DDTR :: Volume #7

#647: I don't know either ~

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Is impossible! Even if I die, will not submit to despicable human!” “不可能!我就算是死,也不会向卑劣的人类臣服!” „, You planned to end your life like this, died like this!” “难道,你就打算这样结束你的生命,就这样死去吗!” Snow Emperor also knows, just experienced a younger sister of such disaster, has very big hatred regarding human. 雪帝也知道,刚刚经历了这么一场劫难的妹妹,对于人类有着非常大的仇恨。 Let her offer sacrifices to human on own initiative, is not truly able to accept. 让她主动给人类献祭,确实是无法接受。 Actually, Snow Emperor does not have too many favorable impressions regarding human. 其实,雪帝对于人类也没有太多的好感。 However regarding Ceng Yi this person, the feeling is good. 但是对于曾易这个人,感觉还是挺不错的。 Talent, the strength is peak existence. 无论是天赋,还是实力都是最顶尖的存在。 Most was appreciated by oneself, is his unprecedented, has my invincible faith, already the pursue and exploration heart to higher boundary. 最让自己欣赏的,就是他那一往无前,有我无敌的信念,已经对更高境界的追求和探索之心。 Such incomparably firm to the heart of say/way, affected itself. 那样无比坚定的向道之心,也影响了自己。 Ice! The elder sister has been accompanying you.” “冰儿!姐姐会一直陪着你的。” Snow Emperor sees younger sister's eyes, the pupil glittering the different kind sentiment. 雪帝看到妹妹的眼睛,眸光闪烁着别样的感情。 We continuously continuously, in permanent time, forever same place!” “我们会一直一直,恒久的时间中,永远都在一起的!” Elder sister......” “姐姐......” Looks at elder sister earnest manner, Ice Emperor was also shocked, was also looser regarding the repugnant and revolting contradiction feeling of human. 看着姐姐这副认真的神态,冰帝也愣住了,对于人类的反感与令人作呕的抵触感也松了许多。 If, really can with the elder sister continuously in the same place, then offers sacrifices to give human, preserved next really spirit, forever companion side elder sister, is not. 如果,真的能够与姐姐一直在一起,那么献祭给人类,保存下一丝真灵,永远的陪伴在姐姐身边,那么也不是不可以。 However, does this nearby have the person? 但是,这附近有人吗? Reached an agreement in Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor, discards the mortal body in the law of offering sacrifices, after preserving the really spirit decision, Ceng Yi brought Qian Renxue to come here. 就在雪帝冰帝商量好了,以献祭之法舍弃肉身,保存真灵的决定后,曾易带着千仞雪来到了此处。 Looks suddenly presented two human, Ice Emperor immediately becomes vigilant, originally on her who the severe wound is on the verge of death, erupted the powerful imposing manner. 看着突然出现了两个人类,冰帝立刻变得警惕起来,原本就重伤濒死的她,也爆发出了强大的气势。 Sees Ice Emperor of personal enemy, she who was on the verge of death returns to consciousness just before dying, the terrifying imposing manner of overflow, making the surrounding space dignified. 见到仇人的冰帝,本就濒死的她是回光返照,溢出的恐怖气势,使得周围空间都变得凝重起来。 Ice, stops quickly, they are not the enemies!” “冰儿,快停下,他们不是敌人!” Snow Emperor sees that complexion anxious shouting. 雪帝见状,面色焦急的大喊。 She knows, the younger sister does this, will only accelerate passing of her vitality. 她知道,妹妹这样做,只会加速她生命力的流逝。 „? Originally is your small scorpion, this emperor also thinks that you died that woman, has not thought that rushed to here unexpectedly. “哦?原来是你这头小蝎子,本帝还以为你死那个女人手下了,没想到竟然跑到了这里。 Qian Renxue sees to appear main body Ice Emperor, the ruddy corners of the mouth rose slightly, row to wipe the ridicule. 千仞雪看见显出本体的冰帝,红润的嘴角微微上扬,划起了一抹嘲弄。 Hateful human!” “可恶的人类!” Ice Emperor hears word, in the heart is angry, must condense Spirit Power to lash out, but was trigged by Snow Emperor. 冰帝闻言,心中大怒,就要凝聚魂力出手攻击,但是被雪帝制住了下来。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Qian Renxue looks easily suppressed Ice Emperor Rampage the woman, a thin eyebrow wrinkle. 千仞雪看着轻易压制了冰帝暴走的这个女人,细眉不由一皱。 At present the woman of this ice blue color long hair, elegant faint, is lending the nimble and resourceful aura, just like spirit of the snow and ice, has the dust not to dye, holy noble. 眼前这个冰蓝色长发的女人,气质优雅淡漠,举手投足间都散发着灵动的气息,宛若一尊冰雪之灵,出尘不染,圣洁高贵。 The makings, are the beautiful appearance, not under own existence. 无论是气质,还是美貌,都不下于自己的存在。 Makes Qian Renxue feel what heart startled is, this woman can actually give itself the greatest pressure. 更让千仞雪感到心惊的是,这个女人竟然能够给自己莫大的压力。 This indicated, her cultivating is the boundary, is not inferior in oneself. 这就表明,她的修为境界,不逊色于自己。 Was this world? When presented so many top powerhouses? 这个世界是怎么了?什么时候出现了这么多顶级的强者? Qian Renxue somewhat does not do clearly. 千仞雪有些搞不明白。 Qian Renxue Spirit Master World of cognition, highest level Spirit Master, in big three Peerless Douluo on legend. 千仞雪所认知的魂师界,最为顶级的魂师,也就传说中的大三绝世斗罗 Own mother, now Pope Bibi Dong, is in this level. 还有自己的亲生母亲,当今教皇比比东,也是处于这个层次。 Besides Ceng Yi, Qian Renxue is self-confident, own strength is not weak in the above four people. 除了曾易之外,千仞雪自信,自己的实力不弱于以上的四人。 But today, actually emits the saintess who evil Spirit Saint taught suddenly, cultivates for even also above oneself. 可是今天,却突然冒出了一个邪魂圣教的圣女,一身修为甚至还在自己之上。 Now has to see one to cultivate/repair for is not weak in own female. 如今有见一位修为不弱于自己的女子。 Why at this time, emitted the powerhouse of this rank suddenly? 为什么在这个时候,突然冒出了这种级别的强者? Soon completes the reunification in oneself specially the critical moment. 特别还是在自己快要完成统一大业的关键时刻。 This makes the Qian Renxue mood feel somewhat agitated. 这让千仞雪心情感到有些烦躁。 Do not be excited, Renxue, gives you to introduce, this is the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, Ice and Snow Maiden, the snow congealing ice. “别激动,仞雪,给你介绍一下,这位乃是极北之地的君主,冰天雪女,雪凝冰。 Also is my sword spirit. ” 也是我的剑灵。” Ceng Yi sees the appearance that their soon hits, hurries to make noise to stop. 曾易见她们一副快要打起来的模样,赶紧出声制止。 „Does sword spirit?” “剑灵?” The vision of Qian Renxue doubts looks to nearby Ceng Yi, later the pupil light also becomes sharp. 千仞雪疑惑的目光看向一旁的曾易,随后眸光也变得锐利起来。 Although her not too clear sword spirit concrete is what meaning. 虽然她不太清楚剑灵具体是什么意思。 But can also be clear, this north monarchy, should submit to Ceng Yi extremely. 但也能够清楚,这个极北君主,应该是向曾易臣服了。 Moreover, is so attractive, the makings and beautiful appearance under have not treated in own woman in the Ceng Yi side. 而且,如此漂亮,气质与美貌都不下于自己的女人一直待在曾易的身边。 This matter, oneself were not clear. 这件事,自己还一直不清楚。 Qian Renxue is looking at the Ceng Yi vision, becomes the danger. 千仞雪望着曾易的目光,不由变得危险起来。 Ceng Yi, I need an explanation!” 曾易,我需要一个解释!” „......, After this matter, you will tell that slowly, currently has the urgent matter.” “呃......,这件事之后会慢慢跟你说的,现在有急事。” Ceng Yi sees Qian Renxue to seem like some not too happy appearance, the corner of the eye pulled pulling. 曾易千仞雪似乎有些不太高兴的样子,眼角不由扯了扯。 The women also are really bewildered. 女人还真是莫名其妙。 In the heart sighed one secretly, then focused on appearing the main body, on critically-ill Ice Emperor. 心中暗叹一声,便把注意力放在了显出本体,生命垂危的冰帝身上。 The reason that because returned to consciousness just before dying a moment ago, stimulated the final vitality forcefully, this lets her body already quickly to the limit. 因为刚才回光返照的缘故,强行激发了最后的生命力,这让她的身体已经快到极限。 Ceng Yi is not a cure is Spirit Master, let alone, this injury, fierce cure Spirit Master, is unable to treat and cure even. 曾易并不是一位治愈系魂师,更何况,这种伤势,就算是再厉害的治愈魂师,也无法救治。 Except for the god, has not saved her. 除了神,没有救得了她。 Sorry, your younger sister situation, by my ability, is unable to save her.” “抱歉,你妹妹这个情况,以我的能力,无法救她。” Ceng Yi looks at Snow Emperor, regrettable shaking the head. 曾易看着雪帝,遗憾的摇头。 I want the means to save her! Needs you to coordinate.” “我要办法救她!需要你配合。” What? How wants me to do?” “什么?要我怎么做?” Ceng Yi visits her very much surprisedly, cannot think that she really has the means. 曾易很是惊讶的看着她,想不到她竟然有办法。 Snow Emperor takes own sword spirit, regarding her request, Ceng Yi naturally helps unconditionally. 雪帝作为自己的剑灵,对于她的请求,曾易自然是无条件帮助。 I will make the by mystique offer sacrifices in you, retains one one time really spirit.” “我会让以秘法献祭于你,一次保留一丝真灵。” Offers sacrifices to give me!” “献祭给我!” Ceng Yi hears Snow Emperor this means that stares, the person were silly. 曾易一听到雪帝这个办法,不由一愣,人都傻了。 Offers sacrifices this method, Ceng Yi has also heard. 献祭这个方法,曾易也听说过。 In the original works plot, Ceng Yi remembers, the Star Dou Forest two first 100,000 years of soul beasts, kill the severe wound in encirclement of Spirit Hall dying, finally offers sacrifices in Tang San on own initiative, becomes his Spirit Ring. 原著剧情中,曾易记得,星斗大森林的两头十万年魂兽,在武魂殿的围杀下重伤垂死,最后主动献祭于唐三,成为了他的魂环 That is the soul beast offers sacrifices, 100,000 years of soul beast offers sacrifices, does this type of good deed actually wheel obtain me? 那可是魂兽献祭啊,还是十万年魂兽献祭,这种好事竟然轮得到我? But, own cultivation system, does not need Spirit Ring! 可是,自己的修炼体系,已经不需要魂环了啊! Suddenly, Ceng Yi does not know that should cry to smile. 一时间,曾易不知道该哭还是该笑。 But, after you determine offers sacrifices, but can also maintain one really spirit?” “可是,你确定献祭后,还能保持一丝真灵?” The Ceng Yi doubts asked. 曾易疑惑问道。 Oneself do not remember originally in the plot, after the day Dawn Mills brand python and Titan giant ape offer sacrifices to give Tang San, but also retained the soul. 自己可不记得原本剧情里,天青牛蟒与泰坦巨猿献祭给唐三后,还保留了灵魂。 Xiao Wu can leave behind the soul actually. 小舞倒是能够留下灵魂。 After all she is a leading lady, should be. 毕竟她是女主角,也是应该的。 Regarding Ceng Yi the issue, Snow Emperor is silent. 对于曾易的这个问题,雪帝不由沉默。 I not am quite definite.” “我也不太确定。” This mystique is the memory that the bloodlines inheritance stays behind, is feasible Snow Emperor also each accurate number. 这个秘法是血脉传承留下的记忆,可不可行雪帝也每一个准数。 After all oneself have not tried. 毕竟自己没有试过。 But, don't you have this ability?” “可是,你不是有这个能力吗?” In the Snow Emperor double pupil full is the hope looks at itself. 雪帝双眸中满是希望的看着自己。 Oneself turn into now this condition, is produced by Ceng Yi, by spirit body condition in parasitic and his Martial Soul. 自己变成现在这种状态,也是出于曾易之手,以灵体之态寄生与他的武魂之中。 Moreover can retain the original strength. 而且还能够保持原本的实力。 Snow Emperor mentioned this, Ceng Yi was also silent. 雪帝说起这个,曾易也沉默了。 I ~ 我也不到啊~ Why turns into own sword spirit regarding Snow Emperor, to be honest, that is the Martial Soul issue, not own issue. 对于雪帝为什么变成自己的剑灵,说实话,那是自己武魂的问题,并不是自己的问题。 To be honest, he now a face is blurry. 说实话,他现在还一脸迷糊。 Regarding this operation, can only say that is by chance. 对于这个操作,只能说是碰巧。
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