DDTR :: Volume #7

#661: Reversal situation possibility

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Passes on Our decree, Grandmaster declares Yu Xiaogang goes to the discussing official business palace!” “传朕旨意,宣大师玉小刚前往议事殿!” At this time, the avalanche thought of Shrek Institute that. 这时,雪崩想到了史莱克学院那位。 He is a person who has the big wisdom, before was he uses the idea to constrain the Martial Soul Empire army to invade the advancement, making Heaven Dou Empire have more than one year of recuperation time. 他是一个拥有大智慧的人,之前就是他用计拖住了武魂帝国大军入侵进程,让天斗帝国有了一年多的休整时间。 Obeys your majesty life!” “遵陛下之命!” After a half hour, the dean in Shrek Institute, as well as both vice-presidents arrived in the Heaven Duo imperial palace. 半个小时后,史莱克学院的院长,以及两位副院长都来到了天斗皇宫中。 In the past golden three corner/horn combination that shakes Spirit Master World, Yu Xiaogang , Flender, Liu Erlong. 正是当年名震魂师界的黄金叁角组合,玉小刚,弗兰德,还有柳二龙 After their three people, but also follows two young people. 他们叁人身后,还跟着两位年轻人。 From Sea God Island returning of Ma Hongjun Shrek Seven Devils, Oscar. 正是从海神岛归来的史莱克七怪之一的马红俊,奥斯卡。 In discussing official business palace. 议事殿中。 The avalanche sits well above the throne, under looks at five people of palace. 雪崩端坐于王位之上,看着下殿的五人。 See your majesty!” “参见陛下!” After Yu Xiaogang and the others saw the avalanche Great Emperor, respectful and prudent saluting. 玉小刚等人见到雪崩大帝后,恭谨的行礼。 The avalanche said hastily: Grandmaster dispense with ceremony, here does not have the bystander, your I do not need so!” 雪崩连忙道:“大师免礼,这里没有外人,你我无需如此!” His avalanche can sit quietly the throne, what are more relies upon Shrek Institute these people. 他雪崩能够稳坐皇位,更多的还是仰仗史莱克学院这些人。 Initially , because had Shrek's help, he can expose pretends crown prince Xue Qinghe, thus sitting throne. 当初,就是因为有史莱克的帮助,他才能够揭发假冒太子雪清河,从而坐上了王位。 Did obeisance Tang of Shrek Institute three is a master. 更是拜了史莱克学院的唐叁为师。 But at present this person, is the teacher of oneself master. 而眼前这个人,可是自己师父的老师。 The reason, the avalanche must shout a Yu Xiaogang adviser. 情理来说,雪崩还得喊玉小刚一声师爷。 Grandmaster, Dean Flender, these two are?” “大师,弗兰德院长,这两位是?” The avalanche looks at these two young people after their three person, the doubts asks. 雪崩看着他们叁人身后的这两个年轻人,疑惑问道。 Yu Xiaogang , 玉小刚, Flender, the Liu Erlong three people, the avalanche naturally is very familiar. 弗兰德,柳二龙叁人,雪崩自然是很熟悉。 However following two, the avalanche was not quite clear. 但是跟着其他两人,雪崩就不太清楚了。 However, since can make the Grandmaster bring, comparing the status is not very certainly ordinary! 不过,既然能够让大师带着进来,相比身份一定很不一般吧! Yu Xiaogang said: Your majesty, their two, are evil fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun in our Shrek Seven Devils, the sausage specializes in selling Oscar!” 玉小刚道:“陛下,他们两位,正是我们史莱克七怪中的邪火马红俊,香肠专卖奥斯卡!” Before your majesty you and they have met, but, somewhat unfamiliar was not over the past several years strange.” “之前陛下您与他们见过面,但过去多年,有些面生也不奇怪。” Ma Hongjun and Oscar somewhat are also awkward. 马红俊和奥斯卡也有些尴尬。 The avalanche, they knew certainly. 雪崩,他们当然认识。 Initially, when Shrek Institute all went to the Heaven Duo imperial family school, the avalanche imperial prince finds fault. 当初,还在史莱克学院全体前往天斗皇家学院的时候,正是雪崩皇子来找茬。 Also by their suddenly/violently to beat up one. 还被他们暴揍一顿呢。 Several years passed by, initially that playboy imperial prince, changed, turned into the big Heaven Dou Empire emperor unexpectedly. 没有想到,几年过去了,当初那个纨绔皇子,摇身一变,竟然变成了偌大天斗帝国的皇帝。 This lets Ma Hongjun and in the Oscar two will of the people are somewhat awkward. 这让马红俊和奥斯卡两人心里有些尴尬。 After this fellow will not recall us, later trips somebody up to us in secret? 这家伙不会记起我们后,以后暗中给我们使绊子吧? Has seen your majesty.” “见过陛下。” Ma Hongjun, Oscar also to this your majesty good a ritual, can retaliate them regarding this Emperor Heaven Duo, are not many cares. 马红俊,奥斯卡两人也是给这位陛下行了一礼,对于这位天斗皇帝会不会报复他们,也并不多在意。 Because they are not initially that small and weak Spirit Master. 因为他们已经不是当初那个弱小的魂师了。 Is the Spirit Douluo boundary, the strength is to endure to compare Titled Douluo. 都已经是魂斗罗境界,战力更是堪比封号斗罗 Even if this Emperor Heaven Duo aims at himself now, what's the big deal? 就算现在这位天斗皇帝针对自己,那又如何? This strong strength, radically fearless! 这一身强大的实力,根本无惧! Even if Heaven Duo cannot stay, can still go to Star Luo Empire. 就算天斗呆不下去,也能够去星罗帝国 Star Luo Empire emperor big brother! 星罗帝国的皇帝还是自己大哥呢! Originally is you! Ha, several years do not see, two are the bearing glows, even We could not recognize quickly!” “原来是你们啊!哈哈哈,几年不见,两位更是神姿焕发,连朕都快认不出来了!” The avalanche also thought that has not cared about the past gratitude and grudges, laughs frank. 雪崩也想了起来,没有在意当年的恩怨,爽朗大笑。 Truly, Oscar and Ma Hongjun had very big change. 确实,奥斯卡与马红俊都发生了很大的变化。 Oscar did not have the initial mother air/Qi, the whole person becomes the resolute righteous qi, valiant. 奥斯卡也没有了当初的娘气,整个人变得刚毅正气,英姿勃发。 But the Ma Hongjun Martial Soul variation became seven phoenixes, the appearance also had very big change. 马红俊武魂变异成了七首凤凰,外貌也发生了很大的改变。 This year's exercise, fat fat also disappears almost, becomes handsome charming. 这今年的锻炼,身上的脂肪肥肉也消得差不多,变得更加的英俊帅气。 Wait, didn't you go to the overseas to practice? Since two came back, then my master blue HaoWang Tang three, can come back?” “等等,你们不是去海外修行了吗?既然两位回来了,那么我师父蓝昊王唐叁,可回来了?” The avalanche remembered anything immediately, asked hastily. 雪崩顿时想起了什么,连忙问道。 Master?” “师父?” Ma Hongjun stares. 马红俊不由一愣。 Flender says immediately: You do not know at that time, your majesty once pays respects Tang three were the masters, first emperor awarded Tang three is opposite sex king nobility, king: Blue Hao!” 弗兰德立刻说道:“你们当时不知,陛下曾拜唐叁为师,先帝封赐唐叁为异性王爵,王号:蓝昊!” This lets Oscar, Ma Hongjun two people are very surprised. 这让奥斯卡,马红俊两人很是惊讶。 Lying trough, such important matter, three elder brother was actually told us.” “卧槽,这么重要的事情,叁哥竟然被跟我们说。” Oscar said to the avalanche: Your majesty, we returns to the mainland after the overseas, three elder brother and Xiao Wu first went to Star Dou Forest, will soon come back.” 奥斯卡对雪崩说道:“陛下,我们从海外回到大陆后,叁哥与小舞先去了星斗大森林,用不了多久就会回来了。” Hears this information, lets in the avalanche heart wild with joy. 听到这个信息,让雪崩心中狂喜。 Good! Too was really good!” “好!真是太好了!” The avalanche shouted excitedly. 雪崩激动的喊了出来。 For these days, transmitted was makes him very anxious, agitated information. 这几天,传来的都是让他无比揪心,烦躁的信息。 Now, finally heard a good news! It is not really easy! 如今,终于听到一个好消息了!真是太不容易了啊! Moreover, in the eye of avalanche, own master, blue HaoWang Tang three, is not only the talent youngster, talent strange tall, its wisdom is near monster. 而且,在雪崩的眼中,自己的师父,蓝昊王唐叁,不仅仅是天才少年,天赋奇高,其智更是近妖。 Now many years pass by, Tang three strengths surely powerful. 如今多年过去,唐叁的实力必定更加的强大。 If Tang three can come back to manage the general situation, that Empire Alliance regarding the victory of Martial Soul Empire, must promote 12. 若是唐叁能够回来主持大局,那帝国联盟对于武魂帝国的胜利,怎么也得提升一两层啊。 Your majesty, you pass on the aim to proclaim me and others to enter the palace, what matter has?” Yu Xiaogang asked. “陛下,您传旨宣我等进宫,是有何事?”玉小刚问道。 The avalanche said: Grandmaster, recently Martial Soul Empire successfully repelled the northern soul beast, withdraws troops to return to the matter of towards, should you know this news?” 雪崩说道:“大师,最近武魂帝国成功击退北方魂兽,班师回朝的事情,你应该知晓这一消息了吧?” Regarding this issue, Yu Xiaogang complexion dignified nod. 对于这个问题,玉小刚脸色凝重的点了点头。 He has been paying attention to the northern war, therefore first obtained this news. 他一直关注着北方战事,所以第一时间就得到这个消息了。 Martial Soul Empire can such quick solve the northern beast tide, this is Yu Xiaogang has not expected. 武魂帝国能够如此之快就解决了北方兽潮,这是玉小刚没有预料到的。 Grandmaster, how now can we?” “大师,现在我们要如何?” Martial Soul Empire withdraws troops toward, will then certainly initiate again to our Heaven Dou Empire invasion war.” 武魂帝国班师回朝,接下来一定会再次发起对我们天斗帝国的入侵战争。” „After experiencing the northern war, the Martial Soul Empire prestige surges upward in the folk, but their armies, are incomparably powerful. How can we be able to resist the attack of Martial Soul Empire?” “经历了北方战事之后,武魂帝国的威望在民间高涨,而他们的军队,更是无比强悍。我们要如何才能够抵挡武魂帝国的进攻?” The mood of avalanche starts becomes excited. 雪崩的情绪开始变得激动起来。 He knows, if this time cannot keep off, then oneself will turn into Mr. of perishing country! 他知道,这一次若是不能够挡下,那么自己就会变成亡国之君! Yu Xiaogang opens the mouth saying: Your majesty, you do not need to worry, this time, we have with the capital that Martial Soul Empire resists!” 玉小刚开口道:“陛下,您不用担心,这一次,我们有与武魂帝国对抗的资本!” „Do this words take seriously?” “此话当真?” Avalanche some do not believe the Yu Xiaogang words. 雪崩有些不太相信玉小刚的话。 Yu Xiaogang nods , to continue saying: „ Your majesty, our Heaven Dou Empire and Martial Soul Empire armament strength, is actually not bad. 玉小刚点了点头,继续道:“陛下,我们天斗帝国武魂帝国的军备力量,其实并不差。 Before, we retreated in defeat again and again under the Martial Soul Empire army, the only reason, was our high-end strengths is insufficient. ” 之前,我们在武魂帝国的大军下节节败退,唯一的原因,就是我们的高端战力不足。” But, this time may be different.” “但是,这一次可不一样了。” Yu Xiaogang is saying, on the face also revealed the self-confident color. 玉小刚说着,脸上也流露出了自信之色。 The avalanche said hastily: „Can our time make up the high-end strength?” 雪崩连忙道:“难道我们这一次能够把高端战力补足?” Right!” “没错!” Yu Xiaogang nods. 玉小刚点了点头。 Although Martial Soul Empire is Yu Xiaogang has not thought the northern beast tide solution quickly. 虽然武魂帝国这么快就把北方兽潮解决是玉小刚没有想到的。 However, oneself rather discarded the innumerable people initially, must make Martial Soul Empire join a gambling game, constrains the Martial Soul Empire footsteps. 但是,自己当初宁愿舍弃无数人民,也要让武魂帝国入局,拖住武魂帝国的脚步。 The goal, to delay the time, waits for the disciple, Tang three practices from Sea God Island with other Shrek people. 目的,就是为了拖延时间,等待自己弟子,唐叁与史莱克其他人从海神岛修行回来。 Now, they came back, then own goal was also achieved. 如今,他们都回来了,那么自己的目的也就达到了。 Minor defect in something otherwise perfect is, cannot delay some time. 美中不足的就是,不能够在拖延一些时间。 little Ao, you and your majesty said you at the Sea God Island matter.” Yu Xiaogang said to Oscar. “小奥,你与陛下说说你们在海神岛的事情。”玉小刚对奥斯卡说道。 Oscar nods, facing the avalanche, said the experience on Sea God Island them. 奥斯卡点了点头,面对雪崩,开口把他们在海神岛上的经历说了说。 Told the avalanche casually, Shrek Seven Devils present cultivating is the boundary. 随便告诉了雪崩,史莱克七怪如今的修为境界。 Listens to the words of Oscar, the avalanche to shock the eye pupil greatly to open the eyes, for a very long time cannot meet the god. 听完奥斯卡的话,雪崩震撼得眼眸大睁,久久不能会过神来。 Shrek Seven Devils is the Spirit Douluo boundary, has is enduring to compare the Titled Douluo strength! 史莱克七怪都已经是魂斗罗境界了,都拥有着堪比封号斗罗的战力! Moreover, oneself master Tang three, soon break through the Titled Douluo boundary. 而且,自己师父唐叁,更是快要突破封号斗罗境界。 Wild with joy! Avalanche mood at this moment, simply from unprecedented good. 狂喜!雪崩此刻的心情,简直是从所未有的好。 So long as and other masters, the blue Hao king returns, all assembled Shrek Seven Devils, then this side the Empire Alliance high-end strength, will promote a big truncation. 只要等自己的师父,蓝昊王归来,聚齐史莱克七怪,那么帝国联盟这一边的高端战力,将提升一大截。 Yu Xiaogang continues saying: Also not only small three come back now, Tang Gate that he leads, attached four respected families, this strength not inferior and once previous three!” 玉小刚继续道:“还不只如今小叁回来,他所率领的唐门,附属四大家族,这个实力不逊色与曾经的上叁宗!” Moreover, small three can also let close off a mountain area many years of Clear Sky Sect born!” “而且,小叁还可以让封山多年的昊天宗出世!” However as once three heads, strengths of Clear Sky Sect these year of savings, compared with before absolutely powerful. “而作为曾经的叁宗之首,昊天宗这些年积蓄的力量,比起之前绝对会更加的强大。 I estimated that in Clear Sky Sect, assumed personal command Titled Douluo quantity, will not be less than three! ” 我估计,昊天宗内,坐镇的封号斗罗数量,不会少于叁位!” Moreover, but also has been in the neutral Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, we can also strive!” “而且,还一直处于中立的七宝琉璃宗,我们也可以争取!” Heard Yu Xiaogang saying that before has pressed in the avalanche head haze disappears to disperse, the mood was excellent! 听到玉小刚这么说,之前一直压在雪崩头上的阴霾一消而散,心情大好! If so, then, this side the Empire Alliance, the Titled Douluo strength, increased nearly ten. 若真是如此,那么,帝国联盟这一边,封号斗罗的战力,就增添了近乎十位。 Then, this had absolutely with the qualifications that Martial Soul Empire contends with directly! 那么,这绝对拥有了与武魂帝国正面抗衡的资格!
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