DDTR :: Volume #7

#641: Saintess Sir

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... No!” “不!” Under this terrifying pressure, the blood crow revering angry glare is bellowing, the white of the eye covered entirely the fierce blood-color, in the eye has the color of fear. 在这股恐怖的压力下,血鸦尊者怒目大吼着,眼白布满了狰狞的血色,眼中带着恐惧之色。 He knows, oneself does not make anything, that will die under this move absolutely. 他知道,自己再不做些什么,那绝对会死在这一招之下。 Uses to burn the blood mystique to me!” “都给我使用燃血秘法!” Blood crow revering is shouting the order to set up formation five people. 血鸦尊者对着布阵的五人大喊命令。 These five Titled Douluo, does not hesitate, immediately uses the bloodstained mystique. 这五位封号斗罗,也丝毫不犹豫,立刻使用出了染血秘法。 They are only 91 levels, about 92 levels primary Titled Douluo. 他们不过都只是九十一级,九十二级左右的初级封号斗罗 even/including Xueya this 96 levels of Super Douluo is unable to withstand this pressure, let alone is they? 连血鸦这位九十六级的超级斗罗都无法顶住这个压力,更何况是他们? Therefore, the use burns the blood mystique, possibly also has a slim chance of survival. 所以,使用燃血秘法,可能还有一线生机。 Does not use to burn the blood mystique, that really waited for death! 不使用燃血秘法,那就真的等死了! Five people tie seal, stimulated to movement start that burns the blood mystique. 五人结印,催动了燃血秘法的启动。 Instantaneously, Spirit Power of whole body is burning crazily. 瞬间,全身的魂力在疯狂燃烧。 This combustion, but also incessantly is Spirit Power, their blood, their vitalities. 这燃烧的,还不止是魂力,还有他们的鲜血,他们的生命力。 However in a minute, can see these five people of that black hair, presents the white silk, moreover in rapid proliferation. 不过片刻,就能够看到这五人那黑色的头发,出现白丝,而且还在迅速的扩散。 After using burns the blood mystique, five people full power stimulate to movement blood spirit demon. 使用出燃血秘法后,五人全力催动血灵魔阵。 This strategy, besides having beyond the function of suppressed person, increase Spirit Master use. 这个阵法,除了拥有压制人的作用之外,还有增幅魂师的用处。 The Qian Renxue strength extremely in the terrifying, depending on blood spirit demon of their five primary douluo stimulation of movement, is not only able to suppress. 千仞雪的实力太过于恐怖,仅凭他们五个初级斗罗催动的血灵魔阵,是无法压制得住的。 Gets down forcefully, they will only receive to make a false counter- accusation against perish. 强行下去,他们只会受到反噬而亡。 Therefore, mentality that five people change immediately, full power stimulation of movement blood spirit demon, increase blood crow revering and extremely north King Ice Emperor strength. 所以,五人立刻转变的思路,全力催动血灵魔阵,增幅血鸦尊者与极北王者冰帝的实力。 Blood crow revering under pinnacle oppression and fear, bellowing, is urging to send to burn the blood mystique. 血鸦尊者在极致压迫与恐惧下,大吼着,催发燃血秘法。 Combustion Spirit Power, the blood, the vitality, received exchange for the powerful strength by this. 燃烧魂力,鲜血,生命力,以此换取强大的力量。 However in a flash, blood crow revering that golden color wave curly hair, turned into the pale color. 不过转瞬间,血鸦尊者那金色波浪卷发,就变成了苍白之色。 The vitality is passing fast. 生命力在快速流逝。 However, in oneself use to burn under the blood mystique and a blood spirit demon increase, the strength greatly is also increased. 但是,在自身使用燃血秘法与血灵魔阵的增幅下,实力也大大提升。 Repairs for from 97 levels, the wind to 98 levels, has been close to 99 levels of Peerless Douluo degrees infinitely. 修为从九十七级,已经飙到九十八级,无限接近九十九级绝世斗罗的程度。 But Ice Emperor obtains a blood spirit demon increase, the strength in the promotion first-order. 冰帝得到血灵魔阵的增幅,实力在提升一阶。 Evil spirit bloodthirsty cuts!” “邪灵嗜血斩!” The strength is close to cultivating of Peerless Douluo infinitely is, strength that the blood crow revering feeling within the body incomparably is rushing, this is he from unprecedented experiences. 实力无限接近绝世斗罗的修为,血鸦尊者感受着体内无比澎湃的力量,这是他从所未有的体验。 Under this strength, makes him have an misconception of unmatched in the world. 这股力量下,不禁让他有一种天下无敌的错觉。 However, in front of more terrifying Qian Renxue, this powerful strength, as if some insufficiently looks. 但是,在更加恐怖的千仞雪面前,这股强悍的力量,似乎还是有些不够看。 However blood crow revering knows, so long as constrain this woman on the line. 不过血鸦尊者知道,自己只要拖住这个女人就行。 Under the so powerful strength, blood crow revering stimulates to movement a oneself only ten thousand years of soul bone full power, urges from oneself strongest one move, is the soul bone technique. 在如此强大的力量下,血鸦尊者全力催动自己唯一的一块万年魂骨,催发自己最强的一招,也是魂骨技。 The flooded bloody air/Qi, the incomparably evil different strength condenses the strange sickle in blood crow that. 充斥的血腥之气,无比邪异的力量在血鸦手上的那把诡异弯刀上凝聚。 In the strength of that terrifying, as if there is endless ghost to call out, the incomparable strangeness, made the person palpitation. 那恐怖的力量上,似乎有着无尽的冤魂在嚎叫,无比的诡异,令人心悸。 The monster different blood glow cuts, the space of terrifying strength easily tearing, cuts toward the angel Saint sword that falls from the day. 妖异的血芒斩出,恐怖的力量轻易撕裂的空间,向着从天而落的天使圣剑斩去。 Ice Emperor also refuses to admit being inferior, erupts the complete strength, the ice of pinnacle cold air congeals a ice the great sword, is welcoming to the Saint sword of space. 冰帝也不甘示弱,爆发出自己全部的力量,极致之冰的寒气凝结成一把冰之巨剑,对着天上的圣剑迎上。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- Ice Emperor, style of blood crow revering together and Qian Renxue the sword of trial to. 冰帝,血鸦尊者的招式一起与千仞雪的审判之剑对上。 The center that under the powerful strength collision, that strength interweaves, causing the space to twist, even presented jet black splitting. 强大的力量碰撞下,那力量交织的中心,导致空间都在扭曲,甚至出现了漆黑的裂开。 The space on such as together full is the mirror of fissure, has the possibility to be torn to pieces anytime. 空间就如一块满是裂痕的镜子,随时有可能支离破碎。 Under three different strengths interweave, produced energy storm crazy wreaking havoc space. 三股不同的力量交织下,产生的能量风暴疯狂肆虐空间。 The terrifying air wave wells up just like the tsunami crazily, toward attacks in all directions. 恐怖的气浪宛若海啸般狂涌,向着四面八方侵袭。 As if the vault of heaven wants the disintegration. 似乎天穹都要崩碎。 The land is vibrating, the glacier because of not being able to withstand to be stave, the icy peak of standing tall and erect therefore collapses. 大地在震动,冰川因为承受不住而破碎,高耸的冰峰都因此而倒塌。 Long time, the energy complementary waves diverge. 良久,能量余波散去。 Qian Renxue is situated in above the sky, the callous golden pupil light, is carefully examining under just like the deity. 千仞雪立于天空之上,冷酷的金色眸光,宛若天神审视着下方。 Cold wind has blown, blew off the lane snow fog. 一阵寒风吹过,吹散了弄弄的雪雾。 The Ice Emperor distressed appearance stands above the shatter ground. 冰帝狼狈的模样站在破碎的地面之上。 Full is the ice broken ground, a person's shadow crawled. 满是冰碎的地面,一个人影爬了起来。 Is blood crow revering. 是血鸦尊者。 His condition at this moment is distressed. 他此刻的状态更是狼狈。 The clothing is tattered, the whole body is overflowing the blood, is ordinary just like the evil spirit. 衣衫破烂,全身都溢着鲜血,宛若厉鬼一般。 „? Can receive emperor move not dead, seems like some of your actually methods.” “哦?能够接下本帝这一招不死,看起来你们倒是有些手段。” Qian Renxue looks at these two, acclaimed one. 千仞雪看着这两人,不由赞叹一声。 Oneself strike full power can receive, is truly fierce. 自己全力一击都能接下,确实厉害。 However, the secret technique that they use, brought back the Qian Renxue interest actually. 不过,他们使用的秘术,倒是勾起了千仞雪的兴趣。 Actually can promote a boundary secret technique forcefully, is truly mysterious. 竟然能够强行提升一个境界的秘术,确实玄妙。 After Titled Douluo boundary, without promotion first-level Spirit Power, is another boundary. 要知道,封号斗罗境界后,没提升一级魂力,就是另一个境界。 However, the flaw of this secret technique is also very serious. 不过,这个秘术的缺陷也很严重。 Was loses the vitality is too serious. 就是损耗生命力太严重了。 Do not look at the blood crow to be able through the mystique cultivating to promote to close to 99 levels of boundaries, but other after the effectiveness of secret technique, received backlash is huge. 别看血鸦能够通过秘法把修为提升到接近九十九级的境界,但是等秘术的时效过后,受到的反噬更是巨大。 When the time comes, feared that is the even/including cultivated/repaired to is unable to maintain, the life span also loses enormously. 到时候,怕是连原本修为都无法保持,寿命也极大损耗。 The side effect of this secret technique is very big, but has the time of danger with oneself, truly can erupt the strong might, even can turn around the situation. 这个秘术的副作用很大,但是用自己有着生命危险的时刻,确实能够爆发出强大的威力,甚至能够扭转战局。 Pitifully, disparity of Qian Renxue with them, was too big, even the loss life span, the combustion vitality promotes the boundary forcefully, is unable to level disparity. 只是可惜,千仞雪与他们之间的差距,太大了,即使损耗寿命,燃烧生命力强行提升境界,也无法抹平这其中的差距。 Do not be self-satisfied! Hateful!” “别太得意了!可恶!” Ice Emperor is unable to accept, present human strength is so unexpectedly powerful. 冰帝无法接受,眼前的这个人类实力竟然如此强大。 Although that move made her suffer the heavy losses a moment ago, but the strength of Ice Emperor as before also war. 虽然刚才那一招让她受到了重创,但是冰帝依旧还有一战之力。 I must kill you!” “我一定要杀了你!” Ice Emperor is roaring, brings cold killing intent, toward the Qian Renxue rush. 冰帝怒吼着,带着冷冽的杀意,向着千仞雪冲杀。 Burns own vitality, urges to send to the pinnacle own reality. 燃烧自己的生命力,把自身的实力催发到极致。 Ice Emperor knows, if not spell to go all-out, is ready for any sacrifice the life, otherwise oneself must fall from the sky in this. 冰帝知道,若是不拼尽全力,把性命豁出去,不然自己也得陨落于此。 She is unwilling, she has not revenged for the elder sister! 她不甘心,她还没有为姐姐报仇啊! The ice of pinnacle urges to send in the hand of Ice Emperor, changes to endless icy cold, kills toward Qian Renxue. 极致之冰在冰帝的手中催发,化作无尽的冰凌,向着千仞雪射杀。 The cold ice concentrates the sharp blade to grasp in the hand, Ice Emperor in a flash clashes before the body of Qian Renxue. 寒冰凝成利刃握在手中,冰帝转瞬间冲到了千仞雪的身前。 The advantage cuts. 居高斩下。 Tasteless struggling!” “无味的挣扎!” Qian Renxue makes noise faintly, grasps the angel Saint sword, easily kept off cutting of Ice Emperor to strike. 千仞雪淡漠出声,手持天使圣剑,轻易挡下了冰帝的斩击。 Then wields a sword to shake, the terrifying strength shakes Ice Emperor draws back hundred meters. 然后挥剑一震,恐怖的力量把冰帝震退百米。 Crow feather storm!” “鸦羽风暴!” The blood-color crow emergence makes the terrifying tornado violent, toward Qian Renxue killing. 血色的鸦羽化作恐怖的龙卷风暴,向着千仞雪扑杀而来。 Also has blood crow revering of some strengths, launched the attack. 还有着一些力气的血鸦尊者,也发动了攻击。 Really is the annoying insect!” “真是烦人的虫子!” Qian Renxue sneers, a sword wields, the golden sword glow easily cuts to break to pieces this crow feather storm. 千仞雪冷笑一声,一剑挥出,金色的剑芒轻易斩碎这道鸦羽风暴。 Innumerable blood feather everywhere scatters. 无数的血羽漫天散落。 Such being the case, you first die!” “既然如此,你就先去死吧!” In the Qian Renxue words floods is killing intent. 千仞雪的话语中充斥着杀意。 Regarding the enemy, she will end the life of opposite party without hesitation. 对于敌人,她会毫不犹豫的结束对方的生命。 The divine tool in hand, the angel Saint sword, shines the brilliance greatly, terrifying sword intent fills the space. 手中的神器,天使圣剑,大放光辉,恐怖的剑意弥漫空间。 Wiped gold/metal to cut to cut the space, pressed up to blood crow revering. 一抹金芒斩出划开了空间,直逼血鸦尊者。 Are oneself dying? 自己要死了么? Under this sword, is blood crow revering of severe wound simply does not have a strength to revolt, can only visual this sword glow fly together. 在这一剑下,已经是重伤的血鸦尊者根本没有一丝力气反抗,只能目视着这一道剑芒飞来。 Under the despair, the blood crow closed the eye, the waiting death arrived. 在绝望之下,血鸦闭上了眼睛,等待死亡降临。 Bang- 砰- That is together just like the glass shatter sound. 那是一道宛若玻璃破碎的声音。 Passed for 2-3 seconds, the blood crow discovered oneself had not died, then opened the eye. 足足过去了2-3秒,血鸦发现自己还没有死亡,便睁开了眼睛。 Own front, is situated in a beautiful form. 自己的前方,立于着一道美丽的身影。 The silver white long hair drags in the cold wind, beautiful. 银白的长发在冷风中摇曳,美丽至极。 Sees this form, on the face of blood crow revering, revealed the incomparably infatuated color. 看到这个身影,血鸦尊者的脸上,流露出了无比痴迷之色。 He kneels down hastily, incomparably makes noise excitedly. 他连忙跪下,无比激动地出声。 Welcomed the saintess Sir to arrive!” “恭迎圣女大人降临!” Chapter 641: Saintess Sir 第641章:圣女大人
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