DDTR :: Volume #7

#646: Let me offer sacrifices to give the personal enemy?

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Since exploding produces the energy storm that diverges, a Qian Renxue twinkle appears in the Ceng Yi side. 自爆产生的能量风暴散去后,千仞雪一个闪烁就出现在了曾易的身旁。 You how?” “你怎么样了?” Qian Renxue holds the body of Ceng Yi, concerned inquiry. 千仞雪扶着曾易的身体,关切的询问。 All right.” “没事。” Ceng Yi shakes the head, cancels the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, breaks away supporting by the arm of Qian Renxue, toward cherry from exploding the center flies. 曾易摇了摇头,抹去嘴角的血迹,挣开千仞雪的搀扶,向着洛樱自爆的中心飞去。 The center of that explosion, the powerful strength bumps the broken space, the surrounding world spiritual energy turns toward this accumulation, patches the space. 那爆炸的中心,强大的力量碰碎的空间,周围的天地灵气都向着这一处聚集,修补空间。 „Should that woman die?” “那个女人应该死了吧?” Qian Renxue followed to come, to look at this broken world, in the heart raises to rejoice. 千仞雪跟随而来,看着这一处残破的天地,心中不由升起了一丝庆幸。 If Ceng Yi has not appeared promptly, perhaps oneself are not the opponent of that woman. 若是曾易没有及时出现,恐怕自己不会是那个女人的对手。 That from exploding the style was too terrifying, has to tread being enthralled boundary, in the possibility of under this move absolutely not having returned alive. 那个自爆的招式太恐怖了,不是没有踏入神境,在这一招下绝对没有生还的可能。 Can see from this broken space that move of might is actually terrorist. 从这残破的空间就可以看出,那一招的威力究竟有多么恐怖。 However, the Ceng Yi strength truly somewhat frightened Qian Renxue. 但是,曾易的实力确实有些吓到千仞雪了。 Obviously before more than one year, on Ceng Yi strength strong some, but the disparity is absolutely limited. 明明一年多之前,曾易的实力不过比自己强上一些,但是差距绝对有限。 But, these sees him time again, strength already growth to so terrifying boundary. 可是,这一次再见到他,实力已经增涨到了如此恐怖的境界。 This women are not an opponent, put forth this perishing together style, is unable to cause heavy losses to Ceng Yi as before. 就连这个女人都不是对手,使出了这种同归于尽的招式,依旧无法重创曾易 She has not died! Through from exploding, breaks open my domain forcefully, rips open the space to flee this place, is really the decisive decision!” “她没死!通过自爆,强行破开我的领域,撕开空间逃离此地,真是果断的决策!” Ceng Yi does not think that cherry will therefore die. 曾易并不认为洛樱会因此而死去。 He believes, the opposite party is a smart person. When knows does not have the odds of success facing oneself, chose fled with this way. 他相信,对方是一个聪明人。在知道了面对自己毫无胜算的时候,选择了用这种方式逃离。 But even so, uses this style, oneself also need to pay the enormous price. 但即使如此,使用这种招式,自身也是需要付出极大的代价。 „Hasn't this died?” “这都没死?” Qian Renxue thought that was somewhat a pity. 千仞雪觉得有些可惜。 Today the sudden the woman, to her threat was really big. 今天突然出现的这个女人,对她的威胁实在是太大了。 Moreover its back huge influences, these years the mainland has also done the matter again. 而且其背后还有一个庞大的势力,这些年来一直再大陆搞事情。 This time soul beast riot, there are their shadows. 还有这一次的魂兽暴乱,也有它们的影子。 This is will unify the mainland biggest hindrance! 这将会是自己统一大陆最大的阻碍! Right, did you know that woman?” “对了,你认识那个女人?” The Qian Renxue sharp vision closely stares at the Ceng Yi inquiry to say. 千仞雪锐利的目光紧紧盯着曾易询问道。 Qian Renxue is not a little clear. 有一点千仞雪不明白。 Why with fight, although the forms of combat of that woman are very crazy, but the thought is very sane. 为什么与自己战斗的时候,虽然那个女人的战斗方式很疯狂,但是思维还是很理智的。 But after seeing Ceng Yi, the mood becomes loses control. 可是在见到曾易之后,情绪就变得失控起来。 This makes Qian Renxue very difficult not to suspect, Ceng Yi has anything to relate with that women. 这让千仞雪很难不怀疑,曾易与那个女人之间有着什么关系。 This......” “这个嘛......” Looks at each other Qian Renxue that domineering vision, Ceng Yi is being somewhat helpless. 对视着千仞雪那强势的目光,曾易有些无奈。 She, possibly is a person who I once knew.” “她,可能是我曾经认识的一个人。” What person? Talks clearly to me.” “什么人?给我说清楚。” „, Is the younger sister.” “呃,算是妹妹吧。” Unceasing questioning of Qian Renxue, making in the Ceng Yi heart feel an irritation. 千仞雪的不断追问,让曾易心中不由感到一丝烦躁。 Looks that was patched the similar space by the world spiritual energy secretly, in the Ceng Yi heart sighs one. 看着那被天地灵气修补得差不多的空间,曾易心中暗叹一声。 He basic has been able to decide, that little girl who the woman of that named cherry, the true status, actually saved initially, light rain. 他基本已经可以决定,那位名为洛樱的女人,真正的身份,其实就是当初自己救下的那个小女孩,洛小雨。 But, why turned into so the appearance? 可是,为什么变成了这般模样? Ceng Yi remembers, light rain Spirit Power does not even have, average person who is unable to cultivate. 曾易可是记得,洛小雨可是连魂力都没有,根本无法修炼的普通人。 In the past, exactly what happened? 当年,到底发生了什么事情? Evil Spirit Master organization, Saint Church! 魂师组织,圣教 Ceng Yi believes that after going back, very much needs to investigate, information about Saint Church this evil Spirit Master influence. 曾易认为,回去后,很有必要调查一下,关于圣教这个邪魂师势力的信息了。 Walks, I have other matter.” “走吧,我还有别的事情。” Was pondering Ceng Yi of this matter, has not heard the words that Qian Renxue that also closely examines unceasingly, said at will, turns toward Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor direction hurries. 思考着这件事情的曾易,并没有听到身边千仞雪那还不断追问的话语,随意的说了一句,就向着雪帝冰帝的方向赶去。 This fellow!” “这家伙!” Qian Renxue sees Ceng Yi this absent-minded appearance, pays no attention to itself to leave directly, stamping the feet of bitterly, pursued. 千仞雪曾易这一副心不在焉的样子,不理自己就直接离开,恨恨的跺了跺脚,也追了上去。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Elder sister... is the elder sister, really you?” “姐...姐,真的是你么?” Good......, cannot think that the elder sister you are also living, was really good...... I also to think, ice cannot meet with you...” “太好了......,想不到姐姐你还活着,真是太好了......我还以为,冰儿再也不能与你相见了...” Appears main body Ice Emperor, looks to stand in present Ice and Snow Maiden, the clear teardrops overflow from the eye socket unceasingly. 显出本体的冰帝,看着站在眼前的冰天雪女,晶莹的泪珠从眼眶中不断溢出。 Really is to not..., Elder sister, because of willful of ice, without protecting our homeland......” “真是对不...起,姐姐,因为冰儿的任性,没有守护好我们的家园......” All right, the elder sister does not blame you! First let alone the words, coordinated my Spirit Power quickly, suppressed the injury in your within the body to proliferate.” “没事的,姐姐不怪你!先别说话了,快配合我的魂力,压制你体内的伤势扩散。” Snow Emperor face anxious saying, was anxious the tears to fall. 雪帝一脸焦急的说道,急得眼泪都掉出来了。 Even if there is suppression of heart of sea, but was unable to prevent the state to further expand. 哪怕是拥有海洋之心的压制,可已经无法阻止伤情进一步扩大。 This way, soon, the younger sister will lose the vitality thoroughly. 再这样下去,用不了多久,妹妹就会彻底失去生机。 Snow Emperor is unable to accept such result. 雪帝无法接受这样的结局。 Is born in this stretch of the world of ice and snow, had the permanent years, during the long years, accompanying is longest in own side, is ice. 诞生于这片冰天雪地之中,存在了恒久的岁月,在悠长的岁月之中,陪伴在自己身边最久的,就是冰儿。 Although they are not the same races, but among them the sentiment, has exceeded the relation of bloodlines. 虽然她们俩不是同一种族,但是她们之间的感情,早就超越了血脉的联系。 However is short more than one year of time does not see, has a reunion again time, is actually carving of life and death leaving. 不过是短短一年多的时间不见,再次重逢的时候,却是生死离别之刻。 Perhaps held...... the apology, the elder sister... this ice cannot accompany you ....... “抱......歉,姐姐...这一次冰儿恐怕不能在陪你了.......” The Ice Emperor weak sound resounds, the aura just like the things that may cause fires that in the cold wind drags, may extinguish anytime. 冰帝虚弱的声音响起,气息就宛若寒风中摇曳的火烛,随时都有可能熄灭。 Ice Emperor is very clear the present body is what situation, passing that the vitality non-stop, the death almost becomes the foregone conclusion. 冰帝很清楚自己现在的身体是什么情况,生机不停的流逝,死亡几乎已经是成为定局。 However can before, see one side the elder sister at the point of death again, she is very satisfied. 但是能够在临死前,再见到姐姐一面,她已经很满足了。 Do not give up! The elder sister will certainly save you!” “别放弃啊!姐姐一定会救下你的!” Snow Emperor is shouting, otherwise the Ice Emperor consciousness deep sleep gets down. 雪帝呼喊着,不然冰帝的意识沉睡下去。 Once rests, she knows, the younger sister will not open the eye. 一旦睡下去,她知道,妹妹就再也不会睁开眼睛了。 Elder sister... the elder sister, tells me, initially had anything......” “姐...姐,跟我讲讲,当初发生了什么吧......” Good!” “好!” Snow Emperor suppresses younger sister's injury with Spirit Power, while recounted own more than one year experience. 雪帝一边用魂力压制妹妹的伤势,一边述说自己这一年多的经历。 A year ago starts, with a Ceng Yi war, was defeated, becomes his sword spirit. 从一年前开始,与曾易的一战中,被打败,成为了他的剑灵。 Arrived goes to the sea with him again, the fight with sea overlord deep sea demon whale king, met the sea god in legend, stepped into Sea God Island...... 再到跟着他前往大海,与大海霸主深海魔鲸王的战斗,遇见了传说中的海神,踏入了海神岛...... Was saying to be saying, Snow Emperor remembered anything suddenly. 说着说着,雪帝突然想起了什么。 If the younger sister is like oneself, abandons the mortal body, becomes the Ceng Yi sword spirit, didn't such rescue to save the life? 若是妹妹跟自己一样,抛弃肉身,成为曾易的剑灵,那样不救可以保住性命了么? Snow Emperor hurries saying: Ice, I have means that can save you!” 雪帝赶紧说道:“冰儿,我有一个办法,可以救你!” What method?” “什么方法?” hears word, desperate Ice Emperor, in the heart had begun to ignite the hope. 闻言,本已绝望的冰帝,心中开始燃起了希望。 Can live, no one is willing dead. 能够活着,谁都不愿意死去。 Snow Emperor said: Like the elder sister, becomes the sword spirit of human. I had an antiquity mystique, the body of soul beast look like human to offer sacrifices on own initiative, diverging cultivated/repaired is, became Spirit Ring of human, can maintain wipes really spirit is not loose!” 雪帝道:“像姐姐一样,成为人类的剑灵。我有一种上古秘法,魂兽之身主动像人类献祭,散去修为,成为人类的魂环,能够保持一抹真灵不散!” Offers sacrifices to give human? Like elder sister?” “献祭给人类?像姐姐一样?” Because the too weak reason, Ice Emperor had not heard the words that Snow Emperor spoke before carefully. 因为之前太虚弱的原因,冰帝并没有仔细听到雪帝所说的话。 Now hears the elder sister is the sword spirit of human, and was been also the same as her by oneself, offers sacrifices to give human on own initiative? 现在听到自己姐姐已经是人类的剑灵,并且让自己也向她一样,主动献祭给人类? Because of human, oneself will turn into so the appearance. 要知道,就是因为人类,自己才会变成这般模样。 Now actually wants to give human on own initiative, when Spirit Ring, Ice Emperor how possible acceptance must. 现在竟然要自己主动去给人类当魂环,冰帝怎么可能的接受得了。 That is own personal enemy! 那可是自己的仇人啊!
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