DDTR :: Volume #7

#634: Is my walks into a trap?

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Ten... ten... 100,000 years of Spirit Ring!” “十...十...十万年魂环!” Middle-aged Spirit Master of black ink Xuanzong saw on after Ning Rongrong that is sparkling red ray Spirit Ring, that expression, simply is the incomparable splendor. 墨玄宗的中年魂师看到宁荣荣身上那闪耀着红色光芒的魂环后,那副表情,简直是无比的精彩。 Martial Soul Empire here person had a scare. 武魂帝国这边的人都被吓了一大跳。 87 levels of Spirit Power, Spirit Douluo boundary Spirit Master? 八十七级魂力,魂斗罗境界的魂师 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect direct descendant personnel. 还是七宝琉璃宗的嫡系人员。 This...... 这...... This position, could be on par with Titled Douluo. 这地位,已经可以与封号斗罗比肩了吧。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect unexpectedly this character, but can be called the strategic character to pat to reinforce the Martial Soul Empire defense army. 七宝琉璃宗竟然把这种人物,可是称得上战略性人物拍来增援武魂帝国的防卫军。 This simply was too generous! 这简直是太慷慨了吧! Ning Rongrong looks that beforehand taunted sect these Spirit Master to be frightened the both feet in the appearance of trembling, immediately felt incomparable venting. 宁荣荣看着之前嘲讽自己宗门的这些魂师被吓到双脚都在发颤的样子,顿时感到无比的解气。 Although Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect these year of close entrances, did not ask the human affairs, but as one of the once previous three, was not the people of your nameless small faction can shame.” “虽然七宝琉璃宗这些年封闭山门,不问世事,但作为曾经的上三宗之一,也不是你们这种无名小派的人能够羞辱的。” Let alone, three names, was once Spirit Master World gives me the polite name of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has never thought what three names.” “更何况,三宗之名,也不过是曾经的魂师界给我七宝琉璃宗的尊称,七宝琉璃宗从未想过什么三宗之名。” Your these not popular is sect, very actually careful to this so-called three four title?” “倒是你们这些不入流的宗门,对这个所谓的三宗四门的称号很上心啊?” Right, has not known that your sect Spirit Master, can in the report make Miss this/Ben open mind?” “对了,还不知道你们那个宗门魂师,能不能报上名来让本小姐开开眼界?” Wait, are ok. Your this not popular small lot small factions, this young lady also disdain in know.” “等等,还是算了吧。你们这种不入流的小宗小派,本小姐还不屑于去知晓。” The people of one of the Ning Rongrong to inking Xuanzong taunted, that middle-aged Spirit Master that especially started. 宁荣荣对着墨玄宗的众人一顿冷嘲热讽,特别是开始的那位中年魂师 Under Ning Rongrong the Spirit Power oppresses, is unable to open the mouth to respond, even stands incomparably reluctantly. 宁荣荣的这股魂力压迫之下,根本无法开口回应,甚至连站立都无比的勉强。 Is listening to Ning Rongrong this taunting, is to make him be mad shakes all over, the complexion rises liver colored, wants to export the rebuttal actually unable to suppress any a few words. 在听着宁荣荣这一副的冷嘲热讽,更是让他气得全身发抖,脸色涨得一副猪肝色,想出口反驳却憋不出任何一句话。 Small role? Not popular small lot small faction? 小角色?不入流的小宗小派? How saying that his black ink Xuanzong is also one of the next four, in Spirit Master World is also well-known existence, today actually by a small girl is said is not popular sect. 怎么说,他墨玄宗也是下四门之一,在魂师界中也是有名有姓的存在,今天竟然被一个小丫头说是不入流的宗门 This simply is the great shame! 这简直是奇耻大辱啊! However, but opposite party Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect person. 但是,对方可是七宝琉璃宗的人。 Moreover, this seemingly young girl is over 80 levels Spirit Douluo, but also has 100,000 years of Spirit Ring! 而且,这看起来年轻的丫头还是一个八十级以上的魂斗罗,还有着十万年魂环 Good, that was all right. 好吧,那没事了。 After all, own sovereign Sir, with opposite party suitable boundary. 毕竟,自家的宗主大人,也不过与对方相当的境界。 Let alone, opposite party, but Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect direct descendant, its Martial Soul prestige can powerful, even if Titled Douluo saw, must treat with good manners. 更何况,对方可是七宝琉璃宗的嫡系,其武魂的威能之强悍,即使封号斗罗见了,都要以礼相待。 Cannot stir up, cannot stir up! 惹不起,惹不起啊! The middle-aged Spirit Master that black ink Xuanzong leads, can only use the vision of rescue, looks to nearby Martial Soul Empire Spirit Master. 墨玄宗领头的这位中年魂师,只能用着救助的目光,看向一旁的武魂帝国魂师 After all, but here the Martial Soul Empire card in a hand, Martial Soul Empire and Spirit Hall have the close relation. 毕竟,这里可是武魂帝国的底牌,武魂帝国武魂殿也有着密切关系。 Hopes Martial Soul Empire can look in black ink Xuanzong is in four sect faces , helping. 希望武魂帝国能够看在墨玄宗乃是四门之一的宗门面子上,帮助一下。 However, the person in registration office disregards the look that black ink Xuanzong Spirit Master that sought help directly. 但是,登记处的人直接无视了墨玄宗魂师那求助的眼神。 Although Martial Soul Empire establishes from the Spirit Hall foundation. 虽然武魂帝国是从武魂殿的基础上建立。 However, Martial Soul Empire and Spirit Hall are not considered as that a person of path, even also has some contradictions. 但是,武魂帝国武魂殿并不算是一路子的人,甚至还有着一些矛盾。 But regarding the Spirit Master World above matter, Martial Soul Empire not by the name involvement of Spirit Hall. 而对于魂师界上面的事情,武魂帝国更不会以武魂殿的名义介入。 Let alone, the empress has said that Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is the ally of empire. 更何况,女帝已经说过了,七宝琉璃宗是帝国的盟友。 Moreover, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect sent a direct descendant disciple of Spirit Douluo rank to come the front. 而且,七宝琉璃宗可是派了一位魂斗罗级别的嫡系弟子前来战线。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect inheritance Martial Soul as enjoying a good reputation in the first under heaven Martial Soul reputation, not only but said. 七宝琉璃宗的传承武魂作为享誉天下第一武魂的美誉,可不只是说说而已。 Has such a to assist the big shot to support in the frontline, can let the state-of-art strength large scale promotion of human camp absolutely. 有着这么一尊辅助大佬在前线支援,绝对能够让人类阵阵营的尖端实力大幅度的提升。 This importance, comes 2-3 Titled Douluo ranks the strengths to compare even. 这个重要性,就算是来2-3位封号斗罗级别的战力都比不过的。 Therefore, who is more important, the sensible person naturally obtains very clearly. 所以,谁更为重要,明白人自然分得很清楚。 black ink Xuanzong? Is who? Did not know. 墨玄宗?是谁啊?不认识。 Sends a Spirit Saint rank Spirit Master to come to reinforce, isn't useful? 就派一个魂圣级别的魂师前来增援,有个屁用? In this place, Spirit Saint is also a quite high-level point cannon fodder. 在这个地方,魂圣也不过是一个比较高级点的炮灰而已。 This Sir, a moment ago small recognizing a superior, but also please excuse me.” “这位大人,刚才小的不识泰山,还请您见谅。” The registration personnel are also a trimming one's sails good role, was clear after Ning Rongrong strength, immediately beams with joy to Ceng Yi several people. 登记人员也是一个见风使舵的好角色,清楚了宁荣荣的实力后,立刻对曾易几人眉开眼笑的。 Several did not need to register, to you and other Spirit Master, may directly participate in the war direction of highest rank, my sent people to lead you to have an audience with your majesty.” “几位就不用登记了,向您等这样的魂师,可直接参与最高级别的战事指挥,我这就派人带你们前去觐见陛下。” Your empresses in dangerous places city?” “你们女帝在冰渊城?” After Ceng Yi hears this person of words, immediately has a big shock. 曾易听到这人的话后,顿时大惊失色。 That person of very respectable saying: That is natural, six months ago your majesty personally arrived at the dangerous places city to assume personal command, repelled several times the beast tide by the gods mighty force.” 那人很是尊敬的说道:“那是自然,半年前陛下就亲自来到冰渊城坐镇,以神明般的伟力击退了数次兽潮。” Ceng Yi was scared immediately, how Qian Renxue takes the empress, does not assume the imperial capital, comes to this place unexpectedly. 曾易顿时傻眼了,怎么千仞雪作为女帝,不坐镇帝都,竟然来这个地方。 Does this small scene, need people like you personally to act? Why to eat hand/subordinate? 这种小场面,需要您这样的人亲自出面?手下都是干什么吃的? The Qian Renxue words here, oneself come to the dangerous places city, to walk into a trap? 千仞雪在这里的话,那自己来冰渊城,岂不是自投罗网了? Even if the Ceng Yi boundary cultivates for by is the boundary of half god, besides Chen Wuyue, it can be said that first under heaven person. 即使曾易的境界修为以是半神之境,除了尘无月之外,可以说是天下第一人。 However in the emotional problem, may truly be little white. 但是在感情问题上,可确实是一个小白。 Moreover, Qian Renxue is not Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing this young female student. 而且,千仞雪可不是宁荣荣,朱竹清这种小女生。 Remembers Qian Renxue that domineering appearance, Ceng Yi has a headache. 一想起千仞雪那强势的模样,曾易就感到一阵头疼。 If lets Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing they meet, that scene...... 要是让千仞雪宁荣荣,朱竹清她们碰面,那个场面...... Ceng Yi some cannot believe. 曾易有些不敢相信。 It is not good, now hasn't been able to meet with her? 不行,现在还不能跟她碰面? Ceng Yi, you how?” 曾易,你怎么了?” Zhu Zhuqing sees the Ceng Yi complexion suddenly becomes ugly, thinks that what happened, then cared asked one. 朱竹清曾易脸色突然变得难看起来,以为发生了什么事情,便关心问一句。 Hehe, all right, thought of some trivial matters suddenly.” “呵呵,没事,就是突然想到了一些琐事。” Ceng Yi smiles awkwardly, then immediately puts out a hand to pull up one side sits the old man who in registration stage to arrive. 曾易尴尬一笑,然后立刻伸手拉起了坐在登记台的这位老者走到一边。 Lynne was also shocked immediately. 林恩也是顿时愣住了。 He is also Spirit Master, moreover is eight points of Spirit Douluo, how otherwise can blow Spirit Master of each region each school comes to register. 他也是一个魂师,而且还是一个八环的魂斗罗,不然怎么能够镇得住前来登记的各地各个门派的魂师们。 Time that Ceng Yi puts out a hand, he gawked, the wrist/skill is held. 曾易伸手过来的时候,他愣了一下,手腕就被抓住了。 Toward transporting Spirit Power works loose, but actually discovered oneself are unable to transport Spirit Power in body. 正向着运起魂力挣脱,可是却发现自己根本无法运起自己身体内的魂力 Is similar, at that moment Spirit Power vanished from own body. 就仿佛,那一刻魂力从自己的身上消失了。 Oneself such as the puppet is common, was drawn by this young man to the one side corner. 自己就如傀儡一般,被这个年轻的男人拉到一旁角落。 In Lynne heart in great surprise. 林恩心中大惊。 Can sit to such person, even ordinary Titled Douluo, is unable so relaxed stopping own action. 能够坐到这样的人,就算是普通的封号斗罗,也无法如此的轻松的制止住自己的行动。 This seems like very young man, is actually over 95 levels Super Douluo? 难道,这个看起来很年轻的男人,其实是一位九十五级以上的超级斗罗 When were Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect many so many terrifying Spirit Master? 七宝琉璃宗什么时候多了这么多恐怖的魂师 Lynne revolves fears anxiously, on the forehead is in a cold sweat. 林恩细思急恐,额头上都冒出了冷汗。 Ceng Yi draws this person to arrive at the corner, put out a fine exquisite token secretly, above carves six wing angels to grasp the stance of Saint sword, radiance passes, is sending out the charm. 曾易拉着这人走到角落,偷偷拿出了一块精致小巧的令牌,上面雕刻着六翼天使手持圣剑的姿态,光华流转,散发着神韵。 This is......” “这是......” After Lin En sees this token, the eye pupil contracts, in heart in great surprise. 林恩看到这块令牌后,眼眸收缩,心中大惊。 As cultivating for profound Spirit Master, Lynne was naturally clear that what this token is representing? 作为修为高深的魂师,林恩自然清楚这块令牌代表着什么? The angel Saint command, is the symbol of Martial Soul Empire highest authority, has this token, can transfer all powers! 天使圣令,乃是武魂帝国最高权力的象征,拥有着这块令牌,可以调动一切的权力! But entire Martial Soul Empire only then a person has this token. 而整个武魂帝国只有一人拥有这块令牌。 That is the empress, Qian Renxue. 那就是女帝,千仞雪 But, your majesty exclusive angel Saint command, how in the hand of this man? 可是,陛下专属的天使圣令,怎么会在这个男人的手上? He and are your majesty, actually what relate? 他与陛下,究竟是什么关系? But this is beyond control Lynne to think, after Ceng Yi loosened his hand, he prepares to kneel down to salute immediately. 但这由不得林恩多想,曾易松开了他的手后,他立刻就准备跪下行礼。 Sees to make such as to see Her Imperial Majesty, he as the official, naturally wants the line by the ritual. 见令如见女帝陛下,他作为臣子,自然要行之以礼。 But Ceng Yi held on him quickly, spoke with Spirit Power to become sound, spreads to his ear. 曾易很快就拉住了他,用魂力成音说话,传入他耳中。 This matter do not promote, I will see the empress, did not need you to arrange, understood?” “这件事你不要伸张,我自会去见女帝,就不用你安排了,懂?” Lynne somewhat doubts looks at Ceng Yi, why although is not quite clear he to like this. 林恩有些疑惑的看着曾易,虽然不太清楚他为什么要这样。 However, he takes the angel Saint command, the words that he spoke on such as the empress imperial mandate, naturally must listen. 不过,他拿着天使圣令,他说的话就如女帝圣谕,自然要听。 Cannot think the token that Qian Renxue gives, but also is really easy-to-use! 想不到千仞雪给的这块令牌,还真好用啊! Sees Lynne on saying that Ceng Yi thanked under Qian Renxue. 见林恩这么上道,曾易不由感谢了下千仞雪 Although he does not know that this token, actually means anything to him. 虽然他并不知道这块令牌,对于他来说究竟意味着什么。 Quick, Ceng Yi has the Zhu Zhuqing three people, walks on the avenue in dangerous places city. 很快,曾易就带着朱竹清三人,走在冰渊城的大街上。 The dangerous places city as the frontline of resistance soul beast invasion, here atmosphere and mainland city is entirely different. 冰渊城作为抵御魂兽入侵的前线,这里的气氛与大陆内部的城市截然不同。 Without that prosperous lively marketplace atmosphere, everywhere is tying tight that floods, the dignified atmosphere of withering. 没有那种繁荣热闹的市井氛围,到处都是充斥的紧绷,肃杀的凝重气氛。 Ceng Yi, what did you say to that person a moment ago? Enabled us in the dangerous places city to move directly freely?” Very much Ning Rongrong has doubts looks at Ceng Yi. 曾易,刚才你跟那个人说了什么?直接让我们可以在冰渊城自由活动了?”宁荣荣很是疑惑的看着曾易 „? This, is I is quite possibly graceful.” “啊?这个嘛,可能是我比较帅吧。” Ceng Yi hit, plans to deceive. 曾易打了个哈哈,打算糊弄过去。 When settles Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, after Yan Que, Ceng Yi planned oneself go to Northern Polar Fields quietly, processed this beast tide time, departure quietly. 等安顿好宁荣荣,朱竹清,言雀之后,曾易打算自己悄悄前往极北之地,处理好这一次的兽潮了,就悄悄的离开。 Departs quietly, does not walk clouds. 悄悄地离去,不太走一片云彩。 If were entangled by Qian Renxue, that may be troubles in a big way! 要是被千仞雪缠上了,那可就是麻烦大了啊! Ning Rongrong is knitting the brows, does not believe that Ceng Yi excuse, thought that he has what secret to hide the truth from itself. 宁荣荣皱着眉,根本不太相信曾易的说辞,觉得他有着什么秘密瞒着自己。 Zhu Zhuqing also feels very suspicious. 朱竹清也是感到很可疑。 But Ceng Yi did not say, should has his own consideration. 曾易不说,应该是有着他自己的考量吧。 Ceng Yi! You came to here!” 曾易!你怎么也来这里了啊!” Suddenly, fills the pleasantly surprised sweet and delicate voice to transmit together. 突然间,一道充满着惊喜的娇声传来。 Ceng Yi was shocked, turns round to look, saw two familiar beautiful figures. 曾易愣住了,回身看去,见到了两个熟悉的倩影。 They here? 她们怎么也在这里? Ceng Yi was scared! 曾易傻眼了! He cannot think, in this dangerous places city had Qian Renxue even, how can also meet Shui Bing'er, the Shui Yue'er two sisters. 他想不到,这冰渊城里有千仞雪就算了,怎么还能遇见水冰儿,水月儿两姐妹。 ...... ......
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