DDTR :: Volume #7

#662: Departure

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 七宝琉璃宗 In colored glaze palace. 琉璃殿内。 Ning Fengzhi sits on the seat of honor, the left and right respectively are the sect two big patron gods, sword douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong. 宁风致坐于主位上,左右两边分别是宗门两大守护神,剑斗罗尘心骨斗罗古榕 Father, Grandfather, what matter do you teach us to have?” “爸爸,爷爷,你们教我们过来有什么事?” Ning Rongrong sees an own father complexion dignified color, then asked curiously. 宁荣荣见自己的父亲脸色一副凝重之色,便好奇问道。 This matter, about your, Rongrong, Zhuqing.” “这件事情,是关于你们两人的,荣荣,竹清。” Ning Fengzhi said: Shrek Institute transmits the correspondence, making you go to the Heaven Duo city to gather.” 宁风致说道:“史莱克学院传来书信,让你们去天斗城一聚。” Goes to the Heaven Duo city?” “去天斗城?” Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing stare, two people looked at each other one, selected lightly under. 宁荣荣朱竹清不由一愣,两人对视了一眼,轻点了下头。 Goes, is not the important matter.” “去就去呗,又不是什么大事。” A Ning Rongrong face is indifferent. 宁荣荣一脸无所谓。 Shrek Institute is their alma mater, several kind teachers. 史莱克学院是她们的母校,还有几位恩师。 Two people practice from Sea God Island, should probably visit. 两人从海神岛修行回来,理应是要去拜访一下。 Right, how hasn't Ceng Yi that fellow come?” “对了,曾易那家伙怎么没过来?” Ning Rongrong sees Ceng Yi not to come to here, then asked. 宁荣荣曾易并没有来这里,便问道。 Yan Que said: „ Master he in the book collection pavilion, several days did not have. 言雀说道:“师父他在藏书阁里,好几天都没有出来了。 Moreover, he said that the business in sect, do not look for him. When sect in life and death, otherwise do not go to be tired of him. ” 而且,他说了,宗门内的事务,不要找他。除非宗门处于生死存亡之际,不然都不要去烦他。” Heard Yan Que saying that Ning Rongrong got hold of the fist, was mad clenches teeth. 听到言雀这么说,宁荣荣不由握紧了拳头,气得直咬牙。 This fellow is what meaning! Are we very bothersome he?” “这家伙是什么意思啊!我们很烦他吗?” Regarding the Ceng Yi behavior, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin are also very helpless shaking the head. 对于曾易的行为,宁风致尘心也是很无奈的摇头。 Several days ago, 几天前, Ceng Yi brings Zhu Zhuqing they to return to sect. 曾易就带着朱竹清她们回到宗门 Then, threw into the book collection pavilion, several days have not come out. 然后,就一头扎进了藏书阁中,好几天都没有出来。 Also does not know that he is consulting anything. 也不知道他在查阅什么。 Ok, I and Zhuqing pass for two days to embark the Heaven Duo city.” “行吧,那我和竹清过两天就出发去天斗城。” Ning Rongrong looks to Zhu Zhuqing, she nods , indicating that does not have the issue. 宁荣荣看向朱竹清,她点了点头,表示没有问题。 But, the old man always felt, this matter is not simple.” “不过,老夫总感觉,这件事情没有那么简单。” At this time, the sword douluo Chen Xin words, attracted the past everyone's attention. 这时,剑斗罗尘心的话,把所有人的注意力吸引了过去。 Behind this matter, has the secret facts?” Zhu Zhuqing sinks to congeal to say. “难道这件事背后,另有隐情?”朱竹清沉凝道。 But, Shrek Institute is their alma mater, what problem can Shrek Seven Devils accumulation have? 可是,史莱克学院可是她们的母校,史莱克七怪聚集能出现什么问题? Ning Fengzhi opens the mouth saying: Sword uncle said right.” 宁风致开口道:“剑叔说得没错。” Actually, I have suspected, Shrek Institute passes on the book to come now, actually for anything.” “其实,我已经猜想到,史莱克学院现在传书过来,究竟是为了什么。” Now this node, the northern beast moist crisis of Martial Soul Empire solution, withdraws troops toward. “现在这个节点,武魂帝国解决的北方兽潮危机,班师回朝。 Then, the Martial Soul Empire movement, definitely is the fitting out strength, then initiates again to the wars of two big empires, completes the reunification. 那么接下来,武魂帝国的动作,肯定是整备力量,然后再一次发起对两大帝国的战争,完成统一大业。 But by two Great Emperor Country Alliances, the present strength, is merely impossible to resist the advancement of Martial Soul Empire army. ” 而仅仅是凭借两大帝国联盟,现在的力量,是不可能抵挡得住武魂帝国大军的推进。” Chen Xin nods, said: „ Right, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has been in the neutrality, does not want to participate in the war between both sides. 尘心点了点头,说道:“没错,我们七宝琉璃宗一直处于中立,并不想参与双方之间的战争。 However, before, that side Heaven Dou Empire, with your Division Commander's Shrek hand, came to convince our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to join the Empire Alliance, resisted Martial Soul Empire together. ” 但是,之前,天斗帝国那边,借你们史莱克师长之手,前来说服我们七宝琉璃宗加入帝国联盟,共同抵抗武魂帝国。” But we rejected.” “但是我们拒绝了。” hears word, Ning Rongrong sinking sound said: Therefore, this time, does want among the friendship through our Shrek Seven Devils, to facilitate the matter of alliance?” 闻言,宁荣荣沉声道:“所以,这一次,是想通过我们史莱克七怪之间的情谊,促成联盟之事?” Ning Fengzhi nods. 宁风致点了点头。 Right, should be this.” “没错,应该就是这样。” At this time, Ning Rongrong also becomes somewhat helpless, is confused. 此时,宁荣荣也变得有些不知所措,迷茫起来。 If before, she will definitely make sect join in the Empire Alliance without hesitation. 若是之前,她肯定会毫不犹豫的让宗门加入帝国联盟之中。 But, comes back after Sea God Island, she experiences incompetent of Heaven Dou Empire, brutal. 可是,从海神岛回来后,她见识到了天斗帝国的无能,还有无情。 In order to achieve the goal, spares no sacrifice the lives of northern several million people, directing Martial Soul Empire to join a gambling game. 为了达成目的,不惜牺牲北方数百万人民的性命,引武魂帝国入局。 But in Martial Soul Empire for the mainland people, the resistance soul beast invasion that is willing, protects the human area not by the soul beast violation. 而在武魂帝国则是为了大陆人民,心甘情愿的抵御魂兽入侵,保护人类疆域不受魂兽侵害。 Therefore paid the manpower and resources of sizing up, does not know that many people died in battle above that wild extremely cold icefield. 为此付出了打量的人力物力,不知有多少人战死在那荒蛮极寒的冰原之上。 In addition, Ceng Yi said that he will not help either one. 再加上,曾易说了,他不会去帮助任何一方。 But Ceng Yi has also said that he will not prevent Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect from joining the fight. 曾易也说过,他不会阻止七宝琉璃宗加入战斗。 Neutrality or not, in Ning Rongrong instant. 中立与否,都在宁荣荣的一念之间。 She as the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect next leader, has this qualifications. 她作为七宝琉璃宗的下一任掌门人,有这个资格。 But, in seeing these by Martial Soul Empire rule area , the life of these common people, on their faces are brimming with the happy look, Ning Rongrong some suspicions. 可是,在见到那些被武魂帝国统治的地区中,那些百姓的生活,他们脸上都洋溢着幸福的神色,宁荣荣又有些怀疑。 Who is just? 到底谁是正义? But, another side, is own friend, has lived and died together friendship. 可是,另一边,又是自己的朋友,同生共死过的情谊。 Has no alternative but to help! 不能不帮啊! Therefore Ning Rongrong is very awkward, her looking like makes Ceng Yi come to her to offer advice very much. 所以宁荣荣很为难,她很像让曾易来给她出个主意。 However the fellow stays at home directly, sees continually is difficult to see one side him. 但是那家伙直接闭门不出,连见都难见他一面。 Right, Rongrong, a matter.” Ning Fengzhi continues to say. “对了,荣荣,还有一件事。”宁风致继续说道。 What matter?” “什么事?” Ning Fengzhi and side two douluo looked at each other one, in the heart set firm resolve. 宁风致与身旁的两位斗罗对视了一眼,心中下定了决心。 Rongrong, your cultivating for has broken through the Spirit Douluo boundary now, exceeded the father, becomes this first under heaven to assist Spirit Master. 荣荣啊,如今你的修为已经突破到了魂斗罗境界,超越了父亲,成为了这天下第一辅助魂师 Zhuqing also becomes Titled Douluo, the young generation has grown. 竹清也成为了封号斗罗,年轻一辈都已经成长起来。 I think, I am also the time should abdicate, sect official hands over in your hand. ” 我想,我也是时候该退位,把宗门正式的交到你的手上。” This saying, lets not have the Ning Rongrong body of preparation to shake, in the look flashed through wiped flurriedly. 这话一出,让没有心理准备的宁荣荣身体一震,眼神中闪过了一抹慌乱。 But, the father you are so young, how to abdicate! I may also many things not familiar, this sovereign position, but also cannot do.” “可是,爸爸你还这么年轻,怎么就退位了呢!我可还有好多东西没熟悉,这宗主之位,还做不得。” Ning Fengzhi said with a smile: Which who is inborn what to be able? Your father I was also one person tried to find out initially alone, can operate so the appearance Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect.” 宁风致笑道:“哪有谁天生就什么都会?你爸爸我当初也是一人独自摸索,才能够把七宝琉璃宗经营成这般模样。” sect must always hand over in your hand, this time, you go the Heaven Duo city, all press your idea. 宗门总是要交到你手上的,这一次,你前去天斗城,一切就按你的想法来。 How you want to do, sect will support your! ” 你想要怎么做,宗门都会支持你的!” „ After you came back, conducts to succeed to the throne the grand ceremony officially, becomes the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect true leader. “等你回来后,就正式进行继位大典,成为七宝琉璃宗真正的掌门。 Rongrong, the father believes, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect in your hand, can certainly achieve the unprecedented prosperity to be magnificent! ” 荣荣,爸爸相信,七宝琉璃宗在你的手上,一定能够达到前所未有的繁荣辉煌!” „? Can Ning Rongrong work as the leader? Really may celebrate encouraging! Ha ~ “哦?宁荣荣要当掌门人了?真是可喜可贺啊!哈哈哈~” At this time, the frank laughter transmitted together, making somewhat helpless Ning Rongrong mind stabilize. 这时,一道爽朗的笑声传来,让有些不知所措的宁荣荣心神安定了下来。 Ceng Yi! You came out from the book collection pavilion finally!” 曾易!你终于从藏书阁出来了!” Master!” “师父!” Ceng Yi arrives in front of the people, to nod of they are smiling. 曾易走到众人面前,对着他们微笑的点了点头。 Right, I and Zhuqing must go to Heaven Duo city Shrek Institute, together how do you also go?” “对了,我和竹清要去天斗城史莱克学院,你也一起去怎么样?” Ning Rongrong says immediately. 宁荣荣立刻说道。 Heaven Duo city?” 天斗城?” Some Ceng Yi surprise looks at Ning Rongrong, quick remembered anything. 曾易有些诧异的看着宁荣荣,很快就想起了什么。 It is estimated that Yu Xiaogang wish makes Ning Rongrong draw Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to Heaven Dou Empire so, is good to resist Martial Soul Empire. 估计玉小刚想要让宁荣荣七宝琉璃宗拉到天斗帝国这般,好对抗武魂帝国 „, You went on the line.” “不了,你们去就行。” Ceng Yi shakes the head, rejection without hesitation. 曾易摇了摇头,毫不犹豫的拒绝。 Sees Ceng Yi not to go, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing somewhat are surprised. 曾易不去,宁荣荣朱竹清都有些惊讶。 But, you are also the student in Shrek Institute, so many years did not have, going back to see the chief they have anything is not good.” Ning Rongrong complained. “可是,你也是史莱克学院的学生啊,这么多年都没有回去了,回去见一见院长他们有什么不好。”宁荣荣抱怨道。 Said again, you do not dare some proper business day in day out, always treats in sect is not bored?” “再说了,你一天到晚也不敢些正事,总待在宗门里不无聊吗?” Ceng Yi said: I have other matter, this coming, said good-bye before leaving with you.” 曾易说道:“我有别的事情,这次过来,是跟你们辞行的。” What? Do you want to leave?” “什么?你要离开?” Ceng Yi this saying, lets Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, the Yan Que three people were not peaceful decide. 曾易这话,让朱竹清,宁荣荣,言雀叁人都不澹定了。 What do you want to make?” “你要去做什么?” Presses hard on the look that closely examines regarding Ning Rongrong that Ceng Yi shakes the head with a smile. 对于宁荣荣那紧逼追问的眼神,曾易笑着摇了摇头。 Why do I want to tell you?” “我为什么要跟你说?” „Everyone has own secret, something many questionings.” “每个人都有着属于自己的秘密,有些事情不要过多的追问。” Zhu Zhuqing looks at Ceng Yi, why does not know, in her heart is somewhat anxious. 朱竹清看着曾易,不知道为什么,她的心中有些不安。 She says immediately: I must go with you!” 她立刻说道:“我也要跟你去!” Zhu Zhuqing that firm look looks at Ceng Yi, the tone does not allow to reject. 朱竹清那坚定的眼神看着曾易,语气不容拒绝。 Right, I must go!” “对啊,我也要去!” Ning Rongrong also raises hand to create a disturbance. 宁荣荣也举手起哄。 Looks at their two, Ceng Yi helpless shaking the head. 看着她们两个,曾易无奈的摇了摇头。 Do not go to the Heaven Duo city to get together? What matter following I am?” “你不是要去天斗城聚会吗?跟着我是什么回事?” Sorry, this I do not lead you time!” “抱歉,这一次我不会带着你们了!” Ceng Yi directly rejection without hesitation. 曾易直接毫不犹豫的拒绝。 Why? Did you dislike us to be tired of?” The Ning Rongrong both hands fork waist, the complexion is very unhappy. “为什么?你是不是嫌我们烦了?”宁荣荣双手叉腰,脸色很是不开心。 Ceng Yi undulating say/way: „ You were also big, what matter all day follows I am? 曾易澹澹道:“你们也不小了,整天跟着我是什么事? Also, I had the matter that I must handle, something, can only I alone be solved. ” 再说了,我有我自己要做的事情,有些事情,只能我一个人去解决。” Moreover, you practice now from Sea God Island, one is Titled Douluo, is going to take over, if person of big sect base industry.” “况且,你们如今从海神岛修行回来,一个已经是封号斗罗,一个则是将要接手若大宗门基业的人。” You, Yan Que.” Ceng Yi is saying, looks to the one side silent apprentice. “还有你,言雀。”曾易说着,又看向一旁默默无言的徒弟。 You are not the child I have nothing can teach you. “你们都已经不是小孩子我也没有什么能够教你们的了。 Now, thinks well, oneself needs, is the outcome of truly tracking down what? 现在,好好想一想,自己所需要的,真正所追寻的究竟是些什么? While this opportunity, goes to look, sees clearly own path. ” 趁着这个机会,出去看一看,看清自己的道路吧。” The Ceng Yi words, making three females silent. 曾易的话,让叁女都沉默了。 Also knows, his intention has decided that being doomed to depart. 也知道,这一次他的心意已决,注定要离去。 Why does not know, at this moment in their hearts, starts to be confused. 不知道为什么,此刻她们的心中,都开始迷茫起来。 Actually do oneself practice for what? 自己究竟是为了什么而修行? Ceng Yi catches the eye, looks to Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Gu Rong. 曾易抬眼,看向宁风致,尘心古榕 Uncle Ning, Master, Teacher's younger brother, I said goodbye!” “宁叔,师父,师叔,我告辞了!” Then, Ceng Yi went out of outside the main hall on one person. 说完,曾易就一人走出了大殿外。
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