DDTR :: Volume #7

#636: The war will get up

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... The dangerous places city as the first defense line of human resistance soul beast invasion, is rich with the experience of soul beast combat, skilled. 冰渊城作为人类抵御魂兽入侵的第一道防线,与魂兽作战的经验非常丰富,熟练。 After learning of news of soul beast invasion, each unit reacted quickly. 在得知魂兽入侵的消息之后,各个单位都很快做出了反应。 After dozen minutes, outside the dangerous places city gate, all armies have been ready in full battle array. 十几分钟之后,冰渊城门外,所有部队都已经严阵以待。 The above of dangerous places city that steel city wall, in the air, stood erect several person's shadows, on their faces revealed the dignified color. 冰渊城那钢铁城墙的上方,空中,也屹立了数位人影,他们脸上都流露出了凝重之色。 Before dangerous places city, that say/way just like the abyss dangerous places rift valley, looking like the natural moat is together common, gives to guard the person in this city, incomparably full security sense and self-confidence. 冰渊城前,那道宛若深渊般的冰渊裂谷,就像是一道天堑一般,给予守卫此城的人,无比充分的安全感与自信心。 Although the beast tide did not have attacking army has reached the city. 虽然兽潮还没有兵临城下。 But in the space, has the ominous severe beast roar to transmit following the cold cold wind indistinctly. 但空间中,隐约有着凶厉的兽吼顺着冷冽的寒风传来。 Stands the soldier in dozens meters high steel city wall, has been able to see, the distant front, had presented a black horizon, is turning toward the dangerous places city to be close fast. 站在几十米高的钢铁城墙上的士兵,已经能够看到,远远的前方,已经出现了一道黑色的地平线,正在向着冰渊城快速接近。 Innumerable soul beast accumulation, that ominous severe malignant influences direct impact horizon, above naked eye objective sky the air/Qi of that dense evil spirit. 无数魂兽聚集,那凶厉的煞气直冲天际,肉眼客观天空之上那黑压压的凶煞之气。 The space becomes constraining extremely, the heavy atmosphere presses above the heart of everyone. 空间变得极其的压抑,沉重的气氛压在每一个人的心头之上。 Damn, how this beast tide will come so rapidly!” “该死,这一次兽潮怎么会来得如此迅速!” Moreover, these looks like time, compared with before, terrifying.” A Titled Douluo vision dignified looks that the soul beast threatens the border the direction that comes. “而且,这一次看来,比起之前,更加的恐怖。”一位封号斗罗目光凝重的看着魂兽压境而来的方向。 Has experienced him of several beast tide attacks, feels the so huge pressure for the first time. 经历过好几次的兽潮袭击的他,还是第一次感受到如此庞大的压力。 Your majesty?” “陛下呢?” Your majesty is not in the city, she two days ago left the dangerous places city, has not come back.” “陛下不在城中,她两天前就离开了冰渊城,还没有回来。” Your majesty not in? How at this critical moment!” “陛下不在?怎么会在这个关键时刻!” After several Titled Douluo on sky hear this news, the mood becomes heavy. 天空上的几位封号斗罗听到这个消息后,心情变得更加的沉重。 If empress here, even this beast tide again how fierce, in empress that just like the strength of gods, is still merely mediocre. 若是女帝在此,即使这兽潮再如何凶猛,在女帝那宛若神明的力量之下,也不过尔尔。 However, if the empress is not, depending on their several, facing the so terrifying beast tide, is very difficult to keep off. 但是,若女帝不在,仅凭他们几个,面对这般恐怖的兽潮,很难挡下来。 After all, in this beast tide, cannot have to cultivate/repair in three 100,000 years for above soul king of beasts absolutely. 毕竟,这兽潮中,绝对有着不下于三尊十万年修为以上的魂兽王者。 - 唰唰- Several sounds resound in the space air-splitting, 几道破空声在空间里响起, Several person's shadows also appeared in the dangerous places city gate above. 几道人影也出现在了冰渊城门的上方。 Who are you?” “你们是谁?” Suddenly presented several strange Spirit Master, let guard in several Titled Douluo hearts of dangerous places city in great surprise. 突然出现了的几个陌生魂师,让守卫冰渊城的几位封号斗罗心中大惊。 These appearances seem like very young Spirit Master, but can by the Spirit Power governing spatial flight, then cultivates for the boundary at least is the Spirit Douluo boundary. 这几个面相看起来很年轻的魂师,但能够以魂力御空飞行,那么修为境界至少是魂斗罗境界。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, comes to this aid dangerous places city.” 七宝琉璃宗,来此援助冰渊城。” Ning Rongrong looks at not far away these Titled Douluo, light exposed own origin. 宁荣荣看着不远处这几位封号斗罗,平淡的曝出了自己的来历。 Originally is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect friend, that may really help busy.” “原来是七宝琉璃宗的朋友,那可真是帮大忙了。” This place confers a title upon, snake lance!” “本座封号,蛇矛!” Punctures the suckling pig!” “刺豚!” ...... ...... Four Titled Douluo, said oneself given name toward Ceng Yi several people. 四位封号斗罗,向着曾易几人说出自己的名号。 Their several people, is primary Titled Douluo, no one's cultivating is over 95 levels. 他们几人,也不过是初级封号斗罗,没有一人的修为是超过九十五级的。 Only depending on their several people, is irresistibly the attacks of over three soul king of beasts. 仅凭他们几人,是无法抵抗三位以上的魂兽王者的攻击。 However, if there is a Spirit Master help of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, that was different. 但是,若有了七宝琉璃宗魂师帮助,那就不一样了。 After all, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect inheritance Martial Soul, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda does not have unearned reputation. 毕竟,七宝琉璃宗的传承武魂,七宝琉璃塔可不是浪得虚名。 So long as there is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit Master of Spirit Saint rank, that turns around the situation sufficiently. 只要有一位魂圣级别的七宝琉璃塔魂师,那就足以扭转战局。 At least, defends this beast tide, basic no issue. 至少,守住这一次兽潮,基本没有什么问题。 Originally is the snake lance elder, punctures the suckling pig elder two people, is really long time no see, hehe.” “原来是蛇矛长老,刺豚长老两人啊,真是好久不见了,呵呵。” On the Ceng Yi face has the light happy expression, is greeting to two douluo. 曾易脸上带着淡淡的笑意,对着两位斗罗打了个招呼。 Ceng Yi remembers their two people, Qian Renxue still ambushes when Heaven Dou Empire, pretends to be Crown Prince Heaven Duo Xue Qinghe, these two have ambushed side Qian Renxue, protects Qian Renxue. 曾易记得他们两人,千仞雪还在天斗帝国潜伏,冒充天斗太子雪清河之时,这两位就一直潜伏在千仞雪身边,守护千仞雪 When the Martial Soul city, Ceng Yi has also met these two several, is familiar with these two douluo. 武魂城之时,曾易也见过这两人几面,也是熟悉这两位斗罗 Although these two douluo give loyalty to Spirit Hall, but is the Qian Renxue trusted aide subordinate. 虽然这两位斗罗效忠于武魂殿,但更是千仞雪的心腹手下。 After Qian Renxue establishes Martial Soul Empire, two people have followed side Qian Renxue, works for her. 千仞雪建立武魂帝国之后,两人就一直跟在千仞雪身边,为她做事。 Unexpectedly is you!” “竟然是你!” After seeing clearly the face of Ceng Yi, the snake lance and thorn suckling pig two people, the eye pupil shrinks suddenly, had a scare. 看清了曾易的脸后,蛇矛与刺豚两人,眼眸骤然一缩,被吓了一跳。 Initially, Spirit Hall in Spirit Master World set up in three four grand ceremony again, the snake lance and thorn suckling pig two people represented empress Qian Renxue to come to participate. 当初,武魂殿魂师界重立三宗四门的大典中,蛇矛与刺豚两人代表女帝千仞雪前来参加。 When the grand ceremony soon ended, a person walked. 而在大典快要结束之时,一人走了出来。 That person, is Ceng Yi. 那人,正是曾易 The snake lance and thorn suckling pig two people, cannot forget that forever. 蛇矛与刺豚两人,永远也忘不了那一幕。 Is this young people at present, only depending on a branch, struck defeats included itself, five Titled Douluo! 就是眼前这个年轻人,仅凭一根树枝,一击就击败了包括自己在内的,五名封号斗罗 The strength must make people feel to suffocate. 实力强得让人感到窒息。 Looks at Ceng Yi, the snake lance and in the thorn suckling pig two people of hearts raises the fear, the body drew back backward several steps. 看着曾易,蛇矛与刺豚两人心中都不由升起了恐惧,身体不由向后退了几步。 Do not be afraid, I am not the devil.” “别这么害怕,我又不是什么魔鬼。” Ceng Yi sees the snake lance and thorn suckling pig two people expression, as if also fears itself very much. 曾易见蛇矛与刺豚两人的表情,似乎还很是惧怕自己。 Also suddenly, thinks, oneself initially at the Spirit Hall grand ceremony looked for the gathering place, by several douluo that in a oneself sword defeated, they were one. 突然间,又想起来,自己当初在武魂殿的大典上找场子的时候,被自己一剑打败的几位斗罗中,他们两人就是其中的一员。 Immediately, making Ceng Yi somewhat awkward. 顿时,让曾易有些尴尬。 I and Spirit Hall gratitude and grudges two clear, you have not needed is so anxious.” “我与武魂殿的恩怨已经两清,你们不必如此紧张。” After hearing Ceng Yi these words, snake lance douluo and thorn suckling pig douluo two people obvious relaxing. 听到曾易这句话后,蛇矛斗罗与刺豚斗罗两人明显的松了口气。 Many thanks young master Sir has massive.” “多谢公子大人有大量。” The snake lance and thorn suckling pig they were saying to Ceng Yi submissively. 蛇矛与刺豚两人对着曾易拱手道。 Two people actions, make nearby Zhu Zhuqing several people feel confused. 两人的举动,却让一旁的朱竹清几人都感到一头雾水。 Other two Titled Douluo, were somewhat shocked. 就连其余两位封号斗罗,都有些愣住了。 The snake lance, punctures suckling pig two douluo, 93 levels of Spirit Power, another 94 levels of Spirit Power, in Titled Douluo were also the powerhouses, so will be unexpectedly respectful to a junior, is true rarely. 蛇矛,刺豚两位斗罗,一个九十三级魂力,另一个九十四级魂力,在封号斗罗中也算是强者了,竟然会对一个小辈如此恭敬,属实罕见。 The snake lance and thorn suckling pig they do not know how in two companion hearts to think. 蛇矛与刺豚两人不知道两位同伴心中是怎么想的。 However, they are very clear, the strength of this young people, is actually at present terrorist. 但是,他们两人可是非常清楚,眼前这个年轻人的实力,究竟有多么恐怖。 Feared that was on par your majesty strength. 怕是比肩陛下的实力了。 This beast tide impact, your majesty is not, but must rely upon him to be good! 这一次的兽潮冲击,陛下不在,还得仰仗他才行啊! Ceng Yi, what gratitude and grudges you and do they have?” 曾易,你与他们有什么恩怨啊?” Nearby Ning Rongrong very curious inquiry. 一旁的宁荣荣很是好奇的询问。 But Ceng Yi is disinclined to pay attention to her, has turned around, to direction that the beast tide raids. 曾易懒得理会她,转过身,面向兽潮袭来的方向。 The time of several words, the Northern Polar Fields soul beast tide, before had approached the dangerous places city, a moment ago. 刚才几句话的时间,极北之地的魂兽潮,已经临近冰渊城前。 - 嗷呜- Roar- 吼- The heavenshaking wolf is howling, shouting of ominous beast, in the sound wave contains the huge Spirit Power fluctuation, under this strength, the land is shivering. 震天的狼嚎,凶兽的嘶吼,音浪中蕴含着庞大的魂力波动,这股力量下,大地都在颤动。 Quick, several body appear like the mountain giant beast body. 很快,几尊身型如山岳般的巨兽身躯显现。 A first more than ten meters growing white ice wolf king, in the sky circles a wingspan to have 50 meters accipiter king of beasts fully. 一头十几米长高的白色冰狼王,天空中盘旋着一头翼展足有五十米的鹰类兽王。 In the land, a hugeness, north the ominous severe Kuangbao side ices bear king. 大地上,一头巨大,凶厉狂暴的极北冰熊王。 Most terrorist, is which body such as mountain tall, is hundred meters fully, the humanoid giant beast of whole body white hair. 最为恐怖的,是哪身型如山高,足有百米,浑身白毛的类人型巨兽。 Although this just like demon god giant beast, only then continuously arm, but that pair of giant eye pupil, such as Sun, gives human to guard the army incomparably strong pressure. 虽然这宛若魔神般的巨兽只有一直手臂,但是那双巨大的眼眸,如太阳般,给予人类守卫军无比强大的压力。 One of Northern Polar Fields three big kings of beasts, have ancient times Snow Titan Demon King of demon god bloodlines! 极北之地三大兽王之一,有着远古魔神血脉的泰坦雪魔王 But these four kings of beasts behind, have the countless soul beast. 而这四尊兽王身后,更是有着数之不尽的魂兽。 And, ten thousand years cultivates for soul beast not under in Baitou, the millenniums cultivate/repair are, hundred years cultivate/repair for the soul beast is innumerable. 其中,万年修为的魂兽不下于百头,千年修为,百年修为的魂兽更是数不胜数。 Four...... four kings of beasts!” “四......四尊兽王!” Snake lance douluo looks that appears in the present these 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the soul beast, they come, the atmosphere becomes heavy, making him constrain the breath at this moment extremely. 蛇矛斗罗看着出现在眼前的这几尊十万年修为的魂兽,它们现身,气氛变得更加的沉重,让他此刻连呼吸都极其地压抑。 One 100,000 years cultivate/repair for the soul beast, must have two Titled Douluo to be able at least to block. 一尊十万年修为的魂兽,最起码也得有两位封号斗罗才能挡得住。 Four kings of beasts also come, do not have eight Titled Douluo on the scene, was too difficult. 四尊兽王同时现身,没有八位封号斗罗在场,真的太困难了。 Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Yan Que three people, although they on Sea God Island, have participated to encircling and hunting of demon killer whale population , the terrifying of experience over 100,000 years of soul beast. 朱竹清,宁荣荣,言雀三人,虽然她们在海神岛上,参加过对邪魔虎鲸族群的围猎,也见识过十万年魂兽的恐怖。 However, that scene and present scene compare, feels dwarfed simply. 但是,那个场面和现在的场面比起来,简直是小巫见大巫。 Even they at this moment, still felt the incomparably serious pressure. 即使她们此刻,也感到了无比沉重的压力。 ...... ...... Chapter 636: The war will get up 第636章:大战将起
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