DDTR :: Volume #7

#632: Transaction!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... North the mainland, has Northern Polar Fields of name of human restricted area. 大陆北方,有着人类禁地之称的极北之地 Stands erect that highest mountain peak on icefield, a broad style snow and ice palace establishes in this. 屹立在冰原上的那座最高的山峰,一座恢弘气派的冰雪宫殿建立于此。 The snow and ice palace, almost is the ice blue color, in the spacious main hall, has a petite form. 冰雪宫殿,几乎全是冰蓝之色,空旷的大殿之中,有着一位娇小的身影。 The young girls stand in the spacious palace, the pupil light is looking at the cold ice throne of dead ahead that nobody left, the facial expression is somewhat absent-minded. 少女站在空旷的宫殿内,眸光望着正前方那空无一人的寒冰王座,神情有些恍惚。 , She as if sees above the throne suddenly, is sitting well the physique of that peerless grace and talent. 恍然间,她似乎看见王座之上,端坐着那风华绝代的身姿。 Elder sister......” “姐姐......” The young girls opened the mouth to call out unrestrainedly. 少女情不自禁的开口叫道。 But the next quarter, the blurred line of sight gradually restores clearly, looks again, above the throne, is the nobody left. 而下一刻,迷离的视线逐渐恢复清晰,再次看去,王座之上,已然是空无一人。 Elder sister, already not in ....... “姐姐,已经不在了.......” Ice Emperor looks at the empty throne, the double pupil is out of sorts. 冰帝看着空荡荡的王座,双眸失神。 Even had passed the quick two years, Ice Emperor is unable to accept, fact that oneself elder sister, the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, Ice and Snow Maiden Snow Emperor has fallen from the sky. 即使已经过去了快两年的时间,冰帝还是无法接受,自己姐姐,极北之地的君主,冰天雪女雪帝已经陨落的事实。 Ice Emperor has been comforting itself, actually oneself elder sister, Snow Emperor has not died. 冰帝一直在安慰自己,其实自己的姐姐,雪帝还没有死。 After all, Ice Emperor had not discovered the Snow Emperor skeleton. 毕竟,冰帝一直没有发现雪帝的尸骨。 Perhaps, but also has such a possibility. 或许,还有着那么一丝可能。 However, Ice Emperor regarding the hatred of human, had not changed. 但是,冰帝对于人类的恨意,一直没有改变。 If not for that human, how the elder sister she can...... 若不是那个人类,姐姐她怎么会...... Snow Emperor in later, Ice Emperor is not Northern Polar Fields most powerhouse, and quick on the by powerful strength control the entire Northern Polar Fields soul beast ethnic group, making them obey own order. 雪帝不在之后,冰帝就是极北之地的最强者,并且很快的就以强大的实力统御了整个极北之地的魂兽族群,让它们听从自己的命令。 To revenge to the elder sister, Ice Emperor command Northern Polar Fields all soul beasts, attack the territory of human, making human know, offends the Northern Polar Fields consequence. 为了给姐姐报仇,冰帝号令极北之地的所有魂兽,对人类的领地进行攻击,让人类知道,得罪极北之地的后果。 From the beginning, the Northern Polar Fields attack of soul beast to human, that is pushes directly horizontally, the slaughter extinguished several human cities. 一开始,极北之地的魂兽对人类的攻击,那是直接横推,屠灭了数个人类城池。 However quick, the powerhouse of human responded, defended beast tide one after another. 但是很快,人类的强者就反应过来,防住了一波又一波的兽潮。 Ice Emperor somewhat cannot think, in the world, except for that appears beyond human that in Northern Polar Fields defeated the elder sister, but also has powerful Spirit Master. 冰帝有些想不到,人类世界中,除了那位出现在极北之地打败了姐姐的人类之外,还有着实力强大的魂师 This continued one year of war, the Northern Polar Fields soul beast army, had fallen from the sky the kings of two 100,000 years of soul beasts. 这持续了一年的战争,极北之地的魂兽大军,已经陨落了两尊十万年的魂兽之王。 Ice Emperor, almost fall from the sky under the sword of that human female powerhouse. 就连冰帝自己,都差点陨落在那个人类女性强者的剑下。 If not for suddenly presented the mysterious influence on save itself, oneself feared that was also the step elder sister's footsteps. 若不是突然出现了神秘的势力救下自己,自己怕是也步了姐姐的后尘。 Damn human!” “该死的人类!” Thinks oneself in the humiliation in the human hand receiving, the dignity as soul king of beasts was trampled, in the Ice Emperor heart ascends the flaming anger, the hatred combustion. 一想到自己在人类手中受到的屈辱,作为魂兽王者的尊严遭到践踏,冰帝心中就升腾起熊熊怒火,恨意燃烧。 What is more hateful, but also has no recourse to collaborate with human. 更可恨的是,还迫不得已与人类联手。 Ice Emperor looks empty is looking, both hands closely make a fist, the petite both arms are shivering slightly, unwilling clear fills the air in the main hall. 冰帝看着空荡荡的望着,双手紧紧地握拳,娇小的双臂都在微微颤抖着,不甘的清晰在大殿中弥漫。 Oneself were too weak. 自己还是太弱了。 If oneself have elder sister such strength, how to fall to so the situation! 若是自己拥有姐姐那样的实力,怎么会落到如此地步! Hateful, hateful! 可恨,可恨啊! „The northern monarchy, I thinks extremely, you should need the help of our Saint Church.” “极北君主,我想,您应该需要我们圣教的帮助。” At this moment, iced in the palace to resound a low and deep sound, just like transmitted from the hell. 就在这时,冰殿中响起了一道低沉的声音,宛若从地狱中传来。 Ice Emperor is not accidental/surprised, she has turned around, the man who wears the blood red clothes robe stands in oneself front not far away. 冰帝并不意外,她转过身,一位身穿血红衣袍的男子就站在自己面前不远处。 Human, I am not extremely north the monarchy!” “人类,吾并不是极北君主!” Ice Emperor looks to appear in the present human indifferently, in the eye is revealing the bad look, cold sound the light say/way. 冰帝冷眼看着出现在自己眼前的人类,眼中流露着不善的神色,冷声淡淡道。 Even Snow Emperor already not, but Ice Emperor has believed, own elder sister, Snow Emperor is the Northern Polar Fields monarchy, she is unable to replace elder sister's position. 即使雪帝已经不在了,但冰帝一直认为,自己的姐姐,雪帝才是极北之地的君主,她无法代替姐姐的位置。 Facing this soul king of beasts, in red robe person that pale evil different facial features, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, not many anything. 面对这尊魂兽王者,红袍人那苍白邪异的面容上,嘴角微微勾起,并没有多少些什么。 Sees only, he extends the hand, above the palm is dragging a crystal that is glittering the scarlet blood ray. 只见,他伸出来手,手掌之上拖着一颗闪烁着赤血光芒的水晶。 The rich strength fills the air from this strange crystal, flooded the entire main hall instantaneously. 浓郁的力量从这个诡异的水晶上弥漫,瞬间就充斥了整个大殿。 Ice Emperor surprised looks at the strange crystal on this manpower, the energy of implication, making her feel incomparable being startled. 冰帝惊讶的看着这人手上的诡异水晶,其中蕴含的能量,让她都感到无比的吃惊。 What is this?” “这是什么意思?” Ice Emperor lifts the vision, closely is staring at this person of face. 冰帝抬起目光,紧紧盯着这人的脸。 Jie Jie ~, don't you want the strength? Don't you want to take revenge?” “桀桀~,您不是想要力量么?难道您不想复仇么?” The red robe person looks at Ice Emperor, the corners of the mouth showed the evil different smile. 红袍人看着冰帝,嘴角露出了邪异的笑容。 This is the kindness that our enlightened rulers bestow, it can bring the unapproachable strength to you.” “这是我们圣主赐下的恩惠,它能给您带来无可匹敌的力量。” Gives me? Actually are you taking advantage what?” “给我?你们究竟在打什么算盘?” Ice Emperor knits the brows cold snort/hum, cold cold ice aura fills the air from the body, the powerful imposing manner presses up to go. 冰帝皱眉冷哼一声,随之一股冷冽的寒冰气息从身体弥漫而出,强大的气势直逼而去。 Has 400,000 years cultivate/repair for Ice Emperor, the great strength of its strength, even if the red robe person is Titled Douluo, under this imposing manner, still feels to tremble. 有着四十万年修为的冰帝,其实力的强大,即使红袍人乃是封号斗罗,在这股气势下,也感到颤栗。 However, the red robe man is very calm, he knows, Ice Emperor does not dare to act to him. 不过,红袍男子很冷静,他知道,冰帝不敢对他出手。 Lord of the Far North, but also please calm! You should be clear, our is terribly consistent, our Saint Church, is not your enemy. 极北之主,还请您冷静!您应该清楚,我们的利害是一致的,我们圣教,并不是您的敌人。 On the contrary, we will help you take revenge. ” 相反,我们会帮助您复仇。” Facing the imposing manner oppression of Ice Emperor, the red robe man look said lightly. 面对冰帝的气势压迫,红袍男子神色平淡地说道。 Listened to these words, Ice Emperor to take back the imposing manner, the pupil light placed in that strange crystal on this manpower. 听了这番话,冰帝收回了气势,眸光放在了这人手上的那颗诡异水晶上。 The energy of this crystal implication is very huge, if oneself can this crystal, absorb energy, the strength can promote a stride absolutely. 这颗水晶蕴含的能量无比庞大,若是自己能够得到这颗水晶,吸收了其中的能量,实力绝对能够增进一大步。 When the time comes, oneself can the ability of human revenge. 到时候,自己就能拥有向人类复仇的能力。 But, Ice Emperor too does not trust the person of this mysterious Saint Church as before. 可是,冰帝依旧不太信任这神秘的圣教之人。 Because they are also human. 因为他们也是人类。 As the king of soul beast, must draw support from the human unexpectedly the strength, can take revenge to human, this is a shame. 作为魂兽之王,竟然要借助人类的力量,才能向人类复仇,这本身就是一种耻辱。 But , at own strength, is unable to revenge for the elder sister if not. 可是,若不这样,以自己的力量,根本无法为姐姐报仇。 Only can compromise to human? 只能向人类妥协了么? Ice Emperor that complex pupil light looks at the strange crystal on that manpower, under the innermost feelings several struggle hesitant, made the decision. 冰帝那复杂的眸光看着那人手上的诡异水晶,内心几番的犹豫挣扎之下,还是做出了决定。 To take revenge to the elder sister, how even abandons the dignity! 为了给姐姐复仇,即使抛弃尊严又如何! After making the decision, Ice Emperor lifts the vision, is staring at the red robe man, said lightly: What do you want me to make?” 做出了决定后,冰帝抬起目光,盯着红袍男子,淡淡道:“你们要吾做些什么?” Wise choice.” “明智的选择。” After obtaining the reply of Ice Emperor, on the red robe man face delimits to wipe the happy expression. 得到了冰帝的回答后,红袍男子脸上划起一抹笑意。 Lord of the Far North, our Saint Church needs your strength, helping us remove the Martial Soul Empire empress, 极北之主,我们圣教需要你的力量,帮助我们除掉武魂帝国的女帝, Qian Renxue! ” 千仞雪!” The red robe person is saying, transports/fortunes Spirit Power, the strange crystal in hand, consigns to Ice Emperor in front. 红袍人说着,运起魂力,把手中的诡异水晶,托送到冰帝面前。 That woman! 那个女人! Hears the Qian Renxue name, the Ice Emperor eye pupil contracts. 听到千仞雪的名字,冰帝眼眸不由收缩。 Before, oneself almost fell from the sky under her sword. 之前,自己差点陨落在她的剑下。 Ice Emperor knows that woman, besides defeating elder sister's that Spirit Master, should be most powerhouse in human Spirit Master. 冰帝知道,那个女人,是除了打败姐姐的那名魂师外,应该就是人类魂师中的最强者了。 So long as removes other she that human Spirit Master, nothing to be worried. 只要除掉她那么其他的人类魂师,将不足为虑。 At the appointed time, the area of entire human, will whin under the oppression of the people of soul beast. 届时,整个人类的疆域,都将在魂兽的铁蹄下哀嚎。 Regarding the request of Saint Church, Ice Emperor seems like have no reason to reject. 对于圣教的这个要求,冰帝似乎没有理由拒绝。 This request, I am not as if able to reject.” “这个要求,吾似乎无法拒绝。” Ice Emperor looks at the float in the present strange crystal. 冰帝看着漂浮在眼前的诡异水晶。 The energy in the crystal sending out, making her be out of sorts. 水晶上散发出的能量,让她不禁为之而失神。 As if looked like a wicked wolf to meet a lush sheep. 仿佛就像是一头恶狼遇见了一头肥美的绵羊。 In heart being correct sound in unceasing resounding. 心中有道声音在不断的响起。 Eats it, swallows it! 吃掉它,吞噬它! Putting out a hand of Ice Emperor can not help, closely grips this strange crystal. 冰帝情不自禁的伸出了手,把这颗诡异水晶紧紧握住。 The energy of that overflow spreads to the body, just like the dry soil, obtained moistening of spring rain. 那溢出的能量传入身体之中,就宛若干涸的泥土,得到了春雨的滋润。 „, Wish us to cooperate happily!” “那么,祝我们合作愉快!” ...... ......
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