DDTR :: Volume #7

#649: Final shackles!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... In the world of everywhere floating snow, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) world spiritual energy is thinking a accumulation. 漫天飘雪的天地中,方圆百里的天地灵气都在想着一处聚集。 The huge spirit strength mighty current, formed the vast magnificent spirit strength vortex in the space, is beautiful just like the radiant galaxy. 庞大的灵力洪流,在空间中形成了浩瀚壮观的灵力漩涡,宛若璀璨的星河般美丽。 Swamps into the body of Ceng Yi just like the tidal spirit strength, the jet black long hair flutters under the boundless Spirit Power fluctuation recklessly, the azure garment drag. 宛若潮水般的灵力涌入曾易的身体之中,漆黑的长发在磅礴的魂力波动下肆意飘扬,青衫摇曳。 Traverse the Martial Soul mist above knees cuts, on the jet black scabbard that is glittering the partly visible ice blue inscription mark, such as the blood vessel is common, shrinks rises, just like the life, is breathing the wonderful air greedily. 横放在双膝之上的武魂岚切,漆黑的刀鞘上那闪烁着若隐若现的冰蓝铭纹,就如血管一般,一缩一涨,犹如生灵,贪婪的呼吸着美妙的空气。 Ceng Yi sits cross-legged to close one's eyes to contemplate to practice, crouches/submits Dong of aura rule, the body as if melts in the world. 曾易盘坐闭眼冥想修行着,气息规律的伏动,身体仿佛融于天地间。 Each breath, is driving in the space the change of air current. 每一次呼吸,都带动着空间中气流的变化。 Very powerful big aura, actually this is what kind of boundary can have the so terrifying strength!” “好强大的气息,这究竟是何等境界才能拥有如此恐怖的力量!” The sound that Qian Renxue above kilometer upper air, can the clear feeling Ceng Yi practice, actually has fearfully how. 千米高空之上的千仞雪,能够清晰的感觉到曾易修行的动静,究竟有多么的可怕。 This sound, the world spiritual energy within hundred li (0.5 km) the surrounding area transfers with one, the invisible strength becomes own domain the space, own world. 这个动静,把方圆百里内的天地灵气都调动与一处,无形的力量把空间变为自己的领域,自己的世界。 That weak breathing, Qian Renxue even is separated by such far, can still be clear. 那微弱的呼吸声,千仞雪即使相隔如此之远,也能够一清二楚。 Each breath, own heart must tremble. 每一次呼吸,自己的心头都要一颤。 The greatest terrifying, making Qian Renxue feel incomparable constraining. 莫大的恐怖,让千仞雪感到无比的压抑。 This strength...... 这份力量...... Qian Renxue even suspected that Ceng Yi has stepped into the god boundary, unique ** every embryo, becomes the true gods. 千仞雪甚至怀疑曾易已经踏入了神境,超脱**凡胎,成为真正的神明。 Here is......” “这里是......” Ceng Yi opened the eye, discovered that the surrounding environment no longer is that wild snow and ice world. 曾易睁开了眼,发现周围的环境不再是那片荒蛮的冰雪天地。 This is, the star territory that the vast starry sky, the innumerable stars compose, is glittering the radiant ray. 这是,一望无际的星空,无数的星辰组成的星域,闪烁着璀璨的光芒。 Is this universe? 这是宇宙? Ceng Yi discovered oneself stand in a nihility, lifts in the hands, grasped in a star. 曾易发现自己站在一片虚无之中,抬手间,就握在了一颗恒星。 This feeling, as if oneself are the true gods, runs the endless strength, can optional creation live and destroy. 这种感觉,仿佛自己就是真正的神明,掌管无尽的力量,可以随意的创生与毁灭。 „It is not right, this is not the universe......” “不对,这不是宇宙......” Here is, my inner world!” “这里是,我的精神世界!” Ceng Yi has not wallowed in controlling all powers and **, 曾易并未沉迷于掌控一切的权力与**之中, Quick sobered. 很快就清醒了过来。 Where is......” “哪里是......” Unknowingly, Ceng Yi lifted the eye, the eye pupil contracted suddenly. 不经意间,曾易抬起了眼,眼眸骤然收缩。 In the endless starry sky, is setting up door of the incomparably giant bronze. 无尽的星空之中,立着一扇无比巨大的青铜之门。 This door actually high, greatly, Ceng Yi is not clear. 这扇门究竟有多高,多大,曾易不清楚。 However, oneself in front of this door, looking like the ant equally have been tiny. 但是,自己在这扇门面前,就像是一直蚂蚁一样渺小。 Is revealing permanent, in the mysterious giant bronze gate, is twining the countless chains, said that the rhyme passes above, dignified sacred. 流露着恒古,神秘的巨大青铜门上,缠绕着数之不尽的锁链,道韵在之上流转,威严神圣。 In the inner world, presented such a mysterious great gate, being true Ceng Yi shocking. 精神世界中,出现了这么一道神秘的巨门,属实是把曾易给震撼住了。 The thought moves, the body of Ceng Yi flies, flies toward that door. 意念一动,曾易的身体就飞起,向着那扇门飞去。 Has not known how long, Ceng Yi started to feel the body becomes more and more heavy, has probably the invisible resistance, is preventing itself to go forward. 不知过了多久,曾易开始感觉到身体变得越来越沉重,好像有着无形的阻力,在阻挡自己前进。 Present, but also is unable to be close...... 现在的自己,还无法接近么...... The body had reached the limit, the strength of that terrifying, suppresses to point is unable to move a point. 身体已经到了极限,那恐怖的力量,镇压得自己手指都无法动弹一分。 God boundary......” “神境......” Ceng Yi from nan. 曾易自喃着。 If oneself have not guessed that wrong, that is own shackles, to break the boundary, treads being enthralled boundary, that must open the say/way door that the folding fan blocks. 如果自己没有猜错的话,那就是自己的桎梏,要想突破界限,踏入神境,那就必须推开折扇封锁的道门。 Ceng Yi stands in the limit that own present can reach, covers entirely the eye of blood threads to stare also has the say/way gate of very far distance. 曾易站在自己现在所能够达到的极限,布满血丝的眼睛凝望着还有很远一段距离的道门。 That is! 那是! He saw a form, stands before the gate, so long as she puts out a hand, can touch the gate distance. 恍惚间,他看到了一个身影,就站立在道门之前,她只要一伸手,就可以触摸到门的距离。 Suddenly, Ceng Yi looked that arrives that person before gate to look back. 蓦然,曾易看到站在门前的那人回首。 At this moment, Ceng Yi saw clearly that person of appearance. 这一刻,曾易看清了那人的容貌。 The facial features that is beautiful the dust, the profound pupil light is looking at itself, the faint complexion, the corners of the mouth brought back wiped the curve. 那张绝美出尘的面容,深邃的眸光望着自己,原本淡漠的面色,嘴角勾起了一抹浅浅的弧度。 It seems like the sigh, applause, ridicule. 似乎是感叹,或是,赞许,又或是嘲弄。 Although silent, but has a meaning. 虽然无声,但却有着一个意思。 I wait for you here! 我在这里等你! Chen Wuyue!” 尘无月!” Ceng Yi was almost roars to call that person of name lowly. 曾易几乎是低吼着喊出了那人的名字。 At this moment, the body of deposition emerged the strength again, Ceng Yi broke own limit, took a step to forward. 这一刻,沉积的身体再次涌现出了力量,曾易打破了自身的极限,迈步向前。 But without walking several steps, the body of Ceng Yi had appeared just like the spider web fissure, dense and numerous, as if the next quarter must collapse. 可是没走几步,曾易的身体已经出现了宛若蛛网般的裂痕,密密麻麻,仿佛下一刻就要崩溃。 Waits for...... me to arrive in front of you quickly......” “等着......我很快就会走到你面前......” After a few words, the body of Ceng Yi also collapses to change to the light dust to dissipate. 一句话之后,曾易的身体也崩溃化作光尘消散。 ....... ....... In real world. 现实世界中。 Contemplates to practice Ceng Yi, the eyelid trembles. 冥想修行中的曾易,眼皮不由一颤。 The next quarter, he opened the eye. 下一刻,他睁开了眼睛。 In that pair of eyes pupil, as if contains the vast universe, looked to put on the world. 那双眼眸中,似乎蕴含着浩瀚的宇宙,望穿了世界。 That flash, the world trembles, the world changes colors, the time stops. 那一刹那,天地都为之一颤,世界失色,时间停止。 The cold wind of howling ceases, the snowflake of falling gently from the sky frames. 呼啸的寒风停息,飘落的雪花在空中定格。 Normalcy that however in a flash, the order of the world restores. 不过一瞬间,世界的秩序又恢复的正常。 The wind still blows again, snow as before again under. 风依然再吹,雪依旧再下。 As if all had not happened a moment ago. 仿佛刚才一切都没有发生。 This boundary......” “这个境界......” The Ceng Yi stand setting out, extended a hand indifferently. 曾易站了起身,淡然的伸出了一只手。 The palm grasps slightly. 手掌微微一握。 Sees only, the place of that palm, space naked eye obvious distortion. 只见,那掌心之处,空间肉眼可见的扭曲。 92 levels!” “九十二级!” Ceng Yi feels this time cultivating is being the boundary, sighed one. 曾易感受着自己此时的修为境界,不由感叹一声。 Somewhat cannot think, after oneself accepts the Ice Emperor soul offered sacrifices, the boundary unexpectedly from 89 levels raises 92 levels of altitudes. 有些想不到,自己接受了冰帝的灵魂献祭之后,境界竟然从八十九级提升到了九十二级的高度。 And...... 而且...... Ceng Yi thought in the inner world, that mysterious say/way gate of standing erect. 曾易想到了精神世界中,屹立的那一道神秘的道门。 Oneself touches the method of god boundary, this was really the accidental/surprised pleasant surprise that Ceng Yi could not think. 自己更是触碰到了神境的门路,这个真的是曾易想不到的意外惊喜。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” from together tenderly transmits behind, Ceng Yi has turned around, sees Qian Renxue to arrive at itself in front. 一道娇呼从身后传来,曾易转过身,见千仞雪已经来到自己面前。 Qian Renxue looks that the monster look closely is staring at Ceng Yi. 千仞雪一副看着怪物般的眼神紧紧盯着曾易 „Does your fellow, why practice such anomaly?” “你这家伙,为什么修行如此的变态?” This time, Qian Renxue was really attacked. 这一次,千仞雪真的是被打击到了。 As the innate 20 levels of Spirit Power Heaven's Chosen, Qian Renxue is self-confident is not always weak in anybody. 作为先天二十级魂力的天骄,千仞雪从来都是自信不弱于任何人。 Even if Ceng Yi are fierce, but oneself have the angel inheritance, but also has to pursue his opportunity. 哪怕曾易比自己还厉害,但自己有着天使传承,还有着追赶他的机会。 But these witnessed him to practice time, the breakthrough of boundary, inspiring that vast such as the spiritual energy of sea, covered the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) world phenomenon. 可是这一次亲眼目睹了他修行,境界的突破,引动的那浩瀚如海的灵气,覆盖了方圆百里的天地异象。 Really keeps Qian Renxue from believing when this is Spirit Master practices can initiate. 真的是让千仞雪无法相信,这是魂师修行时能够引发的。 Too terrifying. 太恐怖了。 „Did you...... break down the boundary, to become God?” “你......难道打破界限,成神了?” „Is that so simple? Repairs for a little small breakthrough.” “那有这么简单?只是修为有一点小小的突破而已。” Regarding Ceng Yi this reply, Qian Renxue is only hehe smiles. 对于曾易这个回答,千仞雪只是呵呵一笑。 This also small breakthrough? 这还小小的突破? Did that also make others Spirit Master live! 那还让不让别人魂师活了啊! Before long, the ice-cold energy from Ceng Yi Martial Soul, mist Hikido overflowed, condenses a person's shadow. 不一会儿,冰冷的能量从曾易武魂,岚切上溢出,凝聚出了一个人影。 Ice? Has successful?” “冰儿怎么样了?有没有成功?” After Snow Emperor comes, not cares a whoop Ceng Yi cultivates for breakthrough, a face worried that inquired anxiously own younger sister's situation. 雪帝现身后,丝毫不在意曾易修为的突破,一脸担忧焦急的询问自己妹妹的情况。 Should not have the issue.” “应该没问题吧。” Ceng Yi was saying to Snow Emperor. 曾易对着雪帝说道。 He has felt, above own Martial Soul, besides Snow Emperor, but also has another soul. 他已经感觉到了,自己的武魂之上,除了雪帝外,还存在着另一个灵魂。 However the strength of this soul, compared with Snow Emperor, that simply is much weaker. 不过这个灵魂的力量,比起雪帝,那简直是弱得可怜。 Makes ice come out to have a look quickly.” “快让冰儿出来看看。” Do not be first anxious, my tries.” “你先别急,我这就试试。” Ceng Yi starts to communicate lodges in mist Hikido's another soul. 曾易开始沟通寄宿在岚切上的另一道灵魂。 Quick, wipes the ice-cold energy to fill the air, congealed a petite physique before the Ceng Yi body. 很快,一抹冰冷的能量弥漫而出,在曾易身前凝结成了一个娇小的身姿。 Ice! Too was really good!” “冰儿!真是太好了!” Snow Emperor saw that ice the soul condenses comes, is excited the tears to overflow. 雪帝看到冰儿的灵魂凝聚现身,激动得眼泪都溢出来。 However the next second, Snow Emperor was scared. 但是下一秒,雪帝就傻眼了。 Stance that because the strength of this soul condenses, truly is Ice Emperor changes into the person appearance. 因为这灵魂之力凝聚成的姿态,确实是冰帝化为人型的模样。 However, is actually the diminished version. 不过,却是缩小版。 Only then less than one meter high physique, strength of incomparable small and weak soul, such as newborn baby. 只有不到一米高的身姿,灵魂之力无比的弱小,就如初生的婴儿。 Ice Emperor of child appearance, opened the eye slowly. 孩童模样的冰帝,缓缓的睁开了眼睛。 The fuzzy line of sight starts to be gradually clear, first enters the line of sight, is an outstanding natural man. 模糊的视线开始逐渐清晰起来,第一个进入视线的,是一个俊逸潇洒的男子。 Why does not know, she on the body of this man, felt the feeling of intense being intimate with. 不知道为什么,她在这个男人的身上,感受到了强烈的亲近之感。 You are...... the father!” “你是......爸爸!” The sound that Ice Emperor that delicate moe softly resounds, listens in the ear of Ceng Yi, such as the highest heaven god thunder crack, shells ruthlessly above own heart. 冰帝那娇弱软萌的声音响起,听在曾易的耳中,就如九霄神雷般炸响,狠狠地轰击在自己的心头之上。 Ceng Yi stares in a big way the eye to look at present this little girl, the brain became a blank in this moment. 曾易瞪大了眼睛望着眼前这个小女孩,大脑在这一刻变得一片空白。 The people were silly! 人傻了!
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