DDTR :: Volume #7

#659: In history youngest Titled Douluo birth!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Zhu Zhuqing sits cross-legged in the ground, contemplates to practice. 朱竹清盘坐在地面上,冥想修行。 But her not far away, is lying down a giant dragon corpse. 而她的身边不远处,躺着一头巨大的龙尸体。 The blood of overflow, had been frozen the scarlet ice crystal. 溢出的鲜血,已经被冻结成了赤红的冰晶。 Vast Spirit Power fluctuates in the space fills the air, like vast ocean, inexhaustible. 浩瀚的魂力波动在空间中弥漫,亦如汪洋大海,无穷无尽。 Above the sky, the radiant star light casts light upon , the bright moonlight falls in Zhu Zhuqing that wonderful graceful physique. 天空之上,璀璨的星光照映而下,皎洁的月华落在朱竹清那妙曼的身姿上。 The mysterious and noble, holy aura, in that gentle and charming physique, contains the incomparably powerful strength. 神秘而又高贵,圣洁的气息,那娇柔的身姿中,蕴含着无比强大的力量。 On such as that everywhere stars, is vast and mysterious. 就如那漫天星辰,浩瀚而又神秘。 Swift and fierce sword intent also fills the air, proliferated the entire mountain valley. 凌厉的剑意也弥漫而出,遍布了整个山谷。 The snowflake that the star light moonlight, that everywhere dances in the air, that invisible strength, is towing the endless flying snow. 星光月华,还有那漫天飞舞的雪花,那无形的力量,牵引着无尽的飞雪。 Under shining of moonlight, dances in the air revolving in the sky. 在月华的照耀之下,在天空中飞舞旋转。 Quite beautiful!” “好美!” Ning Rongrong looks at this, everywhere flying snow is casting light upon revolving of the slowly radiant star light moonlight in the mountain valley. 宁荣荣看着这一幕,漫天的飞雪照映着璀璨的星光月华在山谷中缓缓的旋转。 The action path of that rule, radiance direct impact horizon. 那规律的行动轨迹,光华直冲天际。 In ten thousand meters high sky, presented a huge vortex. 万米之高的天空上,也出现了一个巨大的漩涡。 The cloud layer of dispersing, such as the sky was broken open a large cave/hole. 散开的云层,就如天空被破开了一个大洞。 The class/flow of revolving clouds, in that vortex, can see the radiant starry sky. 旋转的流云,那漩涡之中,可以看到璀璨的星空。 This beautiful picture, shocks the mind. 这份美丽至极的画面,震撼心神。 Opened on such as the fontanel generally, Zhu Zhuqing as if must vertical fly upwards! 就如天门打开了一般,朱竹清似乎要立地飞升! This picture, has continued almost two double-hour. 这个画面,一直持续了几乎两个时辰。 Finally, the Zhu Zhuqing condition changed! 终于,朱竹清的状态发生了变化! In a twinkling, greatest aura erupts from the body of Zhu Zhuqing, the swift and fierce and beautiful stars sword shoots up to the sky aiming at her body. 霎时间,一股莫大的气息从朱竹清的身体上爆发,凌厉而又美丽的星辰剑意在她的身上冲天而起。 Sword intent changed to the radiant light beam, the direct impact horizon. 剑意化作了璀璨的光柱,直冲天际。 The wind and cloud surges, the world changes color. 风云涌动,天地变色。 The terrifying aura, lets cultivate/repair for slightly weak Ning Rongrong and Yan Que two people felt that own mind is shivering. 恐怖的气息,让修为稍弱的宁荣荣言雀两人感到自己心神都在颤动。 - 呼哗哗- An invisible strength fluctuation from body dispersing of Zhu Zhuqing, the fresh breeze curled up the innumerable snow dust, spreads toward all around. 一道无形的力量波动从朱竹清的身体散开,劲风卷起了无数的雪尘,向着四周扩散。 But Zhu Zhuqing in contemplation, opened the eye at this moment. 而冥想中的朱竹清,此刻也睁开了眼。 In that pair of clear bright eye pupil, flashed through wiped the swift and fierce point. 那双清澄明亮的眼眸中,闪过了一抹凌厉的锋芒。 Air/Qi of gonorrhea spits from the Zhu Zhuqing mouth lightly, she stood setting out. 一口白浊之气从朱竹清嘴中轻吐而出,她站了起身。 At that moment, in the space as if resounded the sound of sword cry, vast Spirit Power just like tidal dispersing. 那一刻,空间中似乎响起了剑鸣之声,浩瀚的魂力宛若潮水般散开。 Spirit Ring raise from her sole. 一個个魂环从她脚底升起。 Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red! 黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,红,红! Nine Spirit Ring, seven jet black profound ten thousand years of Spirit Ring matches two scarlet 100,000 years of Spirit Ring. 九个魂环,七个漆黑深邃的万年魂环搭配两个赤红的十万年魂环 This greatest imposing manner, started tyrannical strength fresh breeze dispersing. 这股莫大的气势,掀起了一道强横的力量劲风散开。 Zhu Zhuqing is feeling this moment own strength. 朱竹清感受着此刻自己的力量。 In the body that is flooding the unequalled strength feeling, lets oneself incomparable immersing. 身体中那充斥着无与伦比的力量感,让自己无比的沉醉。 has the strength of changing the world. 举手投足间就有着改天换地的力量。 Zhu Zhuqing seems like a premonition. 朱竹清似乎有一种预感。 Present, an optional sword, can break out a mountain peak. 现在的自己,随意的一剑,就可以劈开一座山峰。 Too strong! 太强了! This strength, before completely not in same level. 这股力量,与之前完全不在同一个层次。 It looks like the different two world. 就像是不同的两个世界。 The boundary of Titled Douluo! 封号斗罗之境! After stepping into this boundary, Zhu Zhuqing felt, oneself regarding the control of space, the sensibility of strength of the world, profound. 踏入了这个境界后,朱竹清感觉,自己对于空间的掌控,天地之力的感悟,更加的深刻。 This is the Titled Douluo boundary mystery...... 这就是封号斗罗境界的奥秘么...... Zhuqing!” 竹清!” The call transmitted together, broke Zhu Zhuqing regarding the immersion of breakthrough boundary. 一道呼声传来,打断了朱竹清对于突破境界的沉浸。 Looks back to look, saw Ning Rongrong and Yan Que caught up. 回首看去,见宁荣荣言雀赶了过来。 Congratulates you! Zhuqing, you should be in our Shrek Seven Devils, person who first breaks through the Titled Douluo boundary!” Ning Rongrong very happy saying, in innermost feelings regarding the breakthrough of Zhu Zhuqing, heartfelt feels happy. “恭喜你啊!竹清,你应该是我们史莱克七怪中,第一个突破封号斗罗境界的人了!”宁荣荣很是高兴的说道,内心中对于朱竹清的突破,由衷的感到开心。 Yes, Elder Sister Zhuqing, you become Titled Douluo, but was breaks in history to break the record of Titled Douluo boundary young!” Yan Que very excited say/way. “是啊,竹清姐姐,你成为了封号斗罗,可算是打破了史上最年轻突破封号斗罗境界的记录啊!”言雀很是激动道。 Ning Rongrong nods, right! You later will become the legend! Ha 宁荣荣点了点头,“没错!你以后会成为传奇的!哈哈哈” valley Qian 谷熑 The Zhu Zhuqing age, the itself/Ben is in Seven Devils smallest one, she took the lead to break through Titled Douluo, even later others still broke through, not possible to be smaller than her age. 朱竹清的年纪,本就是七怪中最小的一个,她率先突破了封号斗罗,就算之后其他人也突破了,也不可能比她的年纪更小。 Do not say, in history breaks the record of Titled Douluo boundary young, I may be unable to take on.” “别这么说,史上最年轻突破封号斗罗境界的记录,我可担待不起。” Some Zhu Zhuqing embarrassed say/way. 朱竹清有些不好意思道。 She may know, several years ago, Ceng Yi can cut to kill Titled Douluo. 她可知道,好几年前,曾易就能够斩杀封号斗罗了。 Compared with Ceng Yi, oneself also fall far short. 曾易相比,自己还差得远呢。 You do not need to improperly belittle oneself, you now were youngest Titled Douluo!” “你不必妄自菲薄,你现在就是最年轻的封号斗罗了!” At this time, Ceng Yi and Snow Emperor also appeared side them. 这时,曾易雪帝也出现在她们身边。 But ices is like the koala, entangles on Ceng Yi. 而冰儿还是向树袋熊一样,缠在曾易身上。 Ceng Yi looks at Zhu Zhuqing, the smile said: Congratulates you to break through Titled Douluo!” 曾易看着朱竹清,微笑道:“恭喜你突破封号斗罗啊!” Initially, I was not the Titled Douluo boundary, but the strength endured the ratio.” “当初,我可不是封号斗罗境界,只是战力堪比而已。” „, Little Sparrow you may probably refuel!” “不过嘛,小言雀你可要加油了啊!” Ceng Yi is saying, stretched out the palm to rub her to be suitable for the slippery hair on the head of own apprentice Yan Que. 曾易说着,伸出手掌在自己徒弟言雀的脑袋上揉了揉她顺滑的头发。 Now, you exceed your Zhuqing elder sister hopefully, becomes in history the youngest Titled Douluo person!” “现在,你可是最有希望超越你竹清姐,成为史上最年轻的封号斗罗的人哦!” Present Yan Que, is 87 levels of Spirit Douluo boundaries. 如今的言雀,已经是八十七级的魂斗罗境界。 However, but Yan Que in Shrek Seven Devils youngest Zhu Zhuqing, but also takes four years old slightly! 但是,言雀可是比史莱克七怪中年纪最小的朱竹清,还要小四岁! Yan Que can today's achievement, very be also high besides her talent, because mainly has Ceng Yi this master. 言雀能够又今天的成就,除了她本身的天赋特别高之外,主要还是因为有曾易这个师父。 Once cultivated/repaired in the best age that she practice, gave Yan Que extraordinary quality medicinal herb to change her practicing aptitude. 曾修在她修行的最佳年纪,就给了言雀一株仙品药材改变了她的修行资质。 Moreover has had the rich practicing resources in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 而且还一直在七宝琉璃宗内有着丰厚的修行资源。 Also caught the bandwagon of Sea God Island sea god inspection. 又搭上了海神岛海神考核的顺风车。 Even if she is younger than four years old Zhu Zhuqing. 哪怕她比朱竹清小四岁。 But this cultivates is , not inferior and other Shrek's monsters. 但这一身修为,也不逊色与其他史莱克的怪物们。 Even, compared with Shrek Seven Devils, some talents is bad, but also is strong. 甚至,比起史莱克七怪中,一些天赋较差的,还要强。 Although Yan Que is old, has grown is a juicy big miss. 虽然言雀年纪不小,已经成长为一个水灵灵的大姑娘了。 However like stroking the child touches own hair regarding own master, resistivity that has no. 但是对于自己师父像抚摸小孩一样抚摸自己的头发,还是没有任何的抵抗力。 Yan Que does not have the resistance to enjoy finding the clue make of master, regarding master encouragement, nods lightly. 言雀没有抗拒享受着师父的摸头,对于师父这番鼓励,轻点了点头。 Un! I will definitely not disappoint the master your anticipation, in the future breaks the record of Elder Sister Zhuqing!” “嗯!我肯定不会辜负师父你的期待,将来打破竹清姐姐的记录的!” Right, Zhuqing, what was your ninth soul technique?” “对了,竹清,你的第九魂技是什么?” Ning Rongrong asked that her very curious Zhu Zhuqing ninth soul technique, that was 100,000 years of Spirit Ring skill, might certainly unusual terrifying. 宁荣荣问道,她很是好奇朱竹清的第九魂技,那可是十万年魂环的技能啊,威力一定非常的恐怖。 Zhu Zhuqing felt own ninth Spirit Ring, then said: One is the soul technique of single body attack, is similar to the domain and so on community soul technique.” 朱竹清感受了一下自己的第九魂环,然后说道:“一个是单体攻击的魂技,还有一个是类似于领域之类的群体魂技。” 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, unlike other Spirit Ring, can give the Spirit Master two powerful soul techniques. 十万年魂环,与其他魂环不同,能够赋予魂师两个强大魂技。 Right, a soul bone technique!” Zhu Zhuqing also said. “对了,还有一个魂骨技!”朱竹清又道。 Strikes to kill 100,000 years of soul beast, this will produce the soul bone surely. 击杀十万年魂兽,这是必定会产生魂骨。 100,000 years of soul bone, the soul technique of that supplementary, the might is as good as the ninth Spirit Ring soul technique the might. 十万年魂骨,那附带的魂技,威力不亚于第九魂环魂技的威力。 But Zhu Zhuqing obtained the polar ice Land Dragon right arm bone. 朱竹清得到了极冰地龙右臂骨。 When fuses Spirit Ring, she fused this soul bone while convenient. 在融合魂环的时候,她顺便融合了这一块魂骨。 Vast Spirit Power that in the soul bone contains, causes the Spirit Power rank of Zhu Zhuqing, leapt to break through 92 levels of altitudes. 魂骨中蕴含的浩瀚魂力,也使得朱竹清魂力等级,一跃突破到了九十二级的高度。 Zhu Zhuqing demonstrated to several people after the skill that just obtained, the group left this mountain valley. 朱竹清给几人展示了一遍自己刚刚获得的技能后,一行人就离开了这座山谷。 However, Snow Emperor went to the Northern Polar Fields snow and ice palace. 不过,雪帝还是去了一趟自己在极北之地的冰雪宫殿。 Because of her and Ice Emperor, has attached in Ceng Yi, is impossible to treat in Northern Polar Fields. 因为她与冰帝两人,都已经依附于曾易,不可能一直待在极北之地 Therefore, she must explain something, avoids again the beforehand soul beast riot. 所以,她必须要去交待一些事情,避免再一次发生之前的魂兽暴乱。 Once Northern Polar Fields three big soul king of beasts , was only left over Snow Titan Demon King merely. 曾经的极北之地三大魂兽王者,也仅仅只剩下泰坦雪魔王了。 Naturally, this, not only expressed Northern Polar Fields, be only three 100,000 years cultivate/repair for soul beast. 当然,这并不只是表示极北之地只有三位十万年修为的魂兽。 Explained that this is three strongest 100,000 years of soul beasts. 只是说明这是三个最强的十万年魂兽。 Now Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor not. 如今雪帝冰帝不在。 As north Snow Emperor of monarchy, her very clear Snow Titan Demon King character, it is extremely inappropriate to succeed to become north the new side the monarchy. 作为极北君主的雪帝,她很清楚泰坦雪魔王的性格,它不合适继任成为新的极北君主。 However the soul beasts are very appropriate. 不过有一头魂兽很合适。 Is the Snow Emperor pet, extremely northern demon bear, little white. 就是雪帝的宠物,极北魔熊,小白。 little white was adopted by Snow Emperor, taught personally practices the growth. Present cultivating is also 200,000 years of boundary. 小白被雪帝收养,亲自教导修行成长。如今的修为也是二十万年的境界。 In the entire Northern Polar Fields center circle, besides Snow Titan Demon King, is strongest existence. 在整个极北之地中心圈,除了泰坦雪魔王之外,就是最强的存在。 Therefore, Snow Emperor must make little white the Northern Polar Fields new monarchy, manages entire Northern Polar Fields for her. 所以,雪帝要让小白成为极北之地的新君主,替她管理整个极北之地 By the Snow Emperor present strength, but used day, all soul beasts that has the disloyalty that helps little white suppress, helping it hold on to the position of Northern Polar Fields monarchy. 雪帝现在的实力,不过用了一天的时间,就帮助小白镇压的所有拥有异心的魂兽,帮助它坐稳了极北之地君主的位置。 Solved this matter, Snow Emperor did not have extra worries, then followed Ceng Yi they, returned to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 5873 / 10343057 解决了这事,雪帝没有了后顾之忧,便跟随曾易他们,返回七宝琉璃宗。5873/10343057
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