DDTR :: Volume #7

#658: secret sword Swallow Return

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... - 唰- The sword air/Qi rainbow cuts together, tore the air current, depresses in the terrifying sword, the ground presented a deep gully. 一道剑气长虹斩出,撕裂了气流,在恐怖的剑压下,地面都出现了一道深深的沟壑。 Polar ice Land Dragon that huge body retrocedes under this sword. 极冰地龙那巨大的身躯在这一剑下后退。 The next quarter, in that fierce dragon mouth, sends unwilling roaring. 下一刻,那狰狞的龙嘴中,发出来不甘的咆哮。 Is unwilling. 不甘心。 Oneself unexpectedly by a human compelling this situation. 自己竟然被一个人类给逼到这种地步。 The polar ice Land Dragon as 100,000 years of soul beast, is unable to accept this humiliation. 身为十万年魂兽的极冰地龙,无法接受这种屈辱。 Obviously the opposite party Titled Douluo is not! 明明对方连封号斗罗都不是! When did human have the so powerful strength? 什么时候人类拥有如此强大的力量了? The violent anger polar ice Land Dragon, that such as in the body of mountain erupted a more intrepid strength, terrifying Spirit Power vast like sea, started the hysterical/frenzy storm. 更加暴怒的极冰地龙,那如山的身躯上爆发出了更加强悍的力量,恐怖的魂力浩瀚如海,掀起了狂乱的风暴。 Quite fierce!” “好厉害!” The distant place, looks that Zhu Zhuqing and polar ice Land Dragon fights so the position, the emanation sigh that Yan Que can not help. 远处,看着朱竹清与极冰地龙战到这般境地,言雀情不自禁的发出感叹。 Elder Sister Zhuqing is quite fierce, the soul beast projects on so the position with 100,000 years cultivate/repair for unexpectedly, very powerful!” 竹清姐姐好厉害啊,竟然和十万年修为的魂兽打到这般境地,好强啊!” Yan Que sighed, in the tone is full of the exciting color. 言雀感叹,语气中充满着激动之色。 What a pity, this is the fight of Zhuqing elder sister, otherwise, oneself must insert one absolutely. 可惜,这是竹清姐的战斗,要不然,自己绝对要去插上一手。 Can have such opponent, that was really lucky. 能够拥有这样的对手,那真的是太幸运了。 Ning Rongrong shot a look at Yan Que. 宁荣荣瞥了一眼身边的言雀 Sees her body to shiver slightly, on the face is the exciting and exciting color. 看见她那身体都在微微颤抖着,脸上更是激动与兴奋之色。 Clearly, she is also constraining of body to palpitate. 很明显,她也是在压抑着自己身体的那股悸动。 Is like the lunatic, worthily is the apprentice of that fellow. 真是跟疯子一样,不愧是那家伙的徒弟。 Ning Rongrong helpless holds the volume. 宁荣荣无奈的扶额。 Little Sparrow is like Zhuqing, 小言雀竹清一样, Because is the reasons that the Ceng Yi guidance practices, becomes same as him. 因为都是曾易教导修行的原因,都变得和他一样。 Extreme hope fight, challenge stronger opponent. 都极度的渴望战斗,挑战更强的对手。 Moreover, once fights, anything does not think, how in the brain only then defeats the idea of opponent. 而且,一旦战斗起来,就什么也不会去想,脑子里只有一个如何击败对手的想法。 Lunatic who enjoys the fight...... 享受战斗的疯子...... Bang- 轰- Bang- 嘭- Crash of strength, making Zhu Zhuqing that petite body fly to withdraw from more than ten meters away distance. 力量的相撞,让朱竹清那娇小的身躯飞退出十几米远的距离。 After standing firm the figure, in Zhu Zhuqing mouth fierce is panting for breath. 稳住身形后,朱竹清口中剧烈的喘息着。 Over time, the consumption of Spirit Power is getting bigger and bigger, could not soon have supported. 随着时间的流逝,魂力的消耗越来越大,已经快要支撑不住了。 Roar!!! 吼!!! This critical moment, time of Zhu Zhuqing only thinking, next quarter, as gets angry the dragon to shout together. 这种紧要关头,朱竹清仅有一丝思索的时间,下一刻,随着一道怒龙嘶吼。 Catches the eye to look, the terrifying extremely cold dragon breath has approached together at present. 抬眼看去,一道恐怖极寒的龙息就已经临近眼前。 In a twinkling, the sword light flashes. 霎时间,剑光一闪。 A sword tore dragon breath, Zhu Zhuqing flushed again. 一剑撕裂了龙息,朱竹清再一次冲了出去。 It seems like, she soon could not support.” “看来,她快要支撑不住了啊。” Snow Emperor looks at the fight of Zhu Zhuqing with that evil dragon, shot a look at Ceng Yi, said lightly. 雪帝看着朱竹清与那头孽龙的战斗,瞥了一眼曾易,淡淡说道。 Although her strength is truly good, is depending upon some methods, promoted forcefully with that polar ice Land Dragon equal strength.” “虽然她的实力确实不错,依靠着一些手段,强行提升到了与那极冰地龙相等的战力。” But, the time of this strength increase is limited, even if there is same strength, but Spirit Power differed is too big.” “但是,这股力量增幅的时间有限,哪怕是拥有同等的战力,不过魂力相差太大了。” Cannot end the fight in a short time, with the lapse of time, this disadvantage by infinite enlargement.” “没有能够在短时间内结束战斗,随着时间的推移,这股劣势会被无限的放大。” These that Snow Emperor said that Ceng Yi is certainly clear. 雪帝说的这些,曾易当然清楚。 The strength of polar ice Land Dragon is very strong, the contrast human Spirit Master boundary, that is equivalent to 95 levels of Super Douluo. 极冰地龙的实力很强,对比人类魂师的境界,那就是相当于九十五级的超级斗罗 Zhu Zhuqing is also 90 levels of Spirit Power, even the Titled Douluo boundary has not broken through, can with a strength be equal to that 95 levels of Super Douluo 100,000 years of soul beasts fight now. 朱竹清也不过是九十级魂力而已,连封号斗罗境界都没有突破,能够与一位战力等于九十五级超级斗罗的十万年魂兽战斗到现在。 Very rare. 已经是非常难得了。 In the mountain valley, the terrifying energy complementary waves are destroying recklessly. 山谷中,恐怖的能量余波在肆意破坏。 The terrifying dragon claw pats together, the Zhu Zhuqing horizontal blade standard keeps off. 一道恐怖的龙爪拍下,朱竹清横刀格挡。 But the powerful strength impact makes her body fly to draw back, in the mouth bleeds. 但强大的力量冲击让她身体飞退出去,口中喋血。 Ha, the ants also dare to provoke the dignity of this king, suffers to death!” “哈哈哈,蝼蚁也敢挑衅本王的威严,受死吧!” The polar ice Land Dragon laughs wildly, with the lapse of time, it also knew the weakness of this human. 极冰地龙狂笑,随着时间的推移,它也知晓了这个人类的弱点。 Although can hit to be miserable beyond description from the beginning, however the Spirit Power reserves of opposite party is insufficient, has transferred the disadvantage from the winning side. 虽然一开始能够打得自己苦不堪言,但是对方的魂力储量不足,已经从上风转为劣势。 But now, this human cannot in continue fight like before. 而现在,这個人类已经不能够在继续像之前那样战斗了。 The day chessboard of victory approaching oneself inclines. 胜利的天枰已经在向自己这边倾斜。 Just wait, Snow Emperor, waits for this king to flee this mountain valley, certainly saves the strength in secret, asks you to take revenge! 等着吧,雪帝,等本王逃离这座山谷,一定暗中积蓄力量,找你复仇! In the polar ice Land Dragon heart sneers, lifts the giant dragon claw again, pats to that tiny human. 极冰地龙心中冷笑,再次抬起巨大的龙爪,向那渺小的人类拍去。 Death!” “死!” The strength suppression of that terrifying, Zhu Zhuqing felt that the whole body skeleton in ka ka makes noise. 那恐怖的力量镇压而下,朱竹清感到全身骨骸都在咔咔作响。 Just received to hit hard injured Zhu Zhuqing, facing this dragon claw, was unable to dodge. 刚受到重击受伤的朱竹清,面对这一龙爪,已经无法闪躲。 Zhu Zhuqing clenches teeth, the holding the blade upward standard keeps off. 朱竹清一咬牙,持刀向上格挡。 That giant dragon claw pats, shortly, Zhu Zhuqing will feel incomparably powerful blow strength. 那一个巨大的龙爪拍下,顷刻间,朱竹清就感受到了无比强大冲击力。 The terrifying strength makes below ground start to cave. 恐怖的力量使得下方的地面都开始塌陷。 Zhuqing elder sister!” 竹清姐!” Sees this, Yan Que calls out in alarm makes noise. 看到这一幕,言雀惊呼出声。 But Ning Rongrong could not sit still, immediately appears Martial Soul, nine color radiance sparkle. 宁荣荣也坐不住了,立刻显出了武魂,九彩光华闪耀。 Nine treasures are famous, first: Strength!” “九宝有名,一曰:力!” Fast!” “速!” Attacks!” “攻!” Govern!” “御!” Soul!” “魂!” ...... ...... The time, Ning Rongrong released oneself a series of increase skills. 顿时间,宁荣荣释放了自己一连串的增幅技能。 Several mysterious flowing light, run away in the Zhu Zhuqing direction. 数道玄妙的流光,向着朱竹清的方向遁去。 This is......” “这是......” Soon could not insist Zhu Zhuqing that felt that to be full of the vigor energy to swamp into own body. 就快要坚持不住的朱竹清,感受到了那充满着活力的能量涌入了自己的身体。 Looking like must soon the dry clear spring, the sky rains hard suddenly. 就像是要快要干涸的清泉,天空突然下起了大雨。 The oil completely lamp dry body starts to recover. 油尽灯枯的身体开始复苏。 More intrepid, the strength of full, flows in the body. 更加强悍,充盈的力量,在身体中流动。 Such possibly?” “这么可能?” In polar ice Land Dragon heart in great surprise. 极冰地龙心中大惊。 It has felt, under oneself dragon claw, that suppressed human. 它已经感受到,自己龙爪下,那个被镇压的人类。 The strength is rising at speed fast unexpectedly! 力量竟然以着飞快的速度在攀升! Drinks!” “喝!” Calls out together resounds, Zhu Zhuqing erupted the vast strength, suppressing own dragon claw raised flies. 一道暴喝响起,朱竹清爆发出了浩瀚的力量,把镇压自己的龙爪掀飞。 But polar ice Land Dragon that giant body, threw off by this strength. 而极冰地龙那巨大的身体,也被这股力量掀翻。 Its distressed crawls, lifts dragon that shocks to look. 它狼狈的爬起,抬起震撼的龙目看去。 That human, is surrounding nine color gods at this moment light/only, the powerful aura, making its innermost feelings be afraid. 那个人类此刻身上,环绕着九彩神光,强大的气息,让它内心感到恐惧。 This strength, before exceeding, powerful. 这股力量,超越了之前,更加的强大。 Such possibly! 这么可能! Zhu Zhuqing that disorderly long hair is fluttering under the fluctuation of Spirit Power, the beautiful chilly appearance, the corners of the mouth nearby hangs in a wisp of blood. 朱竹清那凌乱的长发在魂力的波动下飘扬着,绝美清冷的容颜,嘴角边上挂在一缕鲜血。 That pair just like the starry sky profound eye pupil, glitters the cold arrogant color. 那双宛若星空般深邃的眼眸中,闪烁冷傲之色。 Makes you see I so distressed appearance, was really sorry.” “让你看到我如此狼狈的模样,真是抱歉。” Zhu Zhuqing in a soft voice. 朱竹清轻声一句。 But makes the polar ice Land Dragon feel the surprise. 可是却让极冰地龙感到很是诧异。 What meaning are these words? 这句话是什么意思? But, then......” “不过,接下来......” You will not have the opportunity of hitting back again!” “你不会再有还手的机会!” As Zhu Zhuqing this voice falls, an intense killing intent fills the air from her body. 随着朱竹清这句话音一落,一道强烈的杀意从她身体上弥漫而出。 However suddenly, the Zhu Zhuqing form disappeared in same place. 不过眨眼间,朱竹清的身影消失在了原地。 When appears again, already five meters distance before polar ice Land Dragon body. 再次出现时,已经在极冰地龙身前不过五米的距离。 In Zhu Zhuqing that profound pupil light is glittering cold glow. 朱竹清那深邃的眸光中闪烁着冷芒。 Draw a sword! 拔刀! In an instant, three sword light almost cut at the same time. 刹那之间,三道剑光几乎同一时间斩出。 Terrifying sword intent fills the air, the powerful sword potential shoots up to the sky. 恐怖的剑意弥漫,强大的剑势冲天而起。 That sword, as if penetrated the time, the space. 那一剑,似乎穿透了时间,空间。 Cuts off the world sufficiently. 足以斩断世界。 secret sword Swallow Return! 秘剑-燕返 Zhu Zhuqing has the speed of sword is too quick. 朱竹清出剑的速度太快。 The polar ice Land Dragon cannot see her to have a move of action. 极冰地龙根本看不到她出招的行动。 However shortly, on the polar ice Land Dragon that hard dragon scale disintegration, the blood boils up. 不过顷刻间,极冰地龙身上那坚硬的龙鳞崩碎,鲜血迸出。 Roar- 吼- That sad and shrill shouting sound, deafening sound entire mountain valley. 那凄厉的嘶吼声,震响整个山谷。 Very powerful!” “好强!” That move, making the Yan Que mind palpitate. 那一招,让言雀都心神悸动。 She does not know, this sword, is Ceng Yi teaches the Zhu Zhuqing sword technique, the first sword incurs. 她不知,这一剑式,是曾易传授朱竹清剑术,第一个剑招。 This type, Zhu Zhuqing these years, continuously in unceasing practicing. 这一式,朱竹清这些年来,一直在不断的修行。 From comprehending sword intent, to uniting sword heart. 从领悟了剑意,到凝聚剑心。 secret sword Swallow Return, drawing a sword speed sufficiently quickly to the boundary of breakthrough time. 秘剑燕返,拔刀速度足以快到突破时间的界限。 Is a Zhu Zhuqing most powerful type! 乃是朱竹清最为强大的一式! Finished!” “结束了!” Ceng Yi sighed lightly. 曾易轻叹。 He has felt, the vitality of that polar ice Land Dragon, has gradually vanished. 他已经感受到了,那极冰地龙的生机,已经逐渐消失。 The Zhu Zhuqing strength is very strong, but by her, is unable to defeat this first 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the polar ice Land Dragon merely. 朱竹清的实力很强,但是仅仅是凭借她一人,是无法打败这头十万年修为的极冰地龙。 But Ning Rongrong, was in addition different. 但加上宁荣荣,就不一样了。 Ning Rongrong of Spirit Douluo boundary, seven ten thousand years of Spirit Ring adds on 100,000 years of Spirit Ring. 魂斗罗境界的宁荣荣,七个万年魂环加上一个十万年魂环 Has Ning Rongrong of 100,000 years of soul technique, can the Zhu Zhuqing strength increase to an extremely terrifying position. 有着十万年魂技的宁荣荣,可以把朱竹清的实力增幅到一个极为恐怖的境地。 Does not have in the situation of Ning Rongrong increase, in addition Zhu Zhuqing can with a polar ice Land Dragon war. 没有宁荣荣增幅的情况下,朱竹清尚且可以与极冰地龙一战。 If there is an assistance of Ning Rongrong, once the Zhu Zhuqing strength widened the disparity with the polar ice Land Dragon. 若是有了宁荣荣的辅助,朱竹清的战力一旦与极冰地龙拉开了差距。 Then, the polar ice Land Dragon under the Zhu Zhuqing sword technique, does not have the possibility of resistance. 那么,极冰地龙在朱竹清的剑术下,就没有反抗的可能。 She in ten moves, will end this fight. 她会在十招之内,结束这一场战斗。
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