DDTR :: Volume #7

#663: Going home

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... The escaping light departs from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect mountain gate together. 一道遁光从七宝琉璃宗的山门里飞出。 Ceng Yi foot treads the flying sword, governing is spatial and good. 曾易脚踏飞剑,御空而行。 Looks back to look, that spiritual energy dense hills, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, gave itself many glorious memory. 回首望去,那灵气氤氲的群山,七宝琉璃宗,给了自己很多美好的回忆。 However Ceng Yi knows, oneself cannot halt. 但是曾易知道,自己不能够止步不前。 It is not able to stay in this happy harbor. 也无法停留在这个美好的港湾。 With the agreement of Chen Wuyue, four years. 尘无月的约定,还有四年时间。 Ceng Yi is clear, even if the present boundary, cultivating is, is in the Spirit Master apex. 曾易清楚,哪怕自己现在的境界,修为,已经是处于魂师的顶点。 But to Chen Wuyue, but also insufficiently. 但对上尘无月,还不够。 Moreover, the matter, Ceng Yi believes, oneself must clarify. 而且,有一件事情,曾易认为,自己必须要去弄清楚。 If not investigate this matter clearly, does not solve it, then it looks like a thorn, grips in own heart. 若是不把这件事调查清楚,不把它解决,那么它就像是一根刺,扎在自己心中。 Paining. 隐隐作痛。 Cherry? Light rain?” “洛樱?还是洛小雨?” Ceng Yi looks at the blue white boundless horizon, in a soft voice from nan. 曾易看着蓝白无垠的天际,轻声自喃。 Younger sister ....... “妹妹.......” Saint Church in cherry mouth, evil Spirit Master organization. 洛樱口中的圣教,邪魂师组织。 These, in the original plot, simply have not appeared. 这些,在原本的剧情中,根本没有出现。 But Ceng Yi also listens to Qian Renxue to raise. 曾易也听千仞雪所提起过。 This evil Spirit Master organization, has for a long time existed very much, has hidden in the mainland hidden place. 这个邪魂师组织,已经很久就存在,一直隐藏在大陆暗处。 Because has tracking down capturing and killing of Spirit Hall, therefore this organization does not dare to crop up, was not known by the world. 因为有着武魂殿的追寻捕杀,所以这个组织一直不敢冒头,不被世人所知。 But, the world is now chaotic. 可是,现在天下乱了。 Year to year hidden in the evil spirits of sewer, started to stretch out the lackey. 常年隐藏在下水道的邪祟,也开始伸出了爪牙。 And, 而且, The strength of cherry...... 洛樱的实力...... Very strong. 很强。 However regarding Ceng Yi, does not calculate the too big danger. 不过对于曾易来说,并不算有太大的危险。 But Ceng Yi wants to make clear, actually behind this organization to be orchestrating what plot. 曾易还是想要搞清楚,这个组织背后究竟在策划着什么阴谋。 Why cherry will turn into this appearance. 为什么洛樱会变成这个样子。 Therefore after Ceng Yi returns to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, material that went to the sect book collection pavilion to look for itself to want. 所以曾易回到七宝琉璃宗后,就去了宗门的藏书阁寻找自己想要的资料。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect as inheritance glorious sect, the Confucian classics old book of collection are many, Ceng Yi also found some information about evil Spirit Master organization. 七宝琉璃宗作为传承悠久的宗门,收藏的经书古籍非常多,曾易也找到了关于邪魂师组织的一些信息。 However, these information are not Ceng Yi want, that is incomplete. 不过,这些信息并不是曾易想要的,那并不完全。 Therefore Ceng Yi plans Spirit Hall. 所以曾易打算去武魂殿 Spirit Hall as the old opponent of evil Spirit Master organization, has the material about evil Spirit Master. 武魂殿作为邪魂师组织的老对手,想必有着更多关于邪魂师的资料。 However, before then, Ceng Yi must first go to a place. 不过,在此之前,曾易先要去一个地方。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- A few days later, a azure garment swordsman, entered in a village. 几天后,一个青衫剑客,走进了一座村庄中。 Looks at own hometown, Ceng Yi is filled with all sorts of feelings suddenly. 看着自己的家乡,曾易一时间感慨万分。 Oneself walk from this village, 20 years, have drifted the wanderer outside. 自己从这个村子里走出来,二十年,一直在外面漂泊闯荡。 20 years, initially that small village, had the huge change. 二十年的时间,当初那个小村落,也发生了巨大的改变。 The person, is a road, in that appearance with Ceng Yi memory is not quite same. 无论是人,还是路,都跟曾易记忆中的那个样子不太一样。 The people are no longer the same. 物是人非。 As Ceng Yi the memory route, arrived in own home. 曾易还是随着记忆的路线,来到了自己的家中。 At present this worn-out log cabin. 眼前这座破旧的木屋。 Went home ~ “回家了啊~” Ceng Yi looks 曾易看着 Place that oneself live since childhood, sigh of being able not help. 自己从小生活的地方,情不自禁的感叹一声。 The time flies, time flies. 时光飞逝,岁月如梭。 Who has to think, initially child of that soul from different world, in the heart has dream that becomes Spirit Master, before this hut, is conducting assiduous practicing every day. 谁有能够想到,当初那个灵魂来自异世的孩童,心中怀揣着成为魂师的梦想,在这个小屋前,每天都进行着刻苦的修行。 Ceng Yi as if saw initial. 恍惚间,曾易似乎看到了当初的自己。 Stands in the yard, is barebacked the upper body, both hands is gripping tightly an iron sword, the unceasing wielding a sword practice, the sweat dances in the air. 站在小院里,赤膊着上身,双手紧握一把铁剑,不断的挥剑练习,汗水飞舞。 Day after day, relentless. 日复一日,坚持不懈。 To going out of that moment of village, is embracing the happy dream, stepped the road of Spirit Master officially. 一直到走出村子的那一刻,怀抱着美好的梦想,正式踏上了魂师之路。 Experiencing does not know many to be rough, between the life and death paces back and forth, practices step by step the strengthen. 历尽不知多少坎坷,生与死之间徘徊,一步一步修行变强。 Until now, cultivating of Ceng Yi is, a strong strength, took a broad view at the entire mainland, is invincible. 到如今,曾易的修为,一身强大的实力,放眼整个大陆,已经无敌。 Who can think, such a small village, can go out of such a powerhouse? 谁又能想到,这么一个小村庄,能够走出这么一位强者呢? Ceng Yi looks at own house, because too long no one handles, in the courtyard had been covered with the weed, the room is also damaged, covered entirely the white silk spider web. 曾易看着自己的房子,因为太久没有人打理,院子里已经是长满了杂草,屋子也是破败不堪,布满了白丝蛛网。 Un, such being the case, that reorganizes one well.” “嗯,既然如此,那就好好整理一番吧。” Ceng Yi starts to begin immediately, cleaning up courtyard. 曾易立刻开始动手,清理院子。 But this den, Ceng Yi also repairs and maintains. 而这间小房,曾易也重新修整一番。 When to the setting sun soon falls, Ceng Yi stands in the courtyard, very satisfied looks at own masterpiece. 一直到夕阳快要落下之时,曾易站在院子中,很是满意的看着自己的杰作。 After handling all these, Ceng Yi entered in the room, lay on the bed directly, both hands spread out, blew off the mind. 搞定好这一切后,曾易走进了屋内,直接躺在了床上,双手摊开,放空了心神。 This feeling, unprecedented good. 这种感觉,前所未有的好。 At this moment, Ceng Yi anything is not willing to think, such static is lying down. 这一刻,曾易什么都不愿意去想,就这样静静的躺着。 When does not know, closed the eye. 不知什么时候,闭上了眼睛。 Next day, Ceng Yi opened the eye, sets out to look, out of the window has a wisp of dawn photo to enter in the room. 翌日,曾易睁开了眼,起身看去,窗外有着一缕晨光照进屋内。 In the morning?” “早上了么?” Ceng Yi talked to oneself, crawled since the bed slowly, very leisurely and carefree satisfied depth stretched. 曾易自语一声,从床上缓缓爬起,很是悠闲惬意的深了一个懒腰。 After awaking, Ceng Yi felt that own spirit at this moment is unprecedented good. 睡醒之后,曾易感觉到自己的精神此刻是前所未有的好。 Really is one is good to think ~ “真是一个好觉啊~” Emanation sigh that Ceng Yi can not help. 曾易情不自禁的发出感叹。 Ceng Yi is unclear, oneself previous such satisfactory sleeping, time when was. 曾易已经记不清了,自己上一次这么美美的睡上一觉,是什么时候了。 What does not need to think, does not have any worried and worry. 什么都不用去想,没有任何的忧愁与烦恼。 On the life of such average undulating. 就这样平平澹澹的生活。 Ceng Yi somewhat the idea that wants to occupy for a long time. 曾易都有些想要长久居住下来的想法。 Who is in inside?” “是谁在里面?” At this moment, outside the room heard shout. 就在这时,屋外传来了一道呼喊声。 Ceng Yi hears sound went out of out of the door, seeing an old person is hand-held the walking stick, stands before the courtyard front door. 曾易闻声走出了门外,见一个老人手扶着拐杖,站在院子大门前。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” The old person looks at the young people who goes out of the room, in the heart is vigilant. 老人看着从屋内走出的这个年轻人,心中不由警惕起来。 After Ceng Yi sees this old person, on the face showed the happy smile, said: Village head grandfather, is really does not see for a long time.” 曾易见到这位老人后,脸上露出了开心的笑容,说道:“村长爷爷,真是好久不见啊。” Grandfather? Do you know me?” “爷爷?你认识我?” Looks that this to the young people who oneself smile, Malaao stares. 看着这个对自己微笑的年轻人,马拉奥不由一愣。 Immediately, he discovered, at present this young people, as if some familiar. 顿时,他发现,眼前这个年轻人,似乎有一些熟悉。 You...... are you Ceng Yi boy?” “你......你是曾易小子?” Malaao stared in a big way the eye, immediately opens the mouth saying that some tone tremors. 马拉奥瞪大了眼睛,立刻开口道,语气都有些颤动。 Called the grandfather, but also lived here. 叫自己爷爷,还住在这里。 To come, except for must resolve to become a Spirit Grandmaster initially, walks that child from here, without others. 想来,除了当初要立志成为一个大魂师,从这里走出去的那个孩子,没有其他人了。 Because, here is his family/home! 因为,这里就是他的家啊! Nod of Ceng Yi smile. 曾易微笑的点了点头。 Right, is I, Ceng Yi.” “没错,是我,曾易。” Obtained his confirmation again, Malaao some cannot believe. 得到了他的再次确认,马拉奥还是有些不太敢相信。 That child, really came back. 那个孩子,真的回来了。 In the past, he left the village time, was only eight years old. 当年,他离开村子的时候,才八岁。 Although the middle has returned to a village, but actually only treated very short date and time, left again. 虽然中间回过一次村子,但却只待了很短的时日,就再次离开了。 Later, village Malaao has not heard the news about Ceng Yi again. 之后,村子马拉奥就再也没有听到过关于曾易的消息了。 Several years, no message. 十几年了,没有一点音讯。 In addition the recent two years, the mainland turmoil war appears, outside world, flames of war again and again. 加上最近两年,大陆局势混乱战争出现,外面的世界,战火连连。 Many years have not seen Ceng Yi to go home, Malaao also thinks that he encountered the mishap outside. 多年没有见曾易回家,马拉奥还以为他在外面遭遇不测了呢。 Now sees him to return to the village again, Malaao is excited, the eye socket was ruddy. 如今再次见到他回到村子,马拉奥心情很是激动,眼眶都不禁红润了。 Comes back well, comes back well ~ “回来就好,回来就好啊~” Malaao crying tears of joy, said repeatedly. 马拉奥喜极而泣,连声说道。 The village head as village, Malaao heard that Ceng Yi family/home, presented a stranger. 作为村子的村长,马拉奥听说曾易的家这边,出现了一个陌生人。 Therefore he has a look very early in the morning, is actually. 所以他一大早就过来看看,究竟是谁。 Was the master of home comes back. 没有想到,是这个家的主人回来了。 Ceng Yi looks that this takes care of the senior village head in in addition to oneself since childhood, in the heart is filled with all sorts of feelings. 曾易看着这个从小就对自己照顾有加的老村长,心中感慨万分。 Village head grandfather, many years does not see, you also aged ~ “村长爷爷,多年不见,你也变老了啊~”
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