DDTR :: Volume #7

#656: Zhu Zhuqing games king of beasts

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! ...... ...... Snow Emperor! The father was suppressed several thousand years by you, cultivates for is backs up, Spirit Power is the consumption must be not much left.” 雪帝!老子被你镇压数千年,一身修为已经是倒退许多,魂力更是消耗得所剩无几。” You, if really wants to fight with the father, that gives the father fair, making the father restore to the most flourishing condition, fights with you again!” “你若是真想与老子一战,那就给老子一个公平,让老子恢复到全盛状态,再与你一战!” When the time comes, father, if defeated, must kill to hack entirely according to your convenience! What's wrong?” “到时候,老子若是败了,要杀要剐悉听尊便!如何?” The polar ice Land Dragon said. 极冰地龙如此说道。 It actually also clear, although Snow Emperor the surface is callous, but the innermost feelings are also a heart good soul beast. 它其实也清楚,雪帝虽然表面冷酷,但内心也是一个心善的魂兽。 Otherwise, in the past was impossible to keep a oneself life. 要不然,当年也不可能留自己一命。 Therefore, the polar ice Land Dragon thinks that has the opportunity she to accept own request. 所以,极冰地龙认为有机会她能够答应自己的要求。 But Snow Emperor by the words of polar ice Land Dragon provoking laughter. 雪帝却被极冰地龙的话给逗笑了。 As the old opponent, Snow Emperor was naturally clear that what soul beast this fellow is. 作为老对手,雪帝自然清楚这个家伙是一个什么样的魂兽。 From broken sealed a moment ago, that full mountain ancient capital infected its air/Qi of cruel. 从刚才破封而出,那满山古都感染了它的暴戾之气。 Snow Emperor knows, several thousand years of seal, not its savage cruel, bloodthirsty cruel temper smoothing by grinding. 雪帝就知道,数千年的封印,还没有把它那凶残暴戾,嗜血残暴的性子给磨平。 If makes it go out of this mountain valley. 若是让它走出这座山谷。 Perhaps soon, this evil livestock will harass one group of confusion the Northern Polar Fields ecosphere. 恐怕用不了多久,这孽畜就会把极北之地的生态圈扰得一团混乱。 The slaughter soul beast life, this and other despicable evil methods enhances own cultivating with the plundering life essence wantonly is. 大肆屠杀魂兽生灵,用掠夺生命精气这等卑劣邪恶的手段来提高自身的修为。 Therefore, Snow Emperor is not possible to make it go out of this mountain valley. 所以,雪帝是不可能让它走出这座山谷的。 Snow Emperor sneers saying: Your this evil dragon, do not think that this emperor does not know you have what idea.” 雪帝冷笑道:“你这孽龙,别以为本帝不知道你心里打什么主意。” „, This emperor can give you an opportunity.” “不过嘛,本帝可以给你一个机会。” „? What opportunity, you, and said!” “哦?什么机会,你且说说!” Hearing Snow Emperor is willing to oneself an opportunity, in polar ice Land Dragon that fierce dragon to flash through wiped the exciting color. 听到雪帝愿意给自己一个机会,极冰地龙那狰狞的龙目中闪过了一抹激动之色。 You, if defeated these people, “你若是打败了这几人, This emperor giving makes you go out of this mountain valley safely, from now on will not interfere with your any behavior. ” 本帝就给让你平安的走出这座山谷,今后也不会干涉你任何行为。” But, if cannot......” “但是,若是不能......” During the words, Snow Emperor tone, in the eye pupil flashes through wipes callous killing intent. 话语间,雪帝语气一顿,眼眸中闪过一抹冷酷的杀意。 „, You die in this!” “那么,你就死在这吧!” The polar ice Land Dragon looks following the direction of Snow Emperor finger, saw several person's shadows. 极冰地龙顺着雪帝手指的方向看去,看见了几个人影。 Because a moment ago by the appearance of Snow Emperor daunting, making it not discover, originally neighbor also has others to exist. 因为刚才被雪帝的出现给吓住了,让它都没有发现,原来附近还有着其他人存在。 Is human! 是人类! In polar ice Land Dragon that giant pupil pupil flashes through the strange look, looks to Snow Emperor. 极冰地龙那巨大的瞳眸之中闪过怪异的神色,看向雪帝 Cannot think, as you of soul king of beasts, with mixes up just like ants same human, really wallows in degeneration!” “想不到,身为魂兽王者的你,也与宛若蝼蚁一样的人类混在一起,真是自甘堕落!” In the tone of polar ice Land Dragon is full of the color of disdaining. 极冰地龙的语气中充满着不屑之色。 Snow Emperor faint say/way: This was not the matter that you must relate.” 雪帝淡漠道:“这就不是你要关系的事情了。” Thinks well how to cope with them.” “还是好好想想,怎么对付她们吧。” Laughable!” “可笑!” Sneering that the polar ice Land Dragon disdains, in that pair of cruel dragon, is glittering the angry scarlet color. 极冰地龙不屑的冷笑,那双暴戾的龙目中,闪烁着愤怒的赤红之色。 Thinks, what Snow Emperor said is what condition. 原本以为,雪帝说的是什么条件。 Originally coped with several tiny human by oneself. 原来是让自己对付几个渺小的人类。 This looks like in the polar ice Land Dragon, simply is to its shame. 这在极冰地龙看来,简直是对它的羞辱。 This compared with by a seal several thousand years of aggrievedness, feel shame. 这比起被封印数千年的憋屈,更加的感到耻辱。 However is also good, looked how the father is grinding several tiny human! 不过也好,看老子怎么碾碎着几个渺小的人类! When anger, in the innermost feelings of polar ice Land Dragon is also very excited. 愤怒之余,极冰地龙的内心中也很是激动。 It looks like in it, but is 2-3 human, like attempting to challenge the dignity of 100,000 years of soul beast, overreaches oneself simply. 在它看来,不过是2-3个人类而已,就像妄图挑战十万年魂兽的威严,简直是不自量力。 Although it is said to Snow Emperor, oneself cultivating for was worn down in several thousand years of seal backs up much. 虽然它对雪帝说,自己的修为在数千年的封印中被消磨得倒退不少。 In effect it is not so, the polar ice Land Dragon because of the bloodthirsty, swallowed the strength that the soul beast courage vigor rises suddenly in the past crazily, because foundation not steady, but the aura is impractical. 其实不然,极冰地龙当年因为嗜杀,疯狂吞噬魂兽血气暴涨的实力,因为根基不稳而气息虚浮。 But under these several thousand years of seal suppression, own Spirit Power in the unceasing quenching polish, the strength actually compared entered in the past one step. 而在这数千年的封印镇压下,自身的魂力在不断的淬炼打磨,实力其实比起当年更进了一步。 And because of recently, Northern Polar Fields had that half god war, caused the world spiritual energy change. 而且因为最近,极北之地发生了那场半神大战,导致了天地灵气变动。 Seal that therefore in the past Snow Emperor supposed, therefore weakened. 所以当年雪帝设下的封印,也因此而变弱了。 The polar ice Land Dragon seizes the opportunity that the seal weakened, breaks open at one fell swoop, from returning to ground. 极冰地龙抓住了封印变弱的这个机会,一举破开,从回地面。 Also has not consumed many Spirit Power. 也没有消耗多少的魂力 No matter what although is not the Snow Emperor opponent. 虽然任不是雪帝的对手。 But, how many human want to challenge itself? 但,几个人类就想要挑战自己? Somewhat is rather laughable! 未免有些可笑! Snow Emperor looks to behind Zhu Zhuqing several people, opens the mouth saying: Gave you.” 雪帝看向身后的朱竹清几人,开口道:“交给你们了。” Then, then moved sideways, fell back on side Ceng Yi. 说完,便一个闪身,退到了曾易身旁。 „Is the strength of this north Land Dragon very extremely powerful, gives them several really not to have the issue?” “这头极北地龙的实力很强大,交给她们几个真的没问题么?” Snow Emperor is asking to Ceng Yi, on the face also revealed wiped to worry about the color. 雪帝对着曾易问道,脸上也露出了一抹担忧之色。 Actually the strength of this polar ice Land Dragon, compared with before by seal, but also is more powerful. 其实这头极冰地龙的实力,比被封印之前,还要强大一些。 This Snow Emperor naturally can induce obtains. 雪帝自然能够感应得到。 However before came, Zhu Zhuqing said that takes one person to cope with this extremely north Land Dragon. 但是之前过来时,朱竹清就说要一人对付这头极北地龙。 Ceng Yi also makes their several people cope jointly. 曾易也只是让她们几人联手对付。 After all one first 100,000 years cultivate/repair for soul beast, were not simple can cope. 毕竟一头十万年修为的魂兽,可不是简简单单就能够对付得了的。 Initially, their several people can they cut to kill the demon killer whale king in sea with Tang San jointly, actually haven't they striven. 当初,她们几人能与唐三他们联手斩杀大海里的邪魔虎鲸王,其实她们也没有出什么力。 What are more is because the sea water can make the Tang San toxicant be able a better display, in addition the little white this first 100,000 years cultivate/repair for demon soul great white shark. 更多的还是因为海水能够让唐三的毒药能够更好的发挥,加上小白这头十万年修为的魔魂大白鲨。 Most importantly, is Tang San has the strength of sea god, in the sea can the suppressed soul beast of biggest limit, can therefore cut to kill one first 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the soul beast. 最重要的,是唐三有着海神之力,在大海上能够最大限制的压制魂兽,所以才能够斩杀一头十万年修为的魂兽。 This time, Ceng Yi has not complied Zhu Zhuqing one to cope, but lets Ning Rongrong and she fights together. 这一次,曾易并没有答应让朱竹清一人对付,而是让宁荣荣和她一起战斗。 Relax, moreover some we looked in the nearby, cannot be victorious, will not have what danger.” Ceng Yi said with a smile lightly. “放心吧,而且有我们在附近看,就是打不过,也不会有什么危险的。”曾易轻笑道。 hears word, Snow Emperor nods. 闻言,雪帝点了点头。 Also right. 也对。 Has itself, this evil dragon was impossible to turn what storm. 有自己在,这头孽龙也不可能翻得了什么风浪。 Happen to can also promote their actual combat experience. 正好也可以提升一下她们的实战经验。 Why not? 何乐而不为呢? Little Sparrow, you first withdraw, here gives me!” Zhu Zhuqing to Yan Que light say/way. 小言雀,你先退后吧,这里交给我!”朱竹清对着身边的言雀淡淡道。 Good, the Zhuqing elder sister you are more careful.” “好的,竹清姐你要小心些啊。” Yan Que looked at present this polar ice Land Dragon that is sending out the terrifying imposing manner, under this pressure, in own heart also produced intense war intent. 言雀看了眼前这头散发着恐怖气势的极冰地龙,在这股压力下,自己的心中也产生了强烈的战意。 However, Yan Que also knows that Zhu Zhuqing temperament, she is not possible to be meddled her fight by oneself. 不过,言雀也知道朱竹清的脾气,她是不可能让自己插手她的战斗的。 Therefore the Yan Que innermost feelings is a pity sighed, constrained itself the desire that wanted to draw a sword, fell back on side oneself master. 所以言雀内心可惜的一叹,压抑住了自己想要拔剑的欲望,退到了自己师父身边。 Polar ice Land Dragon, I am your opponent!” “极冰地龙,我才是你的对手!” Zhu Zhuqing that pair jet black such as the eye pupil of black ink stares at not far away that body to look like a hill polar ice Land Dragon. 朱竹清那双漆黑如墨的眼眸凝望着不远处那身躯就像是一座小山般的极冰地龙。 The complexion like the water, in the eye pupil does not have a fluctuation tranquilly. 面色平静如水,眼眸中没有一丝的波动。 Billowing air wave that the terrifying imposing manner in polar ice Land Dragon that body erupting, the Spirit Power fluctuation raises to raiding. 极冰地龙那身躯上爆发出的恐怖气势,魂力波动掀起的滚滚气浪冲袭而来。 Zhu Zhuqing that jet black such as the long hair of waterfall flutters in the cold wind. 朱竹清那漆黑如瀑的长发在寒风中飘扬。 Even if this terrifying imposing manner causes space extreme constraining, is unable to make her state of mind have a fluctuation. 即使这股恐怖的气势使得空间都极为的压抑,也无法让她的心境产生一丝波动。 Damn human, tiny ants! Dares to look down upon the main body!” “该死的人类,渺小的蝼蚁!胆敢小视本尊!” The polar ice Land Dragon sees, only then looks for a human to stand before oneself, as to challenge itself alone. 极冰地龙见只有找一个人类站在自己面前,似乎想要单独挑战自己。 Especially that human calm free manner, making the polar ice Land Dragon feel very angry. 特别是那人类淡定自若的神态,让极冰地龙感到很是愤怒。 Trivial tiny human, under own oppression, should not tremble to bend down just like the ants in own under foot, desperate begging for mercy? 区区渺小的人类,在自己的压迫下,不应该宛若蝼蚁般颤俯在自己的脚下,绝望的求饶么? Why can you like this so tranquil? 为什么你能够这样如此的平静? What matter is your look? 你那副眼神是什么回事? Really looks down upon the father! 实在看不起老子吗! The polar ice Land Dragon is very angry, it lifted dragon claw, striking ruthlessly above ice surface. 极冰地龙很是愤怒,它抬起了一只龙爪,狠狠的拍击在冰面之上。 In a flash, originally torn to pieces ice surface, under this terrifying strength, direct disintegration. 转瞬间,本就支离破碎的冰面,在这股恐怖的力量下,直接崩碎。 The invisible strength impact surges toward all around. 无形的力量冲击向着四周涌动。 Zhu Zhuqing is unable to continue to stand, the body rises with a spring. 朱竹清也无法继续站立,身体一跃而起。 Human! Suffers to death!” “人类!受死吧!” At that moment, howling of polar ice Land Dragon just like the thunderclap crack, the space shakes. 那一刻,极冰地龙的吼叫宛若雷声般炸响,空间都为之一震。 Zhu Zhuqing innermost feelings one tight, lifted went shortly, sees that polar ice Land Dragon to open wide fierce dragon mouth, that ice cold energy condensed in the throat spot. 朱竹清内心一紧,抬起了眼看去,见那极冰地龙已经张大了狰狞的龙口,那冰寒的能量在喉咙部位凝聚。 Shortly, an extremely cold dragon breath emits, in Zhu Zhuqing toward midair submerges to go. 顷刻间,一道极寒的龙息就喷吐而出,向着半空中的朱竹清淹没而去。 The dragon breath of this terrifying, was frozen including the surrounding air. 这恐怖的龙息,连周围的空气都被冻住。 In an instant, the sword called the penetrating sound together in the space. 刹那之间,一道剑鸣在空间中彻响。 Sees only, that say/way terrifying dragon breath, was divided into two directly. 只见,那道恐怖的龙息,直接被一分为二。
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