DDTR :: Volume #7

#654: Plan

...... ...... Damn! Damn! Really damn!” “该死!该死!真是该死!” At this time, cherry of having hair dishevelled looks like a lunatic, is venting anger in the heart crazily. 此时,披头散发的洛樱就像是一个疯子,疯狂发泄着自己心中的怒火。 Quick, in the old castle went out of two black-clothed person. 很快,古堡中走出了两个黑衣人。 Saintess Sir?” “圣女大人?” Looks own saintess Sir demented condition, in these two people of hearts somewhat is also flurried, does not dare to approach. 看着自家圣女大人这一副癫狂的状态,这两人心中也有些慌慌的,都不太敢靠近。 Un?” “嗯?” Is venting the mood cherry, notices these two to appear, neck stiff turned, is crooked the head, on the face of that fierce distortion, in the eye pupil is glittering crazy of bloodthirsty. 发泄着情绪的洛樱,注意到这两人出现,脖子僵硬的扭了过去,歪着脑袋,那狰狞扭曲的面庞上,眼眸中闪烁着嗜血的疯狂。 In that pupil light, but also is disclosing a sense of hunger. 那眸光中,还透露着一丝饥饿感。 Comes to this place!” “给本座过来!” Then gets up just like nine quiet demon sound strange sounds, the endless terrifying starts to spread. 那宛若九幽魔音般的诡异之声响起,无尽的恐怖开始蔓延而出。 In the space that is flooding the deathly stillness aura, letting as Spirit Douluo boundary two people, feels the incomparable palpitation. 空间中那充斥着死寂的气息,让身为魂斗罗境界的两人,都感到无比的心悸。 The aura of that danger, making their soul shiver. 那危险的气息,让他们灵魂都在颤抖。 ..... The saintess does not forgive!” “不.....圣女饶命啊!” Under fear that in that is unable to constrain, two people flutter to shout to beg for mercy. 在那无法压抑的恐惧下,两人颤声大喊求饶。 The body also under the oppression of death, turned around to flee. 身体也在死亡的压迫下,转身就想要逃离。 Under facing directly death fear, two people erupted huge Spirit Power, the body drew back just like the bullet backward. 在直面死亡的恐惧之下,两人爆发出了庞大的魂力,身体宛若子弹般向后退。 However, the jet black fog that on cherry overflows, congealed the essence, changed to two chains toward fleeing these two curled. 但是,洛樱身上溢出的漆黑之雾,凝结成了实质,化作两条锁链向着逃离的这两人卷去。 These two jet black chains, such as the python of death, the rapidness of speed, just like penetrating space.. 这两条漆黑的锁链,就如死亡之蟒般,速度之快,就宛若穿透了空间。。 However in the wink of an eye, two Spirit Douluo slight resistance, had not tied down by the chains, drags to entrain toward that black fog center. 不过瞬息之间,两个魂斗罗没有丝毫的抵抗能力,就被锁链缠住,向着那黑雾中心拖拽。 No! I do not want dead, the saintess Sir forgives!” “不!我不想死,圣女大人饶命啊!” „-” “啊啊啊啊-” Quick, as two sad and shrill pitiful yell sounds resound in the space. 很快,随着两道凄厉的惨叫声在空间中响起。 However ten seconds, the space becomes the deathly stillness. 不过十秒钟,空间又变得死寂。 The black fog hidden goes, the physique of cherry appears. 黑雾隐去,洛樱的身姿显现出来。 But in that ground, has only been left over two sets of withered clothing. 而那地面上,已经只剩下两套干瘪的衣物。 Cherry stretched out the bright red tongue to lick licking on the pale lip, the facial expression on face also restored. 洛樱伸出了鲜红的舌头在苍白的嘴唇上舔了舔,脸上的气色也恢复了一些。 However, but also has one to have not given full expression. 但是,还有着一丝意犹未尽。 However, swallowed two Spirit Douluo boundary Spirit Master flesh essence, truly lets her after exploding, that badly-damaged recovered. 不过,吞噬了两位魂斗罗境界魂师的血肉精气,确实让她自爆后,那残破不堪的身体恢复了许多。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” However, remembered the face of that man, makes cherry hate to clench jaws. 但是,想起了那个男人的脸,就让洛樱恨得咬牙切齿。 Why? This world, but also has the so powerful person? 为什么?这个世界,还有着如此强大的人? She does not think clearly. 她始终是想不明白。 Cherry itself/Ben thinks, own strength, is this world's strongest existence. 洛樱本以为,自己的实力,已经是这個世界最强的存在。 Even inherited Empress Martial Soul Empire of angel god position, Qian Renxue, she of half god, is not oneself opponent. 即使是继承了天使神位的武魂帝国女帝,千仞雪,半神的她,都不会是自己的对手。 The time in this gods, some not possible people able to be oneself opponent! 在这个神明不出的时代,不可能有人会是自己的对手! However, the appearance of Ceng Yi, actually broke the concept of cherry. 但是,曾易的出现,却打破了洛樱的观念。 Too powerful, was too terrifying! 太强悍了,太恐怖了! Is only one puts in an appearance, was only the domain suppressed itself. 仅仅只是一个照面,光是领域就压制了自己。 If not for oneself responded quickly, sufficed to be resolute, rather the rejection part cultivated/repaired is, must from demolishing the space blockade of opposite party, feared by the opposite party catching. 若不是自己反应快,够果决,宁愿舍弃部分修为,也要自爆破开了对方的空间封锁,怕是已经被对方给擒住。 „The world of mortals, some people have broken through the god boundary......” “凡间,已经有人突破神境了么......” Cherry twittering, in the eye pupil is glittering the scarlet glow. 洛樱呢喃着,眼眸中闪烁着赤芒。 But cherry a little has doubts very much, if some people broke through the god boundary, why this side world actually won't have the tiny bit sound? 但洛樱有一点很疑惑,若是有人突破了神境,为什么此方天地竟然会没有一丝一毫的动静? After breakthrough god boundary, initiated world phenomenon, is not possible hidden to keep! 突破神境后,引发的天地异象,是不可能隐藏得住的! Damn!” “该死!” Cherry hates the sound said, this thinks that some people cannot prevent oneself plan again. 洛樱恨声道,本以为不会再有人能够阻止自己的计划。 However the sudden that man, Ceng Yi, is will plan on the path, most difficult hindrance. 但是突然出现的那个男人,曾易,将会是自己计划道路上,最艰难的阻碍。 Wanted to complete cause, that must locate to fall this person! 想要完成了的伟业,那必须要处掉这个人! But, is actually not the opponent of opposite party! 可是,却不是对方的对手! If can restore the past strength, even if only 1/10, will not make a mortal so wild!” “若是能够恢复当年的实力,哪怕只是十分之一,也不会让一个凡人如此的猖狂!” Damn various God!” “该死的诸神!” It seems like that oneself can only first hide in secret, restores own strength to the god boundary, 看来,自己只能够先暗中隐藏,把自己实力恢复到神境, Has the opportunity to look for that human to avenge a grievance. Wait...... 才有机会去找那个人类报仇雪恨。等等...... In cherry that monster different eye pupil the blood light flashes, thought of anything slightly. 洛樱那妖异的眼眸中血光一闪,丝毫想到了什么。 That man, does not relate with the rightful owner of this body simply. 那个男人,与本座身体的原主关系丝毫不简单。 So long as uses slightly this relations, gets up to some tricks, introduces in that person the trap. 只要稍微利用一下这一层关系,做些手脚,把那人引入陷阱中。 Then...... 那么...... So long as removes that man, this side world, can prevent own footsteps no one. 只要除掉那个男人,此方世界,将没有任何人能够阻挡自己的脚步。 This world, will become this place to the footboard that various God takes revenge. 这个世界,将会成为本座向诸神复仇的踏板。 This place will let the world, returns to the chaos! 本座会让世界,重归混沌! In the old castle, in the dim main hall, the candlelight on wall is jumping gently, the atmosphere is lonesome and quiet and strange. 古堡之中,昏暗的大殿内,墙壁上的烛光轻轻跳跃着,气氛幽静而诡异。 Six red robes, cannot see clearly the facial features the person's shadow to appear, panic-stricken bending down kneels above in Hongtan, the body is trembling. 六位身旁红袍,看不清面容的人影出现,惊恐的俯跪于红毯之上,身体在瑟瑟发抖。 The bright moonlight falls by the window photo above that jet black throne, saw that beautiful appearance that if the monster, attracts all living things. 皎洁的月光透过窗户照落在那漆黑的王座之上,看到了那绝美若妖,魅惑众生的容颜。 Cherry cold eye looks that under bends down the subordinate who kneels, makes noise faintly. 洛樱冷眸看着下方俯跪的属下,淡漠出声。 Of blood crows seven blood waiting on have fallen from the sky, the elders of five Titled Douluo ranks were also killed completely.” “七血侍之一的血鸦已经陨落,还有五位封号斗罗级别的长老也全部丧命。” About this matter, what you had to say?” “关于这件事,你们有什么想说的?” Some people in a terrified way stand, saying that the startled heart and gall trembles: Saintess Sir, blames the blood crow to overreach oneself, but also is thinking gives to the saintess Sir the soul of Empress Martial Soul Empire, caused my god Saint Church this loss to be serious!” 有人惶恐的站出来,惊心胆颤的说道:“圣女大人,都怪血鸦不自量力,还想着把武魂帝国女帝的灵魂献给圣女大人,才导致了我神圣教这一次损失惨重啊!” Saintess Sir, we from now on absolutely not in rash, secretly action.” “圣女大人,我们今后绝对不会在胆大妄为,私自行动。” Also asked the saintess Sir to make reparations!” “还请圣女大人赎罪!” Cherry looks at this crowd of useless things indifferently, in the eye pupil glitters the scarlet glow, in the heart is also giving birth wiped the sense of hunger. 洛樱冷眼看着这一群没有用的东西,眼眸中闪烁着赤芒,心中也生出了一抹饥饿感。 These six people are over 95 levels Super Douluo. 这六人都是九十五级以上的超级斗罗 If swallowed them, after should be able to restore, own injury. 若是把他们都吞噬了,应该可以恢复后自身的伤势。 However, now or personnel time, some of some of their also uses. 但是,现在还是用人的时候,他们还有一些用处。 First temporarily keeps their life. 先暂时留他们一命吧。 Now, the north beast tide had been stilled by Martial Soul Empire. Then, Martial Soul Empire should continue to initiate the expedition, unified mainland.” “如今,北方兽潮已经被武魂帝国平定。那么接下来,武魂帝国应该会继续发起征战,统一大陆。” Continues to plunder the ghost, letting the war is unable to finish, we can save more strengths.” “继续掠夺亡魂,让战争无法结束,我们就能够积蓄更多的力量。” And other conditions were ripe, at the appointed time, entire mainland under the control of our Saint Church.” “等时机成熟,届时,整个大陆都会在我们圣教的掌控之下。” Therefore, you continue to complete your labor of duty, cannot act secretly. If makes the this/Ben place know, the consequence you should be very clear!” “所以,你们继续做好自己的本职工作,不可在私自行动。要是让本座知道,后果你们应该很清楚!” This is flooding the voice of meaning of ice-cold bloodthirsty, making six blood wait on the whole body to tremble, the fine body hair raises up. 这充斥着冰冷嗜血之意的话音,让六位血侍浑身一颤,寒毛竖起。 Respectfully follows the life of saintess!” “谨遵圣女之命!” In the dim main hall, six blood wait on the panic-stricken retreat, leaves behind cherry one person, sits on the jet black throne alone, ponders. 昏暗的大殿之中,六位血侍惊恐的退去,留下洛樱一人,独自坐在漆黑的王座上,沉思起来。 How oneself must plan, removes that man? 自己要如何谋划一番,把那个男人除掉? ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- After three days, dangerous places city. 三日后,冰渊城。 After finishing the danger of beast tide, Spirit Master that all parties gave support has also left. 结束了兽潮之危后,各方前来支援的魂师也都已经离开。 The Martial Soul Empire army also reorganizes, soon will withdraw troops toward. 武魂帝国的军队也整顿完毕,不久就将班师回朝。 Ceng Yi on the grounds of helping Zhu Zhuqing gains ninth Spirit Ring, turned down Qian Renxue to want with her to be able the invitation of imperial capital, leading several females to go to Northern Polar Fields. 曾易以帮助朱竹清获取第九魂环为由,婉拒了千仞雪要自己跟她会帝都的邀请,带着几女前往极北之地 Home station newest domain name: 本站最新域名:
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