DDTR :: Volume #7

#644: Reunion

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... In the wild cold snowy area, a young girl falls on the place but actually, the wound of chest that fierce terrifying is very scary. 荒蛮寒冷的雪地上,一位少女倒落在地,胸口那狰狞恐怖的伤口很是吓人。 Blood of overflow incarnadine snow and ice. 溢出的鲜血染红了冰雪。 As unceasing passing of Spirit Power, Ice Emperor is unable to maintain person, appears the main body, first more than ten meters crystal scorpions, ice the blue ruler scorpion, appears above the snowy area. 随着魂力的不断流逝,冰帝也无法保持人型,显出本体,一头十多米长的水晶蝎子,冰碧帝皇蝎,出现在雪地之上。 Jie Jie ~, the good main body is smart, otherwise also really made you give to run away.” “桀桀~,还好本尊机灵,要不然还真让你给跑掉了。” In the space, resounded gloomy and cold laughter , a red robe person's shadow appears before this giant beast body. 空间中,响起了一道阴冷的笑声,随之一道红袍人影出现在这巨大兽躯前。 Ice Emperor lifted huge disclosure difficultly, looks at present this person. 冰帝艰难的抬起了巨大的透露,看着眼前这个人。 Your this despicable human!” “你这卑劣的人类!” In the Ice Emperor heart is full of the endless hatred, wishes one could to rip the fragment this human. 冰帝心中充满着无尽的恨意,恨不得把这个人类撕成碎片。 However, she at this moment, stands is very reluctant continually, let alone fought. 但是,此刻的她,连站起来都很勉强,更别说战斗了。 Lord of the Far North, at least we fulfilled among us the transaction, I teach the saintess the Sir to cut to kill Empress Martial Soul, revenges for you, not?” 极北之主,至少我们履行了我们之间的交易,吾教圣女大人会斩杀武魂女帝,为你报仇,不是么?” You just need to pay with the life the price.” “你只不过需要付出生命的代价。” You should be very clear, the strength of that empress, without our help, your whole life is impossible to complete the revenge.” “你应该很清楚,那位女帝的实力,没有我们的帮助,你这辈子都不可能完成复仇。” Therefore, the price of this transaction is only your life, this is a very cost-effective business!” “所以,这场交易的代价只是你的性命,这是一笔很划算的买卖!” On blood crow revering that pale face delimits to wipe smiles evilly, the eye pupil is staring at Ice Emperor that huge body, in the eye full is the greedy color. 血鸦尊者那苍白的面孔上划起一抹邪笑,眼眸盯着冰帝那巨大的身躯,眼中满是贪婪之色。 This was the highest level 100,000 years of soul beast, cultivated/repaired to endure in 99 levels of Peerless Douluo compared with Spirit Master. 这可是最为顶级的十万年魂兽了,修为堪比魂师中的九十九级绝世斗罗 Makes the blood crow feel that what is only a pity, oneself are Titled Douluo, is unable to fuse Spirit Ring. 唯一让血鸦感到可惜的是,自己已经是封号斗罗了,无法在融合魂环 Otherwise, can Spirit Ring of such top soul beast, that many be fine deeds! 不然,能够得到这么一头顶级魂兽的魂环,那多是一件美事啊! However, blood crow revering can swallow the essence and blood of this soul beast with the mystique, although makes own cultivating to further promote. 不过,血鸦尊者可以用秘法吞噬这头魂兽的精血,虽然让自己的修为进一步提升。 But this makes up the vitality that before lose sufficiently. 但这足以把之前自己损耗的生命力补足。 Moreover, the soul bone of 100,000 years of soul beast, that is the top treasure! 而且,十万年魂兽的魂骨,那可是顶级的宝贝啊! Let alone, its strength only terrifying endures compared with Peerless Douluo, if can her soul bone, conceivable that soul bone skill, the might be terrifying how. 更何况,其实力只恐怖堪比绝世斗罗,若能够得到她的魂骨,可以想象那魂骨技能,威力是多么的恐怖。 Hateful human! I make trouble will not let off your!” “可恶的人类!吾做鬼都不会放过你们的!” Looks that the blood crow approaches step by step, the Ice Emperor sound is full of hate, endless killing intent. 看着血鸦一步一步逼近,冰帝的声音充满着的怨恨,无尽的杀意。 But now, oneself even/including self-destruct, does not have with the strength that the opposite party perishes together, can only look at the death to approach helplessly. 可是现在,自己连自爆,与对方同归于尽的力量都没有,只能眼睁睁的看着死亡逼近。 Ha, makes trouble? In the face of the main body, the qualifications that you make trouble does not have!” “哈哈哈,做鬼?在本尊面前,你连做鬼的资格都没有!” The blood crow is laughing wildly, blood-color Spirit Power condenses in the hand, the formed blood blade point twinkle, cold killing intent fills the air. 血鸦狂笑着,血色魂力在手中凝聚,形成的血刃锋芒闪烁,冷冽的杀意弥漫而出。 Death!” “死吧!” The blood crow is laughing, the blood blade in hand is puncturing to Ice Emperor that giant head. 血鸦大笑着,手中的血刃对着冰帝那巨大的头颅刺下。 But prepares to go well in the blood crow that flickers, a greatest pressure arrives on his body. 而就在血鸦准备得手的那一瞬,一股莫大的压力降临在他的身体上。 That flash, the body of blood crow was locked the foot, all movements were stopped. 那一瞬间,血鸦的身体被锁足,一切动作都被停止。 As if the world was frozen. 仿佛世界被冻结。 The cold piercing chill in the air raises from the heart of blood crow, the aura of death covered on him. 冷冽刺骨的寒意从血鸦的心中升起,死亡的气息笼罩在他身上。 Who is?” “是谁?” Blood crow revering shouted panic-stricken. 血鸦尊者惊恐地大喊。 The greatest terrifying transmits from the above. 莫大的恐怖从上方传来。 He lifted the head difficultly, the vision looks, sees above the sky, does not know when presented a person's shadow. 他艰难的抬起了头,目光看去,见天空之上,不知什么时候出现了一个人影。 Ices the blue long hair to flutter in the cold wind, on that beautiful face, that pair just like the ice mortal form beautiful eye pupil to gaze at itself. 冰蓝色长发在寒风中飘扬,那绝美的面孔上,那双犹如冰魄般美丽的眼眸注视着自己。 Then just like ten thousand years of cold ice callous look , the blood crow felt own soul was frozen. 那宛若万年寒冰般冷酷的眼神下,血鸦感觉自己灵魂都被冻结。 You damn!” “你该死!” Ice-cold killing intent covers on the blood crow, this is together indifferent has the pinnacle angry mood words, looks like the god of death to own judging. 冰冷的杀意笼罩在血鸦身上,这一道冷漠中带着极致愤怒的情绪话语,就像是死神对自己的宣判。 The Snow Emperor ice-cold eye pupil is gazing at this human, oneself younger sister pitiful appearance lets she incomparably grieved at the same time, in the heart is the anger leaps hold. 雪帝冰冷的眼眸注视着这个人类,自己妹妹这副凄惨的模样让她无比心痛的同时,心中更是怒火腾盛。 Is angry, the Snow Emperor complexion is tranquil, if still cold and still dangerous places. 越是愤怒,雪帝的面色越是平静,犹若冷寂的冰渊。 Ka ka ~ 咔咔~ The ice-cold cold air, froze the both legs of blood crow, but the ice of this death also in the body fast spread of blood crow. 冰冷的寒气,冻结了血鸦的双腿,而这死亡之冰还在血鸦的身上快速蔓延。 Blood crow panic-stricken looks that was iced the body that gradually covers, death approaching step by step, making him never so scared, desperate. 血鸦惊恐的看着被冰逐渐覆盖的身体,死亡一步一步的逼近,让他从未如此的恐慌,绝望。 No .... No!” “不....不!” Blood crow desperate frightened yelling, but the next quarter, the cold ice froze his entire body. 血鸦绝望恐惧的叫喊,但下一刻,寒冰就冻结了他整个身体。 A lifelike ice sculpture stands erect in the land, that expression, regarding frightened of death, desperate, incisiveness of performance. 一座栩栩如生的冰雕屹立在大地上,那副表情,对于死亡的恐惧,绝望,表现的淋漓尽致。 Bang ~ 嘭~ As the cold wind has blown together, the ice sculpture bumped to break to pieces the endless ice fragments instantaneously, scattered in this world of ice and snow. 随着一道冷风吹过,冰雕瞬间碰碎成了无尽的冰屑,散落在这冰天雪地之中。 Blood crow revering, perishes! 血鸦尊者,亡! This is...... good warm......” “这是......好温暖......” Consciousness dim Ice Emperor, felt that a strength spilled into the body. 意识朦胧的冰帝,感到一股力量涌进了身体之中。 Indistinct within, she as if heard the familiar sound. 隐约间,她似乎听到了熟悉的声音。 Is elder sister's voice, she is summoning herself. 是姐姐的声音,她在呼唤自己。 Valley qiang lt ; /spangt ; Ice Emperor opened the eye difficultly, a familiar face entered in the line of sight. 谷墏lt;/spangt;冰帝艰难的睁开了眼,一个熟悉的面孔进入了视线中。 Own elder sister, Ice and Snow Maiden. 正是自己的姐姐,冰天雪女 Elder sister ..... elder sister, good .... Ice finally saw you......” “姐.....姐姐,太好了....冰儿终于见到你了......” Ice Emperor twittering, is seeing own elder sister's face, she also thinks oneself were died, arrived in the hell, had a reunion with the elder sister again. 冰帝呢喃着,看到自己姐姐的面孔,她还以为自己是死去了,来到了地狱中,与姐姐再次重逢。 You first let alone the words, stand firm your aura!” “你先别说话,稳住自己的气息!” The Snow Emperor complexion anxious say/way, uses the Spirit Power younger sister warm support body. 雪帝面色焦急道,用自己魂力温养妹妹的身体。 However, this injury was really heavy, her source has lost completely, was almost the oil completely lamp dry position. 但是,这个伤势实在是太重了,她的本源已经损耗殆尽,几乎是油尽灯枯的境地。 Even if Snow Emperor helps her stable injury with Spirit Power, but still can only alleviate the speed that the vitality dissipates. 即使雪帝魂力帮她稳固伤势,但也只能缓解生机消散的速度。 Ceng Yi, asking you to save her!” 曾易,求你救救她!” Snow Emperor looked to man, in the eye revealed the color of entreaty. 雪帝看向身边的男人,眼中露出了哀求之色。 Facing the request of Snow Emperor, Ceng Yi is also very helpless. 面对雪帝的请求,曾易也是很无奈。 Although he strength is good, but is only a sword cultivates, is not gods, without the method of reversal universe. 他虽然实力不错,但只是一个剑修,又不是神明,没有逆转乾坤的手段。 The Ice Emperor source had been broken, the vitality passes unceasingly, even the soul was corroded. 冰帝的本源已经被破碎,生机不断流逝,甚至连灵魂都被侵蚀。 This is not the ordinary injury, the say/way wound of wound and source. 这可不是普通的伤势啊,伤及本源的道伤。 Even if the peak cure is Spirit Master, facing this injury perhaps still helpless. 即使是最顶尖的治愈系魂师,面对这种伤势恐怕也无能为力。 Ice Emperor can insist now, is a miracle. 冰帝能够坚持到现在,已经是一个奇迹了。 Actually is whose method, so ruthless spicy? 究竟是谁的手段,如此狠辣? Ceng Yi is clear, Ice Emperor injury, absolutely is not the Qian Renxue behavior. 曾易清楚,冰帝身上的伤势,绝对不是千仞雪所为。 That Yin evil aura of that winding on Ice Emperor, has invaded her soul. 那缠绕在冰帝身上的那股阴邪的气息,已经侵染了她的灵魂。 Ceng Yi put out a fine blue gem. 曾易拿出了一颗精致的蓝色宝石。 Flash that the gem presents, rich vitality full space. 宝石出现的一瞬间,浓郁的生命力充溢了空间。 Contained the treasure of strength of sea, the heart of sea. 蕴含了海洋之力的宝物,海洋之心。 You use this to suppress her injury, I first go to that side to have a look.” “你用这个压制她的伤势,我先去那边看看。” Ceng Yi gave Snow Emperor the intimacy of sea, then flies in the direction of that side battle. 曾易把海洋之心交给了雪帝,便向着那边战斗的方向飞去。 With the person of Qian Renxue fight, is actually who? 千仞雪战斗的人,究竟是谁? In the Ceng Yi eye flashes through wipes the doubts, raises own speed full power, the body changed to the flowing light. 曾易眼中闪过一抹疑惑,全力提升自己的速度,身体化作了流光。 ...... ...... Bang- 轰- Also is an confrontation of strength, if still the collisions of two world. 又是一次力量的交锋,犹若两个世界的碰撞。 The terrifying power broke the space, formed abyss just like jet black void, swallows the surrounding world spiritual energy crazily. 恐怖力量打破了空间,形成了宛若深渊般的漆黑虚空,疯狂地吞噬周围的天地灵气。 ~ 噗~ Body suddenly/violently to retreat of Qian Renxue under that powerful strength, an essence and blood emits from the mouth. 千仞雪在那股强大的力量下身体暴退,一口精血从口中喷吐而出。 The strength of opposite party was too strong. 对方的实力太强了。 Moreover, that strength, very strange. 而且,那股力量,十分的怪异。 Own strength has the sacred attribute obviously, is the evil, dark difficult adversary. 明明自己的力量拥有着神圣属性,是邪恶,黑暗的克星。 But, oneself are actually not able to suppress this darkness. 可是,自己却无法压制这股黑暗。 Qian Renxue does not think clearly. 千仞雪想不明白。 This woman inherits, is actually the strength of what gods, such terrifying! 这女人所传承的,究竟是什么神明的力量,如此的恐怖! During the fight, the train of thought flash, Qian Renxue grasps the angel Saint sword, flushed again. 战斗之中,思绪不过一瞬间,千仞雪手持天使圣剑,再次冲了出去。 What's wrong? As empress you, strength only then so?” “怎么?身为女帝的你,实力就只有这般么?” In cherry eye pupil the twinkle blood light, on the face is revealing the crazy color. 洛樱眼眸中闪烁血光,脸上流露着疯狂之色。 This crazy attack, does not have scruples trades the wound fighting method by the wound, making Qian Renxue feel incomparable hard to deal with. 这疯狂的攻击,毫不顾忌的以伤换伤打法,让千仞雪感到无比的难缠。 Your this lunatic!” “你这个疯子!” The opponent who a strength sword handle that the Qian Renxue cold sound said, erupts confronts repels. The sacred light glistening world, Qian Renxue starts to burn own essence and blood, received exchange for a more powerful strength by this. 千仞雪冷声道,爆发出的力量一剑把对峙的对手击退。神圣的光辉耀世,千仞雪开始燃烧自己的精血,以此换取更加强大的力量。 Today, must cut to kill this person in this. 今天,必须要把这个人斩杀于此。 If the ignores opposite party leaves, when she cultivates to go a step further again, steps into that boundary. 若是放任对方离开,等她修为再进一步,踏入那个境界。 Then, when the time comes, the entire mainland can resist her strength no one. 那么,到时候,整个大陆将无人能够抵抗她的力量。 The terrifying strength from the body shake of Qian Renxue, the golden wing waves, sacred strength full world. 恐怖的力量从千仞雪的身体震荡而出,金色羽翼舞动,神圣的力量充盈天地。 „Did some people come?” “有人来了?” In Qian Renxue prepares full power the eruption time, she induces to one is not weak in oneself fluctuation of energy is approaching fast. 正在千仞雪准备全力爆发的时候,她感应到一股不弱于自己的能量波动正在快速逼近。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” During however one breath, the Ceng Yi form appears in the Qian Renxue field of vision, lets her mood incomparable excitement. 不过一个呼吸间,曾易的身影就出现在千仞雪的视野之中,让她心情无比的激动。 How can be you?” “怎么会是你?” After Ceng Yi arrives at the scene, saw clearly with that person that Qian Renxue fought, the eye pupil shrank suddenly. 曾易来到现场后,看清了与千仞雪战斗的那人,眼眸骤然一缩。
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