DDTR :: Volume #7

#635: Beast tide attack

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Dangerous places city, in theater box in a restaurant. 冰渊城,一家酒楼里的一个包厢内。 Ceng Yi sits in the nearby of table, the opposite is own apprentice Little Sparrow. 曾易坐在餐桌的边上,对面是自己的徒弟小言雀 But both sides. 而两侧。 Side is Zhu Zhuqing, the Ning Rongrong two females. 一边是朱竹清,宁荣荣两女。 But another side, is Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er two sisters. 而另一边,则是水冰儿,水月儿两姐妹。 At this time, a vegetable/dish did not have on. 此时,点的菜还没有上。 However, in the theater box that thick smell of gunpowder has soon overflowed, making Ceng Yi feel incomparable constraining. 但是,包厢内那浓浓的火药味已经快要溢出,让曾易感到无比的压抑。 That, we first drink tea! Hehe ~ “那个,我们先喝口茶吧!呵呵~” Ceng Yi is ridiculing, put out a hand to take up the teapot, must pour tea. 曾易讪笑着,伸手拿起了茶壶,就要倒茶。 Yan Que is also helpless sitting in own position, the vision unceasingly to sitting sizes up on the pretty little elder sisters in own both sides. 言雀也是一副不知所措的坐在自己的位置上,目光不断地向坐在自己两侧的漂亮小姐姐身上打量。 Although Yan Que does not understand very much, but she felt, in the air has strong smell of gunpowder. 虽然言雀不是很懂,但她感觉到了,空气中有着一股很浓烈的火药味。 „Before drinking tea, can introduce to us, who are these two elder sisters?” “喝茶之前,能不能给我们介绍一下,这两位姐姐是谁啊?” Un?” “嗯?” Ceng Yi body one stiff. 曾易身体不由一僵。 Oneself take the hand of teapot, by slender smooth white hands pressing. 自己拿着茶壶的手,已经被一只纤细柔滑的玉手给摁住。 Looks up, sees Ning Rongrong to narrow the eye, on the face has the genial smile to look at itself. 抬头看去,见宁荣荣微眯着眼睛,脸上带着和善的笑容看着自己。 „, Hehe, I also think that you do know?” “呃,呵呵,我还以为你们认识呢?” Ceng Yi is somewhat surprised. 曾易有些意外。 Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er at the Spirit Master competition, went to battle on behalf of Tianshui Institute corps initially, in a team that at the competition also loses face/shows off. 水冰儿水月儿当初在魂师大赛上,代表天水学院战队出战,在大赛上也是非常出彩的一支队伍。 Shrek Corps should struggle hard with Tianshui Institute corps. 史莱克战队应该与天水学院战队苦战过一番。 Ceng Yi also thinks that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people should remember the opposite party is. 曾易还以为宁荣荣朱竹清两人应该记得对方才是。 These two are the friend of mine, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, they are the blood sisters.” “这两位是我的朋友,水冰儿,水月儿,她们是亲姐妹。” Words said that you should have to do with them, understanding. In the past at Spirit Master competition, major team in Tianshui Institute.” “话说你们应该也与她们打过交道,认识吧。当年魂师大赛上,天水学院的主力队员。” Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, mew mew reading, installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,咪咪阅读,安装最新版。】 Tianshui Institute? Has some that impressions actually. “天水学院?倒是有那么一些印象。 However, this young lady may not have the time to remember the name of defeated. ” Ning Rongrong sees opposite Shui Bing'er sisters, is supine the fair chin, a face is arrogant. 不过,本小姐可没有功夫去记住手下败将的名字。”宁荣荣看着对面的水冰儿姐妹,仰着白皙的下巴,一脸高傲。 Looks at Ning Rongrong, the Ceng Yi corners of the mouth pulled pulling. 看着宁荣荣,曾易嘴角不由扯了扯。 This dead girl today? Took the gunpowder? Does the tone clash? 这死丫头今天怎么了?吃了火药了吗?语气这么冲? What do you mean!” “你这是什么意思!” Was provoked, similarly is hot-tempered Shui Yue'er may be unable to endure, immediately stands setting out. 被人这么挑衅,同样是脾气火爆的水月儿可无法忍受,立刻站了起身。 However actually by elder sister holding on. 不过却被身旁的姐姐给拉住了。 Moon/Month! Do not stir up trouble.” “月儿!不要惹事。” Elder sister ....... “姐姐.......” Shui Yue'er also wants to say anything, but sees own elder sister that look, has to bear the anger in heart, sat. 水月儿还想说些什么,但是看到自家姐姐那副眼神,只好忍住心中的火气,坐了下来。 This person of brain is not a little sober, do not care.” “这人脑子有点不清醒,你们别在意啊。” Hiss ~ “嘶~” Ceng Yi is saying with a smile to Shui Bing'er, but the next quarter, on the thigh transmitted a severe pain. 曾易对着水冰儿笑道,但下一刻,大腿上就传来了一阵剧痛。 Looks up, sees a Ning Rongrong this fellow action the teacup to drink tea. 抬头看去,见宁荣荣这个家伙正一手端着茶杯喝着茶。 But under table, white hands actually on own thigh ruthlessly is pinching. 而桌下,一只玉手却在自己大腿上狠狠的捏着。 „, You such?” “哦,你这么了?” Sees Ceng Yi this appearance, Ning Rongrong also pretends the care inquiry calmly. 曾易这模样,宁荣荣还装作若无其事的关心询问。 Hehe ~ “呵呵~” Ceng Yi pretends smiling of safe/without matter, caused a meaningful glance to Ning Rongrong, making her hurry to let go. 曾易装作无事的笑着,给宁荣荣使了一个眼色,让她赶紧松手。 But Ning Rongrong does not seem to see the Ceng Yi meaningful glance, in the heart is sneering effort that continues to increase the finger. 宁荣荣似乎并没有看到曾易的眼色,心中冷笑着继续加大手指的力度。 Finally, Zhu Zhuqing was unable to continue watching, pulls back the hand of Ning Rongrong in secret. 最后,还是朱竹清看不下去了,暗中把宁荣荣的手拉了回来。 A Ceng Yi face grateful looked at Zhu Zhuqing one. 曾易一脸感激的看了朱竹清一眼。 little Schoolmate vermilion bright affair, not like Ning Rongrong this wild girl. 还是小朱同学明事理啊,不像宁荣荣这个野丫头。 „Are you all right?” “你没事吧?” Hehe, all right. Their you should be also familiar, initially at the Spirit Master competition of Shrek Corps, you should fight. “呵呵,没事。她们俩你们应该也熟悉,当初魂师大赛上史莱克战队的一员,你们应该交手过。 They are my Junior Sister. 她们俩算是我师妹吧。 This, Yan Que, my apprentice. ” 还有这位,言雀,我的徒弟。” Ceng Yi is continue introduce to Shui Bing'er. 曾易对着水冰儿继续介绍。 Your apprentice? You are the master!” “你的徒弟?你都当师父啦!” Shui Bing'er surprised looks to nearby Yan Que, the feeling is very inconceivable. 水冰儿惊讶的看向一旁的言雀,感觉很是不可思议。 Yan Que, has seen two elder sisters...... the elder sister.” 言雀,见过两位姐......姐姐。” Yan Que is also weak gave regards to two people. 言雀也是弱弱的对两人问好。 Hee hee, your good Yan Que. Brother Yi, your luck may be really good, found such a attractive apprentice.” “嘻嘻,你好的言雀。易哥,你运气可真好,找到一个这么漂亮的徒弟。” No, can become the disciple of master, this is my whole life luckiest matter......” “不,能成为师父的弟子,这是我这辈子最幸运的事情......” Shui Yue'er looks at lovable Yan Que, then looks to Ceng Yi. 水月儿看着可爱的言雀,然后又看向曾易 Brother Yi, or do you also receive me to be the apprentice?” “易哥,要不你也收我做徒弟吧?” Looks at this Shui Yue'er, Ceng Yi is somewhat helpless. 看着这水月儿,曾易有些无奈。 Do not crack a joke.” “你别开玩笑了。” Right, how will you appear in the dangerous places city?” Ceng Yi somewhat curious asking Shui Bing'er. “对了,你们怎么会出现在冰渊城?”曾易有些好奇的问水冰儿 Shui Bing'er replied, „, because Martial Soul Empire summoned that entire day below Spirit Master comes to resist the invasion of soul beast . Moreover, Martial Soul Empire also established the military exploit list, cuts to kill the soul beast to be able in the battlefield the accumulated military exploit. 水冰儿回答,“因为武魂帝国号召全天下的魂师前来抵御魂兽的入侵,而且,武魂帝国还设置了军功榜,在战场上斩杀魂兽可以累计军功。 But the military exploit can be used to exchange the cultivation resources, even the soul bone can exchange. ” 而军功可以用来兑换修炼资源,甚至还有魂骨可以兑换。” Can exchange the soul bone?” “可以兑换魂骨?” Hears Shui Bing'er this saying, Ning Rongrong exclaims in surprise to make noise. 听到水冰儿这话,就连宁荣荣都不由惊叹出声。 even/including soul the bone can take, it seems like Martial Soul Empire also is really filthy rich!” “连魂骨都能拿出来,看来武魂帝国还真是财大气粗啊!” Ceng Yi said lightly: „If not put out some background to come out, how can stimulate the courage that Spirit Master kill the enemy courageously.” 曾易淡淡道:“若不拿出一些底蕴出来,怎么能激发出魂师们奋勇杀敌的勇气呢。” Shui Bing'er nods, „ is also, but this is not considered as main. I and younger sister come this, for informed and experienced. 水冰儿点了点头,“也是,不过这也不算是主要的吧。我和妹妹来此,也是为了历练一番。 Let alone, the soul beast invasion human territory, Martial Soul Empire can stop the war, for entire human race resistance soul beast invasion entire one year, this is the principle of righteousness. 更何况,魂兽入侵人类领地,武魂帝国能够停止战争,为了全人类抵御魂兽入侵整整一年,此乃大义。 Although cultivating of I and younger sister for is not high, but is also willing for the entire human race, to offer due efforts. ” 虽然我与妹妹的修为不高,但也愿意为了全人类,奉献自己一丝微薄之力。” You appear in the dangerous places city, for this?” “你们出现在冰渊城,也是为了这个吧?” Ceng Yi nods. 曾易点了点头。 After all, this matter, but annoy. 毕竟,这件事可是自己惹出来的。 Luckily, Qian Renxue acted promptly, withstood the attack of soul beast. 幸好,千仞雪及时出手,顶住了魂兽的进攻。 Otherwise, oneself really became the criminal of entire human race. 要不然,自己真的成为全人类的罪人了。 But, aren't you Heaven Dou Empire that side person? How to come here help/gang Martial Soul Empire?” “不过,你们不是天斗帝国那边的人吗?怎么会来这里帮武魂帝国?” Ning Rongrong sees the Shui Bing'er two sisters, has doubts very much. 宁荣荣看着水冰儿两姐妹,很是疑惑。 Heard this saying, on the Shui Bing'er face revealed the forced smile. 听到这话,水冰儿脸上不由露出了苦笑。 Heaven Dou Empire, oh......” 天斗帝国,唉......” Regarding present Heaven Dou Empire, Shui Bing'er does not want to discuss. 对于现在的天斗帝国,水冰儿并不太想多谈。 In this year, she felt more and more, the deterioration of Heaven Dou Empire, is inevitable. 这一年来,她越来越觉得,天斗帝国的衰败,是不可避免的了。 Shui Bing'er cannot think, Heaven Dou Empire to plan Martial Soul Empire, gave up the northern 24 cities on own initiative, lets the soul beast optional invasion human state, causing several million civilians dead in this disaster. 水冰儿怎么也想不到,天斗帝国为了算计武魂帝国,主动放弃了北方二十四城,让魂兽随意的入侵人类国度,导致了数百万平民死于这场灾难之中。 Because of this, caused impression of Heaven Dou Empire in Shui Bing'er, plummets. 因为这个,导致了天斗帝国水冰儿中的印象,直线下降。 Although, this move truly constrained Martial Soul Empire to conquer the footsteps of mainland. 虽然,这一招确实拖住了武魂帝国征服大陆的脚步。 However, caused the Heaven Dou Empire prestige greatly to reduce in the world, but Martial Soul Empire actually the position in the world raised rapidly. 但是,也导致了天斗帝国的信誉在世人之中大大降低,而武魂帝国却在世人中的地位迅速拔高。 In this time soul beast riot, although Martial Soul Empire at the war of resistance soul beast invasion, the national strength consumption is very big. 这一次的魂兽暴乱中,虽然武魂帝国在抵抗魂兽入侵的战争,国力消耗很大。 Because resists the soul beast invasion on own initiative the selfless action, made the world have many trusts and identities to Martial Soul Empire. 但因为主动抵御魂兽入侵的这无私之举,却让世人对武魂帝国有了更多的信任与认同感。 At least, now looks like, obtained may losing are more. 至少,现在看来,得到的可比失去的更多一些。 So long as after this Martial Soul Empire stilled the northern beast moist riot, the advancement of that later unification mainland, is the irresistible potential. 只要这一次武魂帝国平定了北方兽潮暴乱后,那之后统一大陆的进程,将会是势不可挡之势。 Has saying that Shui Bing'er admires the decision and breadth of spirit of Martial Soul Empire this empress very much. 不得不说,水冰儿很佩服武魂帝国这位女帝的决策与气魄。 Quick, a food also came up. 很快,点的菜肴也上来了。 Later Ning Rongrong is not doing any trick, everyone passed this dinner party very much harmoniously. 之后宁荣荣也不在搞些什么幺蛾子,大家很和谐的度过这一顿饭局。 After dining together, several people walk together in the dangerous places city 聚餐完后,几人一起走在冰渊城中 The Shui Bing'er two sisters this city has two months, is familiar here, then to Ceng Yi several people of starting guides who just came to the dangerous places city. 水冰儿两姐妹已经这个城市有两个月的时间,都非常熟悉这里,便给刚来冰渊城的曾易几人做起向导。 When weather quick dark next, suddenly, in the city resounded the sound of heavenshaking battle drum. 就在天色快暗下之时,突然间,城中响起了震天的战鼓之声。 Shortly, the atmosphere in city becomes tight. 顷刻间,城中的气氛变得紧张起来。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Was the beast tide comes!” “是兽潮又来了!” The Shui Bing'er pupil light instantaneously becomes dignified. 水冰儿眸光瞬间变得凝重起来。 Meanwhile, some doubts. 同时,也有些疑惑。 Because, some time ago, the dangerous places city has repelled an attack of wave of beast tide. 因为,不久前,冰渊城已经击退过一波兽潮的袭击了。 How these does come back such rapidness time? 这一次怎么回来得如此之快?
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