DDTR :: Volume #7

#642: Betrayal!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Who is?” “是谁?” Qian Renxue looks at the woman who comes to suddenly, frowns. 千仞雪看着突然现身的这个女人,不由皱起了眉头。 That sword air/Qi that this woman, can crumb easily oneself cut unexpectedly. 这个女人,竟然可以轻易的捏碎了自己斩去的那道剑气。 Although that is only but at will is an attack. 虽然那只是自己随意而为的一道攻击。 However, Qian Renxue is very clear, even if own strikes at will, is not ordinary Spirit Master can withstand. 但是,千仞雪可是很清楚,即使是自己的随意一击,也不是普通魂师能够承受得了的。 Even 98 levels of Titled Douluo, may be unable so superficial resolution this attack. 即使是九十八级的封号斗罗,也不可能够如此轻描淡写的化解掉这一攻击。 Moreover, this woman can appear in the nearby silently, but not by oneself sensation. 而且,这个女人能够无声无息的出现在附近,而不被自己所感知。 This strength...... 这份实力...... Very strong! 很强! In the Qian Renxue heart quick gave the sudden the mysterious woman to give the extremely high appraisal. 千仞雪心中很快就给突然出现的这个神秘女人给予了极高的评价。 The strength of this woman, is not weak in oneself. 这个女人的实力,不弱于自己。 The white hair woman regarding the question of Qian Renxue, the direct selection disregarding, had instead turned around, looks to kneel in the faithful subordinate of ground, on that beautiful cheek revealed to wipe the monster different smile. 白发女人对于千仞雪的问话,直接选择了无视,反而转过身,看着跪在地上的忠实手下,那美丽的脸蛋上流露出了一抹妖异的笑容。 Blood crow, this was you said that can give the gift of this place?” “血鸦,这就是你说要给本座的礼物?” Subordinate misplaced the strength of opposite party, making the saintess see the subordinate so distressedly.” “属下错估了对方的实力,让圣女看到属下如此狼狈之相。” Hehe, the courage is good, only 96 levels of cultivating are, dares to have the idea of Peerless Douluo, this place cannot think, your blood crow is also the so crazy character.” “呵呵,胆子不错,区区九十六级的修为,就敢打绝世斗罗的主意,本座想不到,你血鸦也是如此疯狂的人物啊。” The white hair woman has not been angry because of the failure of blood crow, on the contrary is very joyful this courage hand/subordinate. 白发女人并没有因为血鸦的失败而感到愤怒,反倒是很欣喜这手下的勇气。 But, your gift, needs this place to take actually personally.” “不过,你这礼物,倒是需要本座亲自来取。” Blood crow hears word, the body trembles, immediately is kowtowing to the white hair female continuously, in the tone has one to say scared. 血鸦闻言,身体不由一颤,立刻对着白发女连续磕头,语气中带着一丝恐慌说道。 Subordinate is incompetent, but also asked the saintess to forgive.” “属下无能,还请圣女宽恕。” „, Looks in this gift good share, forgives your life.” “也罢,看在这份礼物不错的份上,就饶你一命。” Cherry smiles one pale, in that monster different eye pupil flashed through wiped the blood glow. 洛樱淡笑一声,那妖异的眼眸中闪过了一抹血芒。 First enjoys an appetizer......” “先享用一份前菜吧......” Ice Emperor vigilant is staring in front of blood crow that mysterious woman. 冰帝警惕的盯着血鸦面前的那位神秘女人。 This sudden human woman, 这个突然出现的人类女人, Let in her heart feel very disturbed. 让她心中感到非常的不安。 Not only cultivates the suppression for on, the soul seems to be fearing the opposite party. 不仅仅是修为上的压制,就连灵魂都似乎在惧怕对方。 Good terrifying strength! 好恐怖的实力! Blood crow, who this is?” “血鸦,这位是谁?” Ice Emperor makes noise the inquiry. 冰帝出声询问。 As the voice falls, the Ice Emperor pupil light contracts suddenly. 随着话音一落,冰帝眸光骤然收缩。 In the heart raised the intense early warning, that was palpitation of incomparable danger, the aura of death is approaching. 心中升起了强烈的预警,那是无比危险的悸动,死亡的气息正在临近。 However in an instant, that mysterious white hair female appeared before oneself body. 不过刹那间,那个神秘的白发女子就出现在了自己的身前。 Covers just like the abyss terrifying in the Ice Emperor heart. 宛若深渊般的恐怖笼罩在冰帝的心头上。 At that moment, she is unable to move a point, even Spirit Power is unable to revolve, can only desperate looks at the death to approach. 那一刻,她无法动弹一分,连魂力都无法运转,只能绝望的看着死亡逼近。 ~ 噗~ Ice Emperor cannot believe, at present this white hair woman, just like the god of death, white hands brutally penetrates oneself chest. 冰帝根本不敢相信,眼前这个白发女人,就宛若死神般,一只玉手无情的穿透了自己的胸膛。 You, why......” “你,为什么......” Ice Emperor is unable to understand, this woman is not and blood crow one group? 冰帝无法理解,这个女人不是和血鸦一伙的么? Why she must cope with itself, wants own life. 为什么她要对付自己,想要自己的性命。 Oneself and they obviously are collaborator's relations. 自己与他们明明是合作者的关系。 But, oneself were actually betrayed. 可是,自己却被背叛了。 Why? Hehe ~ “为什么?呵呵~” On cherry that beautiful face revealed to wipe the happy smile. 洛樱那姣美的脸上流露出了一抹愉快的微笑。 This is the price!” “这就是代价!” You think whose on you this strength is to belong?” “你以为你身上这股力量是属于谁的?” Now this place must receive, naturally, this need interest.” “现在本座不过是要收回来,当然,这需要一点利息。” However this interest, is your life!” “而这份利息,就是你的性命!” How can? 怎么会? Ice Emperor some cannot believe. 冰帝有些不敢相信。 Originally the blood crow gives own that strength, is at present this person. 原来血鸦给予自己的那份力量,是属于眼前这个人。 No wonder oneself in that flash, the body are unable to revolt, even Spirit Power is unable to transfer a point. 难怪自己在那一瞬间,身体无法反抗,连魂力都无法调动一分。 Despicable human, you dare to plan me!” “卑劣的人类,你们竟敢算计我!” „-” “啊啊啊-” Ice Emperor angry complexion distortion, but the next quarter, pierces the arm of body, starts to absorb own strength. 冰帝愤怒的面色扭曲,但是下一刻,洞穿自己身体的手臂,开始吸取自己的力量。 Passing of vitality, lets the Ice Emperor incomparable pain, angry roaring of shouting oneself hoarse, the complexion becomes the distortion to be incomparable. 生命力的流逝,让冰帝无比的痛苦,嘶声力竭的怒吼,面色都变得扭曲无比。 Angry, hates, desperate, frightened...... 愤怒,憎恶,绝望,恐惧...... The huge negative energy, overflows from the body of Ice Emperor, but by cherry absorption. 庞大的负面能量,从冰帝的身上溢出,而被洛樱吸收。 Absorbs these huge negative energies, making on cherry that fair face reveal to wipe the color of blushing. 吸收这些庞大的负面能量,让洛樱那白皙的脸上都流露出了一抹红晕之色。 Under this strength, her incomparable enjoyment. 这股力量下,她无比的享受。 Right, is this, angry! Desperate!” “没错,就是这样,愤怒吧!绝望吧!” Oh-” “啊哈哈哈-” Cherry smiled, laughter gradual becomes must be unscrupulous, the crazy, terrifying imposing manner erupts from her body. 洛樱笑了起来,笑声逐渐的变得肆无忌惮,疯狂,恐怖的气势从她身躯爆发而出。 The infinite strength, changed to the terrifying storm, wreaks havoc in this stretch of the world of ice and snow. 无穷的力量,化作了恐怖的风暴,在这片冰天雪地中肆虐。 Really is the disgusting interest!” “真是令人恶心的趣味!” cold sound resounds in the space together. 一道冷声在空间中响起。 In a twinkling, the golden sword glow, tore the space together, has the incomparable imposing manner, cuts to cherry that swallows the Ice Emperor vitality. 霎时间,一道金色的剑芒,撕裂了空间,带着无比的气势,斩向正在吞噬冰帝生命力的洛樱。 In this arrives under the terrifying oppression of attack, cherry cannot disregard the might of this together attack, hurried to cast off Ice Emperor, revolution Spirit Power resisted this golden sword air/Qi. 在这到攻击的恐怖压迫下,洛樱也不能无视这一道攻击的威力,赶紧甩开了冰帝,运转魂力抵挡这道金色剑气。 Bang- 轰- The energy to the complementary waves that bumping produces, the terrifying strength causes everything may become vulnerable, the terrifying air wave surges recklessly. 能量对碰产生的余波,恐怖的力量使得地动山摇,恐怖的气浪肆意涌动。 Under this air wave, Ice Emperor originally severely wounded body, severely was attacked, the whole person raises to fly. 这道气浪下,冰帝本就重伤的身躯,又是受到强烈的打击,整个人掀飞出去。 The blood from the sky blooms, under the extremely cold temperature, congeals the monster different ice flower, falls in the ground shatter on the wane. 鲜血在空中绽放,在极寒的温度下,凝结成妖异的冰花,落在地面上破碎凋零。 The Qian Renxue pupil light shot a look at one to fall on ground severe wound dying soul king of beasts at will. 千仞雪眸光随意的瞥了一眼倒在地上重伤垂死的魂兽王者。 She did not plan that must rescue the idea of this soul beast. 她并不是打算要救这魂兽的想法。 The actions of not too crisp that white hair woman. 只是,不太爽那个白发女人的所作所为。 Let alone, Qian Renxue is impossible to look on that woman swallows the strength of this soul beast, strengthens own strength, then copes with itself. 更何况,千仞雪不可能坐视那个女人吞噬这头魂兽的力量,增强自己的实力,然后来对付自己。 It seems like, you are the eldest children of that Saint Church organization! Happen, today this emperor can be clean the thing disposable cleanings of your group of disgusting people!” “看来,你就是那圣教组织的老大是吧!正好,今天本帝可以把你们这群恶心人的东西一次性清扫干净!” Qian Renxue sees opposite white hair female, narrowed the eye, cold intent filled the air. 千仞雪看着对面的白发女,不由微眯起了眼睛,冷意弥漫而出。 Terrifying Spirit Power surges in the space like surging tides, that flash, Qian Renxue as if changed to the center of the world. 恐怖的魂力如潮水般在空间涌动,那一瞬间,千仞雪似乎化作了世界的中心。 Sparkles the golden brilliance sacred strength to condense in the Qian Renxue hand. 闪耀着金色光辉的神圣之力在千仞雪手中凝聚。 Trial!” “审判!” The Qian Renxue opens the mouth, is callous just like the deity, despises the voice of all living things to reverberate in the space. 千仞雪开口,宛若天神般冷酷,蔑视众生的声音在空间中回响。 The powerful strength condensed a giant golden light sword, on the sword blade has the strength of winding principle. 强大的力量凝聚出了一把巨大的金色光剑,剑身上有着法则之力缠绕。 The terrifying imposing manner, keeping the surrounding space from withstanding, presented the distortion, the fissure, as if must collapse momentarily. 恐怖的气势,使得周围的空间都无法承受,出现了扭曲,裂痕,仿佛随时都要崩溃。 In the middle copes with these to be small, is not worth Qian Renxue using the full power. 之间对付那些小喽啰,根本不值得千仞雪用上全力。 But the present woman, making Qian Renxue feel a danger. 但眼前的这个女人,让千仞雪感到了一丝危险。 The strength of this person is very strong. 这个人的实力很强。 Therefore, Qian Renxue will not keep the hand, urges to send out the complete strength. 所以,千仞雪不会留手,催发出自己全部的实力。 The great sword cuts, the space was easily torn. 巨剑斩下,空间被轻易地撕裂。 Under the imposing manner of that terrifying, on cherry face is unable to reveal the calm color, the whole body starts to tie tight. 那恐怖的气势下,洛樱脸上也无法露出从容之色,全身开始紧绷。 In an instant, terrifying Spirit Power erupts from his petite body. 刹那间,恐怖的魂力从其娇小的身体上爆发。 This imposing manner is not weak in Qian Renxue. 这股气势丝毫不弱于千仞雪 Spirit Ring also raise from cherry under foot. 一个个魂环也从洛樱脚下升起。 Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red! 红,红,红,红,红,红,红,红,红! Nine Spirit Ring, all are the dazzling red, ten 100,000 years of Spirit Ring! 九个魂环,无一不是耀眼的红色,十个十万年魂环 Terrifying Spirit Power just like boundless sea, inexhaustible. 恐怖的魂力宛若无垠的大海,无穷无尽。 When does not know, in the sky falls gently, no longer is the snowflake, but is one piece by piece is beautiful and monster different blood cherry. 不知什么时候,天空中飘落的,不再是雪花,而是一片片美丽而又妖异的血樱。 The innumerable oriental cherries condensed the blood blade, is cutting to the great sword that fell from the day. 无数的樱花凝聚成了血刃,对着从天而落的巨剑斩去。 Rumbling- 轰轰轰- Under these two terrifying strength collisions, as if destroyed the world. 这两股恐怖的力量碰撞下,仿佛打碎了世界。 The entire extremely northern land, therefore trembles. 整个极北的大地,都因此而震颤。 Beyond several hundred li (0.5 km). 几百里之外。 The storm that the terrifying strength changes, curled up hundred meters high wind and snow sandstorm attack. 恐怖的力量化作的风暴,卷起了百米之高的风雪沙暴侵袭而来。 That picture, just like extinguishing the scenery of the world, making the will of the people tremble. 那副画面,宛若灭世之景,令人心颤。 The Ceng Yi vision is staring at the distant place, looks at this. 曾易目光凝视着远方,看着这一幕。 He in the wind, smelled two incomparably powerful aura. 他在风中,嗅到了两股无比强悍的气息。 Having aura Ceng Yi together is very familiar, that is the Spirit Power fluctuation of Qian Renxue. 有一道气息曾易很熟悉,那是千仞雪魂力波动。 However another Spirit Power fluctuates, similarly is not be ignored, to be able with Qian Renxue to meet as an equal unexpectedly. 但是另外一道魂力波动,同样不可小视,竟然能与千仞雪分庭抗礼。 Moreover, in this Spirit Power complementary waves, contains the incomparably evil negative energy, making Ceng Yi feel the dislike. 而且,这道魂力余波中,蕴含着无比邪恶的负面能量,令曾易感到厌恶。 Actually is who? 究竟是谁? In the Ceng Yi heart turns toward, the speed that speeds up itself to fly. 曾易心中向着,更是加快了自己飞行的速度。 Chapter 642: Betrayal! 第642章:背叛!
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