DDTR :: Volume #7

#645: From exploding

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Elder Brother... elder brother?” “哥...哥?” After seeing the Ceng Yi facial features, cherry whole person was shocked, body that crazy, bloodthirsty aura also tranquil. 在看到曾易的面容后,洛樱整个人都愣住了,身上那疯狂,嗜血的气息也平静了下来。 Why can be you?” “为什么会是你?” Ceng Yi cannot believe. 曾易不敢相信。 At present this white hair female, unexpectedly is person of being familiar. 眼前这个白发女子,竟然是自己熟悉之人。 Cherry, in the past during the Spirit Master competition of Martial Soul city, blossoming in radiant splendor talent Spirit Master. 洛樱,当年在武魂城的魂师大赛期间,大放异彩的天才魂师 Because her doubtful evil Spirit Master status, was chased down by Spirit Hall. 又因为她疑似邪魂师的身份,被武魂殿追杀。 Finally, Ceng Yi acted, helping her delay chasing down of Spirit Hall Spirit Master, making her successfully flee. 最后,曾易出手,帮助她拖延了武魂殿魂师的追杀,让她成功逃离。 The opposite party is evil Spirit Master, with the Ceng Yi character, this because of will not pay attention to this time, even can because of the status of opposite party, making a move without hesitation. 对方是邪魂师,以曾易的性格,本因不会理会此时,甚至会因为对方的身份,毫不犹豫的出手。 However, cherry looks like a person very much. 但是,洛樱很像一个人。 In the past matter, still in the heart of Ceng Yi, comes clearly into view as before. 当年发生的事情,至今还在曾易的心中,依旧历历在目。 Before oneself to become Spirit Master, saved a little girl from the slave trader hand. 自己为成为魂师之前,从人贩子手中救下了一个小女孩。 But, oneself save from the darkness her, actually throws down her one person alone to depart. 可是,自己把她从黑暗中拯救出来,却又丢下她一人孤身离去。 Many years later, becomes Spirit Master, arrives at the orphanage in that small town again. 多年后,成为魂师的自己,再次来到那座小城的孤儿院。 That yard has long ceased to exist. 那座小院早已不复存在。 Listened to the native saying that here several years ago had a big fire, in the orphanage all children were buried in this fire. 听当地人说,这里几年前发生了一场大火灾,孤儿院里所有孩子都葬身于这场大火之中。 Ceng Yi thinks clearly, why not to turn into this. 曾易想不明白,为什么会变成这样。 First time the time of seeing cherry, she is also Spirit Ancestor boundary Spirit Master. 第一次见到洛樱的时候,她也不过是一位魂宗境界的魂师而已。 Yet now, her strength is even stronger than Qian Renxue. 可如今,她的实力甚至比千仞雪更强。 Looks at the face of Ceng Yi, cherry that is tranquil, the mood starts becomes agitated. 看着曾易的脸,平静下来的洛樱,情绪又开始变得烦躁。 Who is?” “是谁?” Several pictures appear in the mind of cherry, is familiar and strange. 几个画面在洛樱的脑海中浮现,熟悉而又陌生。 Was rescued from the unprincipled person hand by the youngster. 被少年从坏人手中救出。 The girl is holding plush little bear, is bursting into tears to look at the boy to depart. 女孩抱着毛绒小熊,流着泪看着男孩离去。 Throws over the wolf of sheepskin to reveal the bystander had never seen one side the cruelty finally. 披着羊皮的狼终于露出了外人从未见过的残忍一面。 Frightened, 恐惧, No use, desperate ....... 无助,绝望....... The devil whispered in the ear, traded the soul. 恶魔在耳边低语,交易出了灵魂。 When wakes up again, at present is the pool of blood dyes. 再次醒来时,眼前已经是血泊染地。 The roaring flame that ignites burnt through the hell, but oneself also crashed into the abyss. 燃起的烈焰燃尽了地狱,而自己也坠入了深渊。 During several breath, cherry felt that the head even more ache gets up. 几个呼吸间,洛樱感到脑袋愈发疼痛起来。 Remembers, gradually becomes fuzzy. 记忆,也逐渐变得模糊。 That person, that face, is most should not forget obviously. 那个人,那张脸,明明是最不该忘记的。 Now the opposite party stands before oneself. 如今对方就站在自己面前。 But, is getting more and more fuzzy. 可是,却越来越模糊。 „-” “啊啊啊-” Cherry that is unable to endure this pain, that sad and shrill pain yells in the space passes on. 无法忍受这份痛楚的洛樱,那凄厉痛苦喊叫在空间中传荡。 But in the body also erupted the incomparable terrifying imposing manner. 而身躯上也爆发出了无比恐怖的气势。 The powerful strength changed to the storm of wreaking havoc, the space twisted because of this strength, the world changed color. 强悍的力量化作了肆虐的风暴,空间都因为这股力量而扭曲,天地为之变色。 The meaning of huge bloodthirsty, contains slaughtering, the destruction, the terrifying, the desperate negative energy floods the entire space 庞大的嗜杀之意,蕴含着杀戮,破坏,恐怖,绝望的负面能量充斥整个空间 „-” “啊哈哈哈哈-” Yelling of cherry that pain, gradually turned into the crazy laughter. 洛樱那痛苦的喊叫,逐渐变成了疯狂的笑声。 This fellow, insane!” “这家伙,疯了吗!” Qian Renxue is resisting this powerful oppression full power, under the meaning of that powerful bloodthirsty, her own mood came under the influence, becoming gradually to be hot tempered. 千仞雪全力抵御着这股强大的压迫,那强大的嗜杀之意下,就连她自己的情绪都受到了影响,变得逐渐暴躁起来。 Ceng Yi, acts with me together, suppresses her!” 曾易,跟我一起出手,把她镇压!” Regarding the frontline propaganda of Qian Renxue, Ceng Yi has not acted, but looks at that beautiful figure of that jet black storm center. 对于千仞雪的喊话,曾易并没有动作,而是看着那漆黑风暴中心的那个倩影。 Really is she? 真的是她么? Oh, gives me dead!” “啊哈哈哈,都给我去死吧!” Cherry is laughing wildly, double grasped the sickle of death to wield to cut together the hundred zhang (333 m) blood glow. 洛樱狂笑着,双手持着死亡之镰挥斩出一道百丈血芒。 The terrifying strength easily tore the space, cuts toward Qian Renxue. 恐怖的力量轻易撕裂了空间,向着千仞雪斩去。 It is not good! 不好! In an instant, in the Qian Renxue heart raised the intense early warning. 刹那间,千仞雪心中升起了强烈的预警。 This attacks together extremely in the terrifying, compared with beforehand is more powerful. 这一道攻击太过于恐怖,比起之前的更加强大。 Was locked, did not hide! 被锁定了,躲不了! Qian Renxue clenches teeth, Spirit Power condenses in the angel Saint sword, urges to send to the pinnacle own strength, meets this terrifying hardly strikes. 千仞雪咬牙,魂力凝聚于天使圣剑中,把自己的力量催发到极致,硬接这恐怖的一击。 That blood glow has delimited, the surrounding space is unable to withstand this terrifying the strength to collapse. 那道血芒划过,周围的空间都无法承受住这恐怖的力量而崩坏。 However in a flash, before the glow of this blood moon/month has arrived at the Qian Renxue body, speed outer space. 不过转瞬间,这道血月之芒已经来到千仞雪身前,速度太空。 When Qian Renxue has the move, a form kept off in her front. 正当千仞雪出招之时,一个身影挡在了她的前面。 Draw blades to cut! 拔刀斩! That flash, the surrounding area the hundred li (0.5 km) strength within of the world gathers in one. 那一刹那,方圆百里内的天地之力都汇聚于一处。 The terrifying sword potential suppression space, the ground started to sink, split the innumerable traces. 恐怖的剑势镇压空间,地面都开始下沉,裂开了无数的痕迹。 That flash of drawing a sword, terrifying sword intent shoots up to the sky, that flash, as if changed eternal. 拔刀的那一瞬间,恐怖的剑意冲天而起,那一刹那,似乎化作了永恒。 The world only has a color, that incomparably dazzling point. 世界只有一个颜色,那无比耀眼的锋芒。 Even if disappears. 哪怕转瞬即逝。 The land was cut a gully that cannot see the end, the sky was also divided into two halves. 大地被斩出了一道看不到尽头的沟壑,天空也被分成了两半。 That evil spirit blood glow under this pinnacle sword, instantaneous disintegration. 那道凶煞的血芒在这极致的一剑下,瞬间崩碎。 How can?” “怎么会?” Cherry cannot believe that that sword, so easily destroyed itself unexpectedly full power strikes. 洛樱不敢相信,那一剑,竟然如此轻易的打碎了自己全力的一击。 Terrifying! 恐怖! That flash, the dangerous signal raises in her heart. 那一瞬间,危险的信号在她心中升起。 Oneself are not the opponent of this person! 自己不是这个人的对手! Continues to fight, may die here. 继续战斗下去,可能会死在这里。 In she prepares to flee, a greatest pressure arrives on the body. 就在她准备逃离之时,一股莫大的压力降临在身上。 The terrifying constriction, making the surrounding space tremble. 恐怖的压迫感,使得周围空间都在颤栗。 Such possibly? 这么可能? Cherry stared in a big way the eye, cannot believe, in this world actually also some people can give itself the so tremendous pressure. 洛樱瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信,这世上竟然还有人能够给自己如此大的压力。 Is the imposing manner, blew the space, blocked own action. 仅仅是气势,就镇住了空间,封锁了自己的行动。 Ceng Yi acted, he must make clear, who she is, was initially that girl. 曾易出手了,他必须要搞清楚,她到底是谁,是不是当初那个女孩。 Moreover, the opposite party is the eldest child of evil Spirit Master organization, Ceng Yi is also possibly impossible she to leave like the previous ignores again. 而且,对方还可能是邪魂师组织的老大,曾易不可能再像上一次那样放任她离开。 The domain of sword launches, the surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), this space as if turned into own world, the strength of the world can transfer at will, blocked the action of enemy by this. 剑之领域展开,方圆百里之内,这片空间就仿佛变成了自己的世界,天地之力可以随意的调动,以此封锁敌人的行动。 Is you? Light rain!” “是你吗?洛小雨!” Ceng Yi in a flash close to her, great shout. 曾易转瞬间就接近了她,大声呼喊。 Light rain! 洛小雨! After hearing this name, cherry of dispute resistance, body suddenly one stiff. 听到这个名字后,正在争执反抗的洛樱,身体突然一僵。 The fuzzy memory appears again in the mind, gradually becomes the mood to get up. 模糊的记忆再次浮现在脑海上,逐渐变得情绪起来。 However, the headache even more is fierce. 但是,头痛却越发剧烈。 You roll to me!” “你给我滚下去!” That pain the pale facial features become twist, just like the demons succuba of bloodthirsty, is very crazy. 那痛苦得苍白的面容变得扭曲,宛若嗜杀的罗刹魔女,无比疯狂。 The confused eye pupil again becomes ominous severe, the wild strength condensed on the sickle of death, that terrifying strength in the unceasing compression, the surrounding space is twisting, as if must unable to withstand to collapse. 迷茫的眼眸再一次变得凶厉,狂暴的力量在死亡之镰上凝聚,那股恐怖的力量在不断的压缩,周围的空间都在扭曲,似乎要承受不住而崩坏。 It is not good! 不好! After Ceng Yi detected her intention, in heart in great surprise. 曾易察觉到了她的意图后,心中大惊。 Her is must from exploding! 她这是要自爆啊! Insane! 疯了! Ceng Yi without delay, hurries to withdraw. 曾易二话不说,赶紧后撤。 Still is in a daze in that walks quickly!” “还在那发呆快走啊!” Ceng Yi withdraws at the same time, was shouting to that side Qian Renxue. 曾易后撤的同时,对着那边的千仞雪大喊。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- The wild energy that however in a flash, cherry condenses explodes. 不过转瞬间,洛樱凝聚的狂暴能量就爆炸开。 That terrifying the sound of thundering, such as the sky collapsed. 那恐怖的轰鸣之声,就如天塌了般。 The terrifying strength crushed the surrounding all, even the space is collapsing. 恐怖的力量粉碎了周围的一切,连空间都在崩坏。 The wild energy changed destroyed all storms sufficiently, wreaked havoc in the space, under that terrifying temperature, the glacier was melted the flood, recklessly attack. 狂暴的能量化作了足以毁灭一切的风暴,在空间中肆虐,那恐怖温度下,冰川都被融化成洪水,肆意侵袭。 ~ 噗~ Under the impact of this strength, Ceng Yi is unable to withstand, a blood emits. 在这股力量的冲击下,曾易也无法承受,一口鲜血喷吐而出。 Cherry from exploding, that fearful strength broke through the domain blockade of Ceng Yi, he also received serious backlash. 洛樱的自爆,那可怕的力量打破了曾易的领域封锁,他也受到了严重的反噬。 That is the energy of half god rank from exploding, even Ceng Yi, must evade the point temporarily. 那可是半神级别的能量自爆,即使是曾易,也得暂避锋芒。 Chapter 645: From exploding 第645章:自爆
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