DDTR :: Volume #7

#650: Stepmother plan fail

…… ,! ...... ...... Father!” “爸爸!” Ice Emperor face joyful shouting of childhood child shape, the body leaps, threw in the bosom of Ceng Yi, the fair fresh-faced small hand closely is holding the body of Ceng Yi. 幼年孩童形态的冰帝一脸欣喜的呼喊,身体一跃,就扑到了曾易的怀中,白皙粉嫩的小手紧紧抱着曾易的身体。 Looks at the little girl in bosom, suddenly what to do Ceng Yi does not know should. 看着怀中的小女孩,曾易一时间都不知道该咋办。 The gods special did suddenly have a daughter? 神特么自己怎么突然就有了一个女儿了? Ice, you yes what's the matter?” “冰儿,你这是怎么回事?” Sees younger sister appearance, Snow Emperor also becomes very anxious. 见自己妹妹这副模样,雪帝也变得很是焦急。 At present this little girl, truly is the Ice Emperor soul, but has a faint trace is not right. 眼前这个小女孩,确实是冰帝的灵魂所化,可是却有着一丝丝的不对劲。 Heard shouting of Snow Emperor, the girl burying lifts in the Ceng Yi chest head, looks to Snow Emperor. 听到了雪帝的呼喊,女孩不由把埋在曾易胸口脑袋抬起,看向雪帝 After witnessing the Snow Emperor appearance, feels on her to have a very familiar cold ice energy, has the meaning of inexplicable being intimate with. 在目睹了雪帝的容貌之后,又感觉到她身上有着一股非常熟悉的寒冰能量,不禁有着莫名的亲近之意。 Mom!” “妈妈!” She loosened very much happily to the bosom of Ceng Yi, plunged in the bosom of Snow Emperor. 她很是高兴的松开了对曾易的怀抱,又扑向了雪帝的怀中。 Mom? 妈妈? Heard this name, the Snow Emperor corners of the mouth pulled pulling. 听到这个称呼,雪帝嘴角扯了扯。 Did oneself promote from the elder sister to mother? 自己从姐姐升级到妈妈了吗? However, nearby Qian Renxue, has been burning with anger now. 但是,一旁的千仞雪,现在已经是怒火中烧。 What matter is this? 这算什么回事? Did oneself man, how turn into the father in an instant? 自己的男人,怎么转眼间就变成爸爸了? What is odder, mother is also not oneself, but another woman! 更离谱的是,妈妈还不是自己,而是另一个女人! Looks at this Qian Renxue, the air/Qi results in the eye soon to spout to live. 看着这一幕的千仞雪,气得眼睛都快要喷出活来。 Hehe ~, really congratulated you, became father quickly- father!!” “呵呵~,真是恭喜你了,这么快就当爸-爸!了!” Qian Renxue these words, the father two characters are almost to clench teeth to shout finally, making Ceng Yi listen to the body to hit one to tremble. 千仞雪这句话,最后爸爸两个字几乎是咬着牙喊出来,让曾易听着身体都不由打了一个哆嗦。 Ceng Yi awkward saying with a smile: Do not crack a joke, you are also know that this is not my issue.” 曾易尴尬的笑道:“你别开玩笑了,你也是知道的,这并不是我的问题。” Ice, didn't you remember me?” “冰儿,你不记得我了吗?” The Snow Emperor squatting down body, sees at present this petite lovable younger sister, makes noise the inquiry. 雪帝蹲下身子,看着眼前这个娇小可爱的妹妹,出声询问。 You are the ice mother!” “你是冰儿的妈妈啊!” Regarding the Snow Emperor issue, 对于雪帝的问题, Very much ice has doubts is crooked the head, visits her, naturally said. 冰儿很是疑惑的歪着脑袋,看着她,理所当然地说道。 „......” “呃......” Looks at an ice earnest appearance, Snow Emperor does not know that should say anything, is resigned-looking. 看着冰儿一副认真的样子,雪帝不知道该说些什么了,一脸无奈。 Why will turn into this? 为什么会变成这样? Mom, father! Giggle ~ “妈妈,爸爸!咯咯~” Ice happy smiling, moves between Snow Emperor and Ceng Yi back and forth, is cheerful looks like a small rabbit, simple-hearted. 冰儿高兴的笑着,在雪帝曾易之间来回跑动,欢快得像一只小兔子,天真无邪。 Ceng Yi, what's all this about?” 曾易,这是怎么回事?” „Did you ask me? How do I know? Isn't this offering sacrifices mystique that you lead?” “你问我?我怎么知道?这不是你主导的献祭秘法吗?” Facing the interrogation of Snow Emperor, Ceng Yi very helpless shrugged. 面对雪帝的质问,曾易很是无奈的摊了摊手。 Un ~, before should be her , the wound was too heavy, the soul approaches the collapse. Although retained one through the mystique really spirit, but the strength of this soul is extremely weak, such as newborn baby.” “嗯~,应该是她之前伤太重了,灵魂都临近崩溃。虽然通过秘法保留了一丝真灵,但这道灵魂之力太过微弱,就如初生的婴儿。” Perhaps because of this, causing beforehand her not to exist, remoulds a brand-new soul.” “也许正是因为这样,导致之前的她已经不存在,重塑成了一道全新的灵魂。” Ceng Yi looks at face simple-hearted laughing heartily, gathers round little girl who the body runs dead of old age the turning circle circle, thinking, was saying to Snow Emperor. 曾易看着一脸天真无邪的欢笑,围着自己身体跑来老去转圈圈的小女孩,思索着,对雪帝说道。 What can like this!” “什么会这样!” Regarding Ceng Yi the answer, Snow Emperor is unable to accept suddenly. 对于曾易的这个答案,雪帝一时间无法接受。 Such that if really such as Ceng Yi said that then the younger sister does not exist. 如果真的如曾易所说的那样,那么妹妹岂不是已经不存在了。 Younger sister's soul molded a brand-new soul, did not have the beforehand memory. 妹妹的灵魂塑造成了一个全新的灵魂,没有了之前的记忆。 Then, is she also the original younger sister? 那么,她还算是原来的妹妹么? Snow Emperor looks childhood younger sister who a face laughed heartily, in the eye revealed a sorrowful color. 雪帝看着一脸欢笑的幼年般妹妹,眼中流露出了一丝悲痛之色。 Who knows? Perhaps she is only because the soul caused heavy losses, some memories have a defect. “谁知道呢?或许她只是因为灵魂受到重创,一些记忆有所缺失。 Perhaps with the growth, later can think. ” 随着成长,以后说不定会想起来呢。” Sees a Snow Emperor face sad appearance, Ceng Yi hurries the situation that pulled another to have, comforted her. 雪帝一脸伤心的模样,曾易赶紧扯了另一个有可能发生的情况,安慰安慰她。 Really?” “真的?” Hears Ceng Yi this saying, quiet Snow Emperor in sad mood, in the eye pupil ignited a ray of hope. 听到曾易这话,原本沉寂在悲伤情绪中的雪帝,眼眸中又燃起了一丝希望。 Perhaps ..... “或许吧.....” No matter but said, she is your younger sister turns, even if she does not have the original memory.” “但是不管这么说,她都是你妹妹变成的,哪怕她没有原来的记忆。” Ceng Yi looks to turn into such Ice Emperor, sighs. 曾易看着变成这样的冰帝,不由叹了一口气。 Because she started the beast tide attack human state, causing countless people to lose the life because of her. 因为她发动了兽潮袭击人类国度,导致无数人因她而失去性命。 But now, she also turned into this appearance. 而如今,她也变成了这副模样。 Only can say, world all sorts, have the causes and effects. 只能说,世间种种,都有因果。 valley Ji 谷皍 This is also the retribution that she directs to obtain. 这也算是她引得到的报应。 However, why do oneself want to bear the so huge pain? 但是,为什么自己要承受如此巨大的痛苦? How oneself suddenly had a daughter, becomes the father? 怎么自己突然就有了一个女儿,成为了人父呢? Oneself have not been coming the girlfriends obviously! 明明自己连女朋友都没有来着! Is this own retribution? 难道,这就是自己的报应吗? Because of own reason, caused this soul beast riot. 就因为自己的缘故,导致了这场魂兽暴乱。 ...... 呃...... Such, truly is this. 这么算起来,确实是这样的。 Father! Hehehe ~ “爸爸!嘿嘿嘿~” Ceng Yi looks at and jumps into the arms ice, visits her to wink juicy, is looking at itself just like the ice mortal form big eye, on the face has the pure smile. 曾易看着又扑入自己怀里的冰儿,看着她眨着水灵灵,宛若冰魄般的大眼睛望着自己,脸上带着纯真的笑容。 Suddenly, Ceng Yi does not know that what expression should show. 一时间,曾易都不知道该露出什么样的表情了。 However, such Ice Emperor, compared with former that bad her, fortunately were too truly many. 不过,这样的冰帝,确实比起之前那个性格恶劣的她,还好太多。 Such a looked, ice is truly lovable! 这么一看,冰儿确实很可爱啊! Looks at each other ice that juicy big eye, Ceng Yi was feeling oneself were sprouted. 对视着冰儿那水灵灵的大眼睛,曾易感觉自己被萌住了。 Has a daughter, slightly also good. 有着么一个女儿,丝毫也挺不错的。 In the Ceng Yi heart is thinking, on the face also revealed an old father's happy expression. 曾易心中想着,脸上也流露出了一丝老父亲的笑意。 Suddenly, wipes the elegantly simple fragrance to fill the air in the side. 突然,一抹淡雅的香气弥漫在身边。 When does not know, Qian Renxue had arrived at itself side. 不知什么时候,千仞雪已经来到了自己身边。 Has such a daughter, very happily?” “有这样一个女儿,很高兴是吧?” On the Qian Renxue face has the happy expression, said in the ear of Ceng Yi in a soft voice. 千仞雪脸上带着笑意,在曾易的耳边轻声说道。 Why does not know, Ceng Yi the body hit one to tremble at that moment, scalp tingles. 不知为什么,曾易那一刻身体不由打了一个寒颤,头皮发麻。 Ice, hello/you good ~ “冰儿,你好啊~” Qian Renxue was showing the modest smile to Ceng Yi bosom in ice, immediately restrained to live in the aggression and callousness that the imperial throne trained for a long time, at this moment just like a neighbor big sister. 千仞雪对着曾易怀中的冰儿露出了温和的微笑,顿时收敛起了长期身居帝位培养出的霸气与冷酷,此刻宛若一个邻家大姐姐。 Although Qian Renxue does not catch cold regarding beforehand Ice Emperor very much, but this ice can also say before present no longer is, that person. 虽然千仞雪对于之前的冰帝很不感冒,但是眼前这个冰儿也可以说不再是之前那人。 Therefore Qian Renxue does not dislike her, even also thought that she is somewhat lovable. 所以千仞雪也并不讨厌她,甚至还觉得她有些可爱。 Let alone, she also regarded the father Ceng Yi. 更何况,她还把曾易当成了爸爸。 Oneself must fight to relate her well. 那自己岂不是要好好跟她打好关系。 Naturally, oneself mother same existence, Qian Renxue will not mind initially. 当然,把自己当初妈妈一样的存在,千仞雪也是不会介意的。 However...... 但是...... You are an unprincipled person!” “你是坏人!” Ice in Ceng Yi bosom, looked up Qian Renxue, tone very firm saying. 曾易怀中的冰儿,抬头看了一眼千仞雪,语气很是坚定的说道。 In a twinkling, be with smile on the face Qian Renxue stiffened. 霎时间,面带微笑的千仞雪僵住了。 Bad...... person? 坏......人? Hehe......, how is the elder sister possibly an unprincipled person?” “呵呵......,姐姐怎么可能是坏人呢?” Qian Renxue deeply inspires, was stabilized as far as possible by own mood , to continue to smile to say. 千仞雪深吸了一口气,尽量让自己的情绪稳定下来,继续微笑道。 You are the unprincipled person, the father we leave her!” “你就是坏人,爸爸我们离她远一点!” Ice pulls up the Ceng Yi lower hem corner, lets him far away from Qian Renxue side. 冰儿拉起曾易的衣角,让他远离千仞雪身边。 This, Ceng Yi smiled to spurt. 这一幕,曾易都不由笑喷了出来。 Looks to oneself this attitude ice, on the Qian Renxue face is smiling stiffly, the white hands the tight making a fist head , the arm has been shivering slightly. 看着对自己这个态度的冰儿,千仞雪脸上僵笑着,玉手已经紧紧握成了拳头,手臂都在微微颤抖。 It is not angry, is not angry...... 不生气,不生气...... A young hairy child, I haggles over anything with her. 一个小毛孩,我跟她计较什么。 Qian Renxue suppresses own temperament, on the face has the temperate smile as before. 千仞雪强忍着自己的脾气,脸上依旧带着温和的笑容。 What ice did you misunderstand? So is why ominous to the elder sister you are an unprincipled person! Why does not know, ice felt before you, has bullied me!” “冰儿你是不是误会什么了?为什么对姐姐这么凶呢你就是坏人!不知道为什么,冰儿感觉你之前欺负过我!” „......” “呃......” Qian Renxue was shocked, have I bullied her? 千仞雪愣住了,我欺负过她? She still remembers she is Ice Emperor time, by memory that oneself beat savagely? 难道她还记得她还是冰帝的时候,被自己暴打的记忆? It is not right, weren't you soul remould? Why will have this impression? 不对啊,你不是灵魂重塑了吗?为什么还会有这个印象? To my hatred, deeply carves the innermost soul, even the rebirth, isn't able to forget? 难道对我的仇恨,都深深刻进灵魂深处,即使重生了,也无法忘记? Qian Renxue is somewhat helpless. 千仞雪有些无奈。 It seems like that fought to relate her, makes the plan of stepmother not to have. 看来,跟她打好关系,做后妈的计划是没了。 But ices these words, lets in the Snow Emperor heart one happy. 但冰儿这一句话,却让雪帝心中一喜。 The words that spoke, ice to the beforehand memory, is some impressions. 这么说的话,冰儿对之前的记忆,还是有些印象的。 Then, she has possibility that restores the memory. 那么,她就有恢复记忆的可能性。 That may be good! 那可太好了!
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