DDTR :: Volume #7

#639: Siege! Blood spirit demon

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... The dark corner, went out of one to wear the black robe, man who could not see clearly its facial features. 黑暗的角落,走出了一位身穿黑袍,看不清其面容的男人。 Copes with your mice, this emperor is enough.” “对付你们这些老鼠,本帝一人足以。” Qian Renxue looks that this person came from the darkness, on the face revealed the color of disdaining. 千仞雪看着这人从黑暗中现身,脸上流露出了不屑之色。 „ The technology that but, you hide also is really fierce, under the nose of Spirit Hall, develops so the situation unexpectedly. “不过,你们躲藏的技术还真是厉害,竟然在武魂殿的眼皮底下,发展到这般地步。 Worthily is the mouse! ” 不愧是老鼠!” Hehe, can the praise of empress, that be possible to really be the unsurpassed glory!” “嘿嘿,能够得到女帝的赞誉,那可真是无上的荣耀!” Black robe person that is sneering just like the quiet ghost sound. 黑袍人那宛若幽鬼般的声音冷笑着。 The quick, gloomy place went out of four forms. 很快,阴暗处又走出了四位身影。 Five black robe people, surround Qian Renxue. 五个黑袍人,把千仞雪包围住。 These people, on everyone, are sending out the powerful imposing manner. 这些人,每一个人身上,都散发着强悍的气势。 Each, is Titled Douluo. 每一位,都是封号斗罗 Qian Renxue look indifferent glance, disdains saying: On your several gangs of lowlifes, dares to encircle this emperor?” 千仞雪神色淡然的扫视一圈,不屑道:“就你们几个臭鱼烂虾,也敢围剿本帝?” Of course not, as the eternity's first empress, we naturally must give your majesty your enough respect.” “当然不是,作为千古第一的女帝,我们自然要给陛下您足够的尊重。” The gloomy and cold sound conveys together. 一道阴冷的声音传来。 Qian Renxue hears the prestige to go, sees Spirit Master that wears the red robe walked. 千仞雪闻声望去,见一位身穿红袍的魂师走了出来。 The aura of this person, Spirit Power fluctuates is more intrepid, the strength should be over 95 levels Super Douluo. 此人身上的气息,魂力波动更加强悍,实力应该是九十五级以上的超级斗罗 Five primary douluo add on Super Douluo, it seems like your mouse nests, develop good.” “五位初级斗罗加上一位超级斗罗,看来你们这个老鼠窝,发展得还挺不错的啊。” Qian Renxue visual is surrounding own six people, says lightly. 千仞雪目视着包围自己的六人,开口淡淡说道。 Even facing the oppression of surrounding as well as imposing manner of six Titled Douluo, Qian Renxue as before is wind light cloud Dan, on the beautiful face has not displayed an anxiety. 即使面对六位封号斗罗的包围以及气势的压迫,千仞雪依旧是风轻云淡,美丽的脸庞上没有表现出一丝的紧张。 But, depends on you, is not the opponent of emperor.” “但是,就凭你们,还不是本帝的对手。” But, since came, Nall and other petty people, lost life in this place!” “不过,既然来了,那尔等鼠辈,就都丧身于此地吧!” As the Qian Renxue voice falls, a greatest imposing manner erupts from her body. 随着千仞雪的话音一落,一股莫大的气势从她的身躯上爆发而出。 The terrifying imposing manner started the hysterical/frenzy storm. 恐怖的气势掀起了狂乱的风暴。 Under this strength, the land is shivering. 在这股力量之下,大地都在颤动。 Spirit Ring appear from the Qian Renxue sole. 一个个魂环千仞雪的脚底显现而出。 Black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red. 黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,红,红,红。 Nine Spirit Ring, six ten thousand years of Spirit Ring that is sparkling the profound black glow, three are sparkling in addition gorgeous scarlet 100,000 years of Spirit Ring. 九个魂环,六个闪耀着深邃黑芒的万年魂环,加上三个闪耀着绚丽赤红的十万年魂环 This Spirit Ring disposes, lets siege the Qian Renxue six Titled Douluo hearts to tremble. 这个魂环配置,让围困千仞雪的六位封号斗罗都心头一颤。 The golden brilliance is born, holy ray sparkle vault of heaven. 金色的光辉降世,圣洁的光芒闪耀天穹。 Three pairs of pure white wings launch in the Qian Renxue back. 三对洁白的羽翼在千仞雪的背后展开。 Six wings wield shake, Qian Renxue flies high in the above, in the eye pupil glitters the pale gold/metal to be glorious, such as god pupil, indifferent brutal, is carefully examining world all. 六只羽翼挥动一震,千仞雪凌空于上方,眼眸中闪烁着淡金光辉,亦如神眸,冷漠无情,审视着世间一切。 Set up formation!” “布阵!” The red robe man sees that immediately is bellowing to five subordinates. 红袍男子见状,立刻对着五位手下大吼一声。 Qian Renxue of this condition, gave his oppression strength is really big. 这个状态的千仞雪,给予他的压迫力实在是太大了。 Under this powerful aura, he felt that own whole body skeleton in ka ka makes noise, the soul must be given the purification by the sacred aura. 在这股强悍的气息之下,他感到自己全身骨骼都在咔咔作响,灵魂都要被着神圣的气息给净化。 This strength, is world extremely. 这份力量,已经是世间绝顶。 Except for the saintess Sir, feared that was no one can suppress her. 除了圣女大人,怕是无人能够压制得了她。 Only can say, worthily is the Martial Soul Empire empress, inherited the title of name of angel, Gabriel douluo, Qian Family, Qian Renxue! 只能说,不愧是武魂帝国的女帝,继承了天使之名的封号,斗罗,千家,千仞雪 After five black robe douluo have been ordered, immediately disperses, nine Spirit Ring raise from the under foot, rushing Spirit Power fluctuates recklessly the audience, 五位黑袍斗罗得到命令后,立刻散开,九个魂环从脚下升起,滂湃的魂力波动肆意全场, Blood spirit demon, gets up!” “血灵魔阵,起!” After five people disperse, assumes five glow star position, the Spirit Power eruption of rushing, the color light beam shoots up to the sky just like the scarlet blood together. 五人散开后,呈五芒星站位,滂湃的魂力爆发,宛若一道赤血之色的光柱冲天而起。 Rumbling ~ 轰轰轰~ Above the land, the blood-color trace spreads unceasingly, just like fierce blood vessel. 大地之上,血色纹路不断蔓延,宛若狰狞的血管。 The surrounding area the land within several hundred meters, was being covered by the mark of scarlet blood five glow stars. 方圆几百米内的大地,都被着赤血五芒星的阵纹笼罩。 The blood-color malignant influences fill the entire dangerous places canyon, the sky falls gently, but below snow and ice, were dyed the blood-color. 血色的煞气弥漫整个冰渊峡谷,就连天空飘落而下的冰雪,都被染成了血色。 Carves the insect small technique!” “雕虫小技!” Above flies high Qian Renxue, the faint visual this strategy, the corners of the mouth row the curve that disdains together. 凌空之上的千仞雪,淡漠的目视这个阵法,嘴角划起一道不屑的弧度。 Strategy that five Titled Douluo compose, is the might is very big. 五位封号斗罗组成的阵法,却是威力很大。 However, Qian Renxue is 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, has the inheritance of god of angel. 不过,千仞雪乃是九十九级的绝世斗罗,有着天使之神的传承。 Although has not stepped into the last step. 虽然还没有踏入最后一步。 However, a strength, shakes the world sufficiently , has to endure compared with the mighty force of gods. 但是,一身力量,足以撼动天地,举手投足间,都有堪比神明的伟力。 Qian Renxue acknowledged, this strategy truly suppressed oneself some. 千仞雪承认,这个阵法确实压制了自己一些。 However, this is insufficient. 不过,这还不够。 The golden brilliance sparkles in the Qian Renxue surroundings, she at this moment, under six pure white wings wave, the invincible might is arrogant! 金色的光辉在千仞雪的周围闪耀,此刻的她,在六只纯白羽翼舞动下,神威凌人! Dower, breaks open to this emperor!” “小道尔,给本帝破开!” Qian Renxue sneers, the optional picking up palm, inexhaustible golden Spirit Power condenses in the palm. 千仞雪冷笑一声,随意的托起手掌,无穷无尽的金色魂力在手心凝聚。 This condenses the golden light ball that becomes, contains the infinite strength. 这凝聚而成的金色光球,蕴含着无穷的力量。 Fills the air but Spirit Power fluctuation, is vast just like the sea. 弥漫而出的魂力波动,宛若大海般浩瀚。 Under this terrifying Spirit Power shake, space because this strength had the visible distortion. 在这股恐怖的魂力震荡下,空间都因为这股力量发生了肉眼可见的扭曲。 The land is vibrating, the tiny fissure fills the air just like the spider web. 大地在震动,细小的裂痕宛若蛛网般弥漫开来。 Qian Renxue has not launched the attack, but unites the strength, but in filling the air of this strength, but under the remaining prestige, this blood spirit demon soon cannot support, close to collapse. 千仞雪还没有发动攻击,只是凝聚力量,但在这股力量的弥漫而出的余威下,这个血灵魔阵就快要支撑不住,临近崩溃。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Blood crow revering sees this aspect, in the heart in great surprise! 血鸦尊者见到这个局面,心中大惊! He has not expected, the Qian Renxue strength so will be unexpectedly terrorist, collaborates blood spirit demon under arrange/cloth unable to suppress her including five Titled Douluo. 他没有预料到,千仞雪的实力竟然会如此恐怖,连五位封号斗罗联手布下的血灵魔阵都无法压制住她。 Is this Peerless Douluo absolute terrifying strength? 这就是绝世斗罗的绝对恐怖实力么? Cannot make her continue to unite the strength!” “不能让她在继续凝聚力量了!” Blood crow revering clenches teeth, immediately erupts own Spirit Power, nine Spirit Ring appear, unites the strength toward the Qian Renxue attack. 血鸦尊者一咬牙,立刻爆发出自己的魂力,九个魂环显现而出,凝聚力量向着千仞雪攻击。 The scarlet blood color Spirit Power condensed a fierce terrifying blood crow, tore the space, went toward Qian Renxue killing. 赤血之色的魂力凝聚成了一头狰狞恐怖的血鸦,撕裂了空间,向着千仞雪扑杀而去。 The fishy smell ugly blood wind raids, Qian Renxue knits the brows, catches the eye to look, lifts single-handedly, a palm pats. 腥丑的血风袭来,千仞雪不由皱了皱眉,抬眼看去,一手抬起,一掌拍下。 „One side clumsy mischief-doer, rolls!” “跳梁小丑,滚一边去!” The Qian Renxue sound just like the meaning of deity, has the greatest terrifying. 千仞雪的声音宛若天神之意,带着莫大的恐怖。 Terrifying Spirit Power condensed a giant golden splendor colored glaze palm, has the greatest pressure, pats toward the blood crow that this killing came. 恐怖的魂力凝聚成了一张巨大的金辉琉璃掌,带着莫大的威压,向着这扑杀而来的血鸦拍去。 In this just like the palm of hand of deity, that blood crow is ordinary on such as a bird, like ants. 在这个宛若天神之手的手掌下,那只血鸦就如一只小鸟一般,如同蝼蚁。 However one meets, Spirit Power condenses the blood crow that becomes under this palm torn to pieces. 不过一个碰面,魂力凝聚而成的血鸦就在这一掌下支离破碎。 The form flies upside down together outside the hundred zhang (333 m). 一道身影倒飞出百丈之外。 Blood crow revering this moment figure is on the incomparably distressed, pale face, the corners of the mouth by the blood, the double pupil are being the fierce color. 血鸦尊者此刻身形是无比狼狈,苍白的脸上,嘴角以着鲜血,双眸更是狰狞之色。 Lord of the Far North, does not act at this time, when treats!” 极北之主,此时不出手,更待何时!” Do not forget among us the transaction!” “别忘了我们之间的交易!” The blood crow ignores the image, the opens the mouth shouted. 血鸦已经不顾自身形象,张口大喊。 Meanwhile, mystique of stimulation of movement, to burn vitality secret technique , to promote own cultivating to be the boundary forcefully. 同时,也催动的秘法,以燃烧自身生命力的秘术,强行提升自己的修为境界。 The blood-color flame burns on the body of blood crow, fierce blood-color traces just like the poisonous snake, spread the cheek from the neck, fierce terrifying. 血色的火焰在血鸦的身上燃烧,一道道狰狞的血色纹路宛若毒蛇般,从脖子蔓延到面颊,狰狞恐怖。 But blood crow 96 levels of Spirit Power, raised 97 levels of altitudes forcefully. 而血鸦九十六级的魂力,也强行提升到了九十七级的高度。 However, even 97 levels of cultivating are, in front of 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, still insufficiently looks. 但是,即使是九十七级的修为,在九十九级的绝世斗罗面前,也是不够看。 Let alone, Qian Renxue is half god. 更何况,千仞雪已是半神。 Also some people?” “还有人?” Qian Renxue is somewhat surprised. 千仞雪有些惊讶。 The next quarter, the temperature in space, becomes cold, even the air soon freezes. 下一刻,空间中的温度,变得更加的寒冷,连空气都快要冻结。 Under pinnacle ice-cold, contains cold killing intent. 极致的冰冷下,蕴含着冷冽的杀意。 Iced the lance to tear the space together, in an instant before approached the body of Qian Renxue . 一道冰矛撕裂了空间,转眼间就临近了千仞雪的身前。 Chapter 639: Siege! Blood spirit demon 第639章:围困!血灵魔阵
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