DDTR :: Volume #7

#651: The road of conquering

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The dangerous places city, above the sky, several just like the meteor fast escaping light flash, have fallen into the city. 冰渊城,天空之上,几道宛若流星般快速的遁光闪过,落入城中。 That several streams who in front of the dangerous places city that luxurious emperor palace giant square, the space drops light/only fell, turned into several person's shadows. 冰渊城那豪华的帝宫面前的巨大广场,天上落下的那几道流光落下,变成了几道人影。 Qian Renxue, Snow Emperor, Ceng Yi three people. 正是千仞雪,雪帝,曾易三人。 Has entangled in Ceng Yi little girl. 还有一直缠在曾易身上的小女孩。 Welcomed your majesty to triumphal return!” “恭迎陛下凯旋!” The Qian Renxue physique appears, the imperial guard in square sees the empress to come, immediately kneels salutes. 千仞雪的身姿显现而出,广场上的禁军见到女帝现身,立刻跪地行礼。 Passes on Our decree, proclaimed all elders, the minister comes the main hall.” “传朕旨意,宣所有长老,大臣前来大殿。” At this moment, on Qian Renxue completely reveals the air/Qi of emperor, the pupil light shoots a look at one to bend down to kneel in guarding the imperial palace of place lightly, told one. 此刻,千仞雪身上尽显帝王之气,眸光轻瞥一眼俯跪在地的禁卫,吩咐一声。 Subordinate obeys the aim!” “属下遵旨!” After a half hour . 半个小时后。 In the broad dignified royal palace, Qian Renxue sits well above the imperial throne, a pair of phoenix pupil sweeps under is filling toward the air/Qi of civil and military, unparalleled emperor fills the entire main hall, performs to reveal the capital of peerless grace and talent. 恢弘庄严的王宫之中,千仞雪端坐帝位之上,一双凤眸扫着下方满朝文武,无双的帝王之气弥漫整个大殿,尽显风华绝代之资。 But Ceng Yi, stands near the right hand of Qian Renxue, on the face brings to wipe the light smile. 曾易,就站在千仞雪的右手边,脸上带着一抹淡淡的微笑。 Who is this man? Actually can stand in the side of empress! 这个男人是谁?竟然能够站在女帝的身边! Regarding standing the mysterious man side Qian Renxue, many people had not known. 对于站在千仞雪身边的这个神秘男人,并没有多少人认识。 Ceng Yi arrives at the dangerous places city , in a day. 曾易来到冰渊城,也不过一天之间。 But time of this day, had many matter. 而这一天的时间,就发生了很多的事情。 First is the soul beast attacks a city, rout beast tide. 先是魂兽攻城,大败兽潮。 Also is Qian Renxue is encircled by the evil Spirit Master design kills, Ceng Yi goes to rescue. 又是千仞雪被邪魂师设计围杀,曾易前往救援。 Let alone, repelled the beast tide before time, the Ceng Yi flight in the upper air, knows his real status, on several Titled Douluo. 更何况,之前击退兽潮的时候,曾易飞行在高空,知道他真实身份的,也就几位封号斗罗 Therefore, many people can stand regarding this in empress Qian Renxue man, is very curious. 所以,很多人对于这位能够站在女帝千仞雪身边的男人,很是好奇。 The main hall, besides the Qian Renxue official, comes dangerous places city support the representative of Spirit Master influence one by one. 大殿,除了千仞雪的臣子外,还有各个前来冰渊城支援的魂师势力的代表人。 Naturally, in the representative of sect influence on Spirit Master World ranks among the best, can stand here. 当然,都是在魂师界上数一数二的宗门势力的代表人,才能够站在这里。 For example three four team leader Spirit Master. 比如三宗四门的魂师领队。 Repairing for the boundary is the elders of Spirit Douluo rank. 修为境界都是魂斗罗级别的长老。 Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing two people also appear in the formation. 就连宁荣荣,朱竹清两人也出现在队列之中。 Early before, heard Martial Soul Empire empress, is the natural beauty is peerless, has lofty aspirations and high ideals, the wonderful female of looking disdainfully world. 早之前,就听说了武魂帝国的女帝,乃是天姿绝世,有着雄心壮志,睥睨天下的奇女子。 Similarly as female Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing they are passed on by the outside world regarding this becomes the woman of legend, holds to question. 同样身为女性的宁荣荣,朱竹清两人对于这位被外界传得已经是成为传奇的女人,抱有一丝质疑。 They also are the female of Heaven's Chosen, young practice so the boundary, has to endure to compare the Titled Douluo strength. 要知道,她们也同样是天骄之女,年纪轻轻就修行到如此境界,有着堪比封号斗罗的实力。 Although the opposite party is an empress, Monarch of the country. 虽然对方是女帝,一国之君。 But Ning Rongrong believes that by own talent and strength, when she accepted Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect the position of sect, oneself hand in hand sisters Zhuqing, Yan Que. 宁荣荣认为,以自己的天赋与实力,等她接受了七宝琉璃宗宗门之位,自己携手姐妹竹清,还有言雀 Without Ceng Yi, Ning Rongrong also has the self-confidence, became on this day under strongest sect by own Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the summit of standing erect mainland, exceeded in the past existence of Spirit Hall. 哪怕没有曾易,宁荣荣也有自信,让自己的七宝琉璃宗成为这天下最强的宗门,屹立大陆之巅,超越往昔武魂殿的存在。 Therefore, Ning Rongrong does not think own inferior that was let the empress who blows is called the legend. 所以,宁荣荣并不认为自己逊色那位被让吹得称为传奇的女帝。 But today sees, opposite party that beautiful facial features, not inferior , even better. 但今日一见,对方那绝美的面容,丝毫不逊色与自己,甚至更胜一筹。 The makings are the peerless grace and talent, shows disdain for unparalleled. 气质更是风华绝代,傲视无双。 Among the frown and smile, letting as female Ning Rongrong, can not help feels infatuated. 一颦一笑之间,让身为女性的宁荣荣,都情不自禁的的感到痴迷。 Perfect! 完美! At this time, Ning Rongrong only thinks this word described this empress. 这时候,宁荣荣只想到了这一个词来形容这位女帝。 Until now, has this makings woman, Ning Rongrong has only seen on the bodies of three people. 至今为止,有着这种气质的女人,宁荣荣只在三个人的身上见到过。 First, is the young girl period, at the Spirit Master competition of Martial Soul city, witnessed Pope Spirit Hall, the physique of Bibi Dong that peerless grace and talent, making her still have a vivid memory. 第一位,就是少女时期,在武魂城的魂师大赛上,目睹了武魂殿教皇,比比东那风华绝代的身姿,让她至今都还记忆犹新。 Second, is the big elder on Sea God Island, Bo Saixi, similarly is incomparably beautiful, strength to strong female. 第二位,就是海神岛上的大长老,波塞西,同样是无比美丽,实力至强的女性。 But the present empress, Qian Renxue, is third. 而眼前的女帝,千仞雪,就是第三位。 Even, Ning Rongrong felt, this empress, compared with first two, perfect. 甚至,宁荣荣觉得,这位女帝,比起前两位,更加的完美。 Leans the world unparalleled appearance, the makings of peerless grace and talent, in the foreheads is revealing the self-confidence of looking disdainfully world. 倾世无双的容貌,风华绝代的气质,眉宇间流露着睥睨天下的自信。 Sits well above the imperial throne, as if lifts in the hands, can control world everyone's destiny. 端坐于帝位之上,似乎抬手之间,就能够掌控世间所有人的命运。 valley Piao 谷僄 It looks like the natural King! 就像是天生的王者! However, these are unimportant. 但是,这些都不重要。 More importantly, why will Ceng Yi this fellow stand in the side of that woman? 重要的是,为什么曾易这个家伙会站在那个女人的身边? Saw that Ceng Yi stands in the side of this empress unexpectedly, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were silly. 看到曾易竟然站在这个女帝的身边,宁荣荣朱竹清都傻了。 My goodness, before also thought him, hurried going out, for anything. 好家伙,原本还以为他之前急急忙忙的出去,是为了什么事情。 Finally appeared in the side of this empress? 结果就出现在了这个女帝的身边? This air/Qi simply Ning Rongrong clenches teeth. 这简直是把宁荣荣气得直咬牙。 Stands in Qian Renxue Ceng Yi, noticed below Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people. 站在千仞雪身边的曾易,也注意到了下方的宁荣荣朱竹清两人。 Also noticed Ning Rongrong to signal with the eyes to oneself, that expression angrily, as if wanted to hit itself to be the same. 也注意到了宁荣荣正在对自己使眼色,那气鼓鼓的表情,似乎想要打自己一样。 Ceng Yi is also pretends not to see, this situation, she does not dare to act unreasonably in any case. 曾易也是装作没看到,反正这种场合,她也不敢乱来。 Opens reports your majesty, today the soul beast starts the beast tide to intrude on the dangerous places city again, was repulsed by our military.” “启禀陛下,今日魂兽再次发动兽潮进犯冰渊城,被我军败退。” This campaign, in the beast tide, presents four 100,000 years cultivated/repaired for the king of beasts.” “这一战役,兽潮之中,出现了四位十万年修为的兽王。” „ The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect expert comes to assist luckily, the Zeng child is one person shocks the innumerable soul beasts to be scared. “幸好七宝琉璃宗的高手前来相助,曾公子更是一人震慑无数魂兽为之胆寒。 Our military no one casualties, then repel the beast tide! ” 我军无一人伤亡,便击退兽潮!” Opens reports your majesty, the Zeng child and Northern Polar Fields king of beasts monarchy is acquainted, after the communication, had reduced and solved the soul beast regarding the hatred of our human, from now on will not have the beast tide to intrude on my empire area again.” “启禀陛下,曾公子与极北之地的兽王君主相识,经过沟通,已经化解了魂兽对于我们人类的仇恨,今后不会再有兽潮进犯我帝国疆域。” Is listening to snake lance douluo and thorn suckling pig douluo two people words, makes Qian Renxue very surprised actually. 听着蛇矛斗罗与刺豚斗罗两人的话,倒是让千仞雪很是惊讶。 Was the danger of beast tide solved by Ceng Yi unexpectedly? 兽潮之危竟然被曾易解决了? Qian Renxue shot a look at Ceng Yi one. 千仞雪不由瞥了身旁的曾易一眼。 Such important news, actually did not tell me! 这么重要的消息,竟然不跟我说! In the Qian Renxue heart is giving Ceng Yi to inscribe one secretly, was saying to the people lightly: About this matter, I have known.” 千仞雪心中暗自在给曾易记上一笔,对着众人淡淡道:“关于此事,朕已知晓。” This campaign, eventually ended the one-year beast moist crisis. Because of braveness, can make the strength of dangerous places city so powerful, time and time again blocks the fierce beast tide, by the flesh and blood, builds the defense line that a protection human area firm cannot be broken!” “此次战役,终于结束了长达一年之久的兽潮危机。因为诸位的勇武,才能够让冰渊城的力量如此强大,一次一次的挡住凶猛的兽潮,以血肉之躯,架起了一道守护人类疆域坚不可破的防线!” You are the pride of empire, is in the mainland the heroes of all people!” “你们是帝国的骄傲,是大陆上所有人民的英雄!” Your majesty, I and other what virtue what can receive the honor so. If not for your majesty drafts, a person suppresses extremely north the king of beasts, the dangerous places city has not persevered now, until complete victory. “陛下,我等何德何能受得起这般荣誉。若不是陛下亲征,一人镇压极北兽王,冰渊城也不会一直坚守到现在,直到彻底胜利。 This is your majesty merit, to the benevolent of the world, really will be Mr. of eternity understanding clearly! ” 这都是陛下之功,对世人之仁,真乃千古圣明之君!” Your majesty long live! Long live!” “陛下万岁!万万岁!” ...... ...... The snake lance douluo stand begins, later the full house official elders praised the name of empress in respectful. 蛇矛斗罗站出来开了个头,之后满堂臣子长老都在恭颂女帝之名。 Except for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people, stand in the main hall, appears is somewhat incompatible. 除了宁荣荣朱竹清两人,站在大殿中,显得有些格格不入。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Qian Renxue drinks one lightly , the main hall becomes instantaneously peaceful. 千仞雪轻喝一声,瞬间,大殿就变得安静下来。 Does not need to flatter Us, protects Our people, is We the bounden duty. Let alone, without the strength of each officers, even Our, is unable to keep off the attack of beast tide.” “不必奉承朕,守护朕之子民,乃是朕应尽之责。更何况,若没有每一位将士的力量,即使朕一人,也无法挡下兽潮的进攻。” Now, the beast moist crisis had ended, snake lance elder!” “如今,兽潮危机已经结束,蛇矛长老!” Feudal official in!” “臣在!” You today reorganize the army, withdraws troops toward!” “你即日整顿军队,班师回朝!” Now, the beast moist crisis has solved, was the time continues the own road of conquering! 如今,兽潮危机已经解决,那么是时候继续自己的征服之路了! The empire armies block the soul beast invasion, the empress royal cart drafts, suppresses the soul beast riot, ended the one-year war. 帝国大军挡住魂兽入侵,女帝御驾亲征,镇压魂兽暴乱,结束了长达一年之久的战争。 This sounds many are fine deeds ~ 这听起来多是一件美事啊~ Through this matter, has made the world person see clearly Heaven Duo, spiritless and incompetent of Star Luo two empires. 通过这事,已经让天下人看清了天斗,星罗两帝国的懦弱和无能。 Later publicizes well in the mainland. 之后在大陆上好好宣扬宣扬。 Compared with two empires, Martial Soul Empire can make the people feel the security sense. 比起两个帝国,武魂帝国更能够让人民感到安全感。 The public opinion will reverse to Martial Soul Empire. 民意将倒向武魂帝国这边。 At this time, only needed to gather the strength, by the powerful stance steamroll two Great Emperor Country Alliances, can complete the unification world the goal. 这个时候,只需要聚集力量,以强大的姿态碾压两大帝国联盟,就能够完成统一天下的目标。 Now did not have extra worries, Qian Renxue wish of impatient place this world, controls in own hand, 如今没有了后顾之忧,千仞雪已经迫不及待地的想要把这个天下,掌控在自己手中, Becoming the unification mainland, a true eternity emperor! 成为统一大陆,真正的千古一帝! 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