DDTR :: Volume #7

#630: I feared that they fight

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Northern beast tide? What relations does this have?” “北方兽潮?这有什么关系?” Ning Rongrong puzzled say/way. 宁荣荣不解道。 Ning Fengzhi sinks to warn: „ A year ago, the north has the soul beast riot, the innumerable soul beasts start to invade the human territory. 宁风致沉咛道:“一年前,北方发生魂兽暴乱,无数的魂兽开始侵入人类领地。 But first receives the soul beast riot to destroy, is the Heaven Dou Empire area. 而最先受到魂兽暴乱破坏的,乃是天斗帝国的疆域。 However this soul beast riot differs from the past time, has 100,000 years of rank the king of soul beast. 但是这一次的魂兽暴乱不同以往,其中更有十万年级别的魂兽之王。 Under this terrifying beast tide, Heaven Dou Empire has not chosen the resistance, gave up the northern 24 cities directly. 在这股恐怖的兽潮之下,天斗帝国没有选择抵御,直接放弃了北方二十四城。 Because of the Heaven Dou Empire decision, causing the northern several cities to be destroyed under this beast tide, several million people die under this disaster. ” 因为天斗帝国的决策,导致北方数座城市被在这股兽潮之下毁灭,数百万的人死于这场灾难之下。” How can?” “怎么会?” Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Yan Que three people after hearing this news, the mood incomparable shock, cannot believe. 宁荣荣,朱竹清,言雀三人在听到这个消息后,心情无比的震惊,不敢相信。 Several million people die a violent death......” “数百万的人死于非命......” Ning Rongrong stared in a big way the corner of the eye, the mouth was muttering, she is unable to imagine, actually that was the pitiful picture. 宁荣荣瞪大了眼角,嘴里喃喃着,她无法想象,那究竟是何等悲惨的画面。 Said that is the living hell also insufficient. 说是人间地狱也不足为过。 Except that pitied these to elapse the innocent person sadly, later an anger surged from the heart of Ning Rongrong. 除了悲怜那些逝去了无辜之人,随后一股愤怒的情绪从宁荣荣的心中涌起。 Heaven Dou Empire! They so will be how cruel!” 天斗帝国!他们怎么会如此残忍!” Not is only Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and in the Yan Que heart also surged the sentiment of anger. 不仅是宁荣荣,朱竹清言雀心中也涌起了愤怒之情。 In background deep the powerful empire as the mainland, how even/including soul isn't the beast riot possibly able to defend? 作为大陆上底蕴深厚的强大帝国,怎么可能连魂兽暴乱都无法防御? But, they have not made the resistance unexpectedly, gave up own people directly, making several million people degenerate into the blood food in soul beast mouth, simply is brutal! 可是,他们竟然连抵抗都没有做,就直接放弃了自己的子民,让数百万的子民沦为魂兽口中的血食,简直是惨无人道! Because originally, Tang San also has the reason of Shrek Institute, three females have the good favorable impression regarding Heaven Dou Empire. 原本,因为唐三还有史莱克学院的缘故,三女对于天斗帝国还是抱有不错的好感的。 But after hearing this news, they start to feel the nausea about this empire. 可是在听到这个消息后,她们开始对这个帝国感到恶心。 What later had?” “之后发生了什么?” Ceng Yi vision serious looks at Ning Fengzhi, opens the mouth to ask. 曾易目光严肃的看着宁风致,开口问道。 Ning Fengzhi continues saying: „ Luckily, in this critical moment, Martial Soul Empire stopped the expeditions to two big empires, sending out the army to go to the northern resistance soul beast riot. 宁风致继续说道:“幸好,在这紧要关头,武魂帝国停止了对两大帝国的征战,派出大军前往北方抵御魂兽暴乱。 Originally, 原本, Two Great Emperor Country Alliances retreat in defeat again and again in the Martial Soul Empire subordinate, if not for Martial Soul Empire makes a move to resist the northern soul beast riot, establishes a defense line for the entire human, perhaps situation serious. ” 两大帝国联盟在武魂帝国的手下节节败退,若不是武魂帝国出手抵御北方的魂兽暴乱,为整个人类建立起一道防线,恐怕事态会更加的严重。” Originally is this ....... “原来是这样.......” Ceng Yi nods, wants to come is also, if the northern soul beast has the riot, besides Martial Soul Empire, has no influence able to resist. 曾易点了点头,想来也是,若是北方的魂兽发生暴乱,除了武魂帝国之外,也没有哪一个势力能够抵御得住。 However, Heaven Dou Empire does not do the defense unexpectedly, lets the place of soul beast invasion person clan directly, making several million people die under the soul beast claw, this looks like in Ceng Yi, is the crime does not have the amnesty simply. 不过,天斗帝国竟然连防御都不做,直接让魂兽入侵人族之地,让数百万人死于魂兽爪下,这在曾易看来,简直是罪无可赦。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, mew mew reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,咪咪阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Luckily, Martial Soul Empire reacted promptly. 幸好,武魂帝国及时做出了反应。 But Ceng Yi is also very clear, this time beast tide also possibly because of own reason. 曾易也很清楚,这一次的兽潮也可能是因为自己的原因。 Finds a time to go to one north. 找个时间去一趟北方吧。 In the Ceng Yi heart is thinking. 曾易心中想着。 Ning Rongrong is hearing is Martial Soul Empire defends the beast tide of this riot, in the heart started the mighty waves. 宁荣荣在听到是武魂帝国防御住了这暴乱的兽潮,心中更是掀起了万般波澜。 Her who comes back from Sea God Island, is eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries, in addition the Martial Soul advantage, the Ning Rongrong natural world's second assists Martial Soul, no one dares to call first absolutely. 海神岛回来的她,已经是八环魂斗罗境界,加上武魂的优势,宁荣荣自然天下第二辅助武魂,绝对无人敢称第一。 But the present mainland situation is the millennium rare big changes in situation. 而如今的大陆形势又是千年难得一见的大变局。 The tumultuous times have the hero. 正所谓,乱世出英雄。 In this tumultuous times, Ning Rongrong has such strength, is enough her wanderer to have a stretch of the world. 在这乱世之中,宁荣荣有着这样的实力,足以她闯荡出一片天地。 Asked that who doesn't want to become the big hero who ten million people focus attention on the respect? 试问谁不想成为千万人瞩目敬仰的大英雄? Martial Soul Empire has the huge ambition, wanting to unify the entire mainland, and starts the war to other country, causing mainland at this moment to fall into the flames of war. 武魂帝国有着庞大的野心,欲要统一整个大陆,并对别的国家发起战争,导致此刻的大陆陷入战火之中。 Ning Rongrong the impression to Spirit Hall is not very good, under the influence of subjective impression, evil that Martial Soul Empire gets in her mind, the label of bastard. 宁荣荣本身就对武魂殿的印象就不是很好,在主观印象的影响下,武魂帝国就在她的心中打上的邪恶,坏蛋的标签。 In the heart the intense sense of justice trend she must start the resistance the flag, leading these to defeat Martial Soul Empire by the person who the war persecutes deeply together, destroys the Martial Soul Empire ambition. 心中强烈的正义感趋势着她要掀起反抗的旗帜,带领那些深受战争迫害的人一起打败武魂帝国,摧毁武魂帝国的野心。 But oneself can also become the hero. 而自己也能够成为英雄。 Ning Rongrong thinks like this. 宁荣荣是这样想的。 But, the news that after hearing the father said that Ning Rongrong started to become the suspicion life. 可是,在听到自己父亲所说的消息后,宁荣荣开始变得怀疑人生了。 Super big bastard who oneself think, is actually the Savior of entire human. 自己所认为的超级大坏蛋,其实是整个人类的救世主。 But bastard, is thinks the side of victim. 而坏蛋,则是自己所认为受害者的一方。 Before Ceng Yi said that you thought that you are the just envoy? 就像曾易之前所说的,你觉得自己是正义使者? Now looks like, justice that oneself think, simply is incomparably laughable. 现在看来,自己所认为的正义,简直是无比可笑。 Just, good pompous word! 正义,好一个冠冕堂皇之词! It is used to conceal the selfishness and desire ornament. 它不过是自己用来掩饰自己私心和欲望的装饰品罢了。 After knowing truth, Ning Rongrong fell into confusedly. 在得知事情的真相后,宁荣荣陷入了迷茫。 Ok, do not think.” “好了,你也别多想了。” Ceng Yi does not know when arrived at the Ning Rongrong side, stretched out the palm to pat the racket on her shoulder. 曾易不知什么时候走到了宁荣荣的身边,伸出手掌在她的肩膀上拍了拍。 Sometimes, you see, hears, not necessarily is real.” “有时候,你所看见的,听见的,并不一定是真实的。” Never must be confused by the surface.” “永远不要被表面所迷惑。” These two words biographies hear, confused Ning Rongrong also recovers, looks up to Ceng Yi that oneself preached, was not glad mumbled one. 这两句话传入耳中,迷茫的宁荣荣也回过神来,抬头看着向自己说教的曾易,很不乐意的嘟囔一声。 Installs what very knowledgeable appearance, obviously compared with me at the worst several years old......” “装什么自己很有见识的样子,明明比我大不了几岁......” Ceng Yi looks to Ning Fengzhi, said: Uncle Ning, such being the case, I planned that goes to the north to step onto one time.” 曾易看向宁风致,说道:“宁叔,既然如此,我打算前往北方走上一遭。” „Do you want to go to the north? I must with!” “你要去北方?我也要跟去!” Zhu Zhuqing hear of Ceng Yi said that also opens the mouth immediately. 朱竹清曾易如此说道,也立刻开口。 You?” “你?” Ceng Yi looks to Zhu Zhuqing, the look is somewhat scruple. 曾易看向朱竹清,神色有些迟疑。 This...... does not need, I will come back quickly.” “这......没有必要吧,我很快就会回来了。” Ceng Yi must go to the north, that is because this soul beast riot possibly was he carries off Snow Emperor to cause, therefore he must solve. 曾易之所以要去北方,那是因为这场魂兽暴乱可能是他带走了雪帝而引起的,所以他必须要去解决。 Although brings Zhu Zhuqing to go also no, but Ceng Yi and is willing to lead them to go. 虽说带朱竹清去也没有什么,不过曾易并太愿意带她们前去。 If meets Qian Renxue, they meet, perhaps has greatly is troublesome. 要是遇见千仞雪的话,她们碰面,说不定有得是一个大麻烦。 „It is not good! I must go.” “不行!我一定要去。” The Zhu Zhuqing firm vision looks at each other eye of Ceng Yi, the attitude is being firm. 朱竹清坚定的目光对视着曾易的眼睛,态度非常坚决。 This she will not make Ceng Yi leave oneself side time absolutely, must look that tightens him to be good. 这一次她绝对不会让曾易离开自己的身边,必须看紧他才行。 Otherwise, this fellow plays to be missing suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing may. 要不然,这家伙又突然的玩失踪,朱竹清可遭不住了。 I am also 90 levels of Spirit Power, can play very major role in the soul beast tide, will not hold your hind leg. “我也是九十级的魂力,在魂兽潮中也能够发挥很大的作用,不会托你后腿的。 Moreover, I happen to can look for appropriate my Spirit Ring, breaks through the Titled Douluo boundary by this! ” 而且,我正好可以找一个合适自己的魂环,以此突破封号斗罗境界!” „......” “呃......” Ceng Yi is unable to say for a while, the reason of Zhu Zhuqing is very compelling, oneself do not seem able to reject. 曾易一时无法接话,朱竹清的理由很充分,自己似乎无法拒绝。 I must go!” “我也要去!” Master, I also go!” “师父,我也去!” At this time, Ning Rongrong and Yan Que also made noise, the vision looks at Ceng Yi. 这时,宁荣荣言雀也出声,目光看着曾易 Ning Fengzhi said with a smile: Such being the case, you lead them to go together.” 宁风致笑道:“既然如此,你就带她们一起去吧。” Before, Martial Soul Empire to the mainland summoned that the manpower goes to the northern reinforcement, originally our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is the plan makes your master lead to go northern to support Martial Soul Empire, resists the beast tide. “之前,武魂帝国就向全大陆号召人手前往北方增援,本来我们七宝琉璃宗是打算让你师父带队前往北方支援武魂帝国,抵御兽潮。 Happen to your several came back, can go out for a walk, informed and experienced. ” 正好你们几个回来了,也可以出去走走,历练一下。” Hears Ning Fengzhi this saying, a Ceng Yi brow wrinkle. 听到宁风致这话,曾易眉头不由一皱。 He a little cannot think, Martial Soul Empire to the entire mainland summons manpower, some will not look like the Qian Renxue style unexpectedly. 他有点想不到,武魂帝国竟然会向全大陆号召人手,这有些不太像千仞雪的风格。 Let alone, by the Qian Renxue strength, copes with the northern beast tide, should not be the difficult matter is right. 更何况,以千仞雪的实力,对付北方的兽潮,应该不是什么难事才对。 Uncomfortable, has the secret facts? 难受,其中另有隐情? Ceng Yi, you have their three people, leads a number of sect elite again, goes to the northern reinforcement.” 曾易,那你就带着她们三人,再带一批宗门的精英,前往北方增援吧。” No, I had their three people good, the person hurried along also to trouble.” “别,我带她们三人就行了,人多赶路还麻烦。” Ceng Yi said hastily also good, as you like. You come back with great difficulty, in sect rests for several days again. ” 曾易连忙说道也行,随你吧。你们好不容易回来一趟,就在宗门休息几天再出发吧。” Ning Fengzhi is saying, suddenly remembered anything, reminded one to several people. 宁风致说着,突然想起了什么,又对几人提醒一句。 „ A matter I reminded with you, recently, in Spirit Master World emitted a named Saint Church Spirit Master influence suddenly, moreover this Saint Church influence was out of the ordinary, Spirit Hall took its does not have the means. “还有一件事情我跟你们提个醒,最近,魂师界中突然冒出了一个名为圣教魂师势力,而且这个圣教的势力非比寻常,就连武魂殿都拿其没办法。 Therefore, you this time go on a journey, must pay attention to much this Saint Church. 所以,你们此番出行,一定要多多注意一下这个圣教 I suspected, this soul beast riot, has this Saint Church shadow time. ” 我怀疑,这一次的魂兽暴乱,有着这个圣教的影子。” Saint Church? 圣教 Ceng Yi hears Ning Fengzhi this saying, the eye pupil shrinks suddenly. 曾易听到宁风致这话,眼眸骤然一缩。 This makes him recall several years ago, meets these evil Spirit Master that in the north of the world of ice and snow. 这让他回想起几年前,在冰天雪地的北方所遇见的那些邪魂师 Saint Church? ~ 圣教?呵~ Matter as if became more and more interesting. 事情似乎变得越来越有趣了呢。 Three days later, a giant flying sword flies from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect entrance to the horizon. 三天后,一把巨大的飞剑从七宝琉璃宗的山门飞向天际。
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