DDTR :: Volume #7

#657: Please visit me well!

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... How possibly!” “怎么可能!” The polar ice Land Dragon looks the dragon breath that oneself emit was separated by a that human sword, was shocked. 极冰地龙看着自己喷吐的龙息被那个人类一剑分开,被震惊住了。 In the storm of that explosion, ran out of a form. 那爆炸的风暴中,冲出了一个身影。 Zhu Zhuqing is situated in above the sky, in the double pupil is glittering the callous color, stares below big dragon. 朱竹清立于天空之上,双眸中闪烁着冷酷之色,凝视下方的巨龙。 But around that wonderful graceful body, is sparkling eight Spirit Ring. 而那妙曼的身躯周围,闪耀着八个魂环 Seven profound black with bright red Spirit Ring, absorb the person mind. 七個深邃的黑色与一个鲜艳的红色魂环,摄人心神。 The powerful imposing manner overflows from her slender body, the surroundings space had the weak distortion because of this strength, the vast Spirit Power storm, the world changes color. 强大的气势从她那修长的身躯上溢出,周围空间都因为这股力量而发生了微弱的扭曲,浩瀚的魂力风暴,天地都为之变色。 A slender fine long blade grasps in the white hands, on the sharp blade of thin Ruo cicada wing, is glittering the star light, such as nine days of galaxy reflecting in. 一把修长精美的长刀握在玉手中,薄若蝉翼的利刃上,闪烁着星光,就如九天星河倒映其中。 Swift and fierce sword intent soared to the heavens, pierced the cloud layer of space. 凌厉的剑意冲天,洞穿了天上的云层。 The light of stars falls, reflects in Zhu Zhuqing that wonderful graceful physique. 星辰之光落下,映在朱竹清那妙曼的身姿上。 The stellar scintillation, the long hair dances in the air. 星光闪烁,长发飞舞。 Mysterious and chilly, having the dust is refined, just like the space female celestial, does not exist. 神秘而又清冷,出尘脱俗,宛若天上仙女,不存在此间。 Strength full Zhu Zhuqing, is feeling at this moment within the body that inexhaustible strength. 实力全开的朱竹清,感受着此刻自身体内那无穷无尽的力量。 , may have the strength of changing the world. 举手投足间,就可拥有改天换地的力量。 Several once, oneself were also small and weak Spirit Master. 几曾何时,自己也不过是一个弱小的魂师 Was even arranged to the destiny small and weakly, can only according to others' instruction, walk own life. 弱小到连命运都被人安排,只能按照别人的指示,行走自己的人生。 By puppet who the family fate beats! 被家族宿命所拷住的傀儡! But strength that now, oneself have. 而如今,自己拥有的力量。 Even facing a savage 100,000 years of soul beast. 即使面对一头凶残的十万年魂兽。 In own innermost feelings does not have the slight fear. 自己的内心中没有丝毫的恐惧。 Even believes that 甚至认为, This ominous beast is not own opponent! 这头凶兽不会是自己的对手! Why will turn into this...... 为什么会变成这样呢...... In the past, is small and weak. 当年,还是弱小的自己。 Since meeting that person . 自从遇见了那个人后。 The path of life, had changed! 人生的轨迹,就已经发生了变化! Therefore, please visit present me well! 所以,请好好看着现在的我吧! You give my strength, will be will not fall short of your anticipation absolutely! 你给予我的这份力量,是绝对不会辜负你的期待! Therefore, please gaze present I well!!! 所以,请好好的注视现在的我吧!!! Trivial human, dares so to despise this king!” “区区人类,竟敢如此藐视本王!” Zhu Zhuqing that tranquil, if the manner of water, stands in the sky looks at itself exhaltedly. 朱竹清那平静若水的神态,站在天空上居高临下的看自己。 This lets be the polar ice Land Dragon incomparable anger of soul king of beasts. 这让身为魂兽王者的极冰地龙无比的愤怒。 Why the time, does human dare so? 为什么时候,人类敢如此? Kept off itself optional struck, so extremely arrogant? 只是挡下了自己随意的一击,就如此的狂妄? Ants! Suffers to death!” “蝼蚁!受死吧!” Roar- 吼- A dragon roar of violent anger, the terrifying sound wave shakes the entire mountain valley everything may become vulnerable. 一声暴怒的龙吼,恐怖的音浪震得整个山谷地动山摇。 Extremely cold Spirit Power condensed a fierce dragon claw, brings callous killing intent, in Zhu Zhuqing toward sky patted. 极寒的魂力凝聚成了一只狰狞的龙爪,带着冷酷的杀意,向着天空上的朱竹清拍去。 The powerful strength, making the surrounding space twist. 强悍的力量,使得周围空间都在扭曲。 Under the huge dragon claw shadow, the Zhu Zhuqing tender body seems very tiny. 巨大的龙爪阴影下,朱竹清的娇躯显得很是渺小。 The strong oppression strength covers, body of Zhu Zhuqing slightly is shivering. 强大的压迫力笼罩而下,朱竹清的身体都在微微的颤抖着。 This not fears. 这并不是恐惧。 But is excited! 而是兴奋! Zhu Zhuqing deeply inspires, pupil light tranquil is staring at that dragon Zhaoya. 朱竹清深吸了一口气,眸光平静的凝望着那龙爪压来。 The next quarter, swift and fierce sword intent sticks out suddenly. 下一刻,凌厉的剑意暴起。 Sees only, in the space flashes through together the silver ray. 只见,空间中闪过一道银色的光芒。 Then is condensed the dragon claw that becomes by Spirit Power, cuts to strike in this, easily changed to the fragment. 那由魂力凝聚而成的龙爪,在这道斩击下,轻易地化作了碎片。 The form runs out together, is Zhu Zhuqing. 一道身影冲出,正是朱竹清 She grasps the long blade, but suddenly, before glittered the body of polar ice Land Dragon . 她手持长刀,不过眨眼间,就闪烁到了极冰地龙的身前。 Looks at this body such as the ominous beast of mountain, Zhu Zhuqing is brandishing a sword to cut. 望着这头身型如山的凶兽,朱竹清挥刀斩下。 Several zhang (3.33 m) wide sword air/Qi flies under this blade, the terrifying strength tore the air current. 十几丈宽的剑气在这一刀下飞去,恐怖的力量撕裂了气流。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Because the distance was too near, the body huge polar ice Land Dragon is unable to avoid this to cut to strike together. 因为距离太近了,身躯庞大的极冰地龙根本无法躲避这一道斩击。 The sword air/Qi cuts to fall, in its just like in the mountain ridge back. 剑气斩落在它那犹如山脊般的背部上。 Even compared with the steel also hard scale, still the disruption, overflowed the blood. 即使是比钢铁还坚硬的鳞片,也碎裂,溢出了鲜血。 This intense cutting strikes under the strength, the polar ice Land Dragon was supine the fierce dragon head, in the mouth sent out sad and shrill shouting. 这强烈的斩击力量下,极冰地龙仰起狰狞的龙首,口中发出了凄厉的嘶吼。 Because the snow-covered land this powerful strength splits, settlement. 冰雪覆盖的大地都因为这强悍的力量而裂开,沉陷。 - 唰- In a twinkling, the space was torn, pulls out together explodes the air the sound crack. 霎时间,空间被撕裂,一道抽爆空气的声音炸响。 Immediately, the Zhu Zhuqing innermost feelings resounded the intense early warning, the whole body fine body hair started. 顿时,朱竹清内心响起了强烈的预警,全身寒毛乍起。 Sees only, the jet black tail whip has pulled out together from the flank, before the body. 只见,一道漆黑的尾鞭已经从侧方抽来,临近身前。 The speed was too fast, she was unable to dodge. 速度太快了,她已经无法闪避。 Soon by that moment that this Dragon's Tail selects, the Zhu Zhuqing horizontal sword standard keeps off. 就快要被这龙尾抽中的那一刻,朱竹清横剑格挡。 Bang- 嘭- The sharp blade and hard dragon scale rub one skewer of sparks. 锋利的刀刃与坚硬的龙鳞摩擦出一串火花。 However the powerful strength keeps Zhu Zhuqing from withstanding, the body was brushed. 但是强大的力量让朱竹清根本无法承受,身体被抽打出去。 The terrifying strength falls the Zhu Zhuqing bang above the iceberg. 恐怖的力量把朱竹清轰落在冰山之上。 Damn human!” “该死的人类!” By Zhu Zhuqing that sword cut, was let the polar ice Land Dragon incomparable anger. 朱竹清那一剑伤到,让极冰地龙无比的愤怒。 It somewhat looked down on this human, the opposite party truly has strength that can threaten own. 它是有些小瞧了这个人类,对方确实有着能够威胁到自己的实力。 But also that is all. 但也仅此而已。 Now the polar ice Land Dragon is earnest, this terrifying cultivating is, can grind the fragment this human absolutely! 现在极冰地龙已经认真起来,这一身恐怖的修为,绝对可以把这个人类碾成碎片! Roar! 吼! After polar ice Land Dragon that tail whip goes well, immediately spouts an intense energy to spit the breath in Zhu Zhuqing bang direction but actually. 极冰地龙那一记尾鞭得手后,立刻向着朱竹清轰倒的方向喷出一道强烈的能量吐息。 Zhuqing!” 竹清!” This, making Ning Rongrong worry that calls out in alarm makes noise. 这一幕,让宁荣荣担忧惊呼出声。 This polar ice Land Dragon gives her constriction to be very powerful. 这个极冰地龙给她的压迫感很强大。 Although Ning Rongrong has the self-confidence regarding the Zhu Zhuqing strength very much. 虽然宁荣荣对于朱竹清的实力很有自信。 However, if can this move, really again is well? 但是,若是再中了这一招,真的可以平安无事么? Ning Rongrong somewhat regretted, oneself should not comply to make her challenge this first 100,000 years of soul beast. 宁荣荣有些后悔,自己就不应该答应让她一个人去挑战这头十万年魂兽。 If oneself give her from the beginning the increase strength, will not make into this absolutely! 若是自己一开始就给她增幅力量,绝对不会弄成这样! However things have gotten to this point, Ning Rongrong is only one assists Spirit Master, is unable to meddle fight between this, can only pray Zhu Zhuqing is well. 但是事已至此,宁荣荣只是一个辅助魂师,也无法插手这之间的战斗,只能祈祷朱竹清平安无事。 Another side, Snow Emperor sees Zhu Zhuqing injured by polar ice Land Dragon consecutively two violent counterattacks, in the eye pupil also revealed to wipe to worry. 另一边,雪帝朱竹清被极冰地龙连续两道猛烈的还击下受伤,眼眸中也不由流露出了一抹担忧。 She shot a look at Ceng Yi, sees a he as before indifferent appearance, cannot bear the opens the mouth. 她不由瞥了一眼身旁的曾易,见他依旧一副淡然的模样,忍不住开口。 „Aren't you worried about her?” “你就一点也不担心她?” Why can be worried?” “为什么要担心?” Ceng Yi smiles lightly, the vision is looking at the fight center profoundly. 曾易淡淡一笑,深邃地目光望着战斗的中心。 Relax, she is not weak.” “放心吧,她可没那么弱。” Falls on Ceng Yi these words. 就在曾易这句话一落。 Zhu Zhuqing bang that direction but actually, erupted more intrepid aura. 朱竹清轰倒的那个方向,爆发出了一股更加强悍的气息。 In an instant, together point twinkle. 刹那间,一道锋芒闪烁。 dragon breath had been cut two halves. 那龙息已经被斩成两半。 The form appears together. 一道身影显现而出。 Zhu Zhuqing physique. 正是朱竹清的身姿。 However present she, and before , some are not quite same. 不过现在的她,与之前有些不太一样。 That jet black such as long hair of black ink, has turned has been glittering the stars black hair light/only, the star light circulation, such as radiant galaxy. 那一头漆黑如墨的长发,已经变成了闪烁着星辰之光的青丝,星光流转,就如璀璨的星河。 But the long blade in hand, on sharp blade, star light sparkle. 而手中的长刀,锋利的刀刃上,星光更加的闪耀。 Above goddess just like nine days near world! 宛若九天之上的神女临世! But that fair, if on the cheeks of snow, revealed some jet black traces. 而那白皙若雪的脸颊上,也显露出了一些漆黑的纹路。 In her dust chilly makings, left wiped the beautiful elegant demeanor. 在她那出尘清冷的气质上,多出了一抹妖艳的风采。 The three spirits technique, demon, burns Spirit Power, all-around acquired strength increase. 第三魂技,魔化,燃烧自身魂力,全方位的获得力量提升。 The seventh soul technique, Martial Soul true body! 第七魂技,武魂真身! Zhu Zhuqing put forth two to increase the strength without hesitation to the full Spirit Power, went toward the polar ice Land Dragon attack. 朱竹清毫不犹豫的使出了两个能够最大限度增加自身力量的魂力,向着极冰地龙攻击而去。 The fourth soul technique, the lunar shadow clone! 第四魂技,月影分身! With the fourth jet black Spirit Ring sparkle ray, during the body twinkles of Zhu Zhuqing, split up two exactly the same forms. 随着身上的第四个漆黑的魂环闪耀光芒,朱竹清的身体闪烁间,分化成了两个一模一样的身影。 But, is clone that the soul technique condenses becomes, has the main body 80% abilities. 而其中一个,则是魂技凝聚而成的分身,有着本体百分之八十的能力。 Zhu Zhuqing changes to two people, is divided into two streams light/only, toward polar ice Land Dragon rush. 朱竹清化作两人,分成两道流光,向着极冰地龙冲杀。 Swift and fierce sword intent, cold killing intent, making the space the temperature lower. 凌厉的剑意,冷冽的杀意,使得空间的气温变得更低了。 star moon/month chaotic dance! 星月纷乱舞! In Zhu Zhuqing that callous eye pupil the twinkle ray, the long blade in hand wields. 朱竹清那冷酷的眼眸中闪烁光芒,手中的长刀挥出。 In an instant, dozens sword air/Qi departed, changed to the sword net suppression under. 刹那间,数十道剑气飞出,化作了剑网镇压而下。 Roar- 吼- With one such as slating angry roaring, the terrifying strength changes to the intense fresh breeze to shake, sword net disintegration. 随着一道如雷鸣般的怒吼,恐怖的力量化作强烈的劲风震起,把剑网崩碎。 Trivial human! Do not be self-satisfied!” “区区人类!别太得意了!” The polar ice Land Dragon is roaring, lifts the giant claw, the sharp dragon claw tearing air, attacks toward Zhu Zhuqing. 极冰地龙怒吼着,抬起巨大的爪子,锋利的龙爪撕裂空气,向着朱竹清攻去。 Suddenly, the sword shadow is chaotic, the dragon anger is shocking. 一时间,剑影纷乱,龙怒震天。 Even has not broken through to Titled Douluo boundary Zhu Zhuqing, can still rely on the advantage of Spirit Ring and sword technique. 即使还没有突破到封号斗罗境界的朱竹清,也能够凭借着魂环与剑术的优势。 With also wants powerful 100,000 years of soul king of beasts compared with ordinary Titled Douluo, fights not to know one's place. 与比普通封号斗罗还要强大的十万年魂兽王者,战个不分上下。
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