugated steel stick, in Martial Soul was also good Martial Soul. 钢纹棍,在器武魂中也算是不错的武魂了。 Come, the child, measures innate Spirit Power!” “来,孩子,测一下先天魂力!” Fang Ming put out a crystal ball, mentioned in front of this child. 方明拿出了一颗水晶球,提到这孩子面前。 Put the hand on the line.” “把手放上去就行了。” Boy mood stretched out the palm very much intense, placed on the icy cold small ball. 男孩此刻心情很是紧张的伸出了手掌,放在了冰凉的小球上。 Quick, this crystal ball bloomed a ray. 很快,这水晶球就绽放出了一丝光芒。 This, on Fang Ming's face showed a smile finally. 这一下,方明的脸上终于露出了一丝笑容。 Spirit Power, four levels!” 魂力,四级!” Sir Spirit Master, can I become Spirit Master?” 魂师大人,那我可以成为魂师了嘛?” Fang Ming nods. 方明点了点头。 Although four levels of innate Spirit Power, the talent is not very high, but is not bad, in the future can become good Spirit Master. 虽然四级先天魂力,天赋不是很高,但也不差了,将来还是可以成为一个不错的魂师的。 After the boys obtained the affirmation of Spirit Master, was excited to jump, hurried to run and parents shares this good news. 男孩得到了魂师的肯定后,激动得跳了起来,赶紧跑出去和自己父母分享这个好消息。 Nearby Ceng Yi, looks that boy runs excitedly, on the face also revealed wiped the smile. 一旁的曾易,看着那个男孩激动的跑出去,脸上也露出了一抹笑容。 Really a lucky little fellow! 真是一个幸运的小家伙啊! Visits them who conduct the Martial Soul awakening ceremony, Ceng Yi thought of past , was similar to them so, the mood was rough. 看着正在进行武魂觉醒仪式的他们,曾易不由想到当年的自己,也是如同他们这般,心情坎坷。 Knew losing and despair that oneself are unable to practice. 得知自己无法修行的失落与绝望。 Has to become Spirit Master possible excited rushing. 拥有成为魂师可能的激动澎湃。 But, Ceng Yi is very clear, becomes Spirit Master, actually to have difficultly how. 但,曾易可是很清楚,成为魂师,究竟有多么的难。 In this world, the human population has several hundreds fully hundred million. 这个世界上,人类人口足有数百亿之多。 But, Spirit Master also only occupied a very small part. 但其中,魂师也不过只占了很小的一部分。 Can have innate Spirit Power, steps the road of practicing, that is the incomparable luck. 能够拥有先天魂力,踏上修行之路,那已经是无比的幸运。 Naturally, Spirit Master this, no average person thinks is so happy. 当然,魂师这一路,也没有普通人想的那么美好。 In which difficult poverty-stricken, cultivates roughness that travels, that is the average person not unimaginable. 其中的艰辛困苦,修行路上的坎坷,那是普通人无法想象的。 Even the slightest misstep, will die a violent death. 稍有不慎,就会死于非命。 Perhaps dies on other Spirit Master, perhaps also dies in the soul beast mouth. 或许死在别的魂师手上,又或许死在魂兽口中。 The body disappearing say/way falls. 身消道陨。 However, wants to have the powerful strength also to have the ability that changes the destiny, was respected by ten thousand people, must withstand the corresponding pain and difficulty. 不过,想要拥有强大的力量还有改变自身命运的能力,受万人敬仰,就要承受相应的痛楚与艰辛。 This is the price. 这就是代价。 Also yes, balanced! 也是,平衡!
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