DDTR :: Volume #7

#637: Snow Emperor regains consciousness, the beast tide retreats!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... This familiar aura!” “这熟悉的气息!” In this tense time, suddenly, wisp of ice fog fills the air from Martial Soul mist Hikido of Ceng Yi waist. 就在这紧张的时刻,突然间,一缕冰雾从曾易腰间的武魂岚切上弥漫而出。 Ice-cold of that pinnacle, making periphery everyone hit to tremble. 那极致的冰冷,让周围所有人都不由打了个寒颤。 Too cold, as if even the soul must be frozen. 太冷了,仿佛连灵魂都要被冻结。 This is......” “这是......” Some Ceng Yi pleasant surprises look at oneself Martial Soul, he felt, in Martial Soul, that huge strength is regaining consciousness. 曾易有些惊喜的看着自己的武魂,他感受到了,武魂之中,那股庞大的力量正在苏醒。 Quick, these fill the air, but the ice fog from the sky condensed the wonderful graceful slender figure. 很快,这些弥漫而出的冰雾在空中凝聚成了妙曼窈窕的身形。 Is the snow elder sister!” “是雪姐姐!” Yan Que somewhat joyful looks to come to Ice and Snow Maiden that. 言雀有些欣喜的看着现身的冰天雪女 How can be she?” “怎么会是她?” But nearby Shui Bing'er, after seeing clearly the Snow Emperor appearance, the whole person was shocked. 而一旁的水冰儿,看清了雪帝的容貌之后,整个人都愣住了。 She may remember that who at present this just like the female of snow and ice goddess is. 她可记得眼前这个宛若冰雪女神的女子是谁。 Northern Polar Fields monarchy, Ice and Snow Maiden, Snow Emperor! 极北之地的君主,冰天雪女,雪帝 Initially, she personally saw the fight of Ceng Yi and this extremely north monarchy. 当初,她可是亲眼看见曾易与这位极北君主的战斗。 Didn't she die? 她不是死了吗? How to follow in the Ceng Yi side? 怎么会跟在曾易的身边? Shui Bing'er has doubts very much. 水冰儿很是疑惑。 But Snow Emperor regains consciousness to come, the terrifying imposing manner of shows, besides Ceng Yi, making everyone feel to tremble. 雪帝苏醒现身,所展现出的恐怖气势,除了曾易之外,让所有人都感到颤栗。 The innumerable soul beast of opposite not far away, under the imposing manner of Snow Emperor that terrifying, becomes the incomparable flurry. 就连对面不远处的无数魂兽,在雪帝那恐怖的气势下,都变得无比的慌乱。 That came from the absolute suppression in bloodlines. 那是来自血脉之中的绝对压制。 Except that four 100,000 years cultivates for beside king of beasts, other soul beasts, all bend down to kneel, submits to under this pressure. 除了四尊十万年修为的兽王之外,其余魂兽,无一不俯身跪地,在这股威压下臣服。 Snow Emperor! Are you such possibly also living?” 雪帝!你这么可能还活着?” Hundred meters big, sees after demon god Snow Titan Demon King again Snow Emperor appeared, that pair like the solar eye stares the big eldest child, damn same look. 百米之高大,宛若魔神般的泰坦雪魔王再看见了雪帝出现后,那双如太阳般的眼睛瞪大老大,一副见了鬼一样的神色。 Snow Emperor, has not died unexpectedly! 雪帝,竟然没有死! Snow Titan Demon King? Does your white hair monkey, do here?” 泰坦雪魔王?你这白毛猴子,在这里干什么?” Snow Emperor hears sound looks, 雪帝闻声看去, Sees Snow Titan Demon King this familiar old friend, then the wrinkle asked. 看见泰坦雪魔王这个熟悉的老朋友,便皱纹问道。 She who just regained consciousness, too did not understand that the present situation is anything. 刚刚苏醒的她,并不太了解现在的情况是什么回事。 However, she observed the situation an ambient condition, in the heart also understood a general idea. 不过,她环视了一圈周围情况,心中也了解了个大概。 It seems like that oneself not in these days, the Northern Polar Fields soul beast, starts to conduct the battle with human. 看来,自己不在的这段时间,极北之地的魂兽,开始与人类进行争斗。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Snow Emperor has turned around, the pupil light looks to Ceng Yi, inquired to him. 雪帝转过身,眸光望向曾易,向他询问。 Ceng Yi has not concealed, through the intention exchange, told the whole story of Snow Emperor matter. 曾易也没有隐瞒,通过心念交流,告诉了雪帝事情的原委。 Because Ceng Yi finished after the fight of Bo Saixi before again, cultivates has broken through for on. 因为之前曾易再与波塞西的战斗结束后,修为上有所突破。 As sword spirit Snow Emperor, because of the Ceng Yi reason, cultivated/repaired to also break through the original boundary, thus fell into the deep sleep, has regained consciousness to the present. 作为剑灵的雪帝,因为曾易的原因,修为也突破了原本的境界,从而陷入了沉睡,一直到现在才苏醒。 Knows the after whole story of matter, the Snow Emperor complexion also becomes ugly. 知道了事情的原委后,雪帝的脸色也变得难看起来。 But in a while time that Snow Emperor and Ceng Yi exchange, that side soul beast, a king of beasts rapid throws toward Snow Emperor. 而在雪帝曾易交流的这一会儿时间,魂兽那边,一头兽王迅速的向着雪帝扑来。 100,000 years cultivates for king of beasts, its speed is so quick, but suddenly, before that huge body approaches the Snow Emperor body . 十万年修为的兽王,其速度是何等之快,不过眨眼间,那庞大的身躯就临近雪帝身前。 Snow elder sister was careful!” “雪姐姐小心!” Sees this, nearby Ning Rongrong hurries to make noise to remind Snow Emperor. 看到这一幕,一旁的宁荣荣赶紧出声提醒雪帝 Even if she knows that the Snow Emperor strength is very strong, but was sneak attacked the successful words by 100,000 years of soul beast, must receive very big injury. 哪怕她知道雪帝的实力很强,但是被十万年魂兽偷袭成功的话,也要受到很大的伤害。 However, the next quarter, present, making them dumbfounded. 但是,下一刻,眼前的这一幕,让她们傻眼了。 Before also looked incomparably fierce, just like extinguishing the king of beasts of the world demon bear, in front of Snow Emperor, appeared the incomparable cleverness. 之前还看起来无比凶恶,宛若灭世魔熊的兽王,在雪帝面前,显得无比的乖巧。 This picture saw, is similar to the lovable puppy to squat in the front of master. 这副画面看见了,就如同一直可爱的小狗蹲在主人的面前。 This...... 这...... The tearing feeling of picture, making them the thought somewhat unable to turn around suddenly. 画面的撕裂感,让她们一时间思想有些转不过来。 little white.” “小白。” Snow Emperor looks north the own present huge side the ice bear, on the face of glazed frost also revealed to wipe the light smile. 雪帝看着自己眼前的这头庞大的极北冰熊,凝霜的脸上也流露出了一抹淡淡的微笑。 She extended continuously the white hands, but very much present giant ice bear also coordinates low head. 她伸出了一直玉手,而眼前的这头巨大冰熊也很是配合的低下了头颅。 Snow Emperor touched little white that soft hair, on the face is revealing wiped, helpless the color, got angry saying: Your this fellow, follows to disturb!” 雪帝抚摸着小白那柔软的毛发,脸上露出了一抹无奈之色,嗔怒道:“你这家伙,怎么也跟着来捣乱!” Facing angry of Snow Emperor, little white raised the head, using the innocent look to visit her. 面对雪帝的气恼,小白抬头,用着无辜的眼神看着她。 Snow elder sister, you how......” “雪姐姐,你怎么......” Saw that this fierce powerful 100,000 years of soul beast is so docile in front of Snow Emperor, Ning Rongrong cannot bear ask. 见到这头凶猛强大的十万年魂兽在雪帝面前如此温顺,宁荣荣忍不住问道。 Sees Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people approaches, little white trades a aggressive imposing manner immediately, is roaring to two people. 宁荣荣朱竹清两人逼近,小白立刻换了一副凶悍的气势,对着两人怒吼一声。 little white, they are the friends, receives your temperament.” “小白,她们是朋友,收起你的脾气。” Sees little white temperament rebellion to get up, Snow Emperor comforts to say immediately, was saying to them: It called little white, was the friend of mine.” 见小白脾气暴动起来,雪帝立刻安抚道,然后对着她们说:“它叫小白,是我的朋友。” This extremely north ice bear, is actually the pet that Snow Emperor raises. 这一头极北冰熊,其实是雪帝养的宠物。 little white in childhood, was adopted by Snow Emperor, has accompanied side Snow Emperor, under the asylum and resources of Snow Emperor, the growth is a first 100,000 years of soul beast. 小白小时候,就被雪帝收养,一直陪在雪帝身边,在雪帝的庇护和资源下,成长为一头十万年魂兽。 Friend?” “朋友?” Zhu Zhuqing and the others are very strange, Snow Emperor unexpectedly and 100,000 years of soul beast is a friend. 朱竹清等人很是奇怪,雪帝竟然和十万年魂兽是朋友。 Moreover, in front of Snow Emperor, other 100,000 years of soul beasts, as if dreaded to her. 而且,在雪帝面前,其他的十万年魂兽,似乎对她都非常忌惮。 I have not as if told you, flurry beforehand status, but the Northern Polar Fields monarchy is coming.” “我似乎还没有跟你们说过,小雪之前的身份,可是极北之地的君主来着。” At this time, Ceng Yi walked, was saying to them with a smile. 这时,曾易走了出来,对着她们笑着说道。 Northern Polar Fields monarchy!” 极北之地的君主!” Hears Ceng Yi these words, the surroundings person besides the Shui Bing'er sisters, has a scare. 听到曾易这句话,周围人除了水冰儿姐妹之外,都吓了一大跳。 But Ceng Yi speech time, Snow Titan Demon King that another side trembles also noticed existence of Ceng Yi. 曾易说话的时候,另一边瑟瑟发抖的泰坦雪魔王也注意到了曾易的存在。 The time, Snow Titan Demon King at that moment, as if the heart must stop beating. 顿时间,泰坦雪魔王那一刻,似乎心脏都要停止跳动。 The Ceng Yi facial features, it may be too familiar! 曾易的面容,它可太熟悉了! That almost wanted human of its short remaining life, the right arm that a sword that whenever thought about that terrifying, its broke pained. 那是差一点要了它老命的人类,每当想起那恐怖的一剑,它那断去的右臂就隐隐作痛。 That moment that Snow Emperor presents, it actually fortunately, compared with Snow Emperor is also the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, everyone is the soul beast, not to it how. 雪帝出现的那一刻,它其实还好,比较雪帝也是极北之地的君主,大家都是魂兽,也不会对它怎么样。 However, this person comes, Snow Titan Demon King could not halt. 但是,这个人现身,泰坦雪魔王就站不住了。 Then just like the tower column influential or powerful person, is trembling. 那宛若塔柱般的粗腿,都在颤栗。 It wants to flee this place immediately. 它想立刻逃离此地。 However, it discovered that person of vision has fallen on own body, the corners of the mouth also brought to wipe the partly visible happy expression. 但是,它发现,那人的目光已经落在了自己的身上,嘴角还带着一抹若隐若现的笑意。 It seems like ridiculing itself. 似乎是在嘲弄自己。 But, by his moment of vision gaze, Snow Titan Demon King was being discovered, own body in that flash, was given to blow by the invisible strength, the whole body cannot move. 可是,在被他的目光注视的那一刻,泰坦雪魔王发现,自己的身体在那一瞬间,被无形的力量给镇住,浑身动弹不得。 Snow Emperor looks at Ceng Yi, opens the mouth saying: How do you want to solve this matter?” 雪帝看着曾易,开口道:“你想要如何解决这件事?” Now, Ceng Yi takes own master, she spirits as the sword, can only obey the order of Ceng Yi. 现在,曾易作为自己的主人,她身为剑灵,只能听从曾易的命令。 Even if she as the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, once were soul beast she, is not naturally able to look on that present these soul beasts assign/life the mourning in this. 即使她作为极北之地的君主,曾经身为魂兽一员的她,自然也无法坐视眼前的这些魂兽都命丧于此。 Therefore, in Snow Emperor words, has meaning of the adjuration. 所以,雪帝的话语中,也有着一些恳请之意。 Ceng Yi also knows that the meaning of Snow Emperor let alone, he does not want to be ruthless to the soul beasts. 曾易也知道雪帝的意思更何况,他也并不想对魂兽们赶尽杀绝。 Except for looking in the Snow Emperor face, human Spirit Master, their practicing must need Spirit Ring of soul beast to work. 除了看在雪帝的面子上,还有人类魂师,他们的修行还得需要魂兽的魂环才能进行下去。 If cleaned up these soul beasts, then soul beast scarce endangered, that will also affect practicing of human Spirit Master. 若是把这些魂兽都清理了,那么魂兽稀少濒危,那也将影响人类魂师的修行。 This is human Spirit Master is unable to accept. 这是人类魂师无法接受的。 Makes them retreat, be not invading one's territory the human territory.” “让它们退去,别在来犯人类疆土了。” After hearing Ceng Yi these words, in the Snow Emperor heart relaxes, then ordered to numerous soul beasts, to north the status of monarchy, assign/life them to return Northern Polar Fields extremely. 听到曾易这句话后,雪帝心中不由松了口气,然后面向众多魂兽下令,以极北君主的身份,命它们退回极北之地 Under the Snow Emperor pressure, the innumerable soul beasts, just like tidal retreat. 雪帝的威压之下,无数的魂兽,宛若潮水般退却。 This picture, lets prepare the human army of life-and-death fight, Spirit Master, looked stupidly. 这个画面,让已经准备好生死之战的人类军队,魂师们,都看傻了。 This beast tide, without the loss soldier, successfully makes the soul beast retreat time unexpectedly. 这一次的兽潮,竟然没有损失一兵一卒,就成功让魂兽退去。 This also too magic! 这也太魔幻了吧! Chapter 637: Snow Emperor regains consciousness, the beast tide retreats! 第637章:雪帝苏醒,兽潮退去!
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