DDTR :: Volume #7

#640: Half god! 0 Renxue terrifying!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... This sudden attack is rapid. 这突然的袭击非常迅速。 However, the response of Qian Renxue is faster. 但是,千仞雪的反应更加快速。 Puts out a hand, Spirit Power condenses, formed space force field, instantaneously attacking the ice lance controls. 伸手而出,魂力凝聚,形成的空间力场,瞬间把袭击来的冰矛控制住。 Ka ka ~ 咔咔~ This starts unable to withstand the powerful strength ten meters long giant ice lance spear's/gun's body on, tiny fissure fast spread. 这把十米之长的巨型冰矛枪身上开始承受不住强悍的力量,细小的裂痕快速的蔓延开来。 In a flash, iced the lance to change to everywhere ice fragments to scatter. 转瞬间,冰矛化作了漫天冰屑散落。 The incomparably powerful aura appears in the Qian Renxue perception area together. 一道无比强悍的气息出现在千仞雪的感知范围内。 Qian Renxue catches the eye to look, in the air of not far away, has the figure petite beautiful figure together. 千仞雪抬眼望去,不远处的空中,有着一道身形娇小的倩影。 She has a deep green long hair, the fine appearance of young girl, the unusual conditions, have to fall the meaning of all living things. 她有着一头碧绿的长发,少女的精致容颜,浑然天成,有着倾倒众生之意。 What is more fearful, her body, has the powerful strength, ice-cold, brutal, but also is flooding intense killing intent. 更加可怕的是,她的身上,有着强大的力量,冰冷,无情,还充斥着强烈的杀意。 100,000 years of soul beast, ices the blue ruler scorpion! 十万年魂兽,冰碧帝皇蝎! Qian Renxue recognizes her, this soul beast, was the Northern Polar Fields strongest soul beast, was the leader of this beast tide. 千仞雪认得她,这只魂兽,是极北之地最强的魂兽了,也是这一次兽潮的领头人。 Some time ago, Qian Renxue has also fought with this ice blue ruler scorpion, and caused heavy losses to her. 不久前,千仞雪还与这头冰碧帝皇蝎交过手,并且重创了她。 Cannot think, the injury of this soul beast, restores unexpectedly quickly such as beginning. 想不到,这头魂兽的伤势,竟然这么快就恢复如初。 Moreover, as if cultivated/repaired to go a step further. 而且,似乎修为更进一步了。 Qian Renxue can very obvious feeling, at this moment, the aura of this soul king of beasts, compared with before powerful. 千仞雪可以很明显的感受到,此刻,这个魂兽王者的气息,比起之前更加的强大。 However, this strength, somewhat seems to be strange. 但是,这股力量,似乎有些怪异。 Wild and strange, making Qian Renxue feel very uncomfortable. 狂暴而又诡异,让千仞雪感到很不舒服。 Qian Renxue can see, Ice Emperor at this moment, condition is not quite as if stable. 千仞雪能够看到,此刻的冰帝,身上的状态似乎不太稳定。 In that pupil is glittering the monster different blood glow, although the strength is strong, but does not seem able to control in the body this wild strength, overflow that Spirit Power cannot govern. 那眼眸中闪烁着妖异的血芒,虽然力量强大,但似乎无法控制身体内这股狂暴的力量,魂力治不住的溢出。 This overflow Spirit Power, but also has the scarlet blood-color indistinctly, strength incomparable evil. 这溢出的魂力,还隐约有着猩红的血色,力量无比的邪恶。 Human! Today you must be killed in this!” “人类!今天你必丧命于此!” Ice Emperor looks angrily at Qian Renxue, in the language is flooding intense killing intent. 冰帝怒视着千仞雪,语言中充斥着强烈的杀意。 This kills intent, soon must congeal the essence. 这股杀意,快要要凝结成实质。 She is unable to forget, she loses to this woman's hand, but must with the help of human, the appearance of distressed escape. 她无法忘记,自己败于这个女人之手,还得在人类的帮助下,狼狈逃命的模样。 That is the lifetime shame. 那是一生的耻辱。 Therefore, she dropped out as the self-respect of King, cooperated with despicable human. 为此,她更是抛下了身为王者的自尊,与卑劣的人类合作。 Abandoned the dignity of King, Ice Emperor obtained the unequalled strength. 抛弃了王者的尊严,冰帝得到了无与伦比的力量。 Feels within the body rushing strength, Ice Emperor now is being very self-confident. 感受着体内这股澎湃的力量,冰帝现在很是自信。 Present, strength absolutely not weakly in initial elder sister. 现在的自己,实力绝对不会弱于当初的姐姐。 Her time, must cut to kill this human woman in this, recalls the shame of initially receiving. 她这一次,一定要把这个人类女人斩杀于此,挽回当初受到的耻辱。 Floods regarding Ice Emperor that is killing the aggressive statement of intent intensely, Qian Renxue disdains to smile. 对于冰帝那充斥着强烈杀意的狠话,千仞雪不屑一笑。 Although does not know that your domestic animal why the strength will increase in such a short time, but only depends on your strength, like killing me, simply is the huge joke!” “虽然不知道你这畜生为什么会在如此短的时间内力量大增,但是仅凭你这个实力,就像杀我,简直是天大的笑话!” The strength that but, you obtain, should came from the writing skill of these mice.” “不过,你得到的这份力量,应该是来自这些老鼠们的手笔吧。” Qian Renxue looked at blood crow revering of another direction. 千仞雪把目光转向了另一个方向的血鸦尊者。 Eats the person not to spit the fellow cooperation of bone with these, is really stupid! 和这些吃人不吐骨头的家伙合作,真是愚不可及! In the Qian Renxue heart is sneering, but has not said. 千仞雪心中冷笑着,但并没有说出来。 Defeated also dares to put the crazy word greatly, today, you must bury in this world of ice and snow!” “手下败将也敢大放狂词,今天,你们都要埋葬在这冰天雪地之中!” As Qian Renxue this voice falls, a more terrifying imposing manner fills the air from her body, just like moving mountains, in a twinkling, everything may become vulnerable. 随着千仞雪这话音一落,更加恐怖的气势从她的身躯上弥漫而出,宛若排山倒海般,霎时间,地动山摇。 Acts together!” “一起出手!” Blood crow revering is shouting to Ice Emperor. 血鸦尊者对着冰帝喊道。 The strength that Qian Renxue shows, really went beyond his expectation. 千仞雪所展现的实力,实在是超出了他的预料。 If not work as one, the terrifying these really must turn into the prey from the hunter time. 若不齐心协力,恐怖这一次真的要从猎人变成猎物了。 However, obtained Ice Emperor of great power, and does not care about the words of blood crow revering. 但是,得到了强大力量的冰帝,并不在意血鸦尊者的话语。 Her soul king of beasts, how will obey the order of despicable human. 况且,她一个魂兽王者,怎么会听从卑劣人类的命令。 Extremely cold ice thorn!” “极寒冰刺!” In the eye pupil of Ice Emperor flashes through wipes the monster different blood glow, own style, acts immediately. 冰帝的眼眸中闪过一抹妖异的血芒,自己的招式,也立刻出手。 Together the empty shadow of fine beautiful crystal scorpion in Ice Emperor behind appears. 一道精致美丽的水晶蝎子的虚影在冰帝的身后显现而出。 The endless cold air punctures to condense in that sharp scorpion tail, finally eruption. 无尽的寒气在那尖锐的蝎尾刺上凝聚,最后爆发而出。 Is congealed everywhere ice thorn that by the pinnacle cold air becomes, just like the rainstorm, flies to shoot toward Qian Renxue. 由极致寒气凝结而成的漫天冰刺,宛若暴雨般,向着千仞雪飞射。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” Qian Renxue cold snort/hum, lifts hand, gushes out just like tidal Spirit Power, golden Spirit Power formed a golden Saint shield, this ice thorn keeps off. 千仞雪冷哼一声,抬手一番,宛若潮水般的魂力涌出,金色魂力形成了一个黄金圣盾,把这袭来的冰刺挡下。 While Ice Emperor launches the attack, blood crow revering also began. 冰帝发动攻击的同时,血鸦尊者也动手了。 Blood crow true body! 血鸦真身! Blood crow revering put forth own Martial Soul true body without hesitation, erupts the strongest strength. 血鸦尊者毫不犹豫的使出了自己的武魂真身,爆发出自己最强的力量。 Wing that the giant blood crow wields in the world of ice and snow, everywhere blood-color crow feather scatters under. 巨大的血鸦挥动的羽翼在冰天雪地之中,漫天的血色鸦羽散落而下。 In a twinkling, the scattered blood-color crow feather, just like one sharp bit, brings coldly kills the intention Qian Renxue to kill. 霎时间,散落的血色鸦羽,宛若一把把锋利的刀片,带着冷冽的杀意向着千仞雪袭杀。 Dower!” “小道尔!” Qian Renxue disdains to sneer, the wing of angel shakes, the invisible air wave toward turns to well up in all directions. 千仞雪不屑冷笑,天使之翼一震,无形的气浪向着四面八方翻涌而出。 The terrifying strength is powerful enough to destroy all. 恐怖的劲气足以摧毁一切。 The ice thorns of these everywhere, ice the thorn, the crow feather, shakes under this Spirit Power crushes. 那些漫天的冰刺,冰刺,鸦羽,都在这股魂力下震得粉碎。 This powerful air/Qi surge comes, Ice Emperor was shaken draws back dozens steps, the blood crow is distressed, a blood spews out from the mouth. 这股强悍的气浪涌来,冰帝被震退数十步,血鸦更是狼狈,一口鲜血从口中喷涌而出。 So to be how powerful?” “怎么会如此强大?” Blood crow some cannot believe. 血鸦有些不敢相信。 Oneself took the secret technique cultivating as to promote 97 levels of boundaries, with 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, differed also two-level. 自己以秘术把修为提升到了九十七级的境界,与九十九级的绝世斗罗,相差也不过两级。 Why disparity such big. 为什么差距如此之大。 Oneself in the hand of Peerless Douluo, including how many move of qualifications? 自己在绝世斗罗的手中,连过几招的资格都没有? If were this also even. 如果是这样也就算了。 But Ice Emperor, after obtaining presenting of saintess, the strength has endured compared with 90 nine Peerless Douluo, but she is unable to contend with Qian Renxue. 可是冰帝,在得到了圣女的馈赠后,实力已经是堪比九十九绝世斗罗,可是她都无法与千仞雪抗衡。 Why can like this? 为什么会这样? The center of storm, in everywhere ice fog, the slender slender physique, foot treads together void, goes out slowly. 风暴的中心,漫天的冰雾中,一道修长窈窕的身姿,脚踏虚空,缓缓走出。 Beautiful, noble, sacred, graceful...... 美丽,高贵,神圣,优雅...... This world all happy words, can manifest on her body. 这世间一切美好之词,都可以在她的身上体现。 So tiny strength, dares to kill this emperor, is really laughable!” “如此渺小的实力,也敢袭杀本帝,真是可笑!” Trivial mortal, dares to offend the dignity of gods!” “区区凡人,也敢冒犯神明之威严!” The Qian Renxue sound, such as the gods in space, in the golden eye pupil, have the brutal trial. 千仞雪的声音,亦如天上的神明,金色的眼眸中,带着无情的审判。 Why she knows that obviously this is a trap, but actually dares a person of one person alone to come? 为什么她明明知道这是一个陷阱,但却敢一人孤身前来? Because self-confident! 因为自信! To own strength absolute self-confident! 对自己实力的绝对自信! Inherited Qian Renxue of angel god position, although because of grandfather's reason, has not stepped into that last step. 继承了天使神位的千仞雪,虽然因为爷爷的原因,迟迟没有踏入那最后一步。 However, own strength, had achieved the Spirit Master side boundary, even stepped forward half step toward the boundary of that god. 但是,自身的实力,已经是达到了魂师的极境,甚至向着那个神之境界跨出了半步。 99 levels of Peerless Douluo boundaries, cannot fully manifest this terrifying cultivating are. 九十九级绝世斗罗境界,并不能完全体现她这一身恐怖的修为。 Present Qian Renxue, should call it...... 现在的千仞雪,应该称之为...... Half god! 半神! Qian Renxue is self-confident, now in this world, besides Ceng Yi, no one can be own rival. 千仞雪自信,现在这个世上,除了曾易以外,无人会是自己的敌手。 Even own mother, Pope Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong. 即使是自己的母亲,武魂殿教皇,比比东 These ants, do not seem clear, disparity between Peerless Douluo and ordinary douluo. 这些蝼蚁,似乎并不明白,绝世斗罗与普通斗罗之间的差距。 That cannot with the disparity that skilled of Titled Douluo can make up. 那根本不是可以用封号斗罗的熟练就可以弥补的差距。 Let alone, oneself are compared with the boundary of Peerless Douluo stronger half god! 更何况,自己是比绝世斗罗更强的半神之境! Angel domain! 天使领域! Under Qian Renxue read, is flooding the strength proliferation of gods mighty force. 千仞雪一念之下,充斥着神明伟力的力量扩散而出。 During the however several breath, the surrounding area in ten li (0.5 km), in the space is exuding golden radiance, just like Saint territory. 不过几个呼吸间,方圆十里之内,空间中都泛着金色光华,宛若圣域。 In the angel domain, that blood spirit demon, appears is incomparable tiny 在天使领域之中,那血灵魔阵,显得是无比的渺小 Is gods the domain of domain hemorrhaging crow revering, the Ice Emperor domain, fast disintegration. 属于神明的领域下血鸦尊者的领域,冰帝的领域,都在快速的瓦解。 When does not know, on Qian Renxue has been grasping a golden Saint sword. 不知何时,千仞雪手上已经握着一把黄金圣剑。 radiance of supernatural power regarding Qian Renxue, the golden long hair is calm, the makings are sacred, seems the center of the world. 神力的光华围绕着千仞雪,金色长发无风自动,气质神圣高贵,似乎就是世界的中心。 Then is revealing callously just like the gods golden eye pupil, is carefully examining these ants. 那宛若神明般的金色眼眸流露着冷酷,审视着这些蝼蚁。 The lip puts out two characters lightly. 嘴唇轻吐出两个字。 Trial!” “审判!” The next quarter, the terrifying imposing manner arrives in blood crow revering, Ice Emperor, body of that five Titled Douluo. 下一刻,恐怖气势就降临在血鸦尊者,冰帝,还有那五位封号斗罗的身上。 Under this oppression, looks like the sky to collapse general. 这股压迫下,就像是天空都要塌下来一般。 The terrifying pressure, making them breathe the incomparable difficulty. 恐怖的压力,让他们连呼吸都无比困难。 In the sky, one sparkles the golden brilliance great sword to fall. 天空中,一把闪耀着金色光辉的巨剑落下。 Also such as day punishing sword! 亦如天罚之剑! Chapter 640: Half god! Qian Renxue terrifying! 第640章:半神!千仞雪的恐怖!
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