DDTR :: Volume #7

#660: The secret under lake bottom of life

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... In Star Dou Forest. 星斗大森林中。 Two severely wounded dying giant beast under feet, are standing two tiny person's shadows. 两头重伤垂死的巨兽脚下,站着两个渺小的人影。 A man and a woman. 一男一女。 On the female face full is the sorrowful color, the facial expression of man also extreme is constraining own anger. 女人脸上满是悲痛之色,男人的神情也是极度的压抑着自己的愤怒。 The giant beast of ox Shoushe body, aura weak looks is standing the woman man. 牛首蛇身的巨兽,气息虚弱的望着站着女人身边的男子。 Tang San, Xiao Wu we gave you, you must protect her!” 唐三,小舞我们就交给你了,你一定要保护好她!” Xiao Wu incomparably looks at own two partners grievedly, Titan giant ape and day Dawn Mills brand python. 小舞无比心痛的看着自己的两个伙伴,泰坦巨猿与天青牛蟒。 Between she and them the friendship, has had several tens of thousands of years. 她与它们之间的友谊,已经存在数万年之久。 The friendship between this is self-evident. 这之间的情谊不言而喻。 Now they all soon died, this makes the Xiao Wu grieved desire crack. 如今它们全快要死亡,这让小舞心痛欲裂。 Ming Dynasty, two clear(ly)! Hang there, certainly has the means to rescue your......” “大明,二明!坚持住,一定有办法救你们的......” Third Brother, you do not have the sea god inheritance, has the means to rescue them?” “三哥,你不是拥有海神传承么,有没有办法救救它们?” Regarding lover's request, Tang San can only silent speechless. 对于爱人的请求,唐三只能沉默无言。 He wants on these two soul beasts. 他何尝不想就这两头魂兽。 But he is not a god, without the means treatment soul already they that soon collapses. 但他并不是神,没有办法救治灵魂都已经快要崩溃的它们。 Xiao Wu...... do not feel embarrassed Tang San.” 小舞......你不要为难唐三了。” The day Dawn Mills brand python looked that opens the mouth to say to Xiao Wu. 天青牛蟒看向小舞开口道。 We know that own situation, the soul source had been invaded, the vitality in less than will be defeated and dispersed.” “我们知道自己的情况,灵魂本源已经被侵染,生机用不了就会溃散。” How can......” “怎么会......” Xiao Wu some are unable to accept such result, the sorrowful tears cannot stop overflows from the eye socket. 小舞有些无法接受这样的结局,悲痛的眼泪止不住的从眼眶中溢出。 The day Dawn Mills brand python continues to say to Tang San: „ Tang San, we have not been able to continue to accompany side Xiao Wu, visits her to grow, but you can. 天青牛蟒继续对唐三说道:“唐三,我们已经无法继续陪在小舞身边,看着她成长了,但你可以。 I will use the mystique with two clear(ly), 我与二明会用秘法, Offers sacrifices to you on own initiative, becomes your Spirit Ring. ” 主动向你献祭,成为你的魂环。” Has our strength , to continue to protect Xiao Wu......” “带着我们的力量,继续守护小舞吧......” Tang San serious nod. 唐三郑重的点了点头。 Good! Was you did not say, I will also protect Xiao Wu with my life, did not make her receive any injury.” “好!就是你们不说,我也会用自己的生命守护小舞,不让她受到任何一丝伤害。” ...... ...... Star Dou Forest center circle, the lake of life. 星斗大森林中心圈,生命之湖。 Lake bottom deep place. 湖底深处。 That deep sleep huge shadow. 那沉睡着的巨大阴影。 The jet black scale is exuding the gloss, the terrifying aura fills the air, the entire lake bottom soon boils. 漆黑的鳞片泛着光泽,恐怖的气息弥漫,整个湖底都快要沸腾起来。 The mysterious giant beast, opened the eyes of shutting tightly. 神秘的巨兽,睁开了紧闭的双眼。 In that giant beast pupil, is glittering the golden dignified ray. 那巨大的兽瞳中,闪烁着金色威严的光芒。 „The aura of god......” “神的气息......” At that moment, this jet black giant beast, caught that to wipe to be the aura of gods. 那一刻,这头漆黑的巨兽,捕捉到了那一抹属于神明的气息。 This makes its soul be able not help trembles. 这让它灵魂都情不自禁的一颤。 That is filling in the pupil of dignified golden color, flashed through wiped to dread. 那充满着威严的金色之瞳中,也闪过了一抹忌惮。 Suddenly, its look concentrates. 骤然,它眼神一凝。 Titan giant ape, day Dawn Mills brand python their vitalities dissipated!” “泰坦巨猿,天青牛蟒它们的生机消散了!” Such possibly?” “这么可能?” This time, felt the death information of two beasts, making its mind shake, was very surprised. 这一次,感受到两兽的死亡信息,让它心神一震,很是惊讶。 Although the strength of day Dawn Mills brand python and Titan giant ape in the Star Dou Forest king of beasts, being able to stand in line front row, but also is very strong strength. 虽然天青牛蟒与泰坦巨猿的实力在星斗大森林的兽王之中,排不上前列,但也是非常强大的战力。 They died, regarding the strength of Star Dou Forest soul beast, is serious weakening. 它们死去,对于星斗大森林魂兽的实力,也是一个严重的削弱。 „It is not good, could not be born.” “不行,还不能出世。” Also needs to wait for the time......” “还需要等待时机......” Wants the time to be mature, human! Is waiting the anger of withstanding the soul beast!” “只要时机成熟,人类!等着承受魂兽的怒火吧!” ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- The Martial Soul Empire army successfully repels the northern beast tide, solved the soul beast riot, this news spread over the entire mainland quickly. 武魂帝国大军成功击退北方兽潮,解决了魂兽暴乱,这一消息很快就传遍了整个大陆。 But empress Qian Renxue that the royal cart drafts, leads the army triumphal returning imperial capital. 而御驾亲征的女帝千仞雪,也率领大军凯旋帝都。 Suddenly, the world in an uproar. 一时间,天下哗然。 Without the invasion puzzle of soul beast, this makes many common people tense heartstrings relax. 没有了魂兽的入侵困扰,这让很多平民百姓们紧张的心弦放松下来。 After all who worried, in the evening sleeps, has the savage soul beast to go into the village, slaughters recklessly. 毕竟谁都担心,晚上睡觉的时候,有着凶残的魂兽闯入村子,肆意杀戮。 valley Lu 谷壚 Martial Soul Empire successfully repels the merit of beast tide, does not know that has many common people to cheer happily, increased many identities regarding Martial Soul Empire. 武魂帝国成功打退兽潮的功绩,不知有着多少百姓为之欢呼高兴,对于武魂帝国更是增添了许多的认同感。 Even many people, established the merit tablet for the empress who the royal cart drafted. 甚至不少人,为御驾亲征的女帝建立了功德碑。 Naturally, some people like some people to worry. 当然,有人欢喜有人愁。 But most worried that naturally stands in Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire of Martial Soul Empire opposite. 而最愁的,自然是站在武魂帝国对立面的天斗帝国星罗帝国 Two big empires are very clear, the Martial Soul Empire ambition is actually big. 两大帝国很是非常清楚,武魂帝国的野心究竟多么大。 If it solved the northern beast tide, then the following movement, is continues to conquer the mainland, embezzles Heaven Duo and Star Luo, completes the unified hegemony. 它若是解决了北方的兽潮,那么接下来的动作,就是继续征服大陆,吞没天斗星罗,完成统一的霸业。 But experienced after the event that resists the northern beast tide. 而经历了抵御北方兽潮的这一事件后。 This causes prestige of Martial Soul Empire in mainland people heart, surging upward. 这使得武魂帝国在大陆人民心中的威望,更加的高涨。 At this time, so long as Martial Soul Empire lifted the arm to shout loudly, does not know that many was also in the neutral the influence, reversed to the Martial Soul Empire camp in abundance. 这個时候,只要武魂帝国举臂高呼,不知道有多少还处于中立的势力,纷纷倒向武魂帝国的阵营。 This lets originally the weak Empire Alliance, has one misfortune after another. 这让本就弱势的帝国联盟,又是雪上加霜。 Heaven Dou Empire, sovereign Heaven Duo city. 天斗帝国,皇都天斗城。 In the Heaven Duo imperial palace, the Heaven Duo Great Emperor, the avalanche after obtaining this news, the air/Qi must memorial to the emperor falling in ruthlessly hand on the ground. 天斗皇宫之中,天斗大帝,雪崩在得到这一消息后,气得把手中的奏折狠狠的摔在地上。 Damn! Damn Martial Soul Empire!” “该死!该死的武魂帝国!” So is why quick, did they solve the northern beast tide? Was still refusing to compromise during before obviously!!!” “为什么这么快,它们就解决了北方兽潮?明明之前还在僵持之中啊!!!” „Is the God even helping Martial Soul Empire?” “难道连老天爷都在帮武魂帝国?” We am unwilling!” “朕不甘心啊!” The official below palace, looks one falls the thing wildly with rage the appearance, was frightened trembles, does not dare to say a word. 下方殿内的官员,看着自家陛下狂怒摔东西的样子,都被吓得瑟瑟发抖,不敢言语。 The avalanche as emperor, in the eye covered entirely the blood-color, a face fierce color. 身为皇帝的雪崩,眼中布满了血色,一脸狰狞之色。 The deep place of that pupil, but also flashed through wiped the fear. 那眼眸的深处,还闪过了一抹恐惧。 Yes, he is afraid! 是的,他害怕啊! The Martial Soul Empire influence was too strong. 武魂帝国的势力太强了。 Even if Heaven Dou Empire takes in the mainland the established country, has the rich background. 即使天斗帝国作为大陆上老牌的国家,有着丰厚的底蕴。 However before the Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master army, as before is brittle like the flimsy, simply does not have many abilities of resistance. 但是在武魂帝国魂师大军面前,依旧是脆如薄纸,根本没有多少抵抗的能力。 Initially, did oneself to become the Heaven Dou Empire emperor, how many years bear patiently? 当初,自己为了当上天斗帝国的皇帝,隐忍了多少年? With the aid of the fake crown prince Xue Qinghe method, how many competitors helping oneself remove? 借助冒牌太子雪清河的手段,帮助自己除掉了多少竞争对手? Finally is exposing the real status of crown prince, removes counterfeit Xue Qinghe, oneself become the Heaven Dou Empire only successor. 最后在揭发太子的真实身份,除掉假冒的雪清河,自己就成为了天斗帝国唯一的继承人。 This plan is very smooth, oneself also became the Heaven Dou Empire emperor smoothly, sits quietly the imperial throne. 这计划很顺利,自己也非常顺利的当上了天斗帝国的皇帝,稳坐帝位。 But, how many years do oneself become the Heaven Duo Great Emperor? 可是,自己成为天斗大帝才几年? Suddenly the Spirit Hall ambition erupted, established Martial Soul Empire, annexed numerous countries. 突然武魂殿的野心爆发,成立了武魂帝国,吞并了众多的国家。 Moreover unceasing expedition, intention unification entire mainland. 而且还不断的征战,意图统一整个大陆。 However one year, the Heaven Dou Empire army retreats in defeat again and again under the Martial Soul Empire army. 不过一年时间,天斗帝国的军队就在武魂帝国的大军下节节败退。 Even with the old opponent Star Luo Empire composition alliance, is under the Martial Soul Empire strong presence, is hard to resist. 即使与老对手星罗帝国组成联盟,可是在武魂帝国的强大势力下,才难以抵挡。 Was lucky the northern soul beast sudden riot, invades the human area. 多亏了北方的魂兽突然暴乱,入侵人类疆域。 Heaven Dou Empire rather shoulders the eternity infamy, gave up defense, making innumerable human suffer the slaughter of soul beast. 天斗帝国宁愿背负千古骂名,放弃了守备,让无数人类遭受魂兽的屠杀。 Constrained the conquering step of Martial Soul Empire army with this idea. 用此计拖住了武魂帝国大军的征服步伐。 But at this time, Martial Soul Empire most strengths, consumed in the north and soul beast. 而这个时候,武魂帝国的大部分力量,都将在北方与魂兽进行消耗。 At this time, Heaven Dou Empire can the health rest, the savings strength, wait for the time to complete the reversal to overturn. 这个时候,天斗帝国就可以养生休息,积蓄力量,等待时机完成逆转翻盘。 In more than one year of time, Heaven Dou Empire truly restored permits some the vitality. 一年多的时间里,天斗帝国确实恢复了许些元气。 But, merely one year, was too short! 可是,仅仅一年的时间,太短了! They have not thought, Martial Soul Empire can handle the northern beast tide quickly. 他们没有想到,武魂帝国能够这么快就搞定了北方的兽潮。 This makes them be caught off guard. 这让他们措手不及。 Now, the Martial Soul Empire resistance repels the soul beast, the prestige in mainland people heart surges upward. 如今,武魂帝国抵御击退魂兽,在大陆人民心中的威望高涨。 At this time, the Martial Soul Empire rallying army, started the war to the Empire Alliance again. 这个时候,武魂帝国重整大军,再一次向帝国联盟发起战争。 Occupied the Martial Soul Empire armies of beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people three big conditions, is absolutely irresistible. 占据了天时,地利,人和三大条件的武魂帝国大军,绝对是势不可挡的。 Can the Heaven Dou Empire several thousand years of base industry, really destroy in Our hand? 难道,天斗帝国数千年的基业,真的要毁在朕的手上? In the avalanche heart very despairs. 雪崩心中很是绝望。 His using energy thoughts, successfully crawled the position of Emperor Heaven Duo. 他费劲心思,成功爬到了天斗皇帝的位置。 Is planning to give full play, an show/unfolds grand plan, displays the plan of own governing. 正打算大显身手,一展宏图,施展自己的治国之策。 How long but crosses, the country soon perished! 可是才过多久,国家都快要亡了! He wants to become Heaven Dou Empire one generation of clear(ly). 他是想成为天斗帝国的一代明君。 But, does not want to become Mr. of perishing country! 5873 / 10343058 可是,不想成为亡国之君啊!5873/10343058
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