DDTR :: Volume #7

#648: Breakthrough

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Or? How do you feel her?” “要不?你觉得她怎么样?” Ceng Yi was referring to nearby Qian Renxue to Snow Emperor. 曾易对着雪帝指了指一旁的千仞雪 You could rest assured that she is also a talent talent extremely, and strength strong! “你放心,她也是一位天赋绝顶的天才,而且实力超强! Soon, she can break down the boundary, treads being enthralled boundary. ” 用不了多久,她就能够打破界限,踏入神境。” When the time comes, even if has not left behind one really spirit, so long as has the soul bone, in the method of her god boundary, can still make your younger sister recover!” “到时候,就算没有留下一丝真灵,但只要存在魂骨,以她神境的手段,也能够让你妹妹重新复苏!” Because cannot guarantee that own Martial Soul is credible, Ceng Yi then approached Snow Emperor Ainley to have Qian Renxue. 因为不能够保证自己的武魂靠不靠谱,曾易便向雪帝安利起了千仞雪 Stands in Qian Renxue that the one side calmly listens to two people to talk, understood from their conversations is what meaning. 站在一旁静静听着两人谈话的千仞雪,也从他们的交谈中了解了是什么意思。 The injury of this ice blue ruler scorpion was unable to cure, to go on living, can only retain one through the law of offering sacrifices really spirit, when has the opportunity of rebirth to later. 这头冰碧帝皇蝎的伤势已经无法治愈,为了活下去,只能通过献祭之法保留一丝真灵,待到以后拥有重生的机会。 However, Ceng Yi actually advances on this matter oneself. 但是,曾易却把这件事推到自己身上。 This lets some Qian Renxue surprise. 这让千仞雪有些诧异。 She? Even if I die, will not offer sacrifices in her, becomes Spirit Ring of this human!” “她?我即使是死,也不会献祭于她,成为这个人类的魂环!” Ice Emperor aura weak saying, regarding Qian Renxue, she has very powerful hostility. 冰帝气息虚弱的说道,对于千仞雪,她可是有着非常强大的敌意。 If not for this woman, oneself will not turn into this pitiful appearance. 若不是这个女人,自己也不会变成这个凄惨的样子。 Snort ~, you think that this emperor is very rare your Spirit Ring soul bone?” “哼~,你以为本帝很稀罕你的魂环魂骨?” Sees Ice Emperor to have the so big hostility to oneself, Qian Renxue very uncomfortable cold -ly snorted and said. 冰帝对自己有着如此大的敌意,千仞雪很是不爽的冷哼道。 Your injury is not I creates, reason that turns into so the position, that is you are too stupid, dares with these gloomy fellow cooperation, collaborates the design to encircle kills this emperor.” “你的伤势也不是我造成的,之所以变成这般境地,那是你太蠢,竟敢与那些阴暗的家伙合作,联手设计围杀本帝。” ~, you and these fellows trade, finally falls to so the position, this emperor is not accidental/surprised.” “嘛~,你与那些家伙交易,最后落到这般境地,本帝也不意外。” Qian Renxue is not ripe with Ice Emperor, the opposite party has the so big hostility to oneself, she naturally cannot let up the opportunity of taunting. 千仞雪冰帝可不熟,对方对自己抱有如此大的敌意,她自然不会放过冷嘲热讽的机会。 Moreover, oneself are Titled Douluo, the Spirit Ring upper limit has filled, the soul bone is also one set of complete angel god attire. 而且,自己已经是封号斗罗,魂环上限已经满了,魂骨也是一套完整的天使神装。 First did not say that the Spirit Ring soul bone does not have the place to put, Qian Renxue cannot have a liking. 先不说魂环魂骨没地方放,千仞雪也看不上。 Ok, you also little said two.” “好了,你也少说两句。” Sees two people to fight, Ceng Yi is also very helpless. 见两人又斗起来,曾易也很是无奈。 Ceng Yi, 曾易, You! Moreover, your goal is not breaks through the god boundary. ” 就你了!而且,你的目标不也是突破神境么。” Snow Emperor looks at Ceng Yi, feeling this person is very marvelous. 雪帝看着曾易,就感觉这个人很奇妙。 Such good opportunity also gives others unexpectedly submissively, the ordinary people never have such thoughts, can offering sacrifices of 100,000 years of soul beast, he also shut out unexpectedly? 这么好的机会竟然还拱手让给别人,平常人想都不敢想,能够得到一个十万年魂兽的献祭,他竟然还嫌弃? Thought that own younger sister can't be joined to you? 觉得自己的妹妹配不上你是吗? Oh ~, good.” “唉~,好吧。” Own sword said spirit like this, Ceng Yi does not have the means that has to accept. 自己剑灵都这样说了,曾易也没有办法,只好接受了。 Actually, own body is lodging two beautiful women, this is very strange! 只是,倒是后,自己的身上寄宿着两个美女,这就很奇怪! Snow Emperor Ceng Yi had puzzled very much, spirits as the sword, does not need to practice in the sword well, all day shouts to run, sways in oneself at present. 一个雪帝曾易就已经很困扰了,作为剑灵,不待在剑内好好修行,整天嚷嚷着跑出来,在自己眼前晃来晃去。 If are many a person ....... 要是再多一人....... Moreover, these two sisters' sentiments...... 而且,这两姐妹的感情...... Ceng Yi thought that emotions between these two females, is somewhat subtle. 曾易觉得这两女之间的情感,有些微妙。 Always feels in the orange the orange air/Qi. 总感觉橘里橘气的。 Good, ice, you feel!” Snow Emperor asked to the younger sister. “那好,冰儿,你觉得可以吧!”雪帝对妹妹问道。 Un, I listen to the elder sister......” “嗯,我听姐姐的......” Regarding Ceng Yi, Ice Emperor is also familiar. 对于曾易,冰帝也是熟悉。 This intruded Northern Polar Fields to make a big row especially noisy human initially, lets the chief criminal who the elder sister vanishes does not see. 这个可是当初闯入极北之地大闹特闹的人类,还是让姐姐消失不见的罪魁祸首。 However, Ice Emperor cannot think, oneself thinks this person killed the elder sister, but, the elder sister turned into the sword spirit of this human unexpectedly. 但是,冰帝怎么也想不到,自己以为这人杀害了姐姐,可是,姐姐竟然变成了这个人类的剑灵。 From two people talks a moment ago, the elder sister also very has the favorable impression to this person. 从刚才两人的谈话上看,姐姐对这个人还挺有好感的。 This made in the Ice Emperor heart raise a jealousy. 这让冰帝心中不由升起了一股醋意。 To be honest, impression of Ice Emperor to Ceng Yi is not good, even is worse than Qian Renxue. 说实话,冰帝曾易的印象也不好,甚至比千仞雪还坏。 However the elder sisters with his side, for with the elder sister in the same place, Ice Emperor can also accept. 不过姐姐都跟他的身边,为了与姐姐在一起,冰帝也可以接受。 Without the issue, how that can do?” “既然没问题,那要怎么做?” Ceng Yi sees them to communicate, then asked. 曾易见她们沟通好,便问道。 Snow Emperor said: Gives me, you and ice coordinates my mystique.” 雪帝道:“交给我吧,你和冰儿配合我的秘法。” Good.” “好。” This emperor Protector to you.” “本帝给你们护法。” Qian Renxue joins voluntarily, even if she does not have the favorable impression to this ice scorpion, but regarding the Ceng Yi matter, she is very careful. 千仞雪主动请缨,哪怕她对这头冰蝎子没有好感,但对于曾易的事情,她可是非常的上心。 Was troublesome.” “麻烦了。” Qian Renxue nods, flew the sky, invisible psychic force proliferation. 千仞雪点了点头,飞上了天空,无形的精神力扩散而出。 Instantaneously, surrounding area in dozens li (0.5 km) in the Qian Renxue perception area. 瞬间,方圆几十里内都在千仞雪的感知范围内。 Starts!” “开始吧!” Ceng Yi sits cross-legged in the snowy area, the Martial Soul mist cuts traverse above the knees. 曾易盘坐在雪地上,武魂岚切横放在双膝之上。 Obturation with rapt attention, holds the Yuan to defend one ..... “闭气凝神,抱元守一.....” Before Snow Emperor arrives at younger sister's main body, stretched out the slender jade to refer, contaminated her essence and blood, later drew several mysterious say/way marks in void. 雪帝走到妹妹的本体之前,伸出修长的玉指,沾染了她的精血,随后在虚空中画了几道神秘的道纹。 Next quarter, vast psychic force just like the endless sea water full entire space. 下一刻,浩瀚的精神力宛若无尽的海水般充盈整个空间。 Ices the blue illusory mark to appear under Ice Emperor that huge body. 冰蓝色的虚幻阵纹在冰帝那巨大的身躯下显现。 Ices the blue Spirit Power light beam to shoot up to the sky together, in a twinkling, world wind and cloud changes countenance. 一道冰蓝色的魂力光柱冲天而起,霎时间,天地风云变色。 Snow Emperor extends the white hands, according to Ice Emperor main body that giant forehead, takes Spirit Power as the introduction. 雪帝伸出玉手,按在冰帝本体那巨大的额头上,以魂力为引子。 Ice, is following my Spirit Power route, with Spirit Power operation sidereal revolution vein.” “冰儿,跟随着我魂力路线,以魂力运行周天脉络。” „-” “啊啊啊-” Ice Emperor runs Spirit Power following elder sister's instruction, but was actually bringing the greatest pain. 冰帝顺着姐姐的指令运行魂力,但是着却带来了莫大的痛苦。 Sad and shrill yelling penetrating loud world. 凄厉的喊叫彻响天地。 Pain! Too painful! 痛!太痛了! This feeling, looks like the whole body skeleton to be destroyed, the soul was torn, the severe pain, making her spirit soon collapse. 这种感觉,就像是全身骨骼被打碎,灵魂被撕裂,剧烈的痛楚,让她精神都快要崩溃。 The terrifying energy storm raises, the strength of pinnacle cold ice, making the space soon freeze. 恐怖的能量风暴掀起,极致的寒冰之力,使得空间都快要冻结。 Hang there! Ice!” “坚持住!冰儿!” Snow Emperor sees the younger sister to bear the so huge pain, loves dearly very much. 雪帝见妹妹承受着如此巨大的痛苦,也很是心疼。 However, this is must withstand. 但是,这是必须要承受的。 Only by doing so, can being killed by weapons mortal body, remould the soul. 只有这样,才能够兵解肉身,重塑灵魂。 By my blood, the snow and ice wished blesses, offers the mortal form of spirit, the sacrifice already the world, loose body congealing soul......” “以吾之血,冰雪祝佑,献灵之魄,祭已天地,散躯凝魂......” Given Snow Emperor Spirit Power, can see on the body of ice blue ruler scorpion that giant crystal, appeared the dense and numerous traces, such as the torn to pieces glass, as if the next quarter must collapse. 雪帝魂力牵引下,可以看见冰碧帝皇蝎那巨大的水晶之躯上,浮现出了密密麻麻的的纹路,就如支离破碎的玻璃般,仿佛下一刻就要崩溃。 Sees only, the body that Ice Emperor that soon collapses, could not insist that finally diverged, changed to everywhere light dust. 只见,冰帝那快要崩溃的身躯,终于坚持不住散去,化作了漫天的光尘。 Directs!” “引!” Snow Emperor both hands tie seal, towed this ice blue color light dust to swamp into the Ceng Yi body. 雪帝双手结印,牵引着这冰蓝色光尘涌入了曾易的身躯。 Ceng Yi also follows the hauling of Snow Emperor, the fusion this huge spirit Spirit Power quantity of very much coordinating. 曾易也顺着雪帝的牵引,很配合的融合这道庞大的灵魂力量。 Perhaps is because Snow Emperor is the sword spirit reason, regarding the huge energy of ice of this pinnacle, the body actually does not have a repel. 或许是因为雪帝是自己剑灵的缘故,对于这股极致之冰的庞大能量,身体竟然没有一丝的排斥。 Not is only Ice Emperor the strength of soul, her huge Spirit Power, integrated in the body of Ceng Yi. 不仅仅是冰帝的灵魂之力,还有她那庞大的魂力,也融入了曾易的身体之中。 In the coldness of that pinnacle, the ice-cold Spirit Power storm is centered on Ceng Yi curls up. 那极致的寒冷中,冰冷的魂力风暴以曾易为中心卷起。 Ceng Yi traverse the Martial Soul mist on knee cuts, at this time on the sword blade is also glittering unceasingly the ray, looking like the living creature is the same, orderly breath. 曾易横放在膝上的武魂岚切,此时剑身上也不断闪烁着光芒,就像是活物一样,有规律的呼吸。 Light dust that the Ice Emperor body changes, part integrated in the sword blade that the mist cut. 冰帝身体化作的光尘,一部分被融入了岚切的剑身中。 On that jet black scabbard, over time, spread an ice blue trace. 那漆黑的刀鞘上,随着时间的流逝,也蔓延出了一道冰蓝色的纹路。 Spirit Ring appear to raise seven silver from the Ceng Yi place with Spirit Ring that is sparkling the black red ray, incomparable dazzling. 一个个魂环曾易座下浮现升起七个银色与一个闪耀着黑红光芒的魂环,无比的炫目。 A more terrifying imposing manner fills the air from the body of Ceng Yi, the surroundings space therefore twists. 更加恐怖的气势从曾易的身体弥漫而出,周围空间都因此而扭曲起来。 That pinnacle ices Spirit Power in Ceng Yi Spirit Ring most above congeals, gradually congealed Spirit Ring that is sparkling the scarlet ray. 那极致冰魂力曾易魂环的最上方凝结,逐渐凝成了一个闪耀着赤红光芒的魂环 But shortly, this red 100,000 years of Spirit Ring starts unceasing shivering, on Spirit Ring spread the tiny fissure. 可没多久,这个红色的十万年魂环就开始不断的颤抖,魂环上蔓延出了细小的裂痕。 Spirit Ring was stave, changed to vastly such as sea polar ice Spirit Power, swamped into the body of Ceng Yi. 魂环破碎,化作了浩瀚如海的极冰魂力,涌入了曾易的身体。 Unceasing quenching, condenses again, becomes Spirit Ring that is sparkling the silver ray. 不断的淬炼,再次凝聚,成为了闪耀着银色光芒的魂环 But Ceng Yi boundary, breaks through again! 曾易的境界,也再次突破! Before, in Sea God Island, Ceng Yi and Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi defeated, the boundary has become less crowded, then closed up for three months. 之前,在海神岛,曾易海神斗罗波塞西一战胜出,境界有所松动,便闭关了三个月的时间。 After Ceng Yi goes out, cultivates for from the beforehand 87 levels, rose 89 levels. 曾易出关之后,修为从之前的八十七级,上升到了八十九级。 Now after fusing Ice Emperor the strength of soul, the boundary breaks through again, Spirit Power rises to 91 levels! 如今在融合了冰帝的灵魂之力后,境界再一次突破,魂力上涨到九十一级!
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