DDTR :: Volume #7

#638: Real goal!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Ceng Yi looks at the beast tide to retreat, then has turned around, looks to Martial Soul Empire snake lance douluo, punctures suckling pig douluo two people, opens the mouth saying: Two elders, you can report to your this beast moist crisis, has solved successfully, from now on their not again visit human territory.” 曾易望着兽潮退去,便转过身,看向武魂帝国的蛇矛斗罗,刺豚斗罗两人,开口道:“两位长老,你们可以向你们陛下报告,这场的兽潮危机,已经成功解决,今后它们也不会再来访人类疆土。” The snake lance and thorn suckling pig they have not sobered from the situation, hears the Ceng Yi sound, immediately recovers. 蛇矛与刺豚两人还没有从刚才的情形中清醒过来,听到曾易的声音,立刻回过神来。 Two people some cannot believe looks at Ceng Yi. 两人有些不敢相信的看着曾易 „Do this words take seriously?” “此话当真?” Ceng Yi nods , to continue saying: That is natural!” 曾易点了点头,继续说道:“那是自然!” This, but the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, in other words, was a moment ago the eldest child of that flock of soul beasts, you are untrustworthy I, has not believed words that she spoke?” “这位可是极北之地的君主,换句话说,就是刚才那群魂兽的老大,你们信不过我,难道还不相信她说的话吗?” Ceng Yi referred to Snow Emperor. 曾易指了指身旁的雪帝 Snake lance douluo and thorn suckling pig douluo two people looked to this mysterious woman, in the heart raised the difficult situation. 蛇矛斗罗与刺豚斗罗两人看向这位神秘的女人,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Not only they, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing two people have not thought, can be such result. 不仅他们,就连宁荣荣,朱竹清两人都没有想到,会是这样的结果。 Originally, cultivate/repair to have they come this, actually what kind of situation happen to can examine own strength. 本来,修为有成的她们来此,正好可以检验一下自己的实力究竟何等地步。 Thinking, to have a full fight. 想着,会有一场酣畅淋漓的战斗。 But, but a surface had finished. 可是呢,只是过个面就结束了。 This makes them suspect, oneself comes here significance, is actually what? 这让她们不由怀疑,自己来这里的意义,究竟是什么? Your this bastard, why has this matter not to tell us earlier!” “你这个混蛋,有这种事干嘛不早点告诉我们啊!” Ning Rongrong very angry is staring Ceng Yi. 宁荣荣很是气恼的瞪着曾易 Ceng Yi shrugs, innocent saying: But, you have not asked me.” 曾易耸了耸肩,无辜的说道:“可是,你们也没问我了。” Said again, I told you, does not need with coming, is you must come good.” “再说了,我都跟你们说了,没有必要跟来,是你们自己非要过来的好吧。” That Zhuqing ninth Spirit Ring what to do?” “那竹清的第九魂环咋办?” Ning Rongrong this issue, makes Ceng Yi stare actually. 宁荣荣这个问题,倒是让曾易不由一愣。 He looked at one side quiet Zhu Zhuqing, looks at Snow Emperor. 他看了看一旁沉默寡言的朱竹清,又把目光转向雪帝 Un, this truly is an issue. 嗯,这确实是一个问题啊。 After all her eighth Spirit Ring was 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, ninth Spirit Ring made Zhu Zhuqing look for ten thousand years of Spirit Ring to use casually, she will definitely not want. 毕竟她的第八魂环就是十万年魂环了,第九魂环朱竹清随便找一个万年魂环用一下,她肯定不会愿意。 However, Snow Emperor is the Northern Polar Fields eldest child, 但是,雪帝又是极北之地的老大, Also is unlikely to let Snow Emperor in own territory, chooses a subordinate to give Zhu Zhuqing, when Spirit Ring? 也不太可能让雪帝在自己的领地上,挑选一个手下给朱竹清魂环吧? Oh, therefore , cultivation system of Spirit Master, but also is really troublesome. 唉,所以说,魂师的修炼体系,还真是麻烦啊。 This, I will try to find the solution.” “这个嘛,我会想办法的。” Ceng Yi was saying to Zhu Zhuqing. 曾易对着朱竹清说道。 Really is not good, east oneself can bring Zhu Zhuqing to go to leave the Sword God palace, there Spirit Ring is not valuable, is the god bestows, so long as the talent is good enough, 100,000 years of Spirit Ring does not ask for money to be the same simply. 实在不行,自己可以带朱竹清去东离剑神宫,那里的魂环不值钱,都是神赐,只要天赋足够好,十万年魂环简直是不要钱一样。 The soul beast crisis retreats, human here army and Spirit Master, although some doubts, but can pass this crisis safely, that is huge was lucky. 魂兽危机退去,人类这边的军队和魂师虽然有些疑惑,但是能够平安度过这一次危机,那已经是天大的幸运了。 The soul beast retreats, dangerous places city, starts the released condition. 魂兽退去,冰渊城这边,也开始解除战备状态。 After the people diverge, Ceng Yi looks to treat the colossus side Snow Emperor, the corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. 人都散去后,曾易看着待在雪帝身边的这头庞然大物,嘴角不由抽了抽。 I said, you don't want to bring it in the side?” “我说,你不会想把它一直带在身边吧?” „Did you say little white?, I will not make it leave.” “你说小白?不会的,我会让它离开。” Snow Emperor touched little white that furry hair, said to Ceng Yi. 雪帝摸了摸小白那毛茸茸的毛发,对曾易说道。 little white has not followed to leave in the soul beast tide together, but kept the Snow Emperor side. 小白并没有跟在魂兽潮一起离开,而是留在了雪帝的身边。 Cannot think that your unexpectedly 100,000 years of soul beasts work as the pet, is really the power and prestige, not like my family silly cat.” “想不到啊,你竟然有十万年魂兽当宠物,真是威风,不像我家这头傻猫。” Saying that Ceng Yi envies very much, although this ice bear imposing manner was very a moment ago terrorist, but after restraining the imposing manner, the somewhat gruff makings, are very unexpectedly lovable. 曾易很是羡慕的说道,虽然刚才这头冰熊气势很恐怖,不过收敛起气势之后,竟然有些憨憨的气质,很是可爱。 Xiao Ju is small! Later will be definitely stronger than this big polar bear!” 小菊只是还小!以后肯定会比这头大白熊更强的!” Saying that nearby Ning Rongrong some are not convinced, but Xiao Ju is lying in her top of the head. 一旁的宁荣荣有些不服气的说道,而小菊正趴在她的头顶上。 You said is right? Xiao Ju.” “你说对不对?小菊。” Meow ~ “喵~” Xiao Ju very user-friendly response in Ning Rongrong top of the head she. 宁荣荣头顶上的小菊很是人性化的回应她。 Ceng Yi hehe smiles, looks the small kitty that oneself raise. 曾易呵呵一笑,看着自己养的这头小猫咪。 After oneself want to look actually it becomes 100,000 years of soul beast, turning into person is actually what appearance. 自己倒是想看它成为十万年魂兽后,变成人型究竟是什么样子。 However, this process was too long, the soul beast like human, cannot grow rapidly. 不过,这个过程太长了,魂兽不像人类一样,可以快速的成长。 Plants as the immortal, even if there is rich resources, the world magical things swallow to quenching itself, the soul beast wants to grow is 100,000 years of rank, takes several thousand years. 作为长生种,哪怕是有着丰厚的资源,天地灵物吞噬淬炼自身,魂兽想要成长为十万年级别,也需要几千年的时间。 Strange, how to ice that fellow not with you in the same place?” “奇怪,怎么冰儿那家伙没有跟你在一起?” Snow Emperor is asking to little white, has doubts. 雪帝对着小白问道,不禁疑惑起来。 Oneself in this period of time, cannot gather Northern Polar Fields all soul beasts, only then ice she can sit. 自己不在这段时间里,能够聚集极北之地的所有魂兽,也只有冰儿她能够坐到。 But in she actually no longer beast tide. 但她却不再刚才的兽潮之中。 But, was hearing little white with that moment that the soul beast language passes message, the Snow Emperor complexion suddenly changes. 可是,在听到了小白用魂兽语传音的那一刻,雪帝的脸色骤然一变。 What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” Ceng Yi noticed the change of Snow Emperor expression, then asked. 曾易注意到了雪帝表情的变化,便问道。 Snow Emperor looks to Ceng Yi, stern-faced said: „ In this beast tide, there is a human influence in the promoter! 雪帝看向曾易,一脸凝重道:“这场兽潮中,有人类势力在推手! Moreover, ice is besieging a human with these human to the powerhouse. ” 而且,冰儿与那些人类正在围攻一位人类至强者。” What!” “什么!” Ceng Yi hears this saying, the complexion big change. 曾易听到这话,脸色大变。 Words that spoke, today's soul beast also to attract the attention of human army, actually the true goal is for another person. 这么说的话,今天的魂兽也不过是为了吸引人类军队的注意,其实真正的目的是为了另一个人。 The real goal, Ceng Yi naturally is clear about anyone. 真正的目标,曾易自然清楚谁。 It is not the Martial Soul Empire empress, Qian Renxue, but who can also have? 不是武魂帝国的女帝,千仞雪,还能有何人? Ice in Snow Emperor mouth, Ceng Yi also knows, she is the Snow Emperor younger sister, Ice Emperor Northern Polar Fields three King. 雪帝口中的冰儿,曾易也知晓,她是雪帝的妹妹,极北之地三位王者之一的冰帝 But these mysterious human Spirit Master. 而那些神秘的人类魂师 Really, the back of this matter, there are meddling of these evil Spirit Master. 果然,这件事的背后,有那些邪魂师的插手。 They united Ice Emperor, uses the hatred of Ice Emperor to human, to the Martial Soul Empire empress, Qian Renxue starts. 他们联合了冰帝,利用冰帝对人类的仇恨,对武魂帝国的女帝,千仞雪下手。 So long as removed Qian Renxue, without Qian Renxue this 99 levels of Peerless Douluo assumes the frontline to the powerhouse. 只要除掉了千仞雪,没有千仞雪这位九十九级绝世斗罗的至强者坐镇前线。 Then, these human armies and Spirit Master of dangerous places city, are not possible to block the attack of soul beast. 那么,冰渊城的这些人类军队与魂师,是不可能挡得住魂兽的攻击。 No wonder, Qian Renxue was not in the dangerous places city over the two days. 难怪,千仞雪这两天不在冰渊城里。 Then, Ceng Yi cleared off the mentality quickly. 这下,曾易很快就理清了思路。 The Qian Renxue present situation, is very dangerous. 千仞雪现在的处境,很危险。 Leads me to go quickly!” “快带我去!” Nearby Zhu Zhuqing, Shui Bing'er and the others, two people responses to Ceng Yi and Snow Emperor, are confused. 一旁的朱竹清,水冰儿等人,对曾易雪帝两人的反应,都一头雾水。 Ceng Yi, what happened?” Zhu Zhuqing concerned asking. 曾易,发生什么事情了?”朱竹清关切的问道。 Ceng Yi looks at these people, said: You in the dangerous places city I, my something need to process!” 曾易看着这几人,说道:“你们在冰渊城等我吧,我有些事情需要去处理!” Then, Ceng Yi has not waited for Zhu Zhuqing they to speak, adds a beast with the Snow Emperor two people, flies toward the horizon. 说完,曾易还没等朱竹清她们说话,就与雪帝二人加一兽,向着天际飞去。 This lets want to query what happened Ning Rongrong several people, cannot respond. 这让想问清发生什么事的宁荣荣几人,都反应不过来。 This fellow, Zhuqing, we also had a look with the past.” “这家伙,竹清,我们也跟过去看看。” Very much Ning Rongrong worries wants with. 宁荣荣很是着急的就想跟上去。 However Zhu Zhuqing actually held on her, said: We cannot catch up, believes him.” 但是朱竹清却拉住了她,说道:“我们追不上的,相信他吧。” Ning Rongrong is looking at each other eye pupil of Zhu Zhuqing, hesitant several, then stamping the feet of bitterly. 宁荣荣对视着朱竹清的眼眸,犹豫几番,然后恨恨的跺了跺脚。 ....................... ....................... Northern Polar Fields deep place. 极北之地深处。 In a dangerous places canyon, the ice cold cold wind howls in the rift valley, the sound just like the evil spirit to call out, making people feel scalp tingles. 一处冰渊峡谷之中,冰寒的冷风在裂谷中呼啸,声音犹如厉鬼在嚎叫,让人感到头皮发麻。 Here, the temperature lowers to the pinnacle, the snowflake waves in the cold wind. 这里,温度低到极致,雪花在寒风中舞动。 The dim environment, just like the dangerous places hell. 昏暗的环境,犹如冰渊地狱。 The slender clear long leg steps, foot treads in the freezing land, dá dá the clear echo passes on the sound in the canyon, the atmosphere incomparable silence. 修长圆润的长腿迈动,脚踏在冰冻的大地上,哒哒清脆的回音在峡谷中传响,气氛无比的寂静。 That is together the physique of peerless grace and talent. 那是一道风华绝代的身姿。 The golden color throws over along the straight long hair after behind, seems glittering the light golden ray. 金色顺直的长发披在身后,似乎闪烁着淡淡金色的光芒。 Now, the snow gets down very greatly. 现在,雪下得很大。 However, the snowflake that this everywhere dances in the breeze, actually no piece can fall to her body. 但是,这漫天飘舞的雪花,却没有一片能够落到她的身上。 In this is full in the deathly stillness dangerous places hell, she just like gods, leads the way alone, in this desperate world, brings the ray of hope. 在这充满着死寂的冰渊地狱中,她宛若一尊神明,独自前行,在这绝望的世界中,带来希望之光。 Empress, Qian Renxue! 女帝,千仞雪 Before long, Qian Renxue stopped the footsteps, stands in this dangerous places canyon, look indifferent is observing the situation the surroundings. 不一会儿,千仞雪停下了脚步,站在这冰渊峡谷中,神色淡然的环视着周围。 Comes out, you do not hope that this emperor does come this?” “出来吧,你们不是希望本帝来此?” This emperor had arrived, why your petty people are hiding.” “本帝已经到了,你们这些鼠辈何必在躲躲藏藏。” Qian Renxue is staring just like the abyss canyon, said lightly. 千仞雪凝视着宛若深渊般的峡谷,淡淡说出。 In the tone, has the self-confidence of looking disdainfully world. 语气中,更是有着睥睨天下的自信。 Jie Jie ~, worthily is the eternity's first empress! Knows perfectly well is the trap, but also dares one person to come, this courage, is really makes one admire!” “桀桀~,不愧是千古第一的女帝!明知是陷阱,还敢一人前来,这份胆魄,实在是令人佩服!” Chapter 638: Real goal! 第638章:真正的目标!
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