DDTR :: Volume #7

#643: Light and darkness, the war of half god!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... The hysterical/frenzy storm diverges, Qian Renxue looks at that white hair woman, in the eye pupil full is the color of shock. 狂乱的风暴散去,千仞雪看着那个白发女人,眼眸中满是震撼之色。 Nine 100,000 years of Spirit Ring!” “九个十万年魂环!” Looks nine red Spirit Ring that by that person surrounds, the Qian Renxue mood also becomes heavy. 看着那人身旁环绕的九个红色魂环,千仞雪的心情也变得沉重起来。 This person and are the same, is 99 levels of Peerless Douluo boundaries. 这人与自己一样,都是九十九级绝世斗罗境界。 However, Spirit Ring is actually nine 100,000 years of Spirit Ring! 但是,魂环却是九个十万年魂环 Qian Renxue is certain, this woman and are the same, has the inheritance of gods. 千仞雪可以肯定,这个女人和自己一样,都有着神明的传承。 Does not let, Spirit Ring possibly is not this disposition. 不让,魂环不可能是这个配置。 But, nine 100,000 years of Spirit Ring was also too fearful. 但,九个十万年魂环也太可怕了。 Qian Renxue to own strength, the talent is self-confident. 千仞雪对自己的实力,还有天赋都非常自信。 But even so, in inheriting the process of god position, all Spirit Ring age limits have been promoted, in nine Spirit Ring, only has three 100,000 years of red Spirit Ring. 但即使如此,在继承神位的过程中,所有魂环的年限都得到提升,九个魂环中,也不过只有三个十万年红色魂环 But this woman, nine 100,000 years of red Spirit Ring. 可是这个女人,九个十万年红色魂环 Qian Renxue is very clear, ordinary Spirit Master is not possible to have this disposition Spirit Ring. 千仞雪很清楚,普通魂师是不可能拥有这种配置的魂环 Then, this woman with from is the same, has the inheritance of gods. 那么,这个女人和自已一样,都有着神明的传承。 Although in that flash, Qian Renxue by the Spirit Ring disposition of opposite party daunting. 虽然在那一瞬间,千仞雪被对方的魂环配置给吓住了。 But Qian Renxue does not think own strength is inferior to the opposite party. 千仞雪可不会认为自己实力不如对方。 Spirit Ring cannot explain all, who who is weak, but must hit has known. 魂环并不能说明一切,谁强谁弱,还得打过才知道。 After having gotten back one's composure Qian Renxue, war intent in heart surges upward. 回过神后的千仞雪,心中的战意高涨。 Practices so the boundary, in the world is hard the opponent who found several to be a worthy opponent. 修行到这般境界,世上难以找到几个可以匹敌的对手。 Can bump into one, that is what kind of luck. 能碰上一个,那是何等的幸运。 Qian Renxue cannot talk too much, grasps the angel Saint sword, attacks on. 千仞雪也不需多言,手持天使圣剑,就攻伐而上。 The golden brilliant ray entire land, crossed gold/metal to the sky. 金色光辉照耀整个大地,给天空都渡了一层金芒。 Under the sacred aura, all evils will be placed on trial! 神圣的气息下,一切罪恶都将被审判! Fills the air that evil different courage vigor in the space, in this share of god light/only, just like meeting difficult adversary ablation. 弥漫在空间中那邪异的血气,在这股神光之下,宛若遇到克星般消融。 However suddenly, the Qian Renxue form has appeared in front of cherry, wielding a sword of occupying a commanding position cuts. 不过眨眼间,千仞雪的身影已经出现在洛樱面前,居高临下的挥剑斩下。 Among electric light flint, 电光火石之间, The blood-color oriental cherry condensed a long blade in cherry hand, cut together the blood moon/month. 血色的樱花在洛樱手中凝聚成了一把长刀,斩出一道血月。 Bang! 砰! Two people attacks to bumping, but refused to compromise for several seconds, the blade in cherry hand covered entirely the fissure. 两人的攻击对碰,不过僵持了几秒,洛樱手中的刀刃就布满了裂痕。 The long sword in Qian Renxue hand is the divine tool, the angel Saint sword! 千仞雪手中的长剑乃是神器,天使圣剑! Is the prestige energy, can it be that optional one to have the blade that Spirit Power congeals becomes to resist? 其威能,岂是随意一把有魂力凝结而成的刀刃可以抵挡的? However one breath, the blade on cherry is torn to pieces, but her whole person also flies upside down several hundred meters. 不过一个呼吸,洛樱手上的刀刃就支离破碎,而她整个人也倒飞数百米。 Carving of trial!” “审判之刻!” Flash that Qian Renxue goes well, has not relaxed vigilantly, swifter more and violent attack. 千仞雪得手的一瞬间,也没有丝毫放松警惕,更加迅猛的进攻。 Under the angel supernatural power, congealed the innumerable golden sword glow, turned toward cherry to carry out the rug -type attack just like the gust of wind brashly. 在天使神力下,凝结成了无数的金色剑芒,宛若疾风骤雨般向着洛樱进行地毯式的打击。 Under the attack of this terrifying, the dangerous places become torn to pieces, the mountain range was razed to the ground. 这恐怖的攻击下,冰渊变得支离破碎,山脉都被夷为平地。 In an instant, in the thick snow fog, has the pinnacle evil energy to condense. 刹那间,浓浓的雪雾中,有着极致的邪恶能量在凝聚。 This strength, making Qian Renxue feel the palpitation. 这股力量,让千仞雪都不由感到心悸。 As if the gate of hell was opened in that flash. 仿佛地狱之门在那一瞬间被打开。 - 唰- The terrifying blood glow direct impact on, easily tore the space together, cuts first Qian Renxue. 一道恐怖的血芒直冲而上,轻易的撕裂了空间,斩先千仞雪 It is not good! 不好! The speed of this blood glow was too fast, is hard to respond to Qian Renxue quickly. 这道血芒的速度太快了,快到千仞雪都难以反应。 The realized flash, before this attack has approached the body . 意识到的一瞬间,这道攻击已经临近身前。 That flash, the Qian Renxue whole body fine body hair starts. 那一刹那,千仞雪全身寒毛乍起。 Body instinct avoided this terrifying strikes. 身体本能反应的躲开了这恐怖的一击。 Above under the sky, scatters everywhere the feather of golden color. 天空之上,散落下漫天的金色之羽。 Qian Renxue stared in a big way the eye, double pupil inconceivable looks at present this. 千仞雪瞪大了眼睛,双眸不可思议的看着眼前这一幕。 By the space of that blood glow tearing, is unable to heal for a very long time, the jet black space crack in the space, just like the endless abyss together, scared. 被那道血芒撕裂的空间,久久无法愈合,一道漆黑的空间裂缝在空间中,犹如无尽的深渊,令人胆寒。 In the land, the form runs out from the thick snow and ice dust together. 大地上,一道身影从浓浓的冰雪尘埃中冲出。 On cherry at this moment, holds a jet black long sickle. 此刻的洛樱手上,持着一把漆黑的长镰。 The sharp cutting edge is glittering the scared point, that mysterious trace, is glittering the blood glow, seems like breathing, just like the living creature. 锋利的刃口闪烁着令人胆寒的锋芒,那一条条神秘的纹路,闪烁着血芒,就像是在呼吸,犹如活物。 What is more terrifying, this that flash that the weapon comes , the air/Qi of boundless evil spirit shoots up to the sky, the meaning of terrifying bloodthirsty wreaks havoc, almost congeals the essence. 更恐怖的是,这把武器现身的那一瞬间,无边的凶煞之气冲天而起,恐怖的嗜血之意肆虐,几乎凝结成实质。 Qian Renxue is certain, cultivates for in Titled Douluo following Spirit Master, in this influence of weapon, is unable to keep sober absolutely. 千仞雪可以肯定,修为在封号斗罗以下的魂师,在这把武器的影响下,绝对无法保持清醒。 Because of this fearful malignant influences, the resentment, bloodthirsty killing intent becomes will lose the reason, becomes the insanity of bloodthirsty. 会因为这可怕的煞气,怨气,嗜血的杀意而变得失去理智,成为嗜杀的疯魔。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! Qian Renxue has been able to see, then on the weapon, is gathering the innumerable resentful spirits. 千仞雪已经能够看到,那把武器上,聚集着无数的怨灵。 Is flooding the deathly stillness, the terrifying, hates, the desperate aura, under these huge negative energies, even the sky becomes incomparable gloomy, depressing! 充斥着死寂,恐怖,憎恶,绝望的气息,在这些庞大的负面能量下,连天空都变得无比的阴沉,压抑! Is that sickle, her divine tool? 那把镰刀,是她的神器? No! 不! Qian Renxue does not think that is a divine tool, should say, is a peerless lethal weapon is right! 千仞雪不认为那是神器,应该说,是一把绝世凶器才对! Hehe ~, if swallowed blood and souls of-and-a-half gods, the sickle of this death can also go a step further again!” “呵呵~,若是吞噬了一位半神的鲜血与灵魂,想必这死亡之镰也能再进一步吧!” Cherry that beautiful eye looks at Qian Renxue, in the eye pupil is flashing through wipes the monster different blood light. 洛樱那美丽的眼睛望着千仞雪,眼眸中闪过一抹妖异的血光。 This look, such as the hunter locked the prey, aroused the excited feeling of hunting. 这副眼神,就如猎人锁定了猎物,激起了狩猎的兴奋感。 Boasts shamelessly!” “大言不惭!” Qian Renxue drinks one coldly, six wings shake, the terrifying imposing manner like the tsunami, is extruding the space crazily. 千仞雪冷喝一声,六只羽翼一震,恐怖的气势如海啸般,疯狂的挤压着空间。 The sacred ray shining world, angel arming concentrates now above Qian Renxue that wonderful graceful body. 神圣光芒耀世,天使武装凝现在千仞雪那妙曼的身躯之上。 Under the golden god light/only casts light upon, grasps Qian Renxue of Saint sword, the golden long hair is scattering behind dances in the breeze, the god wheel concentrates presently after behind, the makings of whole person are holy and dignified, beautiful does not result in the local products. 金色神光照映下,手持圣剑的千仞雪,金色长发在身后散落飘舞,神轮凝现于身后,整个人的气质圣洁而又威严,美得不可方物。 Just likes the true deity to descend to earth. 犹如真正的天神下凡。 This is close to under the strength of god boundary infinitely, the world vibrates because of this strength. 这无限接近神境的力量下,天地都因为这股力量而震动。 But cherry, floods dark Spirit Power to emerge absolutely. 而洛樱这边,充斥着绝对黑暗的魂力涌现而出。 Crazy, desperate, under bloodthirsty killing intent, the snow and ice start to melt. 疯狂,绝望,嗜血的杀意之下,冰雪都开始消融。 Very weakly in the absolute darkness of Qian Renxue bright supernatural power. 好不弱于千仞雪光明神力的绝对黑暗。 Two different domains meet as an equal, the sky was dyed half golden splendor, half are dark. 两股不同的领域分庭抗礼,天空都被染成了一半金辉,一半黑暗。 Just likes two world to collide mutually. 犹如两个世界相互碰撞。 The space is bumping broken. 空间都在碰碎。 Two female battles, dogfight. 两女交战,缠斗。 The collision that every attacks one time, the strength of that terrifying makes the spatial warping shatter. 每一次攻击的碰撞,那恐怖的力量都使得空间扭曲而破碎。 The fearful strength, the mountain peak by levelling easily, the land was disrupted. 可怕的力量,山峰被轻易的抹平,大地碎裂。 This, the strength of doing great things ocean, the world changes color sufficiently. 这举手投足间,足以移山平海的力量,天地都为之而变色。 This is...... the fight between gods......” “这是......神明之间的战斗么......” On Ice Emperor face palely wan, aura extremely weak looks at that side just like end the world scene. 冰帝脸上苍白毫无血色,气息极其虚弱的看着那边宛若末世般的景象。 She dragged along the severely wounded body to be far away from that two monster fights area. 她拖着重伤的身躯远离了那两个怪物战斗的地区。 Luckily, that human empress rescued a oneself life. 幸好,那个人类女帝救了自己一命。 Can enable Ice Emperor to escape. 得以让冰帝可以逃出来。 Said that somewhat satirized, oneself were actually betrayed by the ally, but was actually rescued by the enemy. 说起来有些讽刺,自己竟然被盟友背叛,但却被敌人救了。 Ice Emperor felt at this moment oneself look like a joke to be the same. 冰帝此刻感觉自己就像是一个笑话一样。 Relied on others' strength, attempts to challenge gods existence, finally was actually punctured by the ally, looking like trash same loses in the roadside is laughable! 借助了别人的力量,妄图挑战神明般的存在,最后却被盟友被刺,就像是一个垃圾一样丢在路边可笑! As soul king of beasts, inherited the elder sister will, becomes Lord of the Far North, in the end actually ends up so the position. 身为魂兽王者,继承了姐姐意志,成为极北之主的自己,到头来却落得这般境地。 Ice Emperor is unwilling! 冰帝不甘心! How however is unwilling can. 但是不甘心又能如何。 Present, is the oil completely lamp dry situation. 现在的自己,也已经是油尽灯枯的地步了。 The final strength that although Ice Emperor depends upon was far away from the fight center. 冰帝虽然依靠的最后的力量远离了战斗中心。 Of however being harmed is too heavy, she can feel, oneself life is passing fast. 但是受到的伤害太重,她能够感到,自己的生命正在快速流逝。 Has the ice of control pinnacle ability obviously, but actually feels body incomparable ice-cold at this moment. 明明拥有着掌控极致之冰的能力,可是此刻却感觉到身体无比的冰冷。 Even the line of sight starts becomes fuzzy. 连视线都开始变得模糊起来。 Elder sister, ice must look for you......” “姐姐,冰儿要来找你了......” Is unfair to... the elder sister... the elder sister, ice cannot...... revenge for you......” “对不起...姐...姐,冰儿没能为你......报仇......” Chapter 643: Light and darkness, the war of half god! 第643章:光与暗,半神之战!
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