DDTR :: Volume #7

#631: The green-curtain will be near!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Above blue white sky, fast shuttle of a great sword in sea of clouds. 蓝白的天空之上,一把巨剑在云海之中快速穿梭。 Ceng Yi sits cross-legged on the great sword, a lovable small beast occupies above the Ceng Yi knees. 曾易盘坐在巨剑上,一只可爱的小兽盘踞在曾易的双膝之上。 That is a hair silvery bright, has the small beast of jet black streak, in a pair of nimble and resourceful beast pupil cannot have in the wisdom of human. 那是一只毛发银亮,有着漆黑斑纹的小兽,一双灵动的兽瞳中有着不下于人类的智慧。 Ceng Yi looks the kitten on own knee, a palm conducts the back in it strokes that along sliding gently the gentle hair. 曾易看着自己膝上的小猫,一只手掌在它背上轻轻抚摸着那顺滑柔和的毛发。 Little fellow, does not see for a long time, it seems like you still remember me.” “小家伙,好久不见,看来你还记得我啊。” Meow ~ “喵~” Listened to Ceng Yi this saying, enjoyed the small beast of stroking to lift the head slightly, the nimble and resourceful pupil light looked to Ceng Yi, the opens the mouth cry, seems responding to his words. 听了曾易这话,享受着抚摸的小兽微微抬起了头,灵动的眸光看向曾易,开口叫声,似乎在回应他的话。 When this small beast, Ceng Yi is young pet that raises, a soul beast, silver tiger civet, Xiao Ju. 这种小兽,正是曾易年少时养的宠物,一只魂兽,银虎灵猫,小菊 In the past, since going to Spirit Hall, Xiao Ju left the Ceng Yi side, by Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing they have been raising, later lived in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 当年,自从去了武魂殿之后,小菊就离开了曾易的身边,一直由宁荣荣,朱竹清两人养着,之后就生活在七宝琉璃宗之内。 Ning Rongrong is to Ceng Yi this pet affection especially, in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, is various spirit food spirit fruits has provided, is treats the little ancestor to be the same simply. 宁荣荣更是对曾易这只宠物格外的喜爱,在七宝琉璃宗里,一直都是各种灵食灵果供养,简直就是对待小祖宗一样。 But Xiao Ju because in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect delicious tasty providing, bloodlines talent is in addition good, cultivates to also progress by leaps and bounds. 小菊因为在七宝琉璃宗好吃好喝的供养,加上本身的血脉天赋不错,修为也是突飞猛进。 Now, cultivating of strength sufficiently being on par millennium soul beast is. 如今,一身实力足以比肩千年魂兽的修为。 Xiao Ju, comes!” 小菊,过来!” Xiao Ju of nest on Ceng Yi leg, after hearing the summon of Ning Rongrong, sets out immediately, leapt entered in her arms. 窝在曾易腿上的小菊,听到宁荣荣的呼唤后哦,立刻起身,一跃进入了她的怀抱中。 Sees that Ceng Yi corners of the mouth one stiff, looks that enjoys Xiao Ju that Ning Rongrong is stroking, the hidden bitterness said: Xiao Ju, I am your master!” 见状,曾易嘴角不由一僵,看着享受着宁荣荣抚摸的小菊,幽怨道:“小菊,我才是你的主人!” Ning Rongrong shot a look at Ceng Yi, said lightly: You also feel all right, when Xiao Ju master? I may help you raise for ten years!” 宁荣荣瞥了一眼曾易,淡淡道:“你还好意思当小菊的主人?我可帮你养了十年!” „......” “呃......” hears word, Ceng Yi is at a loss for words for a while. 闻言,曾易一时语塞。 Truly, oneself as the master, are some are not quite competent, but these things do not have the means. 确实,自己作为主人,是有些不太称职,不过那些事情也是没有办法的啊。 Also, because of us, Xiao Ju you can enjoy the heaven life in Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect? 再说了,要不是因为咱,小菊你能在七宝琉璃宗享受天堂般的生活吗? Master, you said that Xiao Ju does have the opportunity to become 100,000 years of soul beast?” Yan Que looks at lovable Xiao Ju, suddenly asked. “师父,你说小菊有没有机会成为十万年魂兽啊?”言雀看着可爱的小菊,突然这么问道。 This issue, 这个问题, Makes Ceng Yi stare actually. 倒是让曾易不由一愣。 100,000 years of soul beast, this little fellow?” “十万年魂兽,这小家伙?” Ceng Yi looks in the Ning Rongrong bosom the small kitty that acts like a spoiled brat to sell to sprout/moe, thinks, said: By the Xiao Ju bloodlines talent, becomes 100,000 years of soul beast should no issue.” 曾易看着宁荣荣怀中正在撒娇卖萌的小猫咪,想了想,说道:“以小菊的血脉天赋,成为十万年魂兽应该没有什么问题。” Really?” “真的?” Not is only Yan Que, Zhu Zhuqing and on the Ning Rongrong face reveals a joy. 不仅是言雀,朱竹清宁荣荣脸上都露出一丝欣喜。 Ceng Yi nods. 曾易点了点头。 After all, the Xiao Wu main body is also the supple bone rabbit, by bloodlines talent, but also cannot compare Xiao Ju. 毕竟,小舞的本体也不过是柔骨兔,论血脉天赋,还比不上小菊呢。 Regarding cultivating of soul beast is, Ceng Yi through the Snow Emperor memory, also obtained the explicit understanding. 对于魂兽的修为,曾易通过雪帝的记忆中,也得到了明确的了解。 The soul beast promotion cultivates is, besides the absorption livelihood essence of instinct, the pass time passage period grows own cultivating into slowly, through practicing. 魂兽提升修为,除了本能的吸收日月精华,通过时间来慢慢的成长自己的修为之外,还有通过修行。 Naturally, most soul beast spirit wisdom and talents are not high, can only cultivate/repair through the absorption livelihood essence promotion of instinct is. 当然,大部分的魂兽灵智与天赋并不高,只能通过本能的吸收日月精华提升修为。 Moreover, the soul beast is the immortal plants, so long as what accident/surprise, can promote to arrive at very high boundary through this method. 而且,魂兽都是长生种,只要不出什么意外,通过这种方法也能够提升到非常高的境界。 However, the soul beast that some bloodlines different reported that can through the talent of bloodlines inheritance, accelerate own practicing, or the energy of absorption world magical things, making oneself grow quickly. 不过,一些血脉异禀的魂兽,可以通过血脉传承的天赋,加速自己的修行,或是吸收天地灵物的能量,让自己更快的成长。 But stands in the soul beast peak King, 100,000 years of soul beast the heir under birth, compared with ordinary soul beast, the strength of bloodlines powerful. 而站在魂兽顶峰的王者,十万年魂兽所诞下的子嗣,比起普通的魂兽,血脉之力更加的强大。 Moreover, from a birth shortly, could not have in the wisdom of human child. 而且,从一出生没多久,就拥有不下于人类孩童的智慧。 In the person of father's generation has under training of extensive resource, can promote own cultivating to be very much rapidly. 而且在父辈有着丰富资源的培养下,能够很快速的提升自己的修为。 Ceng Yi knows, Xiao Wu should be this type soul beast. 曾易所知道的,小舞应该就是这一类型的魂兽。 Xiao Ju also follows I in Shrek Institute, has raised warm in my Spirit Power, the strength is the soul beast of hundred years of rank. 小菊还跟着我在史莱克学院的时候,一直在我魂力温养下,实力就已经是百年级别的魂兽。 Now in sect, ate so many spirit materials, the strength is also the soul beast of millennium rank. 如今在宗门内,食用了这么多的灵材,实力也已经是千年级别的魂兽。 To come, in the future breaks through to 100,000 years of soul beast also has no issue. 想来,将来突破到十万年魂兽也没有什么问题。 However, only what must wait is the time. 不过嘛,唯一要等的是时间。 Does, if you can seek for a immortal herb to take to Xiao Ju, then it can become the soul beast of ten thousand years of rank now. ” 或作,你们若是能够寻找到一株仙草给小菊服用,那么它现在就能够成为万年级别的魂兽。” Immortal herb? In this world where has so many immortal herb.” “仙草?这世上哪有这么多仙草啊。” After hearing Ceng Yi this saying, Ning Rongrong turned a supercilious look. 听到曾易这话后,宁荣荣不由翻了一个白眼。 Moreover, if really can obtain a immortal herb again, takes to Xiao Ju, too waste? 而且,若真的是再能得到一株仙草,给小菊服用的话,是不是太浪费了呢? However, if can train one is not weak in the Titled Douluo soul beast, as if can also can be joined to a value of immortal herb. 不过,若能够培养出一尊不弱于封号斗罗的魂兽,似乎也能够配得上一株仙草的价值。 However, extraordinary quality herbal medicine type of millennium rare rare treasure, where has meets easily? 但是,仙品草药这种千年难得一见的稀世珍品,哪有这么容易就遇见? How long do we also arrive at the destination?” Zhu Zhuqing makes noise suddenly. “我们还有多久到目的地?”朱竹清突然出声。 Should, arrive in a day.” “应该,再过一天就到了。” In the Ceng Yi heart estimated to be away from, opens the mouth to say. 曾易心中估算了一下距离,开口道。 Oh, how did not know the northern boundary that side situation. You said, by Heaven Duo and Star Luo can send for?” Ning Rongrong looks at Ceng Yi to ask. “唉,不知道北境那边的情况如何了。你说,天斗星罗两边会不会派人过来?”宁荣荣看着曾易问道。 Ceng Yi said: „ Is impossible. Now Martial Soul Empire almost places to defend above the northern beast tide the complete strength, they look forward to this beast tide to be able many consumption Martial Soul Empire strength, making them have the opportunity of counter-attack. 曾易道:“不可能的。如今武魂帝国几乎把全部的力量放在防御北方兽潮之上,他们巴不得这次兽潮能够更多的消耗武魂帝国的实力,让他们拥有反击的机会。 Therefore, north these two empires will such possibly send the reinforcements to aid. ” 所以,这两帝国这么可能会派援军来援助北方。” Also right. Oh ~, really cannot comprehend these political strategy the idea, for own selfish desire, even if makes the entire mainland fall into the flames of war, the innumerable common people therefore drift about destitute, has the human calamity to screen every time.” “也对。唉~,真搞不懂这些权谋者的想法,为了自身的私欲,即使让整个大陆陷入战火之中,无数平民百姓都因此颠沛流离,每时每刻都有着人间惨剧在上映。” Ning Rongrong is unable to accept, cannot think oneself leave in four years of mainland, the way of the world had such big change. 宁荣荣还是无法接受,想不到自己离开大陆的四年中,世道发生了这么大的变化。 You said, has the possibility, lets Martial Soul Empire and Heaven Duo, the possibility of Star Luo two countries reconciliation truce?” “你说,有没有可能,让武魂帝国天斗,星罗两国和解停战的可能?” In the Ning Rongrong brain has this idea suddenly, looks at Ceng Yi to ask. 宁荣荣脑中突然冒出这个想法,看着曾易问道。 Having, but is not realistic.” “有,但并不现实。” Why said?” “为什么这么说?” Ning Rongrong some too did not understand, she knows, by the Ceng Yi strength, if he acts to mediate, has very big probability to let the both sides truce. 宁荣荣有些不太理解,她知道,以曾易的实力,若是他出面调解,有很大概率能够让双方停战。 Ceng Yi visits them, said lightly: „ By my strength, truly can let Martial Soul Empire and Heaven Duo, among Star Luo Empire stops the war. 曾易看着她们,淡淡道:“以我的实力,确实能够让武魂帝国天斗,星罗帝国之间停止战争。 But that is because of my existence, in can blow them. 但那是因为我的存在,在能够镇得住它们。 You have thought that if some day I not. 你们有没有想过,若是有一天我不在了呢。 You felt, the strong lion will allow the kitten to sleep peacefully with it in its side together? ” 你们觉得,强壮的狮子会允许小猫在它身边同它一起安睡?” You must know, the war will never vanish, even does not have existence of Martial Soul Empire, the mainland to have the war as before. “你们要知道,战争从来不会消失,就算没有武魂帝国的存在,大陆依旧会发生战争。 You think, now Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire alliance, the relations of these two empires very? 你们以为,现在天斗帝国星罗帝国联盟,这两个帝国的关系就很好吗? The Heaven Duo imperial family of modern times is incompetent, the national strength is feeble, but Star Luo Empire has engaged in wanton military activities, Emperor Star Luo is full of the ambition. 近代的天斗皇室无能,国力衰弱,而星罗帝国则是一直穷兵黩武,星罗皇帝更是充满着野心。 Before, Star Luo Empire has harassed the Heaven Dou Empire border, probe, even has the war of small scale. 之前,星罗帝国就一直对天斗帝国的边境进行骚扰,试探,甚至有着小规模的战争。 If not for the appearance of Martial Soul Empire, compares soon, Star Luo Empire same will start all -out war to Heaven Dou Empire. ” 若不是武魂帝国的出现,相比用不了几年,星罗帝国一样会对天斗帝国发起全面战争。” Listened to Ceng Yi this saying, in the Ning Rongrong heart to shock, her some cannot believe looked to Zhu Zhuqing. 听了曾易这话,宁荣荣心中大为震惊,她有些不敢相信的看向朱竹清 Really is this? Zhuqing.” “真的是这样吗?竹清。” Is facing the Ning Rongrong vision, Zhu Zhuqing slightly nodded. 面对着宁荣荣的目光,朱竹清微微点了点头。 She is the Star Luo Empire big aristocrat, the family and Star Luo imperial family relates closely, the nature clear Star Luo Great Emperor wants to make anything. 她本身就是星罗帝国的大贵族,家族与星罗皇室关系密切,自然清楚星罗大帝想要做些什么。 Plans unable to keep up with the change. 只是,计划赶不上变化。 But, do we really look like this?” Ning Rongrong some are unable to accept the decision that the father makes. “可是,我们真的就这样看着吗?”宁荣荣还是有些无法接受自己父亲所做的决定。 Heaven Dou Empire, oneself alma mater Shrek Institute places Heaven Duo . Moreover the Teacher in Shrek Institute also stands that side Heaven Dou Empire. 天斗帝国这边,自己母校史莱克学院身处天斗,而且史莱克学院的师长也站在天斗帝国那边。 Tang San or Heaven Dou Empire crown prince of a different surname, teacher of Heaven Duo Great Emperor. 唐三还是天斗帝国的异姓亲王,天斗大帝的老师。 Moreover, Tang San also has the hatred with Spirit Hall, he will certainly stand that side Heaven Dou Empire resists Martial Soul Empire. 而且,唐三还与武魂殿有着仇恨,他一定会站在天斗帝国那边对抗武魂帝国 Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai or Star Luo Empire crown prince, stands in the Martial Soul Empire opposite. 星罗帝国这边,戴沐白还是星罗帝国的太子,也是站在武魂帝国的对立面。 Although now, because of the reason of beast tide, the mainland is temporarily tranquil. 虽然现在,因为兽潮的原因,大陆暂时平静了一些。 After may waited this time to solve the beast tide, compares Martial Soul Empire with two Great Emperor Country Alliances to start the war. 可等这次解决了兽潮之后,相比武魂帝国与两大帝国联盟又要开始战争。 When the time comes, Tang San, Dai Mubai they come to seek help, how can oneself? 到时候,唐三,戴沐白他们前来求助,自己又要如何? Ning Rongrong is very puzzled, can the friendship between their Shrek Seven Devils, split like this? 宁荣荣很纠结,他们史莱克七怪之间的情谊,难道就要这样分裂了吗? Who knows you?” “谁知道你们呢?” Ceng Yi visits them, a face indifferent appearance. 曾易看着她们,一脸无所谓的模样。 Oneself will not participate in these terrible business in any case. 反正自己是不会参与这些麻烦事的。 But, I must advise politely your one, finally should not be involved in this vortex, that is very dangerous, even if you have the Titled Douluo strength. “不过,我还是要奉劝你们一句,最后不要卷入这个漩涡之中,那可是很危险的,即使你们有着封号斗罗的实力。 Once is involved in the vortex, wants to move out, is very difficult. ” 一旦卷入着漩涡之中,想要全身而退,可是很难的。” Even if Ceng Yi of crossing over, now is unable to forecast the following situation. 即使是身为穿越者的曾易,如今也无法预测接下来的情况。 The development of plot, has gone beyond in the Ceng Yi cognitive range. 剧情的发展,早已经超出了曾易的认知范围内。 Because of own reason, Qian Renxue split Spirit Hall, turned into the Martial Soul Empire empress, moreover strength also incomparable great strength. 因为自己的缘故,千仞雪分裂了武魂殿,变成了武魂帝国的女帝,而且实力也无比的强大。 Ceng Yi has seen Qian Renxue, although she has not broken through the god boundary at this moment, but has the Peerless Douluo strength absolutely. 曾易见过千仞雪,虽然她此刻还没有突破神境,但绝对拥有绝世斗罗的实力。 Pope Spirit Hall who had not made an appearance, Bibi Dong. 还有一直没有露面的武魂殿教皇,比比东 Northern soul beast riot, in which strength also incomparable terrifying. 北方的魂兽暴乱,其中的力量也无比的恐怖。 Ceng Yi also knew from the Snow Emperor mouth, the strength of soul beast ethnic group, and such that not only the world knows. 曾易还从雪帝的口中得知,魂兽族群的力量,并不只是世人所知道的那样。 Star Dou Forest deep place, but also contains the big terrifying. 星斗大森林深处,还蕴藏着大恐怖。 That mysterious evil Spirit Master organization, Saint Church. 还有那个神秘的邪魂师组织,圣教 According to news where obtains from Ning Fengzhi, this mysterious organization, the strength feared that is not weak in Spirit Hall. 据从宁风致哪里得到的消息,这个神秘的组织,实力怕是不弱于武魂殿 Ceng Yi is very clear, mainland following situation, compared with original plot, confusion, danger. 曾易很清楚,大陆接下来的局势,比起原本的剧情,更加的混乱,更加的危险。 Is only the Titled Douluo strength, but also missed is too far. 仅仅只是封号斗罗的实力,还差太远了。 ...... ......
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