DDTR :: Volume #7

#652: This is only 1 accident/surprise...

...... ...... After Qian Renxue disbands the people, left behind Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in the main hall. 千仞雪遣散众人后,留下了宁荣荣朱竹清在大殿中。 These two, my Junior Sister. She is Ning Rongrong, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little sovereign, this is Zhu Zhuqing, Bone Douluo passes on the disciple.” “这两位,我的师妹。她是宁荣荣,七宝琉璃宗的少宗主,这是朱竹清,骨斗罗的亲传弟子。” Ceng Yi said one to Qian Renxue, on the face also the somewhat awkward color. 曾易跟身旁的千仞雪说了一声,脸上也有些尴尬之色。 It seems like, your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, but also is really outstanding people and magical soil, has so many talent outstanding disciples.” “看来,你们七宝琉璃宗,还真是人杰地灵啊,有着这么多天赋优异的弟子。” But, are your relations only the Junior Sisters?” “不过,你们的关系只是师妹么?” The Qian Renxue phoenix pupil shot a look at Ning Rongrong lightly, Zhu Zhuqing two people, turns head to look to Ceng Yi, the words has referred to pleasingly. 千仞雪凤眸轻瞥了一眼宁荣荣,朱竹清两人,扭头看向曾易,话中意有所指。 Actually does not need Ceng Yi to introduce, Qian Renxue also knows these two. Ning Rongrong, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little young master, she camouflaged Crown Prince Heaven Duo initially the Xue Qinghe ambush in Heaven Dou Empire, has had to do with Ning Rongrong, fully realizes this its arrogant character. 其实不用曾易介绍,千仞雪也知道这两人。宁荣荣,七宝琉璃宗的小公子,当初她伪装成天斗太子雪清河潜伏在天斗帝国,就与宁荣荣打过交道,也深知这其那骄蛮的性格。 As for Zhu Zhuqing, Qian Renxue understood actually not very much. 至于朱竹清,千仞雪倒不是很了解。 Qian Renxue naturally can look, these two appearance makings not inferior own women, to the Ceng Yi sentiment not only as if the Senior Brother younger sister is so simple. 千仞雪自然能够看得出来,这两位容貌气质不逊色自己的女人,对曾易的感情似乎不只是师兄妹这么简单。 She was saw clearly, Ceng Yi this fellow was the lord of being a womanizer, why does the side always follow one group of women? 她算是看清楚了,曾易这个家伙就是沾花惹草的主,为什么身边总是跟着一群女人? However, regarding Ning Rongrong, the Zhu Zhuqing two females, Qian Renxue but is actually very calm, does not think that these two females can be oneself opponent. 不过嘛,对于宁荣荣,朱竹清两女,千仞雪倒还是很淡定,并不认为这两女会是自己的对手。 Most makes her be worried that is the Ceng Yi sword spirit, that Ice and Snow Maiden. 最让她担心的,就是曾易的剑灵,那位冰天雪女 This regarding Qian Renxue, is most dangerous, woman who most must guard against. 这对于千仞雪来说,才是最危险,最要提防的女人。 However, this also makes Qian Renxue very helpless. 但是,这也让千仞雪非常的无奈。 After all Ice and Snow Maiden is the Ceng Yi sword spirit, follows every time side Ceng Yi, when stolen family/home does not know. 毕竟冰天雪女曾易的剑灵,每时每刻都跟在曾易身边,什么时候被偷家了都不知道。 Let alone, but also were many a little fellow, but also called Ceng Yi to be the father, Ice and Snow Maiden was mother. 更何况,还多了一个小家伙,还叫曾易做爸爸,冰天雪女做妈妈。 In this case, even Ceng Yi not that thoughts, if the time grew, the sentiment can still influence subtly was affected. 这种情况下,就算曾易没有那个心思,如果时间长了,感情也会潜移默化的的受到影响。 This makes Qian Renxue very uncomfortable, but also does not have the means solution. 这让千仞雪很难受,但又没有办法解决。 Can't make Ceng Yi terminate the sword spirit contract relations with them? 总不能让曾易与她们解除剑灵契约关系吧? Qian Renxue has a headache regarding this matter very much, this simply compared with conquering the mainland must trouble! 千仞雪对于这件事很头痛,这简直比征服大陆还要麻烦啊! Ceng Yi! How will you know with this woman?” 曾易!你怎么会跟这个女人认识的?” You have anything to hide the truth from us, has not drawn on entirely! Your this bastard!” “你到底还有什么事情瞒着我们,还不统统招来!你这个混蛋!” Today going out hurriedly, is looks for this woman?” “今天急匆匆的出去,就是找这个女人是吧?” One side a Ning Rongrong drawing Ceng Yi has arrived, investigates rigorously the look that carefully examines with Zhu Zhuqing two people of that making Ceng Yi tremble. 宁荣荣一把拉过曾易走到一边,与朱竹清二人那严查审视的眼神,让曾易瑟瑟发抖。 This, is only a friend.” “这个嘛,只是朋友。” Hehe, when are you with the empresses a friend?” “呵呵,你什么时候跟人家女帝是朋友?” Does not have the means! Let know her time, she is also not an empress.” Ceng Yi helpless shrugged. “没办法啊!让认识她的时候,她还不是女帝啊。”曾易无奈的摊了摊手。 Without the bystander now, Ceng Yi on the scene, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong can also disregard the air/Qi field of Qian Renxue that queen, spoke frankly the straight language speech. 因为现在也没有外人在,曾易又在场,朱竹清宁荣荣也可以无视千仞雪那女王的气场,直言直语说话。 „, It seems like your sentiments are really good.” “呵,看来你们的感情还真不错呢。” The Qian Renxue sound resounds, Ning Rongrong also no longer continues to closely examine to Ceng Yi, but looks to this empress. 千仞雪的声音响起,宁荣荣也不再对曾易继续追问,而是看向这位女帝。 „Do you keep us to get down, what matter have?” “你留我们下来,有什么事情吗?” This emperor wants to form an alliance with your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, with drafting the world , helping this emperor unify the entire mainland, your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is under this day the head of sect, wields entire Spirit Master World!” “本帝欲与你们七宝琉璃宗结盟,同征天下,助本帝统一整个大陆,你们七宝琉璃宗便是这天下宗派之首,执掌整个魂师界!” What? With my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect alliance?” “什么?与我七宝琉璃宗联盟?” Qian Renxue this saying, actually Ning Rongrong fearing. 千仞雪这话,倒是把宁荣荣给惊住了。 Although Ning Rongrong returns to the mainland not long, but through understanding, knows, now the Martial Soul Empire unification situation has become, by the Heaven Duo Star Luo two countries alliances, does not seem able to prevent the advancement of Martial Soul Empire army. 虽然宁荣荣才回到大陆上没有多久,但是通过外界的了解,也是知道,如今武魂帝国统一大势已成,以天斗星罗两国联盟,似乎无法阻挡武魂帝国军队的推进。 So long as helps the Martial Soul Empire unification mainland, when the time comes Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect can become this first under heaven sect. Wields entire Spirit Master World. 只要助武魂帝国统一大陆,到时候七宝琉璃宗就能够成为这天下第一宗门。执掌整个魂师界 This condition, as if sounds very attractive. 这个条件,似乎听起来很诱人。 That Spirit Hall?” Ning Rongrong asked. “那武魂殿呢?”宁荣荣反问道。 Qian Renxue said lightly: Has existence of Martial Soul Empire, Spirit Hall naturally can become past tense.” 千仞雪淡淡说道:“有武魂帝国的存在,武魂殿自然会成为过去式。” What's wrong, can you comply?” “如何,你可答应?” Qian Renxue knows, 千仞雪知道, Ning Rongrong is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect next successor, so long as she wants, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect naturally can side with this side her. Ning Rongrong cannot make up mind, then looks to Ceng Yi. 宁荣荣乃是七宝琉璃宗的下一位继承人,只要她愿意,七宝琉璃宗自然会倒向她这一边。宁荣荣拿不定主意,便看向曾易 But Ceng Yi made a meaningful glance, the consciousness say that do not ask me. 曾易却使了一个眼色,意识说别问我啊。 Two people right, Ning Rongrong understand immediately. 两人对了一眼,宁荣荣立刻懂了。 Many thanks your good intention, but our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect does not want to participate in drafting of striving for hegemony, has no interest in the given name of first under heaven sect.” “多谢你的好意,不过我们七宝琉璃宗并不想参与争霸之征,对于天下第一宗的名号也没有兴趣。” Therefore, is the resembles has maintained the neutrality?” “所以,就是像一直保持中立是么?” The Qian Renxue vision stares at Ning Rongrong, in the eye pupil brings to carefully examine the meaning. 千仞雪的目光凝望着宁荣荣,眼眸中带着审视意思。 Facing Qian Renxue that domineering vision, Ning Rongrong does not show weakness similarly. 面对千仞雪那强势的目光,宁荣荣同样毫不示弱。 Good, your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect wish emperor has known, naturally cannot force you, today's words, when I have not raised.” “好吧,你七宝琉璃宗的意愿本帝已经知晓,自然不会强迫你们,今天的话,就当我没有提过。” Qian Renxue took back that domineering pupil light, light say/way. 千仞雪收回了那强势的眸光,淡淡道。 Regarding Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Qian Renxue wants with the desire jointly, is not so intense. 对于七宝琉璃宗,千仞雪想要与其联手的欲望,也并不是那么强烈。 Mainly wants to win over Ceng Yi. 主要是想拉拢曾易而已。 After all merely several Titled Douluo strengths, but also is unable to affect the overall situation. 毕竟仅仅几位封号斗罗的实力,还无法影响到整体的局势。 Valley he lt ; /spangt ; „, The world disrupts now, has the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator to mix the wind and cloud in secret. 谷皬lt;/spangt;“不过嘛,如今天下打乱,暗中又有幕后黑手搅动风云。 To not stick one's neck out is the good idea, but in this tumultuous times, cannot want into the mire, that is not the simple matter. ” 想要明哲保身是不错的想法,但在这个乱世之中,想要不入泥潭之中,那可不是简单的事情。” You must know, sometimes, the destiny, will often make you involuntary.” “你要知道,有时候,命运,往往会让你身不由己。” Quick, Ceng Yi then brings Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing left the main hall, returns to own residence. 很快,曾易便带着宁荣荣朱竹清离开了大殿,返回自家的住所。 All the way, Ning Rongrong has been pondering Qian Renxue a moment ago to that words that oneself spoke. 一路上,宁荣荣一直在思考着千仞雪刚才对自己所说的那一番话。 Involuntary? 身不由己么? Ceng Yi had also said that the later mainland situation, confusion, soon, may welcome a new time. 曾易也曾经说过,之后的大陆局势,可能会更加的混乱,用不了多久,就会迎来一个新的时代。 Oneself as Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little sovereign, naturally must consider for the safety of school many disciples, cannot before thinking is so willful. 自己作为七宝琉璃宗的少宗主,自然要为门派诸多弟子的安危考虑,不能在想以前那么任性了。 By the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect present strength, sits well in the family/home, does not attend any struggle, has the strength to defend the entrance. 七宝琉璃宗现在的实力,端坐于家中,不参加任何的斗争,有实力守住山门。 But, Heaven Dou Empire that side Shrek Institute is own alma mater, has Tang San Xiao Wu they, Star Luo Empire here has imperial prince Dai Mubai, is own good friend. 可是,天斗帝国那边的史莱克学院乃是自己的母校,有唐三小舞他们,星罗帝国这边有皇子戴沐白,都是自己的挚友。 They are doomed to stand in Martial Soul Empire another side. 他们注定会站在武魂帝国的另一边。 Can oneself really sit by and do nothing? 自己真的能够坐视不理吗? Ok, things will eventually sort themselves out, do not think so many now.” “好了,车到山前必有路,现在别想这么多啦。” Ceng Yi sees Ning Rongrong such a appearance that intertwines unable to think through, after stretching out, rubbed rubbing on her head, said one. 曾易宁荣荣这么一副纠结想不通的样子,伸出后在她脑袋上揉了揉,笑说一声。 Since the beast tide has solved, we do want to meet sect?” Zhu Zhuqing asked to Ceng Yi. “既然兽潮已经解决,我们要会宗门了吗?”朱竹清曾易问道。 Almost, I want to investigate something.” “差不多吧,我想要回去调查一些事情。” Ceng Yi optional saying, in the eye pupil actually flashed through wiped the cool color. 曾易随意的说道,眼眸中却闪过了一抹冷色。 Evil Spirit Saint teaches, saintess cherry. 魂圣教,圣女洛樱。 On Northern Polar Fields fight with cherry, its release the air/Qi of that inexhaustible demon, making Ceng Yi very familiar. 极北之地上与洛樱的交手,其释放的那无穷无尽的邪魔之气,让曾易很是熟悉。 It looks like evil spirits that meets in the place of eastern leaving, has the incomparable terrifying evil strength, looks like all negativities aggregates, is worse much pure. 就像是在东离之地所遇见的邪祟,拥有着无比恐怖的邪恶力量,就像是所有负面情绪的聚集体,邪恶得无比的纯粹。 This makes Ceng Yi feel very disturbed. 这让曾易感到很是不安。 Goes back your head!” “回去你个头啊!” Hearing Ceng Yi must return to sect immediately, a Ning Rongrong hand blade chops in the head of Ceng Yi. 听说曾易要立刻返回宗门,宁荣荣一个手刀就劈在了曾易的头上。 Do not forget us to come here also goal, to give Zhu Zhuqing looks for appropriate Spirit Ring , helping her break through 90 levels by this, steps into the Titled Douluo boundary!” “别忘了我们来这里还有一个目的,就是为了给朱竹清找合适的魂环,以此助她突破九十级,踏入封号斗罗境界!” Ning Rongrong saying bitterly. 宁荣荣恨恨的说道。 Originally, hears in the dangerous places city beast tide, has 100,000 years of soul beast to appear. 本来,听说冰渊城这边的兽潮中,有着十万年魂兽出现。 Ning Rongrong is thinking helps oneself good sisters Zhu Zhuqing strike to kill a first 100,000 years of soul beast, gains second 100,000 years of Spirit Ring , helping her step into the Titled Douluo boundary. 宁荣荣就想着帮助自己好姐妹朱竹清击杀一头十万年魂兽,获取第二个十万年魂环,助她踏入封号斗罗境界。 But who can think, because of Ceng Yi this fellow, without having the fight, solved the beast tide. 可是谁能想到,因为曾易这个家伙,都没有发生战斗,就解决了兽潮。 Which does this make on them look for 100,000 years of soul beast? 这让她们上哪去找十万年魂兽啊? „, Right, I almost forgot also to have this matter.” “呃,对哦,我差点忘了还有这一茬事了。” Ceng Yi stares, on the face somewhat is embarrassed strange. 曾易不由一愣,脸上有些怪不好意思的。 Hehe, you also feel all right to smile the Ning Rongrong both hands fork waist, that pair just like the pupil of autumn waters in full is the color of getting angry. “呵呵,你还好意思笑宁荣荣双手叉腰,那双宛若秋水的眸子中满是嗔怒之色。 However a Zhu Zhuqing face is actually indifferent, has therefore not complained Ceng Yi. 不过朱竹清倒是一脸无所谓,并没有因此而埋怨曾易 Father ~ “爸爸~” Suddenly, in the space resounded clear tender soft shouting, let Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong is shocked. 突然,空间中响起了一道清脆娇软的呼喊,让朱竹清宁荣荣都不由愣住了。 Quick, saw only on Ceng Yi Martial Soul to fill an ice blue energy, condensed a petite form. 很快,只见曾易武魂上弥漫出了一股冰蓝能量,凝聚成了一个娇小的身影。 Father ~, ice is good to think you!” “爸爸~,冰儿好想你啊!” Ice that runs from Martial Soul, throwing fast to the bosom of Ceng Yi, closely grasped the body of Ceng Yi, on the fair fresh-faced moon-face full is the color of liking. 武魂中跑出来的冰儿,飞快的扑到了曾易的怀中,紧紧抱住曾易的身体,白皙粉嫩的圆脸上满是欢喜之色。 Sorry, I want to watch ice not to make her come out.” “抱歉,我想看住冰儿不让她出来的。” Quick, the Snow Emperor beautiful physique also appears in the space, looks closely entangles in Ceng Yi ice, resigned-looking color. 很快,雪帝的绝美身姿也出现在空间中,看着紧紧缠在曾易身上的冰儿,一脸无奈之色。 Mother bad ~, ice does not want to treat in that anything no space!” “妈妈坏~,冰儿才不想一直待在那个什么都没有的空间里呢!” Ice is holding the body of Ceng Yi, looks up to opposite Snow Emperor, honk drew out the lovable small mouth, very discontented saying. 冰儿抱着曾易的身体,抬起头看向对面的雪帝,嘟起了可爱的小嘴,很是不满的说道。 Mom? 妈妈? Originally, seeing one suddenly to appear just like the snow and ice elf little girl, jumps into the Ceng Yi bosom, calling Ceng Yi to be the father, in Ning Rongrong and Ning Rongrong liangs person heart looked like came under bolt from the blue attack. 原本,看见一个宛若冰雪精灵般的小女孩突然出现,扑入曾易怀抱中,叫曾易做爸爸,宁荣荣人心中就像是受到了晴天霹雳般的打击。 Now, but also called Snow Emperor to be mother? 现在,还叫雪帝做妈妈? This gave two people directly entire broken against. 这直接给两人整破防了。 Some little time, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong two talents slow the god has come. 好一会儿,朱竹清宁荣荣两人才缓过神来。 Ceng Yi, regarding this matter, what you had to say?” 曾易,对于这件事,你有什么想说的么?” The ice-cold sound passes on the sound in the space together, such as wisp of extremely cold wind in ten thousand years of cold hole has blown in the Ceng Yi ear, the soul trembles. 一道冰冷的声音在空间中传响,就如万年寒窟里的一缕极寒之风在曾易耳边吹过,灵魂都不由一颤。 „, Do not be excited, this is only an accident/surprise.” “呃,你们别激动,其中这只是一个意外。” Faces their faint smile facial expressions, Ceng Yi was saying weakly. 面对着两人那似笑非笑的神情,曾易弱弱说道。 :.: :。: Home station newest domain name: 本站最新域名:
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