DDTR :: Volume #7

#655: Also had the beast power?

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Northern Polar Fields, central circle. 极北之地,中心圈。 Under the extremely cold climate, in the sky the heavy snow flutters about, this lowers to the pinnacle temperature, even Spirit Power can freeze. 极寒的气候下,天空上大雪纷飞,这低到极致的气温,连魂力都能够冻结。 In mountain valley somewhere. 某处的山谷之中。 Roar-” “吼-” The time, the angry wild animal shouts to swing from the mountain valley deep place biography together, the terrifying strength makes the land shiver. 顿时间,一道愤怒的野兽嘶吼从山谷深处传荡而出,恐怖的力量使得大地都在颤动。 But this mountain valley deep place, that is an ever-frost great lake. 而这座山谷深处,那是一个永冻的大湖。 The lake surface is smooth, just like a huge mirror surface. 湖面平整光亮,宛若一个巨大的镜面。 Ka ka ~ 咔咔~ As that angry dragon roar resounds together, in this ice lake surface started to present the tiny fissure smoothly. 而随着那一道愤怒的龙吼声响起,这平整地冰湖面上开始出现了细小的裂痕。 The fissure just like the spider web, starts to spread toward all around. 裂痕正如蛛网般,向着四周开始蔓延。 However, the fissures of these spreads, quick was iced the blue energy to give the restore together. 但是,这些蔓延的裂痕,很快就被一道冰蓝色的能量给修复。 Tremor ice surface, started to return to normal. 颤动的冰面,又开始恢复了平静。 Roar- 吼- In a while , is together angry and shouts unwillingly spreads, more powerful strength transmission. 没过多久,又是一道愤怒而又不甘嘶吼传出,更加强大的力量感传来。 The ice surface starts the fierce tremor, the fissure spreads, compared with the beforehand fissure sturdy. 冰面开始剧烈的颤动,裂痕蔓延而出,比起之前的裂痕更加的粗壮。 Although has not the well-known energy rapidly to restore the trace of splitting.. 虽然有着不知名的能量正在快速的恢复着裂开的痕迹。。 However, the speed of restore cannot compare the speed that the fissure spreads by far. 但是,修复的速度远远比不上裂痕蔓延的速度。 If some people looked from the sky downward, certainly will discover, under that borders on under the shatter ice surface, can see a fierce beast body indistinctly. 若是有人从上空往下看,一定会发现,下方那濒临破碎的冰面下,隐约能够看到一个狰狞的兽躯。 Roar- 吼- More powerful shouting penetrating sound mountain valley, the ice valley starts to shiver together, the powerful vibration initiated the terrifying avalanche. 一道更加强大的嘶吼彻响山谷,冰谷都开始颤动,强悍的震动引发了恐怖的雪崩。 That ominous severe, ice-cold and terrifying Spirit Power could not have stopped from full is on the ice surface of fissure overflows. 那凶厉,冰冷而又恐怖的魂力已经止不住的从满是裂痕的冰面上溢出。 The aggressive imposing manner, such as a rank grass wild giant beast is regaining consciousness. 凶悍的气势,就如一头莽荒巨兽正在苏醒。 Many years......” “多少年了......” Under frozen lake surface, has a giant beast to whisper, 被冰冻的湖面之下,有着一头巨兽在低语, That is constraining in the endless angry words, but also revealed an excitement, excited. 那压抑着无尽愤怒的话语中,还流露出了一丝激动,兴奋。 „On the day of finally waited till.” “终于等到这一天了。” Suppresses 5000 hatred! Ice and Snow Maiden, you are waiting to father!!!” “镇压五千年的仇恨!冰天雪女,你给老子等着!!!” The polar ice Land Dragon of fierce terrifying is roaring, transports the complete strength, furiously lifts the giant body. 狰狞恐怖的极冰地龙怒吼着,转运起全部的力量,奋力的抬起巨大的身体。 Ka ka- 咔咔- Is spreading the innumerable fissures compared with the steel also hard cold ice. 比钢铁还坚硬的寒冰正在蔓延出无数的裂痕。 On that ice surface, is the visible distortion, under has anything to gush out slightly. 那冰面上,已经是肉眼可见的变形,下方丝毫有着什么正在涌出。 In a while, in this ice-cold mountain valley, presented several person's shadows. 没过多久,这冰冷的山谷之中,出现了几道人影。 Ceng Yi, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Yan Que three people. 正是曾易,还有朱竹清,宁荣荣,言雀三人。 Good terrifying aura!” “好恐怖的气息!” Zhu Zhuqing looks ice surface that this is breaking, aggressive Spirit Power that under overflows, making her feel that the heart is startled. 朱竹清看着这正在破碎的冰面,下方溢出的凶悍魂力,让她感到心惊。 The next quarter, two streams light/only overflowed from Ceng Yi Martial Soul mist Hikido, changed to two person's shadows. 下一刻,两道流光从曾易武魂岚切上溢出,化作了两道人影。 Snow Emperor, with losing the memory, turned into ice of child. 雪帝,与失去了记忆,变成孩童的冰儿。 Actually simple-hearted ice has not paid attention now is what situation, actually also that is anything is not interested to the ice surface under. 天真无邪的冰儿并没有理会现在究竟是什么情况,也对冰面下那究竟是什么也不感兴趣。 After coming, after seeing Ceng Yi, on the fair small face revealed the happy expression, exciting throwing to the body of Ceng Yi. 现身后,看见曾易后,白皙的小脸上露出了喜色,兴奋的扑到了曾易的身上。 Looks that always likes entangling in oneself ice, Ceng Yi is resigned-looking. 看着总喜欢缠在自己身上的冰儿,曾易一脸无奈。 If one day, after ice restored the memory, thinks that she has had such experience. 如果有一天,冰儿恢复了记忆后,想起来她有过这样的经历。 With her arrogant temper, feared that doesn't want to be ashamed commits suicide? 以她那高傲的性子,怕不是要羞愧得自杀? This evil livestock must break open my seal.” “这孽畜要破开我的封印了。” Snow Emperor looks at that the fierce tremor ice surface, tone light saying. 雪帝看着那正在剧烈颤动的冰面,语气平淡的说道。 Regarding Snow Emperor, this by the side that north oneself suppress the Land Dragon, although is one cultivates for the powerful 100,000 years of soul beast. 对于雪帝来说,这个被自己镇压的极北地龙,虽然是一头修为强大的十万年魂兽。 However does not have anything to threaten to oneself as before. 但是依旧不会对自己有着什么威胁。 Initially, Snow Emperor can suppress the opposite party conveniently, and seal its several thousand years. 当初,雪帝就能够随手镇压了对方,并且封印了它数千年。 Let alone now, oneself compared was more powerful before. 更何况现在,自己比起之前更加的强大了。 Even if this polar ice Land Dragon broken seals, can still suppress conveniently, this will compare with ease before. 即使这头极冰地龙破封而出,也能随手镇压着,这会比起之前更加的轻松。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- valley Yan 谷艶 On the quick, damaged ice surface caved in a giant hole. 很快,破碎不堪的冰面上就塌陷了一个巨大的窟窿。 In that thick white snow fog, a giant beast claw stretches out from the hole. 那浓浓的白色雪雾中,一個巨大兽爪从窟窿中伸出。 This beast claw dragon, on the jet black scale concentrates the icing up corner. 这兽爪似龙,漆黑的鳞片上凝结着冰棱。 The quick, entire beast body all crawls from the ice cave. 很快,整个兽躯就全部从冰窟下爬出。 Roar-” “吼-” Is venting the indescribable mood dragon roar penetrating sound horizon together, later presented incomparably exciting laughing wildly sound. 一道发泄着难以言喻情绪的龙吼彻响天际,随后又是出现了无比兴奋的狂笑声。 Hahahaha ~, many years, the father broke open this damn seal finally!” “哈哈哈哈~,多少年了,老子终于破开了这该死的封印!” Ice and Snow Maiden your smelly woman, whore! Is waiting to father!” 冰天雪女你这个臭娘们,婊子!给老子等着!” Father must make you pay the frigid price!” “老子一定要让你付出惨烈的代价!” Just broken sealed, but the polar ice Land Dragon, drew out the giant head supinely, roared to the day, is venting by the seal many years of anger. 刚刚破封而出的极冰地龙,仰起了巨大的头颅,对天咆哮,发泄着被封印了多年的愤怒情绪。 However, has not actually noticed neighbor, but also has existences of others. 但是,却没有注意到附近,还有着其他人的存在。 But nearby Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Yan Que three females, meaningful glance very strange looks at that polar ice Land Dragon. 而一旁的朱竹清,宁荣荣,言雀三女,眼色都很是怪异的看着那头极冰地龙。 Although, regarding their three, the polar ice Land Dragon this first 100,000 years of soul beast is very powerful. 虽然,对于她们三个来说,极冰地龙这头十万年魂兽很强大。 However in front of Snow Emperor, is similar to a child. 但是在雪帝面前,就和一个小孩子差不多。 Is working as the Snow Emperor front, the insult of such careless words she, really? 当着雪帝的面前,这样口不择言的辱骂她,真的好吗? In three people of hearts seems somewhat silly soul beast to pay silent tribute for this. 三人心中不禁为这一头看起来有些傻傻的魂兽默哀。 Really, Snow Emperor after hearing these boastful talks, the complexion flickered the intercool. 果然,雪帝在听到这些狂言后,脸色瞬间冷了下来。 In a twinkling, a greatest oppression strength arrives, falls in torrents on polar ice Land Dragon that giant beast body. 霎时间,一股莫大的压迫力降临,倾泻在极冰地龙那巨大的兽躯上。 However in a flash, polar ice Land Dragon that huge body was blown by the oppression strength of this terrifying, the entire body lies above the ice sludge, the bone was soon ground. 不过转瞬间,极冰地龙那巨大的身躯就被这恐怖的压迫力镇住,整个身躯都趴在碎冰之上,骨头都快要被碾碎。 The oppression of this terrifying, making the polar ice Land Dragon feel the incomparable fear. 这恐怖的压迫,让极冰地龙感到无比的恐惧。 Who is?” “是谁?” Shouting that the polar ice Land Dragon voice shivers. 极冰地龙声音颤抖的大喊。 Quick, in the snow fog, went out of a wonderful graceful slender beautiful figure. 很快,雪雾之中,走出了一道妙曼窈窕的倩影。 Polar ice Land Dragon that just like spring big dragon, is producing an inverted image that familiar form, the fear already the overflow that cannot constrain. 极冰地龙那宛若泉眼般大的龙目中,倒映着那个熟悉的身影,恐惧已经压抑不住的溢出。 The giant body is shivering. 巨大的身体都在颤抖着。 Why Ice and Snow Maiden...... you can here!” 冰天雪女......你为什么会在这里!” Snow Emperor stands in front of the polar ice Land Dragon, although compared with its huge body, she appears incomparable tiny. Fear that but in the space is spreading, is coming from the fierce giant beast. 雪帝站在极冰地龙面前,虽然与它那巨大的身躯相比,她显得无比的渺小。但着空间中蔓延出的恐惧,则是来自着狰狞的巨兽。 Snow Emperor is staring at this Land Dragon, faint say/way: Really is long time no see, old friend.” 雪帝凝视着这头地龙,淡漠道:“真是好久不见了,老朋友。” Looked, did you as if think of this emperor very much?” “看起了,你似乎很想念本帝啊?” The polar ice Land Dragon looks at the present woman, oneself were also silly. 极冰地龙看着眼前的这个女人,自己也傻了。 Cannot think, just broken sealed, thinks oneself can be free finally, can take revenge to the personal enemy. 想不到,刚刚破封而出,以为自己终于可以自由了,可以向仇人复仇了。 But, seal own person, waited to come out in the past. 可是,当年封印自己的人,就等着自己出来。 Polar ice Land Dragon innermost feelings at this moment are also very aggrieved. 极冰地龙此刻的内心也是很憋屈。 Oneself just broken sealed, vented some for several thousand years aggrievedness, anger. 自己刚刚破封而出,发泄一些数千年来的憋屈,愤怒情绪。 This? Is this very excessive? 这怎么了?这很过分吗? It is not excessive! 不过分吧! Did oneself vent the mood power not to have continually? 难道,自己连发泄情绪的权力都没有吗? Did this have a point of beast power? 这还有没有一点兽权了? But, by litigant hearing. 可是,被当事人给听到了。 This is very awkward. 这就很尴尬。 What is main, oneself truly are not others opponents, otherwise in the past not by seal in this place. 最主要的是,自己确实不是人家的对手,不然当年也不会被封印在此地。 Moreover, present Snow Emperor, the polar ice Land Dragon feels her several thousand years ago, strength terrifying. 而且,现在的雪帝,极冰地龙感觉她比几千年前,实力更加的恐怖。 Just broken sealed, but, consumed many Spirit Power to break open the seal, was not most flourishing condition, is not the opponent of this woman. 刚刚破封而出的自己,消耗了不少的魂力才得以破开封印,不是全盛状态的自己,更加不会是这个女人的对手。 What's wrong? Doesn't speak?” “怎么?不说话了?” Looks at the polar ice Land Dragon silent appearance, the Snow Emperor light say/way. 看着极冰地龙沉默的样子,雪帝淡淡道。 Do not ask this emperor to revenge? Ok, this emperor gives you now a making a move opportunity.” “不是要找本帝报仇么?行,本帝现在给你一个出手的机会。” The polar ice Land Dragon at this moment, the brain in the fast turn-around, is thinking method that can collapse. 极冰地龙此刻,大脑正在快速运转着,想着能够破局的方法。 It knows, oneself at all possibly is not the Snow Emperor opponent, simply does not have an opportunity. 它知道,自己根本不可能是雪帝的对手,根本没有一点机会。 Who just broken sealed, must not be known many years by the seal! 难道,刚刚破封的自己,又要被封印不知多少岁月么! If so, might as well died, does not need to receive so the humiliation! 要是如此,还不如就地死去,不用受这般屈辱! Home station newest domain name: 本站最新域名:
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