DDTR :: Volume #7

#633: Conflict, aggressive Ning Rongrong!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Above the sky, Ceng Yi is controlling the flying sword, had gone to north the mainland. 天空之上,曾易驾驭着飞剑,已经来到了大陆北方。 The temperature also dropped below zero, in the sky has the careful snowflake to fall gently. 温度也下降到了零度以下,天空上有着细细的雪花飘落。 Although the weather is cold, but several people are boundary profound Spirit Master, this low temperature to them, is not anything. 虽然天气寒冷,但几人都是境界高深的魂师,这点低温对于她们来说,并不算什么。 Looks quickly, that was the dangerous places city!” “快看,那就是冰渊城了吧!” Ning Rongrong stands on the flying sword, occupying a commanding position looks below that tiny building, very exciting saying. 宁荣荣站在飞剑上,居高临下的看着下方那渺小的建筑物,很是兴奋的说道。 Ceng Yi also follows the Ning Rongrong vision to look that is one stands erect the steel city of above icefield, even if stands above the sky, can still feel that ice-cold and is being full of the ominous severe imposing manner. 曾易也顺着宁荣荣的目光看去,那是一座屹立在冰原之上的钢铁之城,即使站在天空之上,也能够感受到那冰冷而又充满着凶厉的气势。 Just like a rank grass wild giant beast, is lending the aggressive aura. 宛若一头莽荒巨兽,散发着凶悍的气息。 This dangerous places city, before the beast tide, is an ordinary small town. 这座冰渊城,在兽潮发生之前,也不过是一个普通的小城。 After the Martial Soul Empire army arrives, this small town was transformed an indestructible steel fort, here becomes human to resist the ominous beast of prey tide a firm defense line. 武魂帝国的大军到来后,这座小城被改造成了一座坚不可摧的钢铁要塞,这里成为了人类对抗凶猛兽潮的一道坚固的防线。 But the name of this city also changes to the dangerous places city. 而这座城市的名字也改为冰渊城。 At a strength of city, innumerable fierce soul beast resisting beyond human area. 以着一座城的力量,把无数凶猛的魂兽拒之于人类疆域之外。 Let Ceng Yi feel what is surprised, the front of this dangerous places city, has a long canyon, divides to open the dangerous places city and icefield. 曾易感到惊讶的是,这座冰渊城的前方,有着一道长长的峡谷,把冰渊城与冰原分割而开。 Formed a natural barrier, this lets the dangerous places city changed/easy Shounan merit. 形成了一道天然的屏障,这让冰渊城更加易守难功。 However, Ceng Yi actually in this just like the natural moat canyon, felt familiar aura. 但是,曾易却在这个宛若天堑般的峡谷中,感受到了一股熟悉的气息。 Without guessing wrong, should be that Qian Renxue creates just like the dangerous places canyon of natural moat. 如果没猜错的话,应该是千仞雪造成的这个宛若天堑的冰渊峡谷。 By the Qian Renxue that Peerless Douluo boundary, this to her, is not the difficult matter. 千仞雪绝世斗罗的境界,这对于她来说,并不是什么难事。 We get down.” “我们下去吧。” Ceng Yi said the sound to three females, is controlling the flying sword, descends toward the dangerous places city. 曾易对三女说声,便控制着飞剑,向着冰渊城降落。 Quick, Ceng Yi and Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, the Yan Que three people fell in the dangerous places city. 很快,曾易朱竹清,宁荣荣,言雀三人落到了冰渊城中。 Your several, are reinforces Spirit Master of dangerous places city, first here crosses registers the status, then obeys the arrangement to mix.” “你们几个,是来增援冰渊城的魂师是吧,先过这边来登记身份,然后听从安排调配。” Enters the dangerous places city, Ceng Yi one group is worn the man of army armor to stop by calling out. 一进入冰渊城,曾易一行人就被身穿着军铠的男子叫住。 Remember, here is not the place of your sect influence, “记住,这里可不是你们宗门势力之地, Here, who must obey order our Martial Soul Empire law and order. ” 在这里,无论是谁都要遵守我们武魂帝国的法律与命令。” This Martial Soul Empire soldier, cold sound said, has not given Ceng Yi several people of good complexions. 这位武魂帝国的军人,冷声说道,并没有给曾易几人好脸色。 Since the empress sends out after the world the summons made, Spirit Master of many influences come the dangerous places city. 自从女帝向天下发出了号召令后,有很多势力的魂师前来冰渊城。 But , some were sent informed and experienced talent Spirit Master by sect. 而其中,也有一些被宗门派来历练的天才魂师 Because of the talent, always some arrogance, think where can enjoy to give favored treatment. 因为天才嘛,总有些傲气,以为在哪里都能享受到优待。 But in the dangerous places city, Martial Soul Empire will not make them act in a self-serving manner. 但在冰渊城中,武魂帝国可不会给让他们为所欲为。 Spirit Master that each comes to the dangerous places city, any influence, on three, the next four people, want the command prompt even, otherwise must military law handling. 每一个来冰渊城的魂师,无论是哪一个势力,就算是上三宗,下四门的人,都要服从命令,不然都得军法处置。 Before some people did not know the immensity of heaven and earth, here committed a crime, but quick by thunder method suppression. 之前就有人不知天高地厚,在这里犯事,但很快就被雷霆手段镇压。 But today here four people, from facing to look, is young master young lady who in big sect has a high and respected position. 而今天才这里的四人,从面向看,就是大宗门里养尊处优的公子小姐。 In addition the beforehand some people stir up trouble, Zhang Ming regarding this coming dangerous places city strength, the fellow who actually also stirs up trouble everywhere felt that loathes very much. 加上之前有人惹事,张明对于这种前来冰渊城却连一点力都不出,却还到处惹事的家伙感到很厌恶。 Although Zhang Ming also sees several people to fall from the space. 虽然张明也看见几人是从天上落下来的。 However Zhang Ming does not believe, these young people, are Spirit Saint boundary above Spirit Master. 不过张明并不认为,这几个年纪轻轻的人,是魂圣境界以上的魂师 Some treasures, urge through Spirit Power, can sit to the governing spatial flight. 一些宝物,通过魂力驱使,也能够坐到御空飞行。 Moreover, even in them some people are Spirit Saint, how even can Spirit Douluo? 而且,就算他们中有人是魂圣,甚至魂斗罗又能如何? In dangerous places city, but has several Titled Douluo powerhouses to assume personal command. 在冰渊城中,可是有着数位封号斗罗强者坐镇。 Here, anyone, cannot act unreasonably. 在这里,无论是谁,都不能乱来。 Hey, we are the good intention aid your, what meaning giving our complexion looks is?” “喂,我们可是好心来援助你们的,给我们脸色看是什么意思?” Was warned by this Martial Soul Empire person cold sound, hot-tempered Ning Rongrong is immediately unhappy, walks to ask for an explanation. 被这个武魂帝国的人冷声警告,脾气火爆的宁荣荣顿时就不开心了,走出来想要讨个说法。 However, Ceng Yi actually held on her. 不过,曾易却拉住了她。 You why......” “你干嘛......” Ning Rongrong doubts looks at Ceng Yi, wants to interrogate. 宁荣荣疑惑的看着曾易,想要质问。 But Ceng Yi made a hand signal, hints her let alone words, oneself turn around to face this person, said with a smile pale: Excuse me, my Junior Sister is innocent. Invited to lead us the registration office.” 曾易做出了一个手势,示意她别说话,自己转身面向这人,淡笑道:“不好意思,我师妹不懂事。请带我们去登记处吧。” Zhang Ming sees this person also on very saying that very satisfied nod. 张明见这个人还挺上道的,很满意的点了点头。 Comes here with me.” “跟我来这边。” Quick, Ceng Yi one group of this person of registration office that arrived at the dangerous places city. 很快,曾易一行人就跟着这人来到了冰渊城的登记处。 Name, from that sect influence? Martial Soul, Spirit Power rank?” “名字,来自那个宗门势力?武魂,魂力等级?” Before registering stage, the staff were inquiring to Ceng Yi one group. 在登记台前,工作人员对着曾易一行人询问。 Ning Rongrong takes the lead to open the mouth saying: Ning Rongrong, respective influence Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect......” 宁荣荣率先开口道:“宁荣荣,所属势力七宝琉璃宗......” Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect person?” 七宝琉璃宗的人?” Ning Rongrong has not said, behind heard the screams. 宁荣荣还没有说完,后面就传来了惊呼声。 Registers in the hall, besides Ceng Yi one group, but also Spirit Master of other influences. 登记大厅中,除了曾易一行人外,还来了其他势力的魂师 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda? Including sect that three given names are unable to defend, but also feels all right?” 七宝琉璃塔?连三宗的名号都无法守住的宗门,还好意思出来?” What's wrong? Won't Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect send your four babies to come this?” “怎么?七宝琉璃宗不会就派你们四个小娃娃来此吧?” Ha, was really funny! Couldn't once previous three heads, take including several strong points Spirit Master?” “哈哈哈,真是笑死人了!曾经的上三宗之首,连几个强一点的魂师都拿不出来了吗?” Really is funny, might as well continues the close entrance, but also feels all right disgracefully!” “真是好笑,还不如继续封闭山门呢,还好意思出来丢人现眼!” Ceng Yi turns round to look, sees middle-aged Spirit Master to lead one crowd of young Spirit Master, to here loud ridicule. 曾易回身看去,见一个中年魂师带领着一群年轻魂师,对着自己这边大声嘲弄。 In recent years, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect continuously close entrance, but Spirit Hall sets up three four again, in Spirit Master World most sects are partial to the Spirit Hall attitude. 这些年来,七宝琉璃宗一直封闭山门,而武魂殿更是重立三宗四门,魂师界里大多数的宗派都是偏向武魂殿的态度。 Therefore, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has been isolated beside Spirit Master World. 所以,七宝琉璃宗一直被隔离在了魂师界之外。 This is also why, some people dare to taunt the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect reason now in the presence of everyone. 这也是为什么,如今有人敢当众嘲讽七宝琉璃宗的原因。 Let alone, here is the Martial Soul Empire card in a hand, the Martial Soul Empire predecessor, isn't Spirit Hall? 更何况,这里乃是武魂帝国的底牌,武魂帝国的前身,不就是武魂殿吗? Moreover, these Spirit Master, are one of the next four, Spirit Master of black ink Xuanzong. 而且,这些魂师,还是下四门之一,墨玄宗的魂师 black ink Xuanzong as one of the next four, is powerful, in sect has the Spirit Douluo expert to assume personal command, there is Spirit Hall to take the backer, naturally cannot empty and Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 墨玄宗作为下四门之一,势力强大,宗门内更有魂斗罗高手坐镇,又有武魂殿作为靠山,自然是不会虚与七宝琉璃宗 Moreover, if several years ago Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, in the mainland did not have that several influences on dare to touch the tiger to. 而且,若是几年前的七宝琉璃宗,大陆上还没有那几个势力敢触之虎须。 But now...... 但现在嘛...... As the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect little princess, is the next Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect successor, hears some people to ridicule sect, Ning Rongrong complexion at this moment is incomparably gloomy. 作为七宝琉璃宗的小公主,更是下一任七宝琉璃宗的继承人,听到有人如此嘲弄自家宗门,宁荣荣此刻的脸色已经是无比阴沉。 Calm, do not impulse!” “冷静点,别冲动!” Although Zhu Zhuqing is very indignant, but is very sane control own mood, and puts out a hand the shoulder that held down Ning Rongrong that air/Qi to shiver. 朱竹清虽然很气愤,但还是很理智的控制住自己的情绪,并伸手按住了宁荣荣那气得颤抖的肩膀。 I know.” “我知道。” Although is very indignant, person but who Ning Rongrong not does not know the general situation, she coldly looked at opposite party one eyes, then to the registration stage on person, is making noise lightly. 虽然很气愤,但是宁荣荣并不是不识大局的人,她冷冷的看了对方一眼,然后对着登记台上的人,淡淡出声。 Martial Soul, nine valuable glazed pagodas, Spirit Power, 87 levels, Spirit Douluo!” 武魂,九宝琉璃塔,魂力,八十七级,魂斗罗!” As the Ning Rongrong voice drops an powerful imposing manner from her body overflow. 随着宁荣荣的话音落下一股强悍的气势从她的身体溢出。 The intense storm that terrifying Spirit Power raises, except for Ceng Yi, Zhu Zhuqing, Yan Que several people, others in room under this imposing manner oppression, felt that the soul is trembling. 恐怖的魂力掀起的强烈的风浪,除了曾易,朱竹清,言雀几人,屋子内的其他人都在这股气势压迫下,感到灵魂都在颤栗。 Spirit Ring raise from the Ning Rongrong sole, is glittering the dazzling ray regarding her body encirclement. 一个个魂环宁荣荣的脚底升起,围绕着她的身躯环绕闪烁着耀眼的光芒。 Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red! 黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,黑,红! Seven ten thousand years of Spirit Ring adds on red 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, let taunt Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect the person of black ink Xuanzong a moment ago, frightened the both feet to tremble. 七个万年魂环加上一个红色的十万年魂环,让刚才嘲讽七宝琉璃宗的墨玄宗之人,吓得双脚都在发颤。 Looks at this stance Ning Rongrong, in the Ceng Yi heart shocks greatly! 看着这番姿态的宁荣荣,曾易心中大为震撼! Lying trough! 卧槽! When this girl became will so install to compel! 什么时候这丫头变得如此会装逼了! This was also too outstanding! 这也太优秀了吧! Ceng Yi some cannot believe. 曾易有些不敢相信。 This is not Ning Rongrong that know! 这不是自己所认识的宁荣荣 ...... ......
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