DDTR :: Volume #7

#653: I am not the honest elder brother!

...... ...... Accident/Surprise?” “意外?” Ning Rongrong looks at Ceng Yi, false smile expression, regarding a these words not credibility. 宁荣荣看着曾易,皮笑肉不笑的表情,对于这句话没有一点可信度。 Had a child accidentally/surprisingly, becomes the father?” “意外的有了一个孩子,成为了爸爸?” The Zhu Zhuqing vision in entangling is sizing up between Ceng Yi little girl and Snow Emperor back and forth. 朱竹清的目光在缠在曾易身上的小女孩与雪帝之间来回打量着。 Like really resembled! 像,真的是太相像了! The appearance of this little girl also has the makings, such as Snow Emperor is ordinary, just like pure snow and ice elf. 这个小女孩的容貌还有气质,都如雪帝一般,宛若纯洁的冰雪精灵。 Although Zhu Zhuqing trusts Ceng Yi. 虽然朱竹清对于曾易还是信任。 But present, lets her to Ceng Yi persisted in having the vacillation. 可是眼前的这一幕,不由让她对曾易的坚持产生了动摇。 Yes, oneself should think, Snow Emperor has followed in his side, likely will not have had anything. 是啊,自己早就应该想到了,雪帝一直跟在他的身边,没有可能会没有发生了些什么。 So that's how it is ....... 原来如此....... When Sea God Island sees Snow Emperor for the first time, Zhu Zhuqing felt that some are not quite right. 早在海神岛第一次见到雪帝的时候,朱竹清就感觉到有些不太对劲。 Now looks like, the fact confirmed itself to suspect initially. 现在看来,事实验证了自己当初的猜想。 Has not thought, oneself was stolen the family/home unexpectedly . Moreover the children grew so! 万万没有想到,自己竟然被人偷家了,而且孩子都这么大了! Why ..... important didn't such matter, tell me?” “为什么.....这么重要的事情,都不告诉我?” Zhu Zhuqing was interrogating to Ceng Yi that pair of eyes pupil had lost the color at this moment, empty soulless, as if lost the hope to the life. 朱竹清对着曾易质问,那双眼眸此刻已经失去了色彩,空洞无神,仿佛对人生失去了希望。 Ceng Yi your bastard! I misread you really!” 曾易你这个混蛋!我真是看错你了!” The Ning Rongrong mood also becomes extremely excited, the tears do not make every effort to succeed overflows from the corner of the eye. 宁荣荣情绪也变得极为的激动,眼泪都不争气的从眼角溢出。 Ceng Yi: ....... 曾易:....... Looks at these two agitated appearance, Ceng Yi feels somewhat bewilderedly. 看着这两人这副情绪激动的样子,曾易感到有些莫名其妙。 Why oneself look like dregs that tread on how many ships are male, probably is playing with your pure sentiments? 为什么自己就像是一个脚踏几条船的渣男一样,好像在玩弄你们的纯洁感情? Nearby Snow Emperor feeling is not wonderful, worked ice that is entangling Ceng Yi, is hugging her far away from Ceng Yi. 一旁的雪帝感觉不妙,一把抓起了缠着曾易的冰儿,抱着她远离曾易 Matter turns into this, Snow Emperor has not expected. 事情变成这样,雪帝也是没有预料到的。 Although oneself as the Ceng Yi sword spirit, but is actually to him except for the contract relations, the friendship between friends, has not become the idea. 虽然自己作为曾易的剑灵,但却是对他除了契约关系,朋友之间的友谊,也没有变得想法了。 But after icing lost the memory, manages Ceng Yi to call the father, manages itself to call mother. 可是冰儿失去了记忆后,管曾易叫爸,管自己叫妈。 This truly makes Snow Emperor feel very helpless, but also some are very awkward. 这确实让雪帝感到很无奈,还有些很尴尬。 This made among two people the relations very subtle. 这让两人之间的关系变得很微妙了。 Ceng Yi sees Snow Emperor to hold ice far away from oneself, that looked appearance that own look also shuts out very much. 曾易雪帝抱着冰儿远离自己,那看自己的眼神还一副很嫌弃的样子。 Make the Ceng Yi mood more uncomfortable. 曾易心情变得更难受了。 Matter turns into this, not because of your reason? 事情变成这样,还不是因为你的原因? Now was good, but also comes to blame me? 现在好了,还来怪我? Ceng Yi feels very innocent, why injured always...... 曾易感到很无辜,为什么受伤的总是自己...... Do not be excited, calm, listening to me to explain.” “你们别激动,冷静一下,听我解释解释。” Ceng Yi is not dilatory, immediately recounts why ice becomes daughter's reason. 曾易也不拖沓,立刻述说了冰儿为什么成为自己女儿的原因。 After several minutes, heard the explanation of Ceng Yi, Ning Rongrong is not noisy, Zhu Zhuqing that lost the gloss pupil also to restore the color. 几分钟后,听到了曾易的解释,宁荣荣也不闹了,朱竹清那失去光泽的眸子也恢复了色彩。 „Did you say real?” “你说得都是真的?” Ice is actually the snow elder sister's younger sister, because severe wound dying, therefore offers sacrifices to give you, turning was like the snow elder sister, becomes your sword spirit?” “冰儿其实是雪姐姐的妹妹,因为重伤垂死,所以献祭给你,变成了和雪姐姐一样,成为你的剑灵?” Lost the beforehand memory, therefore saw first you who do recognize as the father, the snow elder sister recognize as mother?” “失去了之前的记忆,所以把第一眼看到的你认作爸爸,雪姐姐认作妈妈?” „Won't you make up a story to deceive us casually?” “你不会随便编个故事骗我们吧?” Deceives your head!” “骗你个头!” A Ceng Yi hand blade knocks on the head of Ning Rongrong, ill-humored say/way. 曾易一个手刀就敲在宁荣荣的脑袋上,没好气道。 Thinks with your bean Ding big head well, the human and snow female child, how possibly is a scorpion?” “用你那豆丁大的脑袋好好想想,人类和雪女的孩子,怎么可能会是一只蝎子?” „...... It seems like also right, hehehe ~ “呃......好像也对哦,嘿嘿嘿~” Ning Rongrong scratched the teardrops of corner of the eye, on the cheeks appeared to wipe the bashful color, very awkward smiling. 宁荣荣擦了擦眼角的泪珠,脸颊上浮现出了一抹羞色,很是尴尬的笑着。 Sorry, misunderstood you.” “抱歉,误会你了。” Zhu Zhuqing very embarrassed saying, because makes the innermost feelings very guilty to the suspicion of Ceng Yi. 朱竹清很是不好意思的说道,因为对曾易的怀疑使得内心无比愧疚。 Thinks well, oneself such spoke frankly revealed oneself affections, he has not accepted. 好好想想,自己都那样直言表露自己的爱意,他都没有接受。 Let alone is only Snow Emperor, but also is only a sword spirits, even entity no one. 更何况只是雪帝,还只是一个剑灵,连实体都没有的人。 Really, oneself thought. 果然,还是自己多想了。 Knows after ice is not the Ceng Yi daughter, the Zhu Zhuqing that somewhat desperate mood also restores. 知道冰儿并不是曾易的女儿后,朱竹清那有些绝望的心情也恢复过来。 At least, oneself are not hopeful. 至少,自己还有希望不是么。 In the Zhu Zhuqing heart relaxes in secret. 朱竹清心中暗中松了口气。 Sees the Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuqing liangs female mood to have becomes lively, in the Ceng Yi heart is very helpless. 朱竹清女情绪有变得活泼起来,曾易心中很是无奈。 Their two to own sentiment, Ceng Yi, although is somewhat simple-hearted in the sentiment, but was so long, the opposite parties display so warmly, oneself naturally are very clear. 她们两个对自己的感情,曾易虽然在感情上有些木讷,但这么久了,对方都表现得如此热情,自己自然是很清楚。 Special Zhu Zhuqing also vindicated with oneself. 特别朱竹清还跟自己表白了。 This makes Ceng Yi very awkward. 这让曾易很尴尬。 Oneself regard the friend them obviously, but you actually want the greedy your body. 明明自己都是把她们当成朋友,可是你们却偏偏要馋自己的身子。 Ceng Yi is not clear, why is long too gracefully is also a crime? 曾易就不明白了,为什么长得太帅也是一种罪? Especially, recently their mood became more and more sensitive. 特别是,最近她们的情绪变得越来越敏感了。 Always felt that has the omen of blackening. 总感觉有黑化的前兆。 Which day Ceng Yi is afraid very much, they while oneself slept the blade oneself, a person is holding going to faraway places together. 曾易很害怕哪天,她们趁着自己睡觉的时候刀了自己,一人一块抱着远走高飞。 Thinks carefully, is flustered very much. 仔细想想,就很是心慌。 This is Ceng Yi has not thought that oneself one day will turn toward the honest elder brother's result to approach slowly. 这是曾易没有想到的,自己有一天会向着诚哥的结局慢慢靠近。 Good was good, I do not care, you hurry to rest.” “行了行了,我不在意,你们赶紧回去休息吧。” Ceng Yi said, oneself present like hurrying to leave side them, staying together is not very comfortable. 曾易说道,自己现在就像赶紧离开她们身边,呆在一起很是不自在。 ~ , the Zhuqing Spirit Ring matter has not don't forget been solved!” “呵~,别忘了,还有竹清魂环事情还没有解决呢!” „.” “呃。” Regarding this issue, some Ceng Yi difficult offices. 对于这个问题,曾易有些难办。 Because oneself will not run into by the issue of Spirit Ring card bottleneck, therefore wants first not to arrive at other Spirit Master by the worry that Spirit Ring puzzles. 因为自己不会遇到会被魂环卡瓶颈的问题,所以想先不到其他魂师会被魂环所困扰的烦恼。 However, making Ceng Yi look for a 100,000 years of soul beast, massacres the opposite party to give Zhu Zhuqing, when Spirit Ring. 但是,让曾易去找一个十万年魂兽,杀掉对方给朱竹清魂环 If the enemy said fortunately, but others are also the intelligent lifeform, does not have the enmity with oneself without the injustice. 若是敌人还好说,可是人家也是智慧生物,跟自己无冤无仇的。 Cut to kill the opposite party, the Ceng Yi thought did not understand. 斩杀了对方,曾易念头也不通达。 This makes Ceng Yi puzzle very much. 这让曾易很困扰。 What appropriate 100,000 years of soul beast your does Northern Polar Fields have?” “你极北之地有什么合适的十万年魂兽嘛?” Ceng Yi asked to nearby Snow Emperor. 曾易对一旁的雪帝问道。 This matter, was the king of once soul beast is certainly clearer. 这种事情,当然是曾经的魂兽之王更加清楚。 „Do you want to hunt and kill 100,000 years of soul beast?” “你们想要猎杀十万年魂兽?” A Snow Emperor black eyebrow wrinkle, on the face revealed the unhappy color. 雪帝黛眉一皱,脸上露出了不喜之色。 Although the present is the Ceng Yi sword spirit, but north she of monarchy, is not willing to see that before extremely oneself people were slaughtered by human. 虽然现在是曾易的剑灵,但之前可是极北君主的她,可不愿意见到自己的子民被人类屠杀。 Was not really good even, actually I did not worry.” “实在不行就算了,其实我也不着急的。” Zhu Zhuqing sees the Snow Emperor expression to have the change, knows that she is the soul beast family background, is also very repugnant regarding this matter. 朱竹清雪帝的表情出现变化,也知道她本身就是魂兽出身,对于这件事也很是反感。 Moreover, she does not care specially breaks through to the Titled Douluo boundary immediately. 而且,她也并不是特别在意立刻就突破到封号斗罗境界。 Really is not good, oneself ninth Spirit Ring looks for right Martial Soul ten thousand years of Spirit Ring is also good. 实在不行,自己第九魂环找一个合适自身武魂的万年魂环也行。 After all 100,000 years cultivates for the king of beasts is very scarce, is good compared with the number of human Titled Douluo powerhouse, existence that 100,000 years of Spirit Ring basically may simple-minded not be possible to be asked. 毕竟十万年修为的兽王本身就很稀少,比起人类封号斗罗强者的数量还好,十万年魂环基本都是可愚不可求的存在。 Without the fate, cannot demand. 没有缘分,也强求不得。 Actually, I suppressed one first 100,000 years cultivated/repaired for the soul beast in the past actually, this actually good goal.” Snow Emperor thinks, then said. “其实吗,我当年倒是镇压了一头十万年修为的魂兽,这倒是一个不错的目标。”雪帝想了想,便如此说道。 Really?” “真的?” Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong somewhat joyful looks at Snow Emperor. 朱竹清宁荣荣都有些欣喜的看着雪帝 Snow Emperor is holding ice, nods lightly. 雪帝抱着冰儿,轻点了头。 In the past, the period of my north monarchy, in Northern Polar Fields was born extremely one first 100,000 years cultivated/repaired for the polar ice Land Dragon. “当年,我还是极北君主的时期,极北之地中诞生了一头十万年修为的极冰地龙。 However this boy slaughters other soul beast ethnic groups blood-thirsty wantonly, swallowing the soul beast promotes itself to cultivate/repair is, therefore was suppressed by me in the dangerous places. ” 不过这厮嗜杀成性大肆屠杀其他魂兽族群,吞噬魂兽提升自身修为,因此被我镇压于冰渊之中。” Snow Emperor as extremely north monarchy, although is chilly, but is friendly regarding the soul beast very heart, thinks that polar ice Land Dragon cultivates for is not easy, then has not executed it, but suppresses the opposite party several thousand years. 雪帝作为极北君主,虽然性格清冷,但对于魂兽却很是心善,想那极冰地龙修为不易,便没有就地格杀它,而是镇压对方数千年。 Yet now, oneself no longer north the monarchy, the younger sister also left Northern Polar Fields along with oneself extremely. 可如今,自己已经不再是极北君主,妹妹也随自己离开了极北之地 Although Northern Polar Fields also has Snow Titan Demon King as the strongest king of beasts. 虽然极北之地还有着一位泰坦雪魔王作为最强的兽王。 But Snow Emperor very clear Snow Titan Demon King character, it, if becomes Lord of the Far North, does not go back to manage the lives of these small and weak soul beasts. 雪帝很清楚泰坦雪魔王的性格,它若是成为极北之主,根本不回去管理那些弱小魂兽的死活。 If that polar ice Land Dragon works loose own suppression, then Northern Polar Fields will become more chaotic. 若是那头极冰地龙挣脱自己的镇压,那么极北之地会变得更加混乱。 Snow Emperor does not hope own state becomes so chaotic, therefore she must go back to solve this hidden danger. 雪帝可不希望自己的国度变得如此混乱不堪,所以她必须要回去解决这个隐患。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Mainland somewhere. 大陆的某处。 Under the dim weather, a lightning has delimited, the ray of that flash, screened the fierce old castle outline. 昏暗的天色下,一道闪电划过,那一瞬间的光芒,映出了狰狞的古堡轮廓。 Quack ~ 嘎嘎~ The group crow startled wielding wing on dead wood flies, drops everywhere disorderly crow feather. 枯木上的群鸦惊慌的挥翅飞起,落下漫天凌乱的鸦羽。 In an instant, the space was ripped open an opening, together the person's shadow appears from void, fell on the ground. 刹那间,空间被撕开了一道口子,一道人影从虚空中显出,倒在了地面上。 Why!” “为什么!” Low and deep calling out resounds in the space together, is flooding intense being unwilling. 一道低沉的嘶喊在空间中响起,充斥着强烈的不甘。 That sharp hand claw grasped moist soil, her slowly crawls since the ground, the body staggers is standing. 那尖锐的手爪抓了一把湿润的泥土,她缓缓的从地上爬起,身体踉跄的站着。 Why her consciousness remains!” “为什么她的意识还存在着!” On face that cherry bleeds profusely from the head, the expression of fierce distortion, in the eye pupil is glittering the scarlet blood glow, rips the heart to uncover the bottom the appearance just like the sad and shrill demoness. 洛樱七窍流血的面庞上,狰狞扭曲的表情,眼眸中闪烁着猩红的血芒,撕心揭底的模样宛若凄厉的女鬼。 Obviously, her soul has diverged is right! 明明,她的灵魂已经散去才对! 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